SciSpace AI Literature Review Workspace - Find and survey relevant papers in minutes

SciSpace (formerly Typeset)
6 Sept 202305:48

TLDRSciSpace's Literature Review Tool simplifies the research process by enabling users to find and review relevant scientific papers efficiently. Users can search for papers based on topics or questions, with the tool automatically sorting results by relevance and allowing for customizable filters. The tool offers insights from the top papers and allows for the creation of custom columns to extract specific information from multiple papers at a glance. Additionally, it supports 75 languages for non-native English speakers and features an AI research assistant, Copilot, for further explanations and summaries. The tool aims to save time and facilitate a deeper understanding of the literature, aiding in the formation of insightful research questions.


  • 📚 The SciSpace Literature Review tool is designed to assist in conducting literature reviews efficiently.
  • 🔍 It allows users to discover relevant papers based on a topic or question, rather than just searching by paper title.
  • 🌟 The tool automatically sorts papers based on their relevance to the search query and offers customizable filters such as full PDFs, Open Access, year, and publication type.
  • 📊 Users can sort search results by citation count, recency, or alphabetically to refine their literature search.
  • 📈 The tool provides overall insights from the top five papers, which update dynamically as the search list changes.
  • 📝 Paper-specific insights like methodology, conclusions, and limitations are displayed in easily accessible columns.
  • 🛠️ Custom columns can be created to extract specific information from all papers, such as problem statements or methodologies.
  • 🗣️ SciSpace supports 75 languages, aiding non-native English speakers in understanding complex scientific jargon.
  • 📂 Users can curate a collection of relevant papers, which is automatically saved and can be exported as a .csv file for sharing.
  • 🤖 The AI research assistant, Copilot, offers explanations and summaries of text, math, and tables within papers, and provides contextual answers to follow-up questions.
  • 🚀 By utilizing the Literature Review tool and Copilot, users can quickly grasp existing literature and formulate insightful research questions.

Q & A

  • What is the primary purpose of conducting a literature review?

    -The primary purpose of conducting a literature review is to find related papers on a given topic, understand the subject matter, and formulate a research question before proceeding with the research project.

  • How does SciSpace's Literature Review Tool assist in discovering new papers?

    -SciSpace's Literature Review Tool assists in discovering new papers by showing results based on a topic or a question, rather than requiring the exact title of a paper like Google Scholar.

  • What types of filters can be applied in SciSpace to sort the search results?

    -In SciSpace, you can apply filters such as full PDFs, Open Access, year, and publication type to sort the search results.

  • How does SciSpace provide insights from the top five papers?

    -SciSpace provides an overall insight from the top five papers by giving an answer to the query and citing from which papers the answer was taken.

  • What are custom columns in SciSpace and how are they used?

    -Custom columns in SciSpace are a feature that allows users to request specific information from all papers, such as the problem statement, directly in the abstract.

  • What is the benefit of using insights and columns in the literature review process?

    -The benefits of using insights and columns include not having to read papers in their entirety at the review stage, saving time, and being able to compare insights from multiple papers on one screen.

  • How many languages can SciSpace support for non-native English speakers?

    -SciSpace supports 75 languages for non-native English speakers to help them understand dense scientific jargon.

  • What can be done with the curated collection of papers in SciSpace?

    -The curated collection of papers can be saved automatically and exported as a .csv file for sharing with colleagues.

  • What is Copilot in SciSpace and how does it assist users?

    -Copilot is an AI research assistant in SciSpace that provides explanations and summaries of text, math, and tables in a paper, and answers follow-up questions based on the context.

  • How does the combination of Literature Review Tool and Copilot enhance the research process?

    -The combination of Literature Review Tool and Copilot enhances the research process by allowing users to ask questions on the top insights and papers in their collection, helping them dive deeper into the topic and form a more insightful research question.



📚 Introduction to SciSpace's Literature Review Tool

This paragraph introduces the viewer to SciSpace's Literature Review tool, presented by the speaker. It explains the purpose of a literature review in the research process, which involves finding related papers, understanding the topic, and formulating a research question. The speaker highlights the challenges faced by students and early researchers in conducting literature reviews and introduces SciSpace's tool as a solution. The tool is designed to help users discover and review scientific literature more easily. The speaker explains how SciSpace addresses the issue of starting a literature review by allowing users to find papers based on a topic or question, rather than just paper titles. The tool sorts papers based on relevance and allows users to add filters for more precise searching. Additionally, SciSpace provides insights from the top five papers, which update as the search list changes, and offers paper-specific insights in the form of columns. Users can customize these columns to extract specific information from all papers, such as the problem statement. The speaker emphasizes that these features help save time during the review stage and allow for easy comparison of multiple papers on one screen. The tool also offers translation support for non-native English speakers.


🤖 Utilizing Copilot and Curating a Collection

In this paragraph, the speaker discusses the integration of Copilot, an AI research assistant, with the Literature Review tool. Copilot allows users to ask questions about the top insights and papers in their collection, aiding in a deeper understanding of the topic. The speaker suggests that users can ask Copilot questions to clarify concepts, such as 'what are non-baryonic particles?', which can help in forming a more insightful research question. The video concludes with an invitation for viewers to try the tool themselves and share their experiences. The speaker also encourages viewers to ask further questions in the comments section for a response.



💡Literature Review

A literature review is a comprehensive analysis of previously published writings pertaining to a specific topic or research question. It is a critical summary and evaluation of the existing body of research that helps to establish the current state of knowledge on a topic. In the context of the video, literature review is the process of finding, understanding, and synthesizing relevant papers to form a research question, which is fundamental for conducting further research.


SciSpace is a platform introduced in the video that offers a Literature Review Tool to assist researchers in their work. It is designed to help users find and review scientific literature more efficiently. The tool provides functionalities such as searching for papers based on topics or questions, sorting and filtering results, and offering insights from papers in a user-friendly interface.

💡Research Question

A research question is a clear, focused, and open-ended inquiry that guides the direction of a research project. It is the central question that the research aims to answer, and it is typically developed after conducting a literature review to identify gaps in existing knowledge. In the video, forming a research question is the ultimate goal of the literature review process, where the user synthesizes information from various papers to formulate a specific question for their research.

💡Google Scholar

Google Scholar is a widely recognized search engine for academic literature that indexes publications across an extensive range of disciplines. While it is a valuable resource for finding specific papers by title, the video suggests that it may not be as helpful for discovering new papers, which is where SciSpace's Literature Review Tool comes into play, offering a more exploratory approach to paper discovery based on topics or questions.


In the context of literature review and academic research, filters are criteria or parameters that users can apply to narrow down search results to find the most relevant information. The video mentions that SciSpace allows users to add filters such as full PDFs, Open Access, year, and publication type to their searches, which helps in refining the results and making the search more precise.


Insights in the video refer to concise summaries or key takeaways from the scientific papers that the Literature Review Tool provides. These insights offer users a quick understanding of the papers' content without the need to read them in their entirety. The tool presents insights in the form of columns, allowing users to extract specific information from multiple papers efficiently.

💡Custom Columns

Custom columns are a feature of the Literature Review Tool that enables users to request specific information from all papers in their search results. This customization allows researchers to tailor the insights they receive to their unique interests or requirements, extracting the most pertinent data from the abstracts of the papers in a streamlined manner.


An abstract is a brief summary of a scholarly paper, article, thesis, review, or any in-depth analysis of a particular subject or discipline, and is often used to help the reader quickly ascertain the paper's purpose. In the context of the video, the insights provided by SciSpace's Literature Review Tool are derived from the abstracts of papers, offering users a glimpse into the paper's content and focus.

💡Non-native English Speaker

A non-native English speaker is someone who did not learn English as their first language and may face challenges in understanding complex English texts, particularly in academic or scientific contexts. The video highlights that SciSpace's tool accommodates such users by offering the option to survey papers in 75 different languages, making the research process more accessible and inclusive.


In the context of the video, a collection refers to a curated selection of papers that a user has deemed relevant during their literature review process. This collection is automatically saved on the SciSpace platform, allowing users to easily manage, revisit, and share their selected papers with colleagues as a .csv file.


Copilot, as mentioned in the video, is an AI research assistant integrated into the SciSpace platform. It provides explanations and summaries of text, math, and tables within a paper and offers contextual answers to follow-up questions. This tool is designed to enhance the user's understanding of the research material and facilitate a deeper engagement with the literature.


SciSpace's Literature Review tool is designed to streamline the process of conducting a literature review for research projects.

The tool is particularly useful for students and early-career researchers who may find the literature review process overwhelming.

Users can search for papers based on a topic or question, rather than just a paper title, making discovery of new papers more accessible.

Papers found are automatically sorted by relevance, with the option to add filters such as full PDFs, Open Access, year, and publication type.

Search results can be sorted by citation count, newest papers first, or alphabetically for precision.

SciSpace provides an overall insight from the top five papers, which updates as papers are added or removed from the search list.

Users can view paper-specific insights such as methodology, practical implications, and limitations in the form of columns.

Custom columns can be created to extract specific information from all papers, such as the problem statement.

Insights are derived from the abstracts of papers, and if an abstract is unclear, SciSpace may display 'NA'.

The use of insights allows users to save time during the review stage by not needing to read papers in their entirety immediately.

Insights from multiple papers can be viewed on one screen, streamlining the comparison and contrasting process.

Non-native English speakers can choose from 75 languages to understand dense scientific jargon.

Users can curate a collection of relevant papers by removing irrelevant ones, which is automatically saved.

Collections can be exported as a .csv file for easy sharing with colleagues.

Copilot, an AI research assistant, provides explanations and summaries of text, math, and tables in a paper, and answers follow-up questions.

When used with the Literature Review tool, Copilot can enhance understanding of the topic and aid in forming more insightful research questions.

The video tutorial encourages users to try the tool themselves and share their experiences for further improvement.