Embeddings in Stable Diffusion (locally)

AI Evangelist at Adobe
20 Oct 202231:02

TLDRThe video tutorial introduces viewers to the concept of embeddings in Stable Diffusion, specifically for local installation. It guides users on how to utilize embeddings to create personalized portraits in a desired style, such as neon-looking portraits, by training the model with specific images. The creator shares their experience of training a model with their own face and demonstrates how to generate images using the trained embedding. The tutorial also provides tips on finding and training new embeddings, experimenting with prompts, and adjusting the importance of words in the prompt for better results in Stable Diffusion.


  • 🌟 Introduction to embeddings in Stable Diffusion, specifically for local installations.
  • 📌 Option to use Google Colab if Stable Diffusion is not installed locally.
  • 🎨 Explanation of embeddings for personalizing Stable Diffusion with specific styles not available in the model.
  • 🏙️ Example of creating neon-looking portraits using the New York City aesthetic.
  • 🖼️ Demonstration of how to create and use an embeddings library for personalized portrait generation.
  • 🔗 Importance of naming conventions for embeddings to be correctly utilized in the generation process.
  • 📸 Use of personal photos and style embeddings to render the creator's own face in Stable Diffusion.
  • 🔄 Process of training embeddings with a collection of images reflecting the desired style.
  • 🌐 Mention of sharing and expanding the embeddings library by contributing new embeddings.
  • 🎓 Tutorial on combining embeddings for more complex and varied outputs.
  • 🛠️ Tips on adjusting the importance of words in the prompt to refine the output's style and appearance.

Q & A

  • What is the main topic of the video?

    -The main topic of the video is about embeddings in Stable Diffusion, specifically focusing on how to use and create embeddings locally with Stable Diffusion.

  • What is Stable Diffusion?

    -Stable Diffusion is a type of artificial intelligence model that can generate images from text descriptions, and it can be installed and run locally on a computer or used via platforms like Google Colab.

  • How can someone use Stable Diffusion without installing it on their computer?

    -If someone doesn't have Stable Diffusion installed on their computer, they can use it through Google Colab by accessing the chrisard.helpers to embedding sensible diffusion.

  • What does the speaker like about neon looking portraits?

    -The speaker likes neon looking portraits because they have a unique style and aesthetic, and they are reminiscent of the big city atmosphere with neon lights, which is something the speaker associates with living in New York City.

  • What did the speaker do with their own face model in Stable Diffusion?

    -The speaker trained the Stable Diffusion model on their own face, allowing them to render their face in various styles, such as neon portraits, using the model.

  • How can embeddings be used in Stable Diffusion?

    -Embeddings can be used in Stable Diffusion to create specific styles or aesthetics in the generated images. They are essentially a way to capture the style of a set of images and apply it to new images generated by the model.

  • What is the purpose of the speaker's Embeddings Library?

    -The speaker's Embeddings Library is a collection of trained embeddings that can be used to generate images in various styles. It is available on their website for others to use and is intended to help people create diverse portraits with different styles.

  • How does the speaker suggest using embeddings in Stable Diffusion?

    -The speaker suggests using embeddings by downloading the desired embedding, ensuring it is named correctly, and placing it in the Stable Diffusion web UI's embeddings folder. Then, when generating images, the user can reference the embedding by name in their prompt.

  • What is the importance of training embeddings with a specific number of vectors per token?

    -The number of vectors per token determines the complexity and detail of the embedding. A higher number can capture more nuanced details of the style, but it may also require more computational resources and training time.

  • How does the speaker ensure that the generated images reflect the neon style they trained?

    -The speaker ensures the neon style is reflected in the generated images by training the embedding with a collection of neon portraits, and then using a prompt that describes the desired scene without directly mentioning 'neon', allowing the trained embedding to influence the style of the generated image.

  • What is the significance of the image embeddings folder in the training process?

    -The image embeddings folder is where the AI saves the smart images it generates during the training process. These images are used as examples of the embedding's style and can be placed into the embeddings folder in Stable Diffusion to be used in future image generations.



🎨 Introduction to Stable Diffusion and Embeddings

The speaker introduces the topic of embeddings in the context of Stable Diffusion, a machine learning model for generating images. They discuss the possibility of using Google Colab for those who do not have Stable Diffusion installed locally and mention their own experience with creating neon-style portraits using the technology. The speaker shares their journey of training a model on their own face and the desire to create an embedding that captures this unique style. They also introduce their Embeddings Library and explain how to train an embedding for personalized portraits.


🖌️ Using and Training Embeddings for Style

The speaker delves into the practical application of embeddings by demonstrating how to use them in Stable Diffusion to create images in a specific style. They guide the audience through the process of selecting a model, using style embeddings, and crafting prompts to generate images. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of using the correct names for embeddings and provides examples of self-portraits in the neon style. They discuss the potential of finding and experimenting with embeddings online and encourage the audience to share their own creations.


🌃 Creating Neon-Style Embeddings

The speaker shares their fascination with neon-style portraits and describes their process of collecting images for training a new embedding. They explain the steps of downloading and preparing images, organizing them into folders, and using specific software to process these images for training. The speaker also discusses the importance of crafting effective prompts that capture the desired style without directly mentioning specific neon or glow effects, allowing the embedding to influence the generated images.


📸 Experimenting with Embeddings and Prompts

The speaker continues their exploration of embeddings by discussing the process of combining different embeddings to create unique images. They share an example of combining two embeddings to generate an image and explain how to adjust the importance of words in a prompt. The speaker also demonstrates the process of training an embedding with a focus on Victorian lace, highlighting the experimental nature of the process and the potential for creative expression.


🖼️ Training Embeddings with Pre-Processed Images

The speaker guides the audience through the technical process of training an embedding using pre-processed images. They explain how to create a new folder for the images, use software to resize and process them, and select the appropriate files for training. The speaker also discusses the importance of crafting a compelling prompt that aligns with the training images and the process of creating a textual inversion template for Stable Diffusion to understand the desired output.


🎨 Training and Testing the Neon Embedding

The speaker details the process of training a new embedding, emphasizing the selection of the number of vectors per token and the importance of saving embeddings at regular intervals during training. They explain how to create a prompt that incorporates the newly trained embedding and the process of generating images using this prompt. The speaker also discusses the excitement of monitoring the training process and the satisfaction of seeing the generated images align with the intended neon style.


🌟 Evaluating and Selecting Trained Embeddings

The speaker concludes their tutorial by discussing the results of the training process, highlighting the successful creation of neon-style images. They explain how to evaluate the generated image embeddings and select the most effective ones for future use. The speaker encourages the audience to experiment with different embeddings and to continue refining their prompts and training processes to achieve the desired artistic style in their images.




Embeddings in the context of the video refer to a technique used in machine learning and artificial intelligence, specifically in the field of stable diffusion, to represent styles or features of images. They are essentially numerical representations that capture the essence of certain visual characteristics, allowing the AI to generate or modify images to match the embedded style. In the video, the creator uses embeddings to train the AI on a specific style of neon portraits, demonstrating how to apply this concept to create personalized images using stable diffusion.

💡Stable Diffusion

Stable Diffusion is a type of deep learning model used for generating high-quality images from textual descriptions. It is based on a class of models known as generative adversarial networks (GANs). In the video, the presenter discusses using Stable Diffusion locally on their computer, as well as the alternative of using Google Colab for those who do not have it installed. The main theme revolves around the local installation and usage of Stable Diffusion for creating and training embeddings to produce specific styles of images.

💡Neon Portraits

Neon Portraits are a specific style of photography or image creation that features vibrant, glowing neon lights as a prominent element. In the video, the creator expresses their fondness for this style and uses it as the basis for training an embedding in Stable Diffusion. The goal is to generate images that capture the aesthetic of neon cityscapes, demonstrating how embeddings can be used to personalize and customize the output of AI-generated content.


Chrisard.helpers is mentioned in the video as a resource for those who do not have Stable Diffusion installed on their local machine. It seems to be a website or a set of tools that can be used in conjunction with Google Colab to access and utilize the capabilities of Stable Diffusion. This keyword is an example of how the presenter provides alternative solutions for viewers with different levels of access to technology.


Self-portraits are images that the artist or photographer has created of themselves. In the video, the creator shares their experience of training a model on their own face using photos of themselves, which allowed them to render their face in Stable Diffusion. This keyword is significant as it shows the personalization aspect of AI image generation and how it can be used to create personalized content.

💡Embedding Library

The Embedding Library mentioned in the video is a collection of trained embeddings that the creator has made available on their website. These embeddings represent different styles and can be used by others to generate images in those specific styles. The library serves as a resource for the community to explore and utilize various image styles in their own creations using Stable Diffusion.

💡Model Training

Model training is the process of teaching a machine learning model to recognize and generate specific patterns or features based on a dataset. In the video, the creator discusses training a model on their own face for the purpose of generating self-portraits in Stable Diffusion. This keyword is crucial to understanding how embeddings are created and how AI models learn to produce desired outputs.


Prompts in the context of the video are textual descriptions or phrases that guide the AI in generating specific images. The creator uses prompts to instruct Stable Diffusion on the desired style and content of the generated images, such as 'a woman looks into the camera with this style behind her in the background.' Prompts are essential for directing the AI to produce images that match the user's intentions and the embedded styles.


In machine learning and AI, weights refer to the numerical values assigned to the inputs in a model, which influence the output. In the video, the creator discusses using brackets to increase the weight or importance of certain words in the prompt, such as '[Music]'. This helps the AI understand which aspects of the prompt to prioritize when generating the image, allowing for more control over the final result.

💡Victorian Lace

Victorian Lace refers to a specific style of lace that was popular during the Victorian era, known for its intricate patterns and elegant designs. In the video, the creator discusses using embeddings to combine different styles, such as Victorian lace, to create unique images. This keyword illustrates the versatility of embeddings in capturing and combining various visual elements to produce diverse AI-generated content.


Unsplash is a popular online platform that provides free, high-quality, and royalty-free images. In the video, the creator plans to use Unsplash to find and download neon portraits for the purpose of training an embedding in Stable Diffusion. This keyword highlights the use of external resources and pre-existing imagery to enhance and expand the capabilities of AI image generation.


Introducing the concept of embeddings in Stable Diffusion, a technique to customize the generation of images based on specific styles or features.

Explaining the possibility to use Google Colab for those who do not have Stable Diffusion installed locally.

Describing the creation of a personal embedding library, such as the Phoenix Library, to store and use various styles for image generation.

Demonstrating the process of training a model on personal photos to render one's own face in Stable Diffusion.

Discussing the idea of creating an embedding using the style of neon portraits, which are popular in urban settings like New York City.

Providing a step-by-step guide on how to download and use a specific embedding for generating images in Stable Diffusion.

Emphasizing the importance of using the correct name for the embedding when generating images in Stable Diffusion.

Sharing examples of self-portraits generated using the neon style embedding and explaining the process behind creating such embeddings.

Exploring the potential of combining different embeddings to create unique images, as demonstrated by the combination of Victorian and Lace styles.

Providing insights on how to improve the significance of certain words in the prompt to influence the output of the generated image.

Discussing the process of training embeddings on a new set of images, specifically neon portraits, to capture the essence of the desired style.

Detailing the steps to preprocess images, including resizing and ensuring visibility of key elements like faces for effective training.

Introducing the method of creating a text document with a crafted prompt to guide the training process of a new embedding.

Explaining the selection process for the best images generated during the training to be used as embeddings.

Providing a tutorial on how to integrate the newly created embeddings into Stable Diffusion for generating images in the trained style.

Discussing the iterative process of checking the training progress and adjusting parameters to achieve the desired outcome.

Sharing the excitement of observing the training process and the anticipation of seeing the final images in the desired style.

Encouraging users to share their own creations and embeddings with the community for collaborative exploration and learning.