30 Things SECRETLY Removed In Fortnite!
TLDRThe video script discusses 30 secret removals in Fortnite Season 2, including the disappearance of teleportation, manholes, and the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles collaboration. It highlights the return of supply drops and the absence of vehicles in the battle pass, as well as the removal of various points of interest (POIs), such as the Yacht and the forecast Tower. The script also mentions the introduction of new features like the Icarus Wings and the changes to the Anvil rocket launcher and Kratos character. The summary emphasizes the surprise and intrigue surrounding these updates, sparking curiosity among viewers.
- 🚀 Teleporting and manholes have been removed, altering movement mechanics in Fortnite Season 2.
- 🎮 The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles collaboration has disappeared, including the associated POI and items.
- 🗑️ Supply drops have returned, replacing supply caches, and the arch nemesis item was removed.
- 🚗 Cars from the previous season have been removed, and instead, players are given instruments in the battle pass.
- 🛳️ The Yacht POI has undergone changes, with henchmen and key cards no longer available.
- 💽 Miniature vaults and safes have been removed, with Snoody Steps being the only location where safes appear.
- 🎮 Bosses, cameras, and turrets from previous seasons have been removed or altered, affecting gameplay strategies.
- 🔧 The 2x goope weapon attachment has been replaced by the new thermal site, changing weapon customization options.
- 📦 Vending and mending machines now have random spawns, affecting player reliance on these items.
- 🌳 The entire Ritzy Rivera POI has been removed, being crushed by the underworld, and the forecast tower has been significantly reduced.
- 🛡️ Ballistic shields and the striker AR have been removed, impacting the defensive and offensive options for players.
Q & A
What significant change in mobility was removed in Fortnite Season 2?
-Teleporting, which allowed players to instantly move to any location, was removed in Fortnite Season 2.
What happened to the manholes in Fortnite Season 2?
-The manholes that previously allowed players to escape vaults or catch enemies by surprise have vanished.
Which popular collaboration disappeared with the removal of a Mythic item in Fortnite?
-The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles collaboration disappeared, as the Mythic item associated with it was removed.
What was replaced with supply drops in Fortnite Season 2?
-Supply caches were replaced with supply drops in the game.
What is the new feature introduced at Snoody Steps that makes it easier for players to move around?
-Fall damage has been removed from grind rails at Snoody Steps, making it easier and safer for players to navigate.
Which item from Chapter 5 was removed due to its controversial nature?
-The business turret, which was disliked by many players for its impact on the game, was removed.
What change was made to the Battle Pass in Fortnite Season 2 that went largely unnoticed?
-Vehicles were removed from the Battle Pass in Season 2, and instead, players were given instruments.
What is the new item that replaced the 2x Goope attachment in Fortnite?
-The 2x Goope attachment was replaced by the new thermal site.
Why were the henchmen removed from the Yacht in Fortnite Season 2?
-The henchmen were removed, and key cards are no longer available, making the Yacht a less valuable location for players.
What is the new feature that players discovered is missing from Fortnite Season 2?
-Players discovered that the grapple blade, which was not as popular or effective as wings of Icarus, has been removed.
What was the reason behind the removal of the Anvil rocket launcher?
-The Anvil rocket launcher was removed, possibly due to balancing issues and to make room for new items in the game.
🎮 Fortnite Season 2: Secret Removals and Changes
This paragraph discusses various elements that were secretly removed or changed in Fortnite Season 2. It highlights the removal of Mythic items, the disappearance of manholes and vaults, the return of supply drops, and the vanishing of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles collaboration. The paragraph also mentions the introduction of new features like the chains of Hades and the alteration of the battle pass to include instruments instead of vehicles. Additionally, it covers the removal of certain points of interest (POIs), the changes to medallions, and the unexpected disabling of porta potties and dumpsters.
🚗 Updates and New Features in Fortnite
The second paragraph focuses on the updates and new features in Fortnite, including the replacement of Bounty boards with Shadow briefings and the vaulting of the Anvil rocket launcher. It also discusses the removal of the Society's weapons, the introduction of The Harbinger SMG, and the changes to Kratos's appearance. The paragraph mentions the issues with creative mode XP, the removal of the grapple blade, the introduction of Icarus wings, and the controversial return and subsequent removal of the business turret. Finally, it addresses the temporary disabling of certain outfits and the removal of Crash Pad Juniors, concluding with a thank you to subscribers for their support.
💡Supply Drops
💡POI (Points of Interest)
💡Vending Machines
💡Battle Pass
💡Porta Potties and Dumpsters
💡2x Goope
💡Shadow Briefings
💡Anvil Rocket Launcher
Teleporting and manholes have been removed, altering the way players move around the map.
A major collaboration with Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles has disappeared, including the collapse of their POI.
Supply drops have returned, replacing the previously available supply caches.
The chains of Hades, a Mythic item, was available for a short time but has been removed.
The battle pass no longer includes vehicles, a change from the previous season.
The Yacht POI has had henchmen and key cards removed, rendering it less interactive.
Miniature vaults and saves have been removed, with only Snoody Steps having safes now.
Peter Griffin's MPC and medallion are gone, along with the removal of previous bosses and their associated items.
Manholes have vanished, but porta potties and dumpsters have become a new way to teleport.
The 2x goope, a popular weapon attachment, has been removed and replaced with the thermal site.
Vending and mending machines now have a random spawn rate, instead of being guaranteed at certain locations.
The entire POI of Ritzy Rivera has been removed and replaced with underworld elements.
The forecast Tower from last season has been destroyed, leaving only five towers remaining.
The Metal Gear Solid collaboration items, including the cardboard box, have been removed.
Leggo's obby fun raft and survival modes have been temporarily removed.
Fall damage has been removed from grind rails at Snoody Steps, making it safer for players.
Ballistic Shields have been removed due to their divisive nature among players.
The Striker AR, a controversial weapon, has been vaulted from the game.
The Anvil rocket launcher has been removed, despite its usefulness against certain enemies.
Bananas have been temporarily removed but will return with a new twist as Banana of the Gods.
Bounty boards have been replaced with Shadow briefings, offering a new gameplay element.
The business turret has been removed, a decision that has been met with mixed reactions from the community.
Some players experienced a temporary disablement of their outfits, with no explanation from Fortnite.
Creative mode players did not receive XP for a period of time due to an oversight by Epic Games.
The grapple blade has not returned, with players generally preferring the new wings of Icarus.
Crash Pad Juniors have been removed, a decision that seems to be welcomed by the community.
from a Mythic already getting removed to
a hidden change nobody noticed these are
30 things secretly removed in fortnite
season 2 we could basically fly anywhere
we want now so it's not surprising that
teleporting is gone the manholes that
let us Escape vaults or rotate or catch
enemies by surprise have straight up
vanished with that in mind it also means
a huge collab has disappeared and
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles are nowhere
to be found we expected fornite to
delete their mythics and stuff but they
even went through the trouble of
collapsing their POI if you try and go
here it's full of rubble something we're
happy to see removed is finally gone
after a year you might have noticed that
supply drops are back in fortnite you
could summon them around the map which
means there arch nemesis had to be cut
yeah Supply caches are no more fans
clearly prefer the supply drops and
exactly one year to the day fortnite
pulled the trigger while that was
secretly removed nobody realizes an item
was secretly in game for anyone who
prefers team Rumble they loaded into the
new season open a supply drop and got
rewarded with the chains of Hades this
hit a Mythic was only available for a
short amount of out of time and most of
us never even knew wasn't long until
fortnite also realized and got rid of
them as fast as possible but there was a
huge change to the battle pass that no
one really noticed last season for the
first time ever we had cars in the past
allowing us to use them in BR or rocket
racing usually when fortnite makes a
change like this it's sticking around
but if you look at the season two pass
you won't find a single vehicle instead
they handed us instruments well that
change might be good news to some people
Everyone is confused about a hidden
removal at the Yacht it's always nice to
see this POI sticking around but when
you actually land here the henchmen have
been deleted there's no key cards to
grab making this Vault totally useless
maybe fortnite saving it for the return
of Midas here's the thing even miniature
vaults are gone saves have disappeared
from fortnite so if you're in the mood
for a gold grind tough luck well unless
you drop at snoody steps for some reason
this is the only POI where safes appear
so now you have the advantage especially
now that Peter Griffin is gone yeah his
MPC is missing but that also means you
can't grab a medallion from Peter as
we'd expect all the previous boss are
now gone from fortnite but that's not
all they also remove the cameras and
turrets that would attack you at this
place while medallions are still around
fortnite changed them with unique
abilities so say goodbye to that sweet
sweet health regen now I mentioned
earlier that manholes have vanished but
at least there is another way to
teleport around right well as I was in
the middle of making this video fortnite
disabled porta potties and dumpsters out
of nowhere they didn't tell anyone about
it and some fans think it has to do with
an Icarus Wings glitch and if you're the
kind of player to build your own weapon
you might have realized that something
is missing one of the most popular
attachments the 2x goope it was so
useful now we're playing the new season
only for it to vanish instead this has
been replaced by the new thermal site
which is a pretty good replacement I'll
be honest that's unlike vending machines
which fortnite did Dirty last season
every time you landed somewhere a
vending machine would always spawn you
never had to worry about it well that's
until now since the update it's totally
random meaning your favorite spot just
got a little worse not to mention
fortnite also did this to The Mending
machines now there's only a tiny chance
you'll find ones overall you healing
addict sorry to break the news there's
another secret change that do baffle
players cameras can still be found at
some of the smaller Society vaults
around the map but they're actually
different now if you're spotted by them
they'll Mark you for everyone to see
it's basically like a flare gun so
people could spot you from hundreds of
meters away note to self next time you
see a camera shoot it you won't see one
at ritzy Rivera though cuz the entire
place is gone this huge POI has been
crushed by the underworld there's
basically nothing left except for these
pieces which are being dragged into the
ground by Roots it's kind of ominous the
underworld has also destroyed this
forecast Tower from last season sounds
like a minor change Until you realize
there's only five left you won't be able
to turn visible either cuz the EMP
stealth camo has been deleted along with
snake's cardboard box in fact both these
items will probably never return as they
were part of the Metal Gear Solid collab
which has no place in season 2 a
crossover we weren't expecting to vanish
was Lego right now players have
discovered that the new Obby fun raft
survival modes are nowhere to be found
this blew our mind when they got at it
we had no idea Lego create a maps are on
the way and to see them missing in
season 2 it kind of sucks don't worry
though this is probably temporary I hope
a change that will benefit players has
secretly appeared at snoody steps last
update we could zoom around on the light
strings but if you fail back to the
lobby for you now fortnite has removed
fall damage from these grind rails
making it way easier and safer to get
around players will also be happy to see
that ballistic Shields are gone when we
first saw these in the chapter 5 trailer
it blew our minds the idea of protecting
yourself and shooting was awesome
especially for zero bill players if only
we realized just how infuriating they
could be half of the fan base love these
the others hated it which is kind of
symbolic considering each fight with
them it was totally one-sided another
controversial item was the striker AR
this was a new version of the scar that
confused everyone last season we all
thought it was the OG rifle from a
distance only to get close and be
greeted with this definitely a head
turner and now you won't have to worry
about this problem in season 2 cuz it is
gone now all these weapons have vanished
but only one consumable has been removed
this update and it's for an insane
reason you probably never realize this
but bananas are no longer in fortnite
okay it's not like any of us will miss
it except they will be returning with a
Twist soon a banana of the Gods will
appear on the map giving us super jump
and unlimited Sprint another feature
that's been replaced are Bounty boards
as we know they originally just a way to
grab some extra gold but now they've
been swapped out for the first time in 2
years instead we have Shadow briefings
which are immediately cooler I'm
definitely surprised to learn that a
useful weapon has been vaulted for no
reason the Anvil rocket launcher was
perfect for taking on the SUV V or
whiplashes and even though these are
still in the game The Anvil is not
pretty weird especially considering you
can now summon cars at the shadow
briefings so it really feels like the
Anvil could be a helpful tool imagine if
they let us fire at the Icarus Mythic
there would be awesome the last thing I
expected fortnite to change was Kratos
since he released over 3 years ago epic
has left him untouched and now all of a
sudden when a Greek god season appears
they changed his face from brooding to
straight up angry is this an Easter egg
or is God of War part 2 happening if he
does come back to slaughter some some of
our battle pass characters he won't be
able to use a lock on pistol I mean it's
not really kratos's style but if it's
yours you might want a different
strategy this was a chapter four weapon
that came back last season except it
wasn't modable and felt out of place so
naturally for dead waved it goodbye I
wasn't expecting the society's weapons
to also vanish though the hyper SMG was
pretty popular last season and even
though valyria is gone we only thought
her Mythic would disappear not the
entire weapon it has been replaced by
The Harbinger SMG though so the power to
spray and fray it's not going anywhere
this also includes the enforcer AR yeah
it wasn't nearly as powerful as other
items which is probably why it's on the
chopping block for anyone who loaded up
season 2 and did not play Battle Royale
totally judging you but that's not
important it turns out creative players
haven't been getting any XP for the past
3 days this also applies to anyone who
likes Lego fortnite or rocket racing or
Festival epic accidentally turned off
playtime XP this whole time and only
enabled it yesterday so if you wanted to
level up you had to play Battle Royale
pretty crazy but I'm definitely not
surprised that the grapple blade hasn't
made it now we have wings of Icarus it's
not exactly a fair comparison one is so
much better than the other most players
agree and that's why the grapple blade
won't be missed that much in fact tons
of people never realized it was gone if
you like this item let me know in the
comments if the Icarus wings are a good
replacement but another controversial
item is the business turret for some
reason they brought this back Midway
through last season and the response was
interesting noobs absolutely loved it
and that's exactly why the rest of us
were not fans luckily there are way
cooler items this season to play with
making the turret perfect for removal
players were definitely shocked though
when they logged in and realize their
outfit was disabled anyone using Jack
Skellington had a random surprise
learning he was blacklisted for no
reason for over 24 hours they were
banned from using their own skin and
fortnite still hasn't said why I think
we could all agree it was a good idea to
remove Crash Pad Juniors though easily
one of the most hated items of chapter 5
and we're only 3 months in when they got
evoled last season people are shocked
because we already gave our opinion on
this back in chapter 4 seems like
fortnite finally got the hint and didn't
carry the over to season 2 although
rumor has it they're working on another
Junior item so maybe this is the start
of something so much deeper that's
everything secretly removed to fortnite
season 2 thank you guys so much for 6
million subscribers hope you enjoy it
it's Tommy and keep it here on top five
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