EpicPhotoGasm Stable Diffusion Checkpoint In 9 Minutes (Automatic1111)

Bitesized Genius
15 Feb 202408:44

TLDRThe video discusses the capabilities of the 'Epic Photo Gasm' AI model, which is adept at generating realistic images with a high degree of customization. The model, created by Epon Nikon, can handle a variety of ethnicities, ages, and even fantasy-style images. It is recommended to use simple prompts and sampling steps starting at 20 for optimal results. The video explores different settings, samplers, and the model's performance with various skin tones, ethnicities, and age ranges. The results show that the model performs well, especially with DPM Plus+ 2m and SD Caras samplers, and can accurately depict a range of objects and animals, though some limitations are noted with stylized outputs and mythical creatures.


  • 🎨 The 'Epic Photo Gasm' is a realistic style image generation model created by Epon Nikon, known for the 'Epic Realism' model.
  • 🌟 The model is capable of producing high-quality images with a variety of ethnicities, ages, and even fantasy styles based on user prompts.
  • πŸ“Έ The author recommends using simple prompts without enhancers like 'Masterpiece' or '4K', and instead focusing on the atmosphere of the image.
  • 🚫 Negative embeddings and extra noise offset are not necessary for this model, as it aims to produce clear images with a recommended starting sampling step of 20.
  • πŸ”§ Testing various settings showed that the model can handle different skin tones and ethnicities well, but may generalize when specifying similar ethnic groups or countries with shared aesthetics.
  • πŸ‘΅πŸ‘΄ The model can generate a good variety of ages, with distinct differences between young, middle-aged, and old, though some prompts may yield similar results.
  • 🎨 While the model is aimed at realism, it can attempt stylized images, but may introduce errors in anatomy or background rather than stylistic changes.
  • πŸ•πŸ― The checkpoint performs well with non-human subjects like animals, but the quality varies, with real-world creatures producing better results than mythological ones.
  • 🏞️ For environment landscapes, the model can generate sophisticated and detailed images, although some may have unexpected color or design outcomes.
  • πŸ” The samplers used in the model can affect the accuracy and clarity of the final image, with DPM Plus+ 2m and Caras SD yielding the best results.
  • πŸ“‰ The CFG scale and clip skip settings allow for control over how closely the image should adhere to the prompt and how literally it should be interpreted, with subtle differences in the final output.

Q & A

  • What is the name of the realistic style model discussed in the transcript?

    -The model discussed in the transcript is named 'Epic Photo Gasm'.

  • Who created the Epic Photo Gasm model?

    -Epic Photo Gasm was created by Epon Nikon, who is also the creator of the Epic Realism checkpoint.

  • What are some of the factors that users can customize when using the Epic Photo Gasm model?

    -Users can customize factors such as ethnicity and age when using the Epic Photo Gasm model.

  • What type of images does the Epic Photo Gasm model generate?

    -The Epic Photo Gasm model generates a range of photographs containing people, objects, and animals with varying degrees of quality.

  • What is the recommended starting value for sampling steps when using the Epic Photo Gasm model?

    -The recommended starting value for sampling steps is 20.

  • What are some of the Samplers tested in the transcript and which one provided the best results?

    -Samplers tested include DPM Plus+ 2m, Caris SD, Caras Ula, and DD IM. DPM Plus+ 2m and SD Caras provided the best results in terms of accuracy, detail, and clarity.

  • How did the Epic Photo Gasm model handle different skin tones?

    -The Epic Photo Gasm model handled skin tones brilliantly, with distinct tonal shifts from pale to white, olive, tan, and black.

  • What was observed when testing the model with different ethnicities using the example image?

    -The model was able to distinguish between different ethnic groups but might struggle with specifying countries that are local but have a shared aesthetic.

  • How accurate was the model in rendering different age groups?

    -The model provided a good variety of ages, with more distinct results for middle-aged, aged, and old compared to younger age groups.

  • What were the outcomes when testing the model with different styles?

    -The model did not provide a variety of styles, as it is focused on realism. Attempts to introduce stylization resulted in more errors in anatomy or changes in the background rather than actual style changes.

  • How well did the Epic Photo Gasm model handle non-human living creatures and environments?

    -The model gave varied results with creatures like sheep, tigers, and eagles rendering well, but struggled with a worm and a dragon. For environments, landscapes like hotels, train stations, and lakes turned out well, although the train station appeared gray.



πŸ–ΌοΈ Introduction to Epic Photo Gasm and its Capabilities

This paragraph introduces the Epic Photo Gasm, a realistic style checkpoint created by Epon Nikon, also known for the Epic Realism checkpoint. The focus is on the ability of the model to produce high-quality images with a range of subjects including people, objects, and animals. The script highlights the model's versatility in handling different ethnicities and ages, and suggests using simple prompts to avoid unnecessary enhancements. The author shares their experience with the model, noting the recommended sampling steps and additional style negatives and extensions provided by the creator. The paragraph also discusses the testing process of the checkpoint, including the replication of an example image and the exploration of various settings for custom images. The results show that the model performs well, with detailed and accurate representations of the subjects, and the use of enhancers is found to be unnecessary.


🎨 Testing and Evaluation of Epic Photo Gasm

The second paragraph delves into the detailed testing and evaluation of the Epic Photo Gasm. The author explores different aspects of the model, including the impact of sampling steps on image quality, the effectiveness of various samplers like DPM Plus+ 2m, Caris SD caras Ula, and DD IM, and the influence of the CFG scale and clip skip on the adherence to the prompt. The paragraph also examines the model's ability to handle a range of skin tones and its performance in recognizing and rendering different ethnic groups. The author tests the model on a variety of ages, finding it capable of distinguishing between them, although noting some limitations when specifying countries with shared aesthetics. The paragraph concludes with a discussion on the model's handling of objects and animals, highlighting its strengths and areas for improvement, and a final test on environmental landscapes, which yielded impressive results.



πŸ’‘Epic Photo Gasm

Epic Photo Gasm is a name referring to a realistic style checkpoint in the context of AI-generated images. It is a tool created by epon Nikon, known for the Epic Realism checkpoint, and is designed to produce high-quality, customizable photographs with various attributes such as ethnicity and age. The video explores the capabilities of this checkpoint and shares the results with the audience to evaluate its potential for their own projects.


Realism in this context refers to the accurate and lifelike depiction of subjects in the AI-generated images. The video emphasizes the importance of using simple prompts to achieve a cinematic, dark, and moody atmosphere without the need for fake enhancers like 'Masterpiece photo realism, 4K', which are typically used to describe the quality or detail of an image.


Customization in the context of the video pertains to the ability to modify and specify certain attributes of the AI-generated images, such as ethnicity and age. This feature allows users to tailor the output to their preferences and requirements, ensuring that the generated photographs meet specific criteria.

πŸ’‘Sampling Steps

Sampling steps refer to the number of iterations or stages the AI goes through to transition an image from a noisy initial state to a clear, final piece. The video tests different sampling step values to determine if there are any significant quality increases or losses, ultimately suggesting that users can choose a value based on their computer's capabilities.


Samplers are algorithms used to refine the AI-generated images during the sampling steps. Different samplers can yield varying results in terms of accuracy, detail, and clarity. The video compares several popular samplers, such as DPM Plus+ 2m, Caris SD caras Ula, and DD IM, to determine which provides the best outcomes.

πŸ’‘CFG Scale

CFG Scale determines how closely the resulting image should adhere to the prompt. It is a measure of the strictness with which the AI interprets the user's instructions. The video tests values between four to nine, finding that higher scales can increase saturation and contrast, but without significant quality losses.

πŸ’‘Clip Skip

Clip Skip determines how literally the prompt should be interpreted in the final image. It is a parameter that controls the balance between adhering strictly to the user's prompt and allowing the AI creative freedom to make interpretations. The video tests values from one to four and finds that the first two provided the most accurate results to the prompt.

πŸ’‘Skin Tones

Skin tones refer to the range of colors representing human skin in the AI-generated images. The video explores the checkpoint's ability to handle different skin tones, from light to dark, and even unconventional colors like purple, assessing its performance in accurately and diversely representing human skin.


Ethnicity in this context refers to the diverse cultural and racial groups that the AI-generated images can represent. The video tests the checkpoint's capability to distinguish between different ethnic groups, aiming to evaluate its ability to generate images that reflect a wide range of human diversity.


Age is a concept that relates to the different life stages of individuals that the AI-generated images can portray. The video assesses the checkpoint's ability to generate images of people across a spectrum of ages, from young to old, and how accurately it can depict these stages.


Objects in the context of the video refer to non-human elements that the AI can generate in a scene. The video evaluates the checkpoint's performance in creating a range of objects, such as a candle, bike, and cake, and how well it can integrate these into a realistic setting.


Animals refer to the living creatures, both real and mythological, that the AI-generated images can depict. The video assesses the checkpoint's ability to generate a variety of animals, noting that while some animals like sheep, tigers, and eagles are rendered well, others like worms and dragons may not be accurately represented.


Environments refer to the settings or landscapes that the AI-generated images can create. The video tests the checkpoint's capability to generate different environmental scenes, such as a hotel, train station, and lake, and evaluates the quality and accuracy of these scenes.


Epic Photo Gasm is a realistic style checkpoint created by Epon Nikon, known for the Epic Realism checkpoint.

The model is capable of generating images with a high degree of customization, including factors like ethnicity and age.

The author recommends using simple prompts without fake enhancers like 'Masterpiece' or '4K' to describe the quality or detail.

The suggested starting value for sampling steps is 20, with no need for extra noise offset.

DPM Plus+ 2m and Caras SD provide the best results in terms of accuracy, detail, and clarity.

The weaker option for samplers is Ula, where the background becomes blurry and the face smoother.

Testing CFG scale values between 4 to 9 shows a slight increase in saturation and contrast at higher scales.

Clip skip values from 1 to 4 were tested, with the first two providing the most accurate results to the prompt.

The checkpoint handles a range of skin tones brilliantly, from pale to dark, including purple.

The checkpoint is good at recognizing a variety of ethnicities but may generalize when specifying countries with a shared aesthetic.

A variety of ages can be achieved, with distinct differences between young, middle-aged, and old.

The checkpoint can generate a range of objects without people, with varying degrees of success depending on the complexity.

Animals are handled well, with good results for sheep, tigers, and eagles, but less accurate for creatures like worms and dragons.

Environment landscapes like hotels, train stations, and lakes can be rendered fantastically with different seeds.

The author suggests that for the best results, tweaking may be necessary to achieve high-quality outputs for generating objects alone within a scene.

The video encourages viewers to like, subscribe, and check out the Patreon for access to image files from all videos.