5 Prompting Stable Diffusion Extension In 10 Minutes (Automatic1111)

Bitesized Genius
9 Jan 202410:08

TLDRIn this informative video, the host explores five extensions that can enhance the image generation process through improved prompt creation. The first extension, SD Dynamic Prompts, allows simultaneous testing of multiple prompts using wildcards and dynamic prompts, offering a variety of images based on a base prompt. Clone Cleaner modifies prompts to generate more diverse human characters with less manual effort. Tag Autocomplete provides suggestions for recognized tags, aiding in creating more accurate images. The One Button Prompt extension streamlines the process by generating images based on customizable settings, while Unprompted offers a programmatic approach to interact with the web UI, including shortcodes and template editing. These extensions cater to both beginners and advanced users, promising to save time and improve workflow efficiency.


  • 🎨 **SD Dynamic Prompts**: Allows simultaneous testing of multiple prompts by adjusting the base prompt and using wildcards for expansion.
  • 🔍 **Wildcards Manager**: Edit wildcard files within the web UI to call them using double underscores in your prompt for dynamic image generation.
  • 🚀 **Prompt Magic**: A feature that modifies prompts with random additions to change the style and quality of generated images.
  • 📝 **Ginger 2 Templates**: Enables programming of prompts with functions like if statements and variables, similar to a programming language.
  • 🍌 **Combinatorial Generation**: Test combinations of prompts using curly braces and a pipe to swap out elements for varied image results.
  • 📚 **Autocomplete Hints**: Tag Autocomplete provides suggestions for recognized tags from image boards, aiding in prompt creation.
  • 🔗 **One Button Prompt**: Generates images based on customizable settings, offering options to select elements and properties for the prompt.
  • 🔄 **Workflow Assist**: Offers the ability to generate random prompts or test custom prompts while benefiting from the extension's features.
  • 📈 **Prompt Compounder**: Determines the number of prompts generated for a single image, allowing for complex image creation.
  • 🛠️ **Unprompted Extension**: Offers programmatic interaction with the web UI through features like shortcodes, text to mask, and variable manipulation.
  • 🔧 **Template Editor**: Directly modify templates for creating prompts, enhancing the flexibility and customization of image generation.

Q & A

  • What is the main purpose of the SD Dynamic prompts extension?

    -The SD Dynamic prompts extension allows users to test multiple prompts simultaneously by adjusting the base prompt and using wildcards, which can expand on the features found within the prompt Matrix.

  • How can you install the SD Dynamic prompts extension?

    -You can install the SD Dynamic prompts extension by navigating to the extensions tab within the web UI, searching for the extension's name under the available tab, and then loading the extension index once installed.

  • What is the Prompt Magic feature within the SD Dynamic prompts extension?

    -Prompt Magic is a prompt generation model within the SD Dynamic prompts extension that modifies your prompt with random prompts, which can change the style and quality of the generated image.

  • How does the Ginger 2 templates feature work in the SD Dynamic prompts extension?

    -Ginger 2 templates allows you to program templates for prompts using various functions like if statements, variables, and other functions, similar to a programming language.

  • What is the benefit of using curly braces and a pipe in the SD Dynamic prompts extension?

    -Curly braces and a pipe in the SD Dynamic prompts extension enable you to include multiple prompts that you want to swap out and separate the prompts being swapped, allowing for more complex prompting and the generation of multiple images with different variations based on the base prompt.

  • How does the Clone Cleaner extension help in generating images?

    -The Clone Cleaner extension modifies prompts with random names, nationalities, and other factors automatically, providing more variation in people generated without much manual work.

  • What is the Tag Autocomplete extension and how does it assist users?

    -The Tag Autocomplete extension provides auto-completion hints for recognized tags from image boards like Damaru. It suggests prompts as you type in the prompt box and shows the popularity of each tag, which can help in generating images that incorporate the tags correctly.

  • How can the One Button Prompt extension help in generating images?

    -The One Button Prompt extension generates images based on a number of customizable settings. It automatically populates the prompts for the user and allows for the generation and upscaling of images simultaneously.

  • What is the Unprompted extension and what does it offer?

    -The Unprompted extension allows users a programmatic way to interact with the web UI through multiple features such as shortcodes, text to mask, body snatcher, and reading and writing variables. It also includes a template editor for creating prompts and functionality for swapping subjects in the image and using presets.

  • How can wildcards be utilized in the SD Dynamic prompts extension?

    -Wildcards in the SD Dynamic prompts extension can be used to randomly select a word from a text file to use as a prompt. This can be useful for testing different types of prompts without having to manually adjust things each time. Wildcards are stored within the extension's Wild Card folder and are called by placing two underscores before and after the file's name within the prompt.

  • What is the advantage of using the SD Dynamic prompts extension for complex prompting?

    -The SD Dynamic prompts extension allows for complex prompting by enabling the user to nest prompts within prompts already being swapped out. This adds additional information to the prompts and can result in a wider variety of images being generated from a single base prompt.

  • How does the SD Dynamic prompts extension handle white space in prompts?

    -The SD Dynamic prompts extension ignores white space in prompts, allowing users to structure their prompts for easier reading as they grow in complexity. This makes it easier to modify and understand the prompts later on.



🔍 Exploring Prompt-Focused Extensions

This paragraph introduces the viewer to extensions that enhance the way prompts are written for image generation. It discusses the use of an older version of the web UI and provides a brief overview of the 'SD Dynamic Prompts' extension. This extension enables simultaneous testing of multiple prompts by using wildcards and expanding on features from the Prompt Matrix. The user is guided on how to install the extension, navigate its interface, and utilize its features, such as wildcards management and dynamic prompts generation. It also covers the use of 'prompt magic' for style variation and 'Ginger 2 templates' for programmatic prompt creation. The paragraph concludes with an invitation for viewers to request an in-depth review of the extension.


🖌️ Enhancing Image Generation with Extensions

The second paragraph delves into the practical use of the 'SD Dynamic Prompts' extension, demonstrating how to modify prompts for varied image outputs. It explains the process of using curly braces and pipes for swapping out elements within prompts to generate multiple images with different variations. The paragraph also introduces the concept of nesting for more complex prompting. It highlights the benefits of the extension, such as ignoring white spaces for easier reading and modification, and supporting wildcards for random word selection in prompts. The user is then introduced to the 'Clone Cleaner' extension, which automatically modifies prompts to generate varied human images with less manual effort. The installation process and customization options for this extension are briefly outlined, emphasizing its beginner-friendly nature and powerful capabilities.


📝 Autocompletion and Programmatic Interactions

The final paragraph discusses additional extensions that further streamline the image generation process. 'Tag Autocomplete' is introduced as a tool that provides autocompletion hints for recognized tags, aiding in prompt construction. The 'One Button Prompt' extension is described, which offers customizable settings to generate images based on user-defined parameters. The 'Workflow Assist' tab within this extension is highlighted for its utility in generating random prompts and testing custom ones. The 'Unprompted' extension is introduced with a focus on its programmatic features, such as shortcodes and text-to-mask functionalities. The paragraph concludes with a demonstration of using a shortcode to generate a random person image, showcasing the extension's capabilities and inviting viewers to explore its full range of features.



💡Stable Diffusion

Stable Diffusion refers to a type of generative AI model used for creating images from textual descriptions. In the video, the host discusses various extensions for Stable Diffusion that enhance or modify how users generate images through the web UI, specifically focusing on the Automatic1111's version 1.6. This technology is central to the video as it provides a platform for experimenting with different prompting techniques.

💡SD Dynamic Prompts

SD Dynamic Prompts is an extension for Stable Diffusion that allows users to test multiple image prompts simultaneously by using wildcards and modifying base prompts. In the script, this extension is highlighted for its ability to expand on the features of the 'prompt matrix', facilitating more dynamic and versatile image generation by integrating variables directly into the prompt structure.

💡Wild Cards

Wild Cards in the context of the video refer to placeholders within prompts that can be replaced with various predefined or random values to generate different images. This feature is used in conjunction with the SD Dynamic Prompts extension, allowing users to experiment with diverse variations of a base image prompt efficiently.

💡Prompt Magic

Prompt Magic is a feature within the SD Dynamic Prompts extension that generates random modifications to prompts, altering the style and quality of the resulting images. This function exemplifies how automation can be leveraged to enhance creativity and experimentation in image generation using Stable Diffusion.

💡Clone Cleaner

Clone Cleaner is another extension for Stable Diffusion discussed in the video. It automatically modifies prompts with random names, nationalities, and other characteristics to increase the diversity of people generated in images. This tool simplifies the process of creating varied and unique character images without extensive manual input.

💡Tag Autocomplete

Tag Autocomplete is an extension that provides auto-completion suggestions for tags based on recognized inputs, similar to text prediction on smartphones. This tool helps users efficiently use popular and relevant tags to improve the accuracy and detail of generated images in Stable Diffusion.

💡One Button Prompt

One Button Prompt is a script within Stable Diffusion that allows users to generate images with minimal input, using a set of customizable settings to define elements of the prompt. This feature emphasizes ease of use and accessibility, particularly for beginners or those seeking quick results.


Unprompted is an extension that provides advanced users with programmatic control over image generation in Stable Diffusion. Features like short codes and text to mask enable more precise and customized prompt management, which can significantly enhance workflow efficiency and creativity.

💡Combinational Generation

Combinational Generation refers to the ability to combine multiple prompts into a single image generation process. This technique, discussed in relation to the SD Dynamic Prompts, allows for the exploration of complex image variations by blending different prompt elements together.

💡Extension Index

The Extension Index in the Stable Diffusion web UI is a feature where users can browse and install various available extensions. It plays a crucial role in the video by allowing the host to demonstrate how to enhance the capabilities of the image generation platform through additional functionalities provided by these extensions.


Explores five prompt-focused extensions to improve image generation through prompts.

SD Dynamic prompts extension allows testing multiple prompts simultaneously using wildcards.

The extension features a wildcard manager and dynamic prompts tab for customization.

Prompt magic generates images by modifying the base prompt with random prompts.

Ginger 2 templates enable programming prompts with functions similar to a programming language.

Combinational generation can test different prompt combinations for varied image outputs.

Nesting in prompts allows for complex structure and additional information in image generation.

Dynamic prompts ignore white spaces, enhancing readability and ease of modification.

Wildcards can be used for random selection of words from a file for varied prompts.

Clone cleaner modifies prompts automatically for more variation in generated people.

Tag autocomplete provides suggestions for recognized tags, aiding in prompt construction.

One button prompt generates images based on customizable settings and options.

Workflow assist tab generates random prompts or tests user-provided prompts for experimentation.

Unprompted extension offers programmatic interaction with the web UI through various features.

Unprompted template editor allows direct modification of templates for creating prompts.

Short codes in Unprompted can generate images with a programmatic format for efficiency.

Extensions cater to a range of users from regional prompters to custom template creators.

The video provides an overview and invites viewers to request an in-depth review of the extensions.