Explaining 6 More Prompting Techniques In 7 Minutes – Stable Diffusion (Automatic1111)

Bitesized Genius
16 Aug 202307:29

TLDRThe video discusses advanced prompting techniques for the Stable Diffusion model, which is used for text-to-image generation. It covers the use of the 'break' keyword to mitigate color bleeding issues, emphasizing its practical application in image generation. The video also differentiates between tagging and writing in prompts, explaining how tagging utilizes predefined tags from websites like Danbooru, while writing involves describing the desired image in short phrases. It highlights the benefits and limitations of each method. Additionally, the video explores generating different visual styles by specifying a style before the term, such as 'art style,' and the importance of using tools like XYZ Plot to refine prompts. It introduces the concept of 'clip skip,' which represents layers in the CLIP model and can improve the accuracy of image generation by avoiding overthinking the prompts. Lastly, the video touches on the 'AND' operator, which combines different prompts into one, potentially useful for merging concepts and art styles. The presenter suggests experimenting with these techniques to achieve better results with Stable Diffusion.


  • 📝 **Breaking Keyword**: Using the 'BREAK' keyword in all capitals can help mitigate color bleeding by creating new chunks every 75 tokens which are processed to generate images.
  • 🎨 **Color Placement**: Adjusting prompts with 'BREAK' between color specifications can improve the accuracy of color placement in generated images.
  • 🔍 **Tagging vs. Writing**: There's a difference in how AI interprets 'tagging' (using predefined tags) and 'writing' (describing what you want) in prompts, with each having its own benefits and drawbacks.
  • 📈 **Tag Dependency**: The effectiveness of tagging relies on the availability and formatting of images associated with the tags on the website.
  • ✅ **Written Prompting**: Writing descriptive prompts can yield more accurate results, especially when using specific terms not available as tags.
  • 📷 **Camera Shots**: Describing both the image and the type of camera shot can influence the style of the generated image.
  • 🎭 **Visual Styles**: Specifying a style before the term, such as 'art style', can generate images in different visual styles, from flat Manga to realistic 3D.
  • 🛠️ **Redundant Prompts**: Tools like XYZ plot or plot Matrix can help remove redundant prompts and find effective ones.
  • 🔧 **Clip Skip**: Adjusting the 'clip skip' value can influence the legibility and accuracy of the generated image to the prompts.
  • 🔢 **Clip Skip Values**: Suggests using a value of 2 for less legible but more accurate results, up to a value of 12 for broader outcomes.
  • 🔗 **Combining Concepts**: The 'AND' operator in capitals can combine different prompts into one, potentially merging concepts and art styles more effectively than a normal comma.

Q & A

  • What is the purpose of using the break keyword in prompts?

    -The break keyword, when used in all capital letters, fills the current token limit with padding characters to create a new chunk. This can help mitigate the effects of color bleeding in images and improve the accuracy of color placement as specified in the prompts.

  • How does the effectiveness of the break keyword vary between different checkpoints?

    -The effectiveness of the break keyword varies as some checkpoints manage colors well without the need for this trick. The placement of the break keyword might also differ, but the underlying concept remains the same across checkpoints.

  • What is the difference between tagging and writing when prompting for images?

    -Tagging involves using predefined tags from websites within your prompts, while writing involves describing what you want in short phrases. Tagging relies on the availability and formatting of images associated with those tags, whereas writing allows for more flexibility with word choice.

  • Why might the written prompting method be preferred over tagging in certain cases?

    -Written prompting can be preferred when there are not enough images available for a specific tag or when you want to use words outside of the predefined tags. It also allows for more precise descriptions and can yield better results for niche styles.

  • How can camera shots in images be influenced by the prompts used?

    -The type of camera shot can be influenced by how you describe both the image and the type of shot you want in the prompts. Different angles and weightings can make the images look more distinct.

  • What is the role of the CLIP model in text-to-image generation?

    -The CLIP model is a text-to-image generation model that takes text and produces images as a result. The number of CLIP layers the image goes through can affect the legibility and accuracy of the generated image in relation to the prompts.

  • How does adjusting the clip skip value impact the generated images?

    -Adjusting the clip skip value changes the layers of the CLIP model that the image goes through. A higher clip skip value results in a less legible but more accurate image to the prompts, as it doesn't overthink the description.

  • What is the purpose of using the AND operator in prompts?

    -The AND operator, when used in all capital letters, combines different prompts into one, which can be useful for merging different concepts and art styles into a single image before making adjustments through normal prompting.

  • How can the XYZ plot tool be used to refine prompts for better image generation results?

    -The XYZ plot tool can be used to test various prompts and camera shots, helping to identify which combinations yield the desired results. It can also be used to remove redundant prompts and find the most effective ones.

  • What is the significance of specifying a style before the term in prompts?

    -Specifying a style before the term in prompts allows the generation of images in different visual styles, such as flat Manga style, painted impressionism, or even a realistic style that borders on 3D.

  • Why might one need to consider using a different checkpoint or adjusting the waiting when struggling with style changes in image generation?

    -Different checkpoints may handle style changes better than others. If there is difficulty in achieving the desired output, using a different checkpoint or adjusting the waiting can help refine the style and improve the accuracy of the generated images.

  • What is the general advice for the clip skip value when generating images?

    -The general advice is to use a clip skip value of 2 for optimal results, although it can be adjusted up to a value of 12 based on the desired level of legibility and accuracy.



🎨 Advanced Prompting Techniques for Image Generation

This paragraph delves into the intricacies of using prompts for image generation, focusing on the 'break' keyword and its role in mitigating color bleeding issues. It explains how the token limit and chunk processing work in generating images. The paragraph also discusses the importance of prompt style and the use of the 'break' keyword to adjust color placement. It provides practical examples of how to refine prompts for better color accuracy and suggests increasing the 'wait' for weaker colors. Additionally, it explores the difference between tagging and writing in prompts, the benefits and drawbacks of each, and how to achieve better results with written prompts. The paragraph concludes with a discussion on achieving different camera shots and visual styles through specific prompts and settings.


📸 Exploring Visual Styles and Clip Skip for Image Generation

The second paragraph explores the concept of generating images with different visual styles by specifying a style within prompts. It highlights the similarities between certain styles like 'manga' and '2D' or '3D' and 'realistic'. The paragraph emphasizes the use of tools to refine prompts and the importance of choosing the right checkpoint for style changes. It introduces 'clip skip' as a method to improve prompt results by affecting the layers of the CLIP model during image generation. The benefits of adjusting clip skip for more accurate and legible results are discussed, along with a suggestion to start with a value of 2. The paragraph also touches on the use of the 'AND' operator to combine different prompts and concepts, providing an example of how it merges different elements within a prompt.



💡Prompting Techniques

Prompting techniques refer to the methods used to guide or instruct an AI system, such as Stable Diffusion, to generate specific outputs based on the input provided. In the context of the video, these techniques are crucial for creating images that align with the user's ideas. The video explores various prompting techniques to improve the accuracy and quality of the generated images.

💡Break Keyword

The break keyword, when used in all capital letters, is a tool within the prompting process that fills the current token limit with padding characters to create a new chunk. This is particularly useful for mitigating color bleeding in images, where colors may not appear exactly as specified in the prompts. The video demonstrates how using the break keyword can help achieve better color placement in generated images.

💡Color Bleeding

Color bleeding is an issue in image generation where colors from different parts of an image blend or spread into areas where they were not intended to be. The video discusses how the break keyword can be used as a practical application to reduce the effects of color bleeding, resulting in more accurate color representation in the final image.


A checkpoint in the context of the video refers to different versions or stages in the development of an AI model like Stable Diffusion. Each checkpoint may have varying capabilities or handle certain aspects of image generation differently. The video emphasizes the importance of using the correct prompting style for each checkpoint to achieve better results.

💡Tagging vs. Writing

Tagging and writing are two different approaches to prompting an AI for image generation. Tagging involves using predefined tags from a specific database, while writing involves describing the desired image in short phrases. The video explains the benefits and drawbacks of each method and how they can be used effectively depending on the available image database and the desired outcome.

💡Camera Shots

Camera shots refer to the different angles and perspectives from which an image can be generated. The video discusses how the description of both the image and the desired camera shot can influence the type of image produced. By adjusting the prompts and weightings, distinct camera shot perspectives can be achieved in the generated images.

💡Visual Styles

Visual styles are the various artistic or aesthetic approaches that can be applied to the generated images. The video explains how specifying a style before the term, such as 'art style', can result in images with distinct visual characteristics, ranging from flat Manga style to realistic styles that border on 3D.

💡CLIP Skip

CLIP Skip represents the layers of the CLIP model, which is the text-to-image generation model used by Stable Diffusion. Adjusting the CLIP Skip value can affect the legibility and accuracy of the generated image in relation to the prompts. The video suggests that setting a CLIP Skip value can lead to less overthinking by the model and more accurate results.

💡And Operator

The AND operator, when used in all capital letters, is a tool that combines different prompts into one before making adjustments through normal prompting. This can be useful for merging different concepts and art styles into a single image. The video illustrates how the AND operator can have a stronger impact on combining prompts compared to a normal comma.


Impainting is a technique used to make final adjustments to an image after the initial generation. It involves manually editing or 'painting over' parts of the image to refine details or correct imperfections. The video mentions impainting as a method to achieve the desired final image after the main generation process.

💡XYZ Plot

XYZ Plot is a tool mentioned in the video that can be used to test and visualize different camera shots and their impact on the generated images. It helps in identifying redundant prompts and finding the most effective ones to achieve the desired results. The tool aids in the optimization process of the prompting techniques.


Exploring more prompting techniques to enhance image generation with AI.

Understanding the 'break' keyword for managing color bleeding in generated images.

Practical application of the 'break' keyword to improve color accuracy.

The importance of using the correct prompting style for better image accuracy.

Using 'break' between color specifications in prompts to enhance image results.

Adjusting prompts to mitigate weak color representation in images.

Differences between tagging and writing when prompting AI for image generation.

Tagging uses predefined tags from websites, influencing AI's drawing references.

Writing prompts describe desired outcomes in short phrases, separated by commas.

Benefits and drawbacks of tagging versus writing in prompting techniques.

Using specific tags can yield better results but may not be perfect due to image availability.

Written prompts allow for more creative freedom outside of predefined tags.

Achieving better results with written prompts by specifying styles like 'men's 1970s afro'.

Generating different camera shots in images through descriptive prompts.

Using tools like XYZ plot to refine prompts and find effective ones.

Specifying a style before the term in prompts to generate images in various visual styles.

Different checkpoints may handle style changes better in image generation.

Clip skip represents layers of the CLIP model and can affect image legibility and accuracy.

Adjusting clip skip values can lead to more accurate or broader image results.

The 'AND' operator combines different prompts into one, potentially merging concepts and styles.

Using the 'AND' operator for more complex image generation combining multiple elements.

Final adjustments to images can be made using inpainting techniques.