Every STEEL-TYPE Pokémon Good to Evil ⚙️🔩⚔️

2 Apr 202340:28

TLDRIn this PokeBinge video, host Kyle explores the morality spectrum of Steel-type Pokémon, categorizing them from Good to Evil based on their characteristics and actions. Legendary Pokémon like Solgaleo and Cobalion earn the Gold and Silver Medals of Good, while others like Dusk Mane Necrozma top the Evil list. The video also features Sinner Awards, highlighting Pokémon with notable vices such as Pride, Greed, and Wrath.


  • 🌟 The video discusses the moral spectrum of Steel type Pokémon, categorizing them from Good to Evil based on their characteristics and actions.
  • 🏆 Solgaleo earns the 'Gold Metal of Good' for its role as an emissary of the sun in the Alola region and its willingness to help others despite danger.
  • 🥈 Cobalion receives the 'Silver Medal of Good' for its history of protecting weaker Pokémon during a war and its calm demeanor towards vicious opponents.
  • 🥉 Zacian and Zamazenta, known as the 'Hero Pokémon', share the 'Bronze Medal' for their integral role in Galar region's history and their efforts to safeguard its inhabitants.
  • 🛡️ Bastiodon and Shieldon, the 'Shield Pokémon', are noted for their peaceful nature and protective stance within their evolutionary line.
  • 🎭 The video also covers the 'Grey Area' of Steel type Pokémon, like Stakataka, which is generally peaceful but can cause significant damage if provoked.
  • 🏹 The 'Bad to Evil' category includes Pokémon like Revavaroom, known for their aggressive behavior and use of toxic fluids in battles.
  • 🏹 The Magnezone line is considered a pest due to their strong magnetic fields that can disrupt electronics, but they are not placed too low due to their lack of intent to harm.
  • 🏹 Aegislash is awarded the 'Silver Medal of Evil' for its manipulative tendencies and ruthless battle strategies, including life-draining and kingdom control.
  • 🏆 Dusk Mane Necrozma is deemed the most vicious, earning the 'Gold Medal of Evil' for its uncontrollable nature and the severe harm it inflicts on those it encounters.
  • 🏅 The video concludes with 'Sinner Awards', highlighting Pokémon with specific negative traits such as Empoleon's pride, Tinkaton's greed, and Metagross's gluttony.

Q & A

  • What is the main theme of the video?

    -The main theme of the video is to evaluate various Steel type Pokémon across a spectrum of Good to Evil based on their characteristics and behaviors as presented in the Pokémon universe.

  • Which Steel type Pokémon is awarded the Gold Medal of Good?

    -Solgaleo, the Sunne Pokémon and a Legendary from the Alola region, is awarded the Gold Medal of Good for its role as an emissary of the sun and its willingness to help others despite dangerous situations.

  • Why is Cobalion considered a Good Pokémon despite its past?

    -Cobalion is considered a Good Pokémon because it has a history of protecting weaker Pokémon from humans during a war and has a calming disposition that can subdue even the most vicious opponents. However, its distrust of people and occasional harshness to fellow Pokémon prevent it from earning the top spot.

  • What unique characteristic does the Alolan Dugtrio line have that affects its placement in the Good section?

    -The Alolan Dugtrio line has whiskers made of golden locks of hair that serve as a defensive measure and a communication tool. However, a belief that taking one of these whiskers brings bad luck leads to its lower placement in the Good section.

  • How does Kartana's role as an Ultra Beast impact its placement in the Good section?

    -Kartana, despite its reputation and razor-sharp edges that can cause damage, is placed in the Good section because it does not actively attack others and has been shown to use its blades for protection, such as slicing a meteor to save a school.

  • Which Steel type Pokémon is the first to be placed in the Grey Area and why?

    -Stakataka is the first Steel type Pokémon placed in the Grey Area because while it is generally peaceful, its massive size and the potential for damage when something lands on it and provokes a rampage is a concern.

  • What is unique about the Melmetal line's evolution method that affects its ranking?

    -The Melmetal line's evolution method is unique because Meltan requires a large number of Meltan Candies (400) to evolve into Melmetal. This, along with Meltan's tendency to corrode other metals, makes them rare and places them lower in the Good section.

  • Why does the Hisuian Goodra line have a low placement in the Good section?

    -The Hisuian Goodra line has a low placement in the Good section because, despite forming strong bonds with their trainers, they can become extremely clingy and may go on rampages if separated from those they are close to, causing significant damage.

  • What characteristic of Lucario places it in the Grey Area?

    -Lucario is placed in the Grey Area due to its ability to perceive and manipulate the emotions and auras of others for advantage in battle, as well as its aggressive and potentially heartless behavior when Mega Evolved.

  • How does the video script conclude the ranking of Steel type Pokémon?

    -The video script concludes the ranking by awarding the Gold, Silver, and Bronze Medals of Evil to Dusk Mane Necrozma, Aegislash, and Kingambit lines, respectively, and handing out Sinner Awards for Pride, Greed, Sloth, Darwin, Wrath, and Gluttony to Empoleon, Tinkaton, Galarian Stunfisk, Jirachi, and Metagross line.



🌟 Introduction to Steel Type Pokemon: Good to Evil Spectrum

The script begins by introducing the theme of the video, which is to explore the Steel type Pokemon and their alignment on the spectrum from Good to Evil. The narrator, Kyle from PokeBinge, explains that the Pokemon will be judged based on the characteristics of their species as a whole, with some exceptions for Legendary Pokemon. The introduction also sets the stage for the first segment, which will discuss the 'Good' Steel type Pokemon.


🏅 The Gold Medal of Good: Solgaleo and Friends

This paragraph highlights the 'Good' Steel type Pokemon, starting with Solgaleo, a Legendary Pokemon from the Alola region revered as an emissary of the sun. Solgaleo's willingness to help others and its protective nature earn it the Gold Medal of Good. Other 'Good' Pokemon mentioned include Cobalion, known for its bravery in past wars, and the Hero Pokemon Zacian and Zamazenta from the Galar region, who have a history of protecting their land. The paragraph also touches on the Shield Pokemon, Bastiodon and Shieldon, noted for their peaceful nature and protective instincts.


🥈 The Silver Medal of Good: Legendary and Helpful Steel Pokemon

The paragraph discusses various Steel type Pokemon that hold the Silver Medal of Good, including Magearna, an Artificial Pokemon with a healing heart, and Jirachi, the Wish Pokemon known for granting desires. It also covers the Copperajah line, which has a close relationship with humans, and Gholdengo, a coin-like Pokemon that gets along well with others. The Bronze Bell Pokemon, Bronzong, is mentioned for its historical significance and peaceful demeanor, while Klefki, the KeyRing Pokemon, is recognized for its protective nature despite its occasional kleptomania.


🥉 The Bronze Medal of Good: Defensive and Supportive Steel Pokemon

This section of the script covers the Bronze Medal of Good recipients, which include Corviknight, a helpful and protective Pokemon in the Galar region, and the Alolan Sandslash line, adapted to their snowy environment and known for their strong group dynamics. Durant, the Iron Ant Pokemon, is noted for its cooperative behavior in protecting its colony, while Kartana, the Drawn Sword Pokemon, is recognized for its non-aggressive nature and the use of its blades for protection rather than harm.


🔍 The Grey Area: Complexities and Mixed Behaviors

The Grey Area section delves into Steel type Pokemon with more ambiguous道德 alignments, such as Stakataka, a peaceful Ultra Beast with a destructive temper, and the Hisuian Goodra line, which forms strong bonds but can become aggressive when separated from loved ones. Lucario, the Aura Pokemon, is discussed for its ability to perceive and manipulate emotions, while Probopass, the Compass Pokemon, is noted for its unintentional disruption of electronics and its hunting techniques.


🛡️ The Bad to Evil Steel Pokemon: Aggression and Destructive Tendencies

This paragraph introduces the 'Bad to Evil' Steel type Pokemon, starting with the Revavroom line, which develops aggressive habits upon evolution. Magnezone, despite its UFO-like appearance, is considered due to the potential damage its magnetic field can cause. Perrserker, the Viking Pokemon, is driven by a battle lust that raises concerns, while Escavalier is criticized for its reliance on stolen shells from Shelmet for bravery.


🗡️ The Nefarious Steel Pokemon: Deceit, Theft, and Rampage

The paragraph discusses the more nefarious Steel type Pokemon, including the Tinkaton line, notorious for stealing and harming others to acquire metal, Aggron, known for its territorial aggression and destructive eating habits, and Celesteela, the Launch Pokemon, which causes fires and destruction in its path. Scizor is also mentioned for its reckless fighting style that can lead to its own melting, while Metagross is criticized for its calculating and ruthless battling approach.


🏆 The Most Evil Steel Pokemon: Uncontrollable and Destructive Forces

The final section of the script focuses on the most evil Steel type Pokemon, led by Dusk Mane Necrozma, an uncontrollable force that wreaks havoc and manipulates others. Mawile, the Deceiver Pokemon, earns a low ranking for its deceptive appearance and vicious jaws. The Kingambit line is awarded an Evil Medal for their pitiless battle tactics and ruthless command, while Aegislash is criticized for its manipulation of rulers and its deadly battle techniques.


🏅 Sinner Awards: Recognizing Notorious Behaviors in Steel Pokemon

The script concludes with the Sinner Awards, a tongue-in-cheek recognition of negative behaviors in Steel type Pokemon. Empoleon receives the Pride Award for its extreme reactions to ego damage, Tinkaton line gets the Greed Award for its thieving habits, Galarian Stunfisk is given the Sloth Award for its limited mobility, Jirachi is deemed worthy of the Darwin Award for its indiscriminate wish-granting, and the Metagross line is awarded the Gluttony Award for its horrifying eating habits.

📢 Conclusion and Call to Action

The video wraps up with a call to action, encouraging viewers to subscribe to PokeBinge for more content on Pokemon games, shows, and the trading card game. The narrator thanks the audience for watching and expresses eagerness to share more Pokemon-related videos.



💡Steel Type Pokemon

Steel Type Pokemon refers to a category of Pokemon that have steel as a primary type, known for their toughness and unique abilities related to steel. In the video, the focus is on exploring these Pokemon, their characteristics, and how they utilize steel in different ways, from physical attributes to combat strategies.

💡Good to Evil Spectrum

The Good to Evil Spectrum is a conceptual tool used in the video to rank Steel Type Pokemon based on their perceived moral alignment, from those considered noble and benevolent to those seen as malevolent or harmful. This spectrum is used to analyze and categorize the Pokemon's behavior and actions, providing a framework for the discussion in the video.

💡Legendary Pokemon

Legendary Pokemon are rare and powerful creatures in the Pokemon universe, often associated with myths and legends. In the context of the video, several Legendary Pokemon are highlighted for their steel attributes and their roles in the Pokemon world, with some being portrayed as Good and others falling into the Grey Area or Evil categories based on their actions and characteristics.

💡Ultra Beasts

Ultra Beasts are a group of powerful and mysterious Pokemon introduced in the Alola region, known for their destructive potential and otherworldly origins. In the video, certain Ultra Beasts with steel typing are discussed, particularly how their actions and the threat they pose place them on the Good to Evil Spectrum.

💡Moral Alignment

Moral Alignment in the context of the video refers to the ethical or moral stance of the Steel Type Pokemon, evaluating their behavior and intentions as either good, neutral, or evil. This concept is central to the video's analysis, as it is used to categorize and discuss the Pokemon's actions and their impact on the Pokemon universe.

💡Evolutionary Lines

Evolutionary Lines in Pokemon refer to the progression of a species from its initial form to its final, often more powerful state. The video discusses several Steel Type Pokemon's evolutionary lines, examining how their steel attributes and moral alignment change or develop as they evolve.

💡Battle Tactics

Battle Tactics describe the strategies and methods used by Pokemon in fights or battles. In the video, the battle tactics of Steel Type Pokemon are analyzed, particularly how their steel abilities factor into their combat style, and how these tactics contribute to their placement on the Good to Evil Spectrum.

💡Pokemon Abilities

Pokemon Abilities refer to the innate skills or powers that a Pokemon possesses. The video highlights various abilities of Steel Type Pokemon, such as using steel for defense, offense, or other unique applications, and how these abilities influence their perceived morality and role in the Pokemon world.

💡Regional Variants

Regional Variants are Pokemon that have adapted to specific regions, resulting in different appearances or abilities. The video discusses how certain Steel Type Pokemon have evolved differently in various regions, such as Alola or Galar, and how these regional adaptations affect their steel typing and overall characterization.

💡Sinner Awards

Sinner Awards are a playful concept introduced at the end of the video, where certain Pokemon are given hypothetical 'awards' based on their negative traits or behaviors. This segment adds a creative twist to the analysis, highlighting the most egregious actions of specific Steel Type Pokemon and attributing them with made-up accolades like the Pride, Greed, Sloth, Wrath, and Gluttony Awards.


The discussion explores the spectrum of morality among Steel type Pokémon, ranging from good to evil.

Solgaleo, a Legendary Pokémon from the Alola region, is recognized for its nobility and protective nature, earning the Gold Medal of Good.

Cobalion, known as the Iron Will Pokémon, is celebrated for its bravery and protective instincts, receiving the Silver Medal of Good.

Zacian and Zamazenta, the Hero Pokémon of the Galar region, are commended for their dedication to safeguarding their homeland, sharing the Bronze Medal.

The Bastiodon line is noted for its peaceful demeanor and strong community bonds, placing high in the Good section.

Magearna, the Artificial Pokémon, is acknowledged for its empathetic nature and desire to heal, despite not being technically alive.

Jirachi, the Wish Pokémon, is recognized for its kindness but is ranked slightly lower due to its occasional bossiness and the potentially harmful granting of any wish.

Copperajah line is appreciated for their strength and aid to humans, but their occasional grumpiness prevents a higher ranking in the Good section.

Gholdengo, the Coin Stack Pokémon, is noted for its cheerful demeanor and good relations with others, despite its ability to use coins as projectiles.

Bronzong, the Bronze Bell Pokémon, is revered for its historical significance and beneficial beliefs associated with it, placing it well in the Good rankings.

Klefki, the Keyring Pokémon, is adored for its protective nature over keys but is marked down for its occasional kleptomania.

Corviknight, the Raven Pokémon, serves as a helpful transport in the Galar region but is ranked lower due to its intimidating appearance.

Alolan Sandslash line is commended for its adaptability and tight-knit community, but its rarity prevents a higher ranking.

Durant, the Iron Ant Pokémon, is recognized for its teamwork and protective nature, despite its dangerous appearance and hunting tactics.

Kartana, the Drawn Sword Pokémon, has a reputation for causing damage, but its role in saving a school from a meteor boosts its ranking.

Alolan Dugtrio line is noted for its teamwork, but the potential bad luck associated with its whiskers and limited positive traits place it lower.

Dialga, the Temporal Pokémon, is recognized for its occasional bravery, despite its territorial and temperamental nature in some situations.

Melmetal line is appreciated for its evolution method and helpfulness, but Meltan's destructive tendencies and rarity place it lower in the Good section.