Pokémon Platinum Hardcore Nuzlocke - Steel Type Pokémon Only!

4 May 202229:03

TLDRThe video script narrates an exciting journey of conquering the Pokémon Platinum Nuzlocke challenge using only Steel-type Pokémon. The player strategically evolves and captures various Steel-types, including Piplup, Onyx, Bronzor, and others, to build a strong team. They engage in intense battles against Gym Leaders and the Elite Four, employing tactics like hypnosis, light screen, and agility to outmaneuver opponents. The video highlights the strength and adaptability of Steel-types, ultimately achieving a rare deathless victory against Cynthia, showcasing the potential of these often underestimated Pokémon.


  • 🥊 The steel type was introduced in Generation 2 to balance the overpowered psychic type and has become one of the best types in the game.
  • 🛡️ Steel types were primarily defensive, resisting 11 of the 17 types in the game before the introduction of fairy types in Generation 6.
  • 🏆 The challenge was to build a team of steel types and overcome a battle where any fainted Pokémon is permanently boxed, with restrictions on items and leveling.
  • 🦊 Piplup, the author's favorite starter, was chosen as the only starter that evolves into a steel type, and Onyx, another Pokémon that eventually turns steel, was reluctantly added to the team.
  • 🥇 The strategy involved careful selection of Pokémon with the right abilities and moves, such as Bronzor with the Levitate ability and holding a Metal Coat for trade evolution.
  • 🌟 The steel type's effectiveness was tested against various gym leaders and Elite Four members, showcasing its strengths and strategic use in battles.
  • 🏔️ The team faced challenges in evolving and accessing steel types before certain points in the game, requiring strategic planning and use of available resources.
  • 💡 The use of status moves and abilities like Hypnosis, Confuse Ray, and Light Screen played a crucial role in managing battles and ensuring victories.
  • 🏋️‍♂️ Part of the strategy involved careful leveling and evolution timing, such as evolving at specific moments to access new abilities or types.
  • 🛠️ The importance of held items like Citrus Berry and Metal Coat was emphasized, as they provided additional utility and evolution options.
  • 🎉 The script concludes with the successful completion of the challenge, defeating the Pokémon League with a team composed entirely of steel types.

Q & A

  • Which generation introduced the Steel type in Pokémon games?

    -The Steel type was introduced in Generation 2.

  • What was the primary purpose of introducing the Steel type?

    -The Steel type was introduced to balance the game by nerfing the overpowered Psychic type from the first generation.

  • Why is the Steel type considered one of the best types in the game from Generation 6 onwards?

    -From Generation 6 onwards, the introduction of the Fairy type made the Steel type one of the best types due to its effectiveness against it.

  • Which Pokémon is the only starter that evolves into a Steel type?

    -Piplup is the only starter that evolves into a Steel type, specifically through its evolution chain ending with Empoleon.

  • What is the strategy used to challenge the first gym without using items from the bag?

    -The strategy involves picking a team of Pokémon that eventually turn into Steel types and avoiding over-leveling them to ensure they can evolve and withstand the challenge.

  • How does the player plan to deal with the second gym leader, Gardenia?

    -The player plans to use a team of Steel types, taking advantage of their resistances and the fact that Gardenia's team is weak to Water-type moves, which Steel types can use effectively.

  • What is the significance of the Nose Pass in the player's strategy?

    -The Nose Pass, when leveled up in Mount Coronet, evolves into a Probopass, which is a Steel type Pokémon that the player can use to strengthen their team.

  • How does the player manage to defeat Fantina, the third gym leader?

    -The player uses a combination of status moves like Taunt and Hypnosis, along with defensive strategies and carefully timed attacks to outlast and defeat Fantina's team.

  • What is the strategy for facing the Elite Four member, Aaron, who uses Bug types?

    -The strategy involves using the Steel type's immunity to Bug-type moves and exploiting the weaknesses of Aaron's team to defeat them, particularly by using moves like Thunderbolt.

  • How does the player ensure they maintain a deathless streak against Lucian, the fifth Elite Four member?

    -The player uses a combination of agility to outspeed Lucian's team, setting up Light Screen and Swords Dance to boost their attack, and carefully choosing moves to defeat each of Lucian's Pokémon.



🥊 The Strategy Begins: Embracing the Steel Type

The paragraph introduces the steel type's introduction in Generation 2, its evolution into a strong type since Gen 6, and the challenges of assembling a steel type team in a Pokémon challenge. The narrator discusses the defensive capabilities of steel types, the limitations of the team in the early game, and the selection of Piplup as the starter Pokémon. The strategy involves evolving Piplup and adding other Pokémon that eventually become steel types, like Onyx, despite its weak stats. The goal is to overcome a challenge where any fainted Pokémon are permanently boxed and the player's level advantages are limited.


🛡️ Evolving and Expanding the Steel Team

This paragraph details the journey of evolving the team's Pokémon into steel types and the tactical decisions made during battles. The narrator describes the evolution of Emperor into Prinplup and later into a Stelix with the help of a Metal Coat. The use of strategy and the challenges faced against Gardenia, the second gym leader, are discussed. The narrator also talks about the tactics used against Gardenia's team, highlighting the use of Screech, Rock Tomb, and the critical moments that led to victory.


🥇 Overcoming Obstacles: The Battle with Fantina and the Gym Leaders

The paragraph covers the intense battles against Fantina and other gym leaders, emphasizing the challenges posed by their teams. The narrator describes the use of status moves, the importance of type advantages, and the strategic use of items like Oran Berries. The focus is on managing the team's health, exploiting the opponent's weaknesses, and the narrow victories that demonstrate the effectiveness of the steel type. The paragraph also mentions the preparation for and execution of strategies against each gym leader, showcasing the resilience of the steel type Pokémon.


🏆 The Elite Four and the Champion: A Steel Type Triumph

The paragraph recounts the climactic battles against the Elite Four and the Pokémon League Champion, Cynthia. The narrator explains the approach to each member of the Elite Four, detailing the type matchups, strategic maneuvers, and the critical moments that determine the outcome of each fight. The use of the steel type's strengths against psychic, fire, and ground types is highlighted. The paragraph culminates in the showdown with Cynthia, where the steel type's capabilities are put to the ultimate test, and the narrator's surprise at the steel type's effectiveness throughout the challenge.



💡Steel type

The steel type is a category of Pokémon that was introduced in the second generation of Pokémon games. It was designed to counterbalance the overpowered psychic type from the first generation. In the context of this video, the steel type becomes particularly significant as it evolves to be one of the best types in the game, especially after the introduction of fairy types from the sixth generation. The steel type's defensive capabilities are highlighted, as it resists a number of other types, making it a strategic choice for the player's team.


In gaming terminology, a 'nerf' refers to the process of reducing the effectiveness or power of a particular game element, often to balance gameplay. In the context of this video, the steel type was introduced as a nerf to the first generation's psychic type, which was considered too powerful. This change was made to ensure a more balanced and strategic gameplay experience.


Fairies are a type of Pokémon introduced in the sixth generation of games. They have unique abilities and resistances that can shift the balance of gameplay. In this video, the introduction of fairy types is noted as a significant change that affected the steel type's standing as one of the best types in the game, likely due to their unique abilities and the new strategic possibilities they offer.


In the context of video games and particularly role-playing games like Pokémon, 'bulk' refers to the defensive strength or overall durability of a character or team. A team with high bulk is capable of taking significant damage before being defeated. In this video, the player is concerned with whether their team's bulk will be sufficient to overcome the challenges they face, especially given the high stakes of permanent defeat for any fainted Pokémon.


Piplup is a water-type Pokémon and a starter option in the fourth generation of Pokémon games. It is notable for its unique design and its evolution line that eventually leads to Empoleon, a powerful water and ice type Pokémon. In this video, Piplup is the player's chosen starter, which is significant because it is their favorite first-stage starter and will be a key member of their team.


In the context of this video, Onyx refers to a Pokémon that the player reluctantly adds to their team because it eventually evolves into a steel type. Onyx is a rock type Pokémon that evolves into Steelix, a powerful steel and ground type Pokémon known for its defensive capabilities. The player's decision to include Onyx despite its initial weaknesses highlights the strategic importance of having a diverse team with complementary types.


Evolution in Pokémon refers to the process by which a Pokémon grows and changes into a new, more powerful form. This often grants the Pokémon new abilities, types, and moves, significantly altering its role and effectiveness within the team. In this video, the player is focused on evolving their Pokémon, particularly into steel types, to overcome the challenges they face.

💡Gym Leader

A Gym Leader is a title given to powerful, skilled trainers in the Pokémon series who guard a Pokémon Gym. Defeating a Gym Leader allows a trainer to earn a Badge, which enables the use of certain powerful moves or abilities outside of battle. In this video, the player strategizes to defeat various Gym Leaders with their team of steel type Pokémon, showcasing the importance of understanding each Gym Leader's team composition and developing a counter-strategy.


A Nuzlocke is a set of self-imposed rules that players use to increase the difficulty and emotional investment in a Pokémon game. The most common rules are: a Pokémon that faints is considered 'dead' and must be permanently boxed, and players may only catch the first Pokémon encountered in each area. This video is a playthrough of a Nuzlocke challenge, where the added difficulty and stakes heighten the player's engagement and strategic decision-making.


In the context of this video, strategy refers to the player's carefully planned approach to battles, team composition, and progression through the game. A good strategy takes into account the strengths and weaknesses of the player's Pokémon, the types of opponents they will face, and the overall goal of completing the Nuzlocke challenge with a team of steel types.

💡Type Advantages

Type advantages in Pokémon games are the benefits a Pokémon has during battles based on its type compared to the opponent's type. These advantages can include increased damage output, resistance to certain moves, or immunity to specific types of attacks. In this video, the player relies heavily on the defensive typing of their steel Pokémon to resist many other types and to strategize their way through battles.


The introduction of the steel type in Generation 2 aimed to balance the overpowered psychic type from the first generation.

From Generation 6 onwards, the steel type has become one of the strongest types in the game due to the introduction of fairy types.

The strategy involves selecting a starter that evolves into a steel type, with Piplup being the chosen starter in this case.

Before evolving into a steel type, Onix and Piplup are added to the team for their potential future utility.

The acquisition of Bronzor, a pure steel type, marks a significant step forward in the team's evolution.

The use of the Metal Coat item to evolve the Duke (Onix) into a Stelix (Steelix) demonstrates a creative use of game mechanics.

The battle against Gardenia showcases the strategic use of steel types, despite the initial lack of fully evolved steel Pokémon.

The victory over Team Galactic Commander Jupiter illustrates the steel type's effectiveness against dark and flying types.

The exploration of the underground and the discovery of a Skull Fossil leading to the evolution of Shieldon into Bastiodon adds depth to the team composition.

The strategic use of status moves like Screech and Hypnosis to lower opponents' stats and set up for powerful hits is a recurring theme.

The battle against Fantina tests the steel type's resilience and the player's patience, showcasing a challenging encounter.

The gym battle against Maylene demonstrates the steel type's ability to withstand fighting types, despite the challenge.

The strategic use of the Levitate ability to dodge ground type moves proves crucial in several battles, emphasizing the importance of type advantages.

The battle against Candace highlights the steel type's advantage against ice types, marking a significant turning point in the gym challenges.

The evolution of the team's Pokémon, including the acquisition of an Empoleon and a Bronzong, showcases the growth and development of the team.

The strategic handling of Cyrus's team, despite the formidable lineup, demonstrates the steel type's versatility and the player's adaptability.

The victory over the Elite Four members, particularly the type-disadvantaged encounters, underscores the steel type's strength and the player's strategic prowess.

The final showdown against Cynthia, the Pokémon League Champion, tests the steel type's capabilities against a diverse team of powerful Pokémon.

The successful completion of the Nuzlocke challenge using only steel types is a testament to the player's skill and the steel type's potential.