Steel Type Pokemon are NOT all Steel! | Gnoggin

Lockstin & Gnoggin
29 Jun 201728:10

TLDRThe video script delves into the fascinating world of Pokémon, exploring the nature and possible composition of steel-type Pokémon. It discusses various Pokémon, hypothesizing about the metals that constitute their steel-like attributes, from common metals like iron to more exotic alloys. The video also touches on the adaptability of these Pokémon, their potential biological and mechanical aspects, and the magical element that blurs the line between living creatures and machines in the Pokémon universe.


  • 🔧 Pokemon are diverse creatures, with some resembling animals, mythical beings, and even mechanical constructs.
  • 🤔 The steel type Pokemon are a fascinating subset, as they incorporate man-made elements into their natural forms.
  • 🌟 Steel type Pokemon were introduced in Generation 2 to balance the typing system, along with the dark type.
  • 🔩 Some steel type Pokemon, like Magnemite and Magneton, were reclassified from their original types to include steel.
  • 💡 Steel type Pokemon are known for their strong defense against physical and special attacks, and many have resistances to a variety of types.
  • 🏺 There are only five pure steel type Pokemon as of Generation 7, including Mega Evolutions, but many more that are a mix of steel and other types.
  • 🥚 Pokemon like Aaron and Pharaoh seed line are thought to ingest and utilize metals from their environment to form their steel-like exteriors.
  • 🛡️ Certain steel type Pokemon are believed to have exoskeletons or body parts made of metal, which may not be steel but possess similar properties.
  • 🔄 The process of evolution or specific conditions, such as trade, can lead to Pokemon developing steel-like attributes or coatings.
  • 🌌 Some steel type Pokemon, like Heatran, are associated with cosmic or volcanic phenomena, suggesting a connection to elemental forces.
  • 🤖 The concept of what constitutes 'life' is explored through the lens of steel type Pokemon, which blur the line between organic and inorganic beings.

Q & A

  • What is unique about the steel typing in the Pokémon franchise?

    -The steel typing in the Pokémon franchise is unique because it introduces man-made elements into the game, as steel is not found naturally in nature. This type was added in Generation 2 to balance out other types, with steel-type Pokémon often having great defense against both physical and special attacks and a number of resistances.

  • How do some steel-type Pokémon obtain their steel characteristics?

    -Some steel-type Pokémon obtain their steel characteristics through various means such as eating rocks and metal, adapting to their environment, or possessing metal as armor or tools. Others are born with metal parts or have them regrow naturally.

  • What is the significance of the metal coat in the Pokémon universe?

    -The metal coat in the Pokémon universe is an item that, when held by a Pokémon during a trade, can cause certain species to gain a steel typing. This is seen with Pokémon like Scizor and Steelix, which acquire a metal coat during the trading process, altering their characteristics and typing.

  • What is the role of magnetism in the biology of some metal-type Pokémon?

    -For some metal-type Pokémon, magnetism plays a crucial role in their biology. They communicate and control their bodies using electromagnetic pulses and repulse Earth's gravity through magnetic waves. This suggests that these Pokémon are made of highly magnetic metals or alloys.

  • How do the steel-type Pokémon that eat rocks and metal incorporate these materials into their bodies?

    -Steel-type Pokémon like the Aaron line and the Pharaoh seed line eat rocks and metal, using the minerals they ingest to create a hardened metal shell. They are not pure iron but can consume any metal, incorporating it into their bodies to form a protective outer layer.

  • What is the possible composition of the metal in Pokémon like Heatran?

    -Heatran, which is described as a molten pile of metal, likely has a composition similar to rugged steel. Its ability to withstand high temperatures suggests it might contain metals that are known for their heat resistance, such as certain alloys or combinations of metals found in industrial or space applications.

  • How do some steel-type Pokémon use their metal characteristics for survival?

    -Some steel-type Pokémon, like the Aaron line, use their metal characteristics for survival by forming protective shells or using their metal parts as tools. For example, Pharaoh seed line absorbs iron from cave walls to form protective bands, while others like Skarmory have steel-like wings that have become strong through constant healing.

  • What is the possible metal composition of the legendary Pokémon Registeel?

    -Registeel, one of the pure steel-type Pokémon, is likely made of a curious substance that is not from Earth, as stated in its Pokédex entry. This suggests that its metal composition could be an alien or fictional metal with unique properties not found in common earthly metals.

  • How do the steel-type moves of Pokémon like Lucario reflect their typing?

    -Lucario, despite not being made of steel, has steel-type moves that reflect its typing. It is theorized that Lucario might use a mythical metal like orichalcum to channel its aura, as its name can be read backwards to resemble 'Orichalcum', a metal known in ancient times.

  • What is the possible explanation for the steel typing of non-living appearing steel-type Pokémon?

    -For steel-type Pokémon that do not appear to be living, such as those that resemble inorganic constructs, their steel typing could be attributed to their hardness and durability similar to metal, even if they are not made of metal. This could be a result of adaptation, evolution, or even magical properties within the Pokémon universe.

  • How does the concept of 'steel' in the Pokémon universe differ from its real-world counterpart?

    -In the Pokémon universe, 'steel' is often portrayed as having magical or extraordinary properties that go beyond the characteristics of real-world steel. Some Pokémon are described as having steel bodies that are unscratchable or made of substances not from Earth, indicating a more fantastical interpretation of what constitutes steel in this fictional world.



🔩 Introduction to Steel-Type Pokémon

This paragraph introduces the concept of Steel-Type Pokémon, highlighting their unique characteristics and differences from other types. It discusses the origins of Steel-Type Pokémon, their resistance to physical and special attacks, and their general inorganic nature. The paragraph also touches on the first Steel-Type Pokémon introduced in Generation 2 and the questions raised by their metallic attributes.


🥄 Steel-Type Pokémon: Diet and Adaptation

The second paragraph delves into how certain Steel-Type Pokémon, such as the Aaron line and the Pharaoh Seed line, incorporate metal into their bodies through their diet. It explores the possibility of these Pokémon using the ingested metal to form their hardened shells, similar to how turtles form their shells. The paragraph also discusses the unique cases of Pokémon like Warbear and Fortrress, whose steel typing may be due to their armor or exoskeleton.


🛡️ Pokémon with Natural Steel-Like Defenses

This paragraph examines Pokémon that have evolved to have steel-like defenses due to environmental adaptations. It covers Pokémon like Sandshrew and Dugtrio, which have adapted to snowy and volcanic conditions by developing steel-like armor and claws. The paragraph also explores the possibility of these adaptations being due to the Pokémon's diet or the natural environment they inhabit.


🤖 Pokémon with Man-Made or Alien Metal Components

The fourth paragraph discusses Pokémon that have metal components which may be man-made or even of alien origin. It covers the likes of Klinklang and Registeel, which have metal parts that could be the result of advanced technology or otherworldly materials. The paragraph ponders the idea of these Pokémon being 'alive' in the traditional sense, considering their unique metallic constitutions.


🌌 Ultra Beasts and Legendary Steel-Type Pokémon

This paragraph focuses on Ultra Beasts and Legendary Pokémon with Steel-Type attributes. It discusses the unique properties of these Pokémon, such as the heat-resistant capabilities of Nihilego and the space metals that make up the body of Kartana. The paragraph also touches on the celestial origins of these beings and their extraordinary abilities, setting them apart from other Steel-Type Pokémon.


🏹 Steel-Type Pokémon with Unknown Metal Origins

The final paragraph addresses Steel-Type Pokémon whose metal origins remain a mystery. It includes Pokémon like Empoleon, whose steel-like fins are shrouded in uncertainty, and Excadrill, whose drill-like appendages could be made of a cobalt-steel mix. The paragraph acknowledges the speculative nature of these theories and leaves room for further exploration into the true nature of these Pokémon.




Pokemon refers to the creatures that inhabit the fictional universe of the same name. They are presented as diverse beings with various abilities and characteristics, often inspired by animals, plants, and inorganic materials like metals. In the context of this video, Pokemon are analyzed based on their steel-type attributes, exploring the possible metals that constitute their bodies or abilities.

💡Steel Type

Steel Type is one of the eighteen Pokemon types, characterized by Pokemon that have attributes related to steel or metal. These Pokemon typically have high defensive stats and can resist normal and fighting type attacks. The video delves into the different types of metals that could theoretically make up these Pokemon, from iron to titanium and other alloys.

💡Metal Composition

Metal Composition refers to the specific types of metals or metal alloys that constitute the bodies or abilities of steel-type Pokemon. The video explores various theories about what kind of metal these Pokemon could be made of, considering both natural and man-made metals, as well as their properties and how they relate to the Pokemon's characteristics.

💡Mega Evolution

Mega Evolution is a temporary evolution in the Pokemon games that gives a Pokemon new abilities, forms, and increased power. In the context of this video, it is mentioned in relation to how certain Pokemon, such as Aggron, change their type or appearance when they undergo Mega Evolution, which affects the discussion about their metal composition.


Adaptation in the context of this video refers to the evolutionary changes that Pokemon undergo to survive in their environment or to develop specific abilities. Some Pokemon are suggested to have adapted by incorporating metal elements into their bodies for defense or other purposes, reflecting the theme of how Pokemon and their metal attributes can vary widely.

💡Metallic Properties

Metallic Properties refer to the characteristics that are typically associated with metals, such as hardness, durability, and resistance to certain types of damage. In the video, these properties are used to analyze and speculate about the types of metals that steel-type Pokemon might be composed of, and how these properties contribute to their abilities in battle.

💡Mythical Metals

Mythical Metals are substances that are not found in nature or are thought to be of extraterrestrial origin, often possessing extraordinary properties. In the context of the video, some Pokemon are theorized to be made of such metals, which are not fully understood but are suggested to give the Pokemon unique abilities or characteristics.

💡Biological Parts

Biological Parts refer to the physical components that make up a living organism, such as cells, tissues, and organs. In the video, the discussion of steel-type Pokemon raises the question of whether these creatures have biological parts or if they are entirely made of metal, which is a central theme in understanding their nature.


Magic in the context of this video refers to the fantastical and unexplained aspects of the Pokemon universe, which often defy the laws of nature and science. The video suggests that magic might be involved in the creation and functioning of steel-type Pokemon, making them more than just ordinary creatures.

💡Environmental Factors

Environmental Factors are elements in the natural world that influence the development, survival, and characteristics of living organisms. In the video, it is suggested that some steel-type Pokemon have evolved due to environmental pressures, such as needing to protect themselves from predators or adapt to harsh climates.

💡Metallic Abilities

Metallic Abilities refer to the powers and skills that are associated with metal or steel in the context of the Pokemon universe. These abilities often involve enhanced strength, durability, or the use of metal-based attacks. The video explores how different Pokemon utilize their metallic abilities in unique ways.


Pokemon are the animals of the Pokemon world, including a variety of creatures based on real-world animals, mythical creatures, and even robots and machines.

The steel type Pokemon are introduced, which are man-made and do not naturally occur in nature, raising questions about their metal composition.

Steel type Pokemon, introduced in generation 2, were added to balance out other types and initially included two gen1 Pokemon, Magnemite and Magneton.

Steel type Pokemon are known for their great defense against physical and special attacks, as well as a large number of resistances.

As of Gen 7, there are only five pure steel type Pokemon, including Mega Evolutions, with Registeel, Cling Clang, and Klink Klang among them.

Some steel type Pokemon, like the Aaron line and Pharaoh Seed line, eat rocks and metal, using the minerals to create a hardened metal shell.

Other steel type Pokemon, such as Forretress and Scizor, have their metal parts as armor or tools, not necessarily being made of metal themselves.

Certain Pokemon, like Metagross and its Mega Evolution, are constructs made of solid metal, communicating and controlling their bodies with electromagnetic pulses.

Some steel type Pokemon, like Heatran, are described as having a body made of rugged steel, possibly indicating a unique metal composition.

The origin of metal parts in Pokemon is often unexplained, suggesting a magical or unknown element to their creation.

Despite being a man-made material, steel type Pokemon are integrated into the diverse and fantastical world of Pokemon, showcasing the franchise's creativity.

The concept of steel type Pokemon raises philosophical questions about what constitutes life and whether these creatures are more akin to animals or machines.

The variety of steel type Pokemon and their unique attributes demonstrate the depth and complexity of the Pokemon world, offering endless possibilities for exploration and discovery.

The discussion of steel type Pokemon highlights the intricate balance and design within the Pokemon universe, where each type has its own strengths, weaknesses, and characteristics.

The steel type Pokemon serve as a reminder of the blend between science, technology, and magic within the Pokemon world, challenging our understanding of what is possible.

The exploration of steel type Pokemon offers a fascinating look into the evolution and adaptation of these creatures, as well as the materials and elements that define them.

The diverse methods by which Pokemon acquire their steel-like properties, from diet to environment to evolution, showcase the adaptability and resilience of these creatures.

The steel type Pokemon present a unique opportunity to examine the intersection of biology, metallurgy, and the supernatural within the Pokemon universe.