FIVERR Vs AI - Is this the END for ARTISTS?...

10 Aug 202216:49

TLDRIn this video, the creator compares the output of DALL-E, an AI image-generating tool, with commissioned works from Fiverr artists. With a budget of $1200, the creator tests whether DALL-E can produce images comparable to those from human artists. The results reveal a mix of outcomes, with DALL-E showcasing impressive aesthetics and composition, while some Fiverr artists deliver original work, and others provide potentially plagiarized content. The video explores the impact of AI on the art industry and the importance of originality and specificity in art creation.


  • 🤖 The video compares the output of Dali, an AI image-generating tool, with commissioned works from Fiverr artists, using a budget of twelve hundred dollars.
  • 🎨 The creator's first experience with Dali involved generating unique user interface elements for a game, showing the potential of AI in design tasks.
  • 🚀 Dali's interpretations of prompts like 'an astronaut in the style of renaissance painting' were found to be more aesthetically pleasing and dramatically composed than some of the Fiverr submissions.
  • 🖼️ Issues with the Fiverr commissions included potential use of stolen stock images, late deliveries, and unoriginal work, highlighting concerns about the legitimacy of some online art commissions.
  • 🌐 The video emphasizes the importance of originality and skill in艺术作品, and the value of hard-working artists who can deliver specific and unique creations.
  • 💡 The creator suggests that hard-working human artists who can provide specificity and utilize AI tools to enhance their work will continue to thrive in the industry.
  • 🔍 The video showcases examples where AI was able to generate images with complex elements like hands and waterfalls, indicating the improving capabilities of AI in art generation.
  • 🎁 The creator plans to phase out classic merch pieces and offers a discount code 'last chance' for viewers to purchase them before they're gone.
  • 📈 The discussion includes the potential impact of AI on the stock image industry and the need for artists to adapt and upskill to stay relevant.
  • 👍 The video encourages viewers to like, subscribe, and share their thoughts on the comparison between AI-generated art and human-commissioned art.

Q & A

  • What is the main comparison the video script is making between Dali and Fiverr artists?

    -The video script is comparing the quality and originality of artwork produced by Dali, an AI image-generating tool, with that of commissioned works from Fiverr artists, using a budget of twelve hundred dollars.

  • What is the first prompt the user used with Dali?

    -The first prompt the user used with Dali was to create a donut-shaped glass sphere game UI asset.

  • What does the user predict will be most impacted by AI tools like Dali?

    -The user predicts that stock image industries will be most impacted by AI tools like Dali, as they can generate unique and broadly applicable images for free.

  • How does the user feel about the originality of the artwork received from some Fiverr artists?

    -The user is concerned about the originality of the artwork, as they found instances of potential plagiarism and use of stock images in the commissioned works from some Fiverr artists.

  • What does the user plan to do with the remaining Fiverr credit?

    -The user plans to give the remaining Fiverr credit as a tip to an artist named Kyle Arts, who produced original work that the user appreciated.

  • What is the user's overall impression of Dali's ability to generate images based on prompts?

    -The user is impressed by Dali's ability to generate images, noting that it produced more skillful aesthetics, composition, drama, lighting, and a sense of aesthetic balance compared to some of the human-produced works.

  • What specific issue does the user find with one of the Fiverr artists' responses?

    -The user finds that one of the Fiverr artists' responses is potentially plagiarized, as it closely resembles a stock image that was badly photoshopped onto a watercolored rainbow.

  • How does the user describe the style of the artwork produced by the Fiverr artist Evelyn Brandt?

    -The user describes Evelyn Brandt's artwork as impressive and well-produced, but expresses uncertainty regarding the legitimacy of the originality of the piece due to the artist's account being closed.

  • What is the user's reaction to the Dali-generated images of an astronaut in the style of a renaissance painting?

    -The user finds the Dali-generated images of an astronaut in the style of a renaissance painting to be cool and impressive, particularly noting the variety and creativity of the outputs.

  • What advice does the user give to human artists in light of the comparison between AI and human-generated art?

    -The user advises human artists to upskill themselves, deliver on specificity, and ensure they produce original work, as they believe skilled artists who can provide more specific and original content than AI will continue to thrive.

  • What does the user suggest about the future of human artists using AI tools?

    -The user suggests that human artists who utilize AI tools to enhance their work will continue to prosper, as they can produce more specific and skillful art that AI currently cannot match.



🎨 AI Art vs. Human Artists: A Comparative Analysis

The video begins with the creator discussing their experience using Dali, an AI image-generating tool, and comparing its output with commissioned works from Fiverr artists. The creator spent $1200 to see if Dali could produce comparable art. They share their first impressions of using Dali and describe how they refined prompts for more dramatic and aesthetically pleasing results. The creator also expresses concerns about the potential for AI to replace human artists, especially in the stock image industry.


🚀 Astronauts and Furbies: The Creative Spectrum of AI

This paragraph delves into the creator's exploration of more complex and creative prompts for Dali, such as an astronaut in Renaissance style and a massive Furby with human spider legs. The creator is impressed by the AI's ability to interpret and render these intricate concepts. They then compare these AI-generated images with those from Fiverr artists, highlighting issues with originality and potential copyright infringements in the human-commissioned works.


🌈 Unicorns and Waterfalls: The AI's Artistic Prowess

The creator continues to test the capabilities of Dali with prompts featuring unicorns and waterfalls, which are traditionally challenging subjects for AI due to their complexity. The AI's output is found to be impressive, with detailed and imaginative representations. The paragraph also discusses the creator's disappointment with some Fiverr artists who delivered plagiarized or low-quality work, emphasizing the importance of originality and skill in human art.


🎮 UI Design and AI's Impact on the Art Industry

In this paragraph, the creator shares their personal experience using Dali for user interface design in a game they are producing. They found that Dali could generate unique and specific UI elements, which could potentially disrupt the stock image industry. The creator expresses concern for the future of artists, especially those creating broadly applicable stock images, and suggests that hard-working artists who can provide specificity and skill will continue to thrive alongside AI tools.

🤖 Final Thoughts on AI vs. Humanity in Art

The video concludes with the creator reflecting on the overall experiment, expressing a mix of dark and weird feelings. They discuss the potential for AI to replace certain jobs in the art industry, but also highlight the unique ability of human artists to produce specific and creative works that AI cannot replicate. The creator ends by encouraging viewers to support hard-working artists and to embrace the exciting possibilities that AI brings to the world of art.




Dali is an AI image-generating tool mentioned in the video. It is used to create images based on textual prompts, and in the context of the video, it is compared with human artists from Fiverr to see which can produce more compelling and original artwork. The term 'Dali' is used to discuss the capabilities and limitations of AI in generating creative content.

💡Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Artificial Intelligence refers to the simulation of human intelligence in machines that are programmed to think and learn like humans. In the video, AI is exemplified by Dali, which is used to generate images. The comparison between AI-generated images and those created by human artists is a central theme, exploring the potential of AI to replace or complement human creativity.


Fiverr is an online marketplace for freelance services, where people can hire artists for various creative tasks, such as commissioned artwork. In the video, the creator uses Fiverr to commission artwork from human artists and compares their output with AI-generated images to evaluate the quality, originality, and value for money.

💡Image Generation

Image generation refers to the process of creating visual content, either through manual artwork or through the use of algorithms and AI, as in the case of Dali. The video explores the capabilities of AI in image generation and compares it with traditional manual methods, highlighting the potential impact on the art industry.


Creativity is the use of imagination or original ideas to create something new and valuable. The video discusses the role of creativity in both AI and human artists, evaluating the uniqueness and appeal of the generated images and questioning whether AI can replicate the creative process of humans.


A budget refers to a planned allocation of financial resources. In the video, the creator sets a budget of $1200 to commission artwork from Fiverr artists and compare it with AI-generated images, aiming to see if the investment yields comparable results from both methods.


Prompts are stimuli or cues given to an AI or an artist to elicit a specific response or creation. In the video, prompts are textual descriptions used to instruct Dali to generate images and are also given to Fiverr artists to create commissioned artwork, serving as a basis for comparison between AI and human-generated content.


Originality refers to the quality of being unique or innovative. The video discusses the originality of AI-generated images and compares it with the artwork produced by Fiverr artists, raising questions about the authenticity and uniqueness of creative works in an age where AI can mimic human creativity.


Aesthetics pertains to the appreciation and criticism of beauty, especially in art. In the context of the video, aesthetics is used to evaluate the visual appeal and composition of both AI-generated and human-commissioned artwork, comparing which method produces more aesthetically pleasing and balanced images.

💡Stock Images

Stock images are pre-existing photographs or illustrations that can be licensed for specific uses. The video discusses the use of stock images by some Fiverr artists, raising concerns about the originality and value of such commissioned artwork, especially when compared with AI-generated unique images.


Plagiarism is the act of using someone else's work or ideas without giving credit or permission, and presenting them as one's own. The video addresses the issue of plagiarism in the context of art commissions, where some Fiverr artists are suspected of using or repurposing existing images without creating original content.


The experiment compares AI-generated images using Dali to commissioned works from Fiverr artists, with a budget of twelve hundred dollars.

The first session with Dali used prompts left in a video by viewers, showcasing the AI's initial capabilities.

A prompt by Enigmaworks about the meaning of life, universe, and everything inscribed on an ancient vase during a nuclear apocalypse was used to test the AI's creativity.

Dali's boundaries include not creating images of horrific or tragic events, which was considered while crafting the post-apocalyptic vase prompt.

The AI-generated images were found to have better aesthetics, composition, drama, and lighting compared to some of the Fiverr commissioned works.

One Fiverr artist delivered a decent image that communicated the request accurately but lacked the skillful aesthetics of the AI's output.

Another artist failed to deliver any artwork, resulting in a refund that had to be spent on Fiverr.

Evelyn Brandt's artwork was impressive and worth the money, but uncertainty remains about the originality of the piece due to the artist's account closure.

The AI produced varied and intricate interpretations of the prompt for an astronaut in a renaissance painting style.

A Fiverr artist named John C Maxwell delivered an image that appeared to be plagiarized, raising concerns about the legitimacy of some commissioned works.

Rob, another Fiverr artist, produced an original and highly reviewed piece that surpassed the AI's output in terms of quality and specificity.

The AI struggled with the prompt of a massive Furby with human spider legs, while a Fiverr artist delivered a highly creative and original piece.

The AI generated impressive variations of a unicorn walking on a rainbow in the style of Caravaggio, showcasing its ability to handle complex and detailed prompts.

One Fiverr artist's output was clearly plagiarized, using a badly photoshopped stock image, while another's work was original and of high quality.

The video concludes with the creator expressing a mix of dark and weird feelings, highlighting the complex emotions evoked by the comparison between AI and human artists.

The creator's first experiences with Dali included generating unique user interface elements for a game, demonstrating the AI's potential impact on stock image industries.

The video emphasizes the importance of hard-working human artists who can produce specific and original work, suggesting that they will continue to thrive despite the rise of AI.