[FULL] Mama June: From Not to Hot S06E17 Family Crisis: You Dirty Dog (Mar 22, 2024) Full Episode HD

K2 Fact Trick
22 Mar 202447:30

TLDRThe Mama June family crisis unfolds as Alana faces college expenses and the family grapples with financial struggles. Alana's trust in her mother is shaken when she learns that her coogan account, meant to protect her earnings, contains less than expected. Accusations of financial mismanagement and the search for solutions to Alana's housing and educational needs in Colorado dominate the narrative, highlighting the tension between Alana's desire for independence and the family's need for honesty and support.


  • 🎓 Alana's college journey is the central focus, with the family facing financial challenges to support her education.
  • 💰 The family is struggling to fund Alana's $1,000 per semester college fees and living expenses.
  • 🏦 Alana's Coogan account, which is managed by Mama June, becomes a point of contention as there is less money than expected.
  • 🏠 Finding housing in Colorado proves difficult due to lack of credit and high costs.
  • 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 Family dynamics are strained, with disagreements over financial support and past decisions.
  • 🤝 Alana and her family members are seeking employment to support themselves in Colorado.
  • 📋 The importance of credit scores and financial planning is highlighted, especially in a new state with different requirements.
  • 🌟 Alana's determination to succeed in college and build her future as a neonatal nurse is evident.
  • 💔 Trust within the family is questioned, with accusations of financial mismanagement and dishonesty.
  • 👩‍💼 Mama June's handling of Alana's Coogan account leads to confrontations and demands for transparency.
  • 🚨 The potential legal implications of the family's financial disputes are mentioned, with threats of taking the matter to court.

Q & A

  • What is the main financial challenge Alana is facing in the script?

    -Alana is facing the challenge of financing her college education, which includes paying $1,000 per semester plus living expenses.

  • What is a Coogan account and why is it significant in this context?

    -A Coogan account is a special bank account established for minor performers to safeguard their earnings until they reach adulthood. It is significant because Alana's college fund is coming from her Coogan account that Mama June oversees.

  • What was the issue with Alana's housing application in Colorado?

    -Alana's housing application was denied due to her lack of credit history.

  • How does Mama June's attitude towards Alana's college plans affect the situation?

    -Mama June's attitude creates tension as she seems more interested in spending money on other things, like buying a chain for Justice, rather than fully supporting Alana's college education.

  • What is the main source of conflict between Alana and Mama June regarding the Coogan account?

    -The main conflict is that Alana believes there should be more money in her Coogan account, which she needs for college, while Mama June insists that she has already used a significant portion of it for family expenses and that Alana should be grateful for what's left.

  • What is the significance of Alana's job search in the context of the story?

    -Alana's job search is significant as it shows her taking responsibility for her financial situation and trying to contribute to her own expenses, highlighting her independence and determination to succeed in college.

  • How does the family's lack of understanding about credit scores impact their housing situation in Colorado?

    -The family's lack of understanding about credit scores leads to multiple rejections from housing applications, as they were not prepared for the importance of credit scores in securing a rental property in Colorado.

  • What is the main issue regarding the 'Dancing with the Stars' money in the argument between Alana and Mama June?

    -The main issue is that Alana believes Mama June did not deposit the full amount of 'Dancing with the Stars' earnings into her Coogan account, and she feels that Mama June has been dishonest about the financial details.

  • How does Alana plan to address the financial discrepancy with Mama June?

    -Alana plans to confront Mama June and demand the truth about where the money is, expressing her intention to hold Mama June accountable for the missing funds.

  • What is the overall family dynamic portrayed in the script?

    -The overall family dynamic portrayed is one of financial tension, miscommunication, and a lack of trust, with various family members struggling to understand and manage their financial responsibilities and expectations.



🌟 College Dreams and Financial Struggles

The paragraph discusses Alana's excitement about going to college and the family's efforts to support her education. However, they face financial challenges, including the difficulty of affording tuition and living expenses. The family also grapples with the management of Alana's coogan account, which is meant to safeguard her earnings as a child performer. The paragraph highlights the tension between the need for financial support and the desire for independence.


🏠 Housing Hunt and Credit Woes

This paragraph details the family's struggle to find housing in Colorado due to lack of credit history. Alana's application for an apartment is denied because of this, adding to the stress of the situation. The family's lack of understanding about credit scores and its implications on adult life is evident, as they compare their experiences with the more lenient rental conditions back home in Georgia.


💰 Coogan Account Controversy

The paragraph revolves around the discovery of discrepancies in the coogan account, which is supposed to hold funds for Alana's future. There is a heated discussion about the missing money, with accusations of mismanagement and potential misuse of funds. The family members express their concerns about the accountability of the money and the impact on Alana's future financial security.


👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 Family Dynamics and Conflicts

This paragraph delves into the strained family dynamics, with various members expressing their frustrations and concerns. There are disagreements about the handling of Alana's coogan account, with some family members feeling that others are not being honest about the situation. The paragraph also touches on the broader issues of trust and responsibility within the family.


🤝 Support and Accountability

The focus of this paragraph is on the family's attempts to support Alana in her college endeavors and the need for financial accountability. There is a call for honesty and transparency regarding the coogan account and its funds. The family members express their determination to find a solution, despite the challenges they face.


💔 Accusations and Tensions

This paragraph is filled with accusations and rising tensions within the family regarding the handling of Alana's coogan account. There are allegations of money being misused and a lack of transparency, leading to a breakdown in trust. The family members are at odds, with some feeling that their concerns are not being taken seriously.


🚨 Confrontation and Resolution

The paragraph describes a confrontation between family members about the coogan account and the missing funds. There is a strong demand for honesty and a resolution to the issue. The family members express their frustration and desire for a clear understanding of the financial situation, with the hope of finding a way to move forward.



💡Mama June

Mama June is the central figure in the reality TV show 'Mama June: From Not to Hot' and is involved in the family crisis depicted in the transcript. She is the mother of Alana and is responsible for managing the family's affairs, including finances. In the video, she is accused of mishandling her daughter's trust fund, leading to a significant family conflict.

💡Coogan Account

A Coogan Account is a blocked trust fund established in the state of California for the earnings of child performers. The account is meant to protect the child's earnings until they reach adulthood. In the video, Alana's Coogan Account is a point of contention, as there is a dispute over the amount of money that should be in the account and how it was managed by Mama June.

💡College Expenses

College Expenses refer to the costs associated with attending a higher education institution, including tuition, room and board, books, and other living expenses. In the video, Alana is preparing to attend college and there is a concern about how these expenses will be covered, especially given the unexpected low balance in her Coogan Account.

💡Family Crisis

A Family Crisis is a challenging situation or conflict that arises within a family, often causing stress, tension, and emotional turmoil. In the video, the family is experiencing a crisis due to financial issues surrounding Alana's college education and the management of her Coogan Account by Mama June.

💡Trust and Honesty

Trust and Honesty are fundamental values in any relationship, including those within a family. Trust is built through consistent honesty and transparency, while dishonesty can lead to the breakdown of trust. In the video, the lack of honesty from Mama June regarding the Coogan Account has led to a breakdown of trust within the family.

💡Financial Management

Financial Management refers to the process of organizing, planning, and controlling financial activities such as investments, budgeting, and managing accounts. In the video, there is a significant issue with how Mama June has managed the family's finances, particularly Alana's Coogan Account, which should have been carefully overseen to ensure financial security for Alana's future.

💡Dancing with the Stars

Dancing with the Stars is a popular American dance competition TV series where celebrities partner with professional dancers to compete. In the video, it is mentioned that Mama June participated in the show, and the earnings from this engagement were expected to contribute to Alana's Coogan Account.

💡Credit Score

A Credit Score is a numerical representation of an individual's creditworthiness, based on their credit history. It is used by lenders to evaluate the risk of lending money or extending credit. In the video, the lack of a credit score is a barrier for the characters when trying to secure housing in Colorado, illustrating the importance of credit scores in everyday financial transactions.

💡Child Performer

A Child Performer refers to a minor who works in the entertainment industry, such as acting, singing, or dancing. In the video, Alana is a child performer who has earned money through her work, which should have been protected in a Coogan Account for her future use.

💡Family Dynamics

Family Dynamics refers to the relationships, interactions, and power structures within a family unit. In the video, the family dynamics are strained due to financial issues and a lack of trust, leading to arguments and confrontations among family members.


Alana's college journey begins with the family facing financial challenges.

Mama June manages Alana's coogan account, which is supposed to secure her earnings as a child performer.

The family experiences stress over Alana's college expenses and living arrangements.

Alana's application for housing is denied due to lack of credit history.

The family discusses the importance of credit scores and financial literacy.

Alana and her family face difficulties in finding a house in Colorado.

Mama June reveals the coogan account balance, which is less than expected.

There is a heated confrontation about the missing coogan account funds.

Alana expresses her frustration over the lack of support for her college education.

Mama June defends her actions regarding the coogan account and expenses.

The family discusses the importance of honesty and trust in their relationships.

Alana's siblings share their thoughts on the coogan account situation.

Mama June is confronted about the alleged misuse of coogan account funds.

Alana's determination to find out the truth about her missing money is highlighted.

The family's dynamics and the impact of financial issues on their relationships are explored.

Alana's decision to pursue college despite the financial challenges is emphasized.

The episode ends with a cliffhanger, leaving viewers in anticipation for the next part of the story.