Festive Funnels: Successful Strategies for Holiday Prospecting

6 Dec 202357:02

TLDRIn this insightful webinar, panelists discussed effective holiday prospecting strategies. They emphasized the importance of personalization in sales outreach, leveraging direct mail and video content to stand out. The conversation highlighted the significance of understanding buyer challenges and tailoring approaches accordingly. Panelists shared success stories involving creative tactics, such as sending personalized gifts, and underscored the value of continuing prospecting efforts through the holiday season. They also discussed leveraging out-of-office messages for follow-up connections, emphasizing the human touch in sales communication.


  • 🎯 Personalization is key in sales outreach, and it should be thought of as a process rather than just a checkbox.
  • 📈 The effectiveness of personalization was found to be within a 20% to 80% window, where more personalization leads to higher response rates.
  • 🚀 To stand out in your prospecting, combine digital methods with physical elements, such as direct mail, to create a powerful impact.
  • 🎥 Video prospecting can be highly effective as it is inherently personalized and allows the recipient to see and feel the sender's personality and tone.
  • 💡 When personalizing, focus on external indicators that show the recipient you understand their challenges and have a valid reason for reaching out.
  • 📆 Holidays can be a busy time for prospects, but they also present an opportunity to show understanding and add a personal touch to your outreach.
  • 📌 Out of office messages can be leveraged for follow-up, establishing connection, and showing that you are a real person who understands their availability.
  • 🤝 Building relationships and helping other sales reps can lead to more intelligence and better personalization of your outreach messages.
  • 📈 Account-based prospecting is a growing trend, with coordinated efforts from multiple team members reaching out to different contacts within a target organization.
  • 🎉 Event 'sharking' can be a highly effective method of prospecting, allowing for numerous valuable conversations in a short period of time.

Q & A

  • What is the main topic of the webinar?

    -The main topic of the webinar is discussing the festive funnel and successful strategies for holiday prospecting.

  • How long is the webinar expected to last?

    -The webinar is expected to last about 60 minutes.

  • What are the roles of the panelists introduced in the transcript?

    -The panelists include Will, the co-founder of Lavender and an expert in email personalization; Sam, a partner manager at Rich Desk focusing on ABM strategies; and Chris, a sales evangelist and video content creator known for his work on LinkedIn and TikTok.

  • What is the significance of personalization in sales outreach according to the discussion?

    -Personalization is crucial in sales outreach as it helps make the communication more relevant and effective, leading to higher response rates and better engagement with prospects.

  • What is the optimal window for personalization effectiveness according to sales research mentioned in the transcript?

    -The optimal window for personalization effectiveness is between 20% and 80%.

  • How does the webinar suggest utilizing video content in prospecting?

    -The webinar suggests using video content as a way to add a personal touch and stand out in outreach. It emphasizes the importance of pairing video with personalized messaging to effectively engage prospects.

  • What are some strategies for personalizing outreach at scale?

    -Strategies for personalizing outreach at scale include segmenting lists based on common traits or challenges, using tools to speed up the personalization process, and focusing on understanding and addressing the specific issues faced by the target audience.

  • How does the webinar address the challenge of holiday prospecting?

    -The webinar addresses holiday prospecting by encouraging participants to use the holiday season as an opportunity to stand out and provide a better sales experience. It suggests acknowledging the season in a personalized and relevant way, and using multi-channel approaches to capture attention and initiate conversations.

  • What is the importance of understanding the buyer's perspective in sales?

    -Understanding the buyer's perspective is crucial as it allows salespeople to tailor their outreach and messaging to the specific needs and challenges of the buyer, making the interaction more meaningful and effective.

  • How does the panel suggest following up on out of office messages?

    -The panel suggests using out of office messages as an opportunity to establish a connection, understand when the prospect will be back, and plan a thoughtful follow-up that acknowledges the time off and potentially introduces new relevant topics for discussion.

  • What is the role of direct mail in the prospecting strategies discussed?

    -Direct mail is presented as a powerful tool in prospecting when combined with digital elements. It can provide a tangible and physical element that cuts through the noise and captures the prospect's attention, especially when used in a personalized and strategic manner.



🤝 Introduction and Setting the Stage

The paragraph introduces the participants of a webinar focused on discussing the festive funnel and successful strategies for holiday prospecting. The facilitator emphasizes the importance of personalization in the discussion and introduces the panelists, including Will, co-founder of Lavender and a top sales voice on LinkedIn, Sam, partner manager at Rich Desk, and Chris, a sales evangelist and video content creator. The facilitator also highlights the agenda for the webinar, mentioning that the first 45 minutes will be dedicated to discussing main topics, followed by a 15-minute Q&A session.


📊 The Importance of Personalization in Sales

The panelists discuss the significance of personalization in sales, particularly in the context of holiday prospecting. They emphasize that personalization should not be seen as a checkbox but as a process of having thoughtful conversations with potential clients. The discussion includes the effectiveness of personalization, with statistics showing that personalized messages receive significantly more responses. The panelists also share their insights on how to approach personalization, including understanding the buyer's perspective and using segmentation to make outreach more relevant.


🎥 The Role of Video in Personalized Outreach

The conversation shifts to the use of video in personalized outreach. Panelists discuss the inherent personal touch that video brings to communication and how it can set one apart from standard email outreach. They also touch on the importance of the video thumbnail and how personalizing it can increase engagement. The discussion includes practical tips on creating videos that are tailored to the recipient and the role of video in amplifying personalization efforts.


🔄 The Power of Multi-Threading and Human Touch

The panelists share their experiences and strategies in using multi-threading and adding a human touch to their prospecting efforts. They discuss the effectiveness of combining different channels and approaches, such as direct mail and video, to cut through the noise and capture the prospect's attention. The conversation also highlights the importance of understanding the buyer's situation and tailoring the outreach accordingly, including recognizing the challenges and human factors that may influence their decision-making process.


📈 Trends in Prospecting and Future Outlook

The panelists discuss current trends in prospecting and offer insights into what the future may hold for sales teams. They touch on the underutilization of video in prospecting, the shift towards account-based strategies, and the potential pitfalls of AI-driven personalization. The conversation also includes thoughts on the resurgence of in-person events and their role in building relationships and generating pipeline. The panelists emphasize the importance of adaptability and continuous learning in staying ahead of the curve in sales.


🎭 Navigating Holiday Prospecting Challenges

The discussion focuses on the challenges and opportunities of holiday prospecting. Panelists share their views on how to navigate resistance from prospects during the holiday season and the importance of understanding the buyer's priorities. They also discuss strategies for keeping outreach effective during this time, including the use of personalized messaging and the recognition of the unique context that the holidays bring. The conversation highlights the need to be adaptable and to leverage the holiday season as an opportunity to stand out and build connections.


💌 Leveraging Out of Office Messages

The panelists discuss the potential of leveraging out of office messages in prospecting. They highlight the benefits of using these messages to establish a connection, understand the recipient's availability, and plan follow-up communications. The conversation includes practical tips on how to use out of office messages as an opportunity to show genuine interest and understanding of the recipient's situation, and how to stand out among the numerous automated emails prospects receive.


🎉 Wrapping Up and Final Thoughts

The webinar concludes with a summary of the key points discussed and a thank you note to the attendees. The facilitator acknowledges the efforts of the panelists and the audience for their participation. The panelists share their final thoughts and wish everyone a Merry Christmas. The conversation emphasizes the value of the insights shared and the hope that the attendees will apply these strategies to enhance their sales prospecting efforts.




Personalization refers to the process of tailoring communication or content to an individual's preferences, needs, or characteristics. In the context of the video, it is emphasized as a critical strategy in sales prospecting, where messages are crafted to address the specific challenges or interests of the target audience. For instance, the panelists discuss the effectiveness of personalization in emails and how it can lead to higher response rates and better engagement with potential clients.

💡Sales Prospecting

Sales prospecting is the process of identifying and engaging with potential customers who could benefit from a company's product or service. The video focuses on strategies for effective holiday prospecting, including the use of personalized messaging and understanding the buyer's perspective. It highlights the importance of standing out in a crowded market and the potential to leverage the holiday season for increased engagement.

💡Festive Funnel

The festive funnel is a term that likely refers to the sales and marketing strategies employed during the holiday season, aiming to guide potential customers through the stages of awareness, interest, consideration, and ultimately conversion. It involves creating a seamless and engaging customer journey that takes into account the unique dynamics of the holiday period, such as increased distractions and a potential shift in buyer behavior.

💡Out of Office Messages

Out of office messages are automated responses set up by individuals to inform senders that they are currently unavailable due to vacations, holidays, or other reasons. These messages often include the date when the recipient will return to their work. In sales prospecting, out of office messages can be leveraged to establish a connection, plan follow-up communications, or gather information about the recipient's availability and interests.

💡Direct Mail

Direct mail refers to the practice of sending physical promotional materials, such as postcards, letters, or packages, to potential customers. It is a form of direct marketing that can be used to generate interest, build relationships, and drive sales. In the video, direct mail is discussed as a powerful tool in combination with digital strategies, particularly during the holiday season, to create a tangible and memorable impression on recipients.

💡Video Prospecting

Video prospecting is the use of video content to reach out to and engage with potential customers. This approach leverages the power of video to convey a message more personally and effectively than traditional text-based emails. Video prospecting can involve sending personalized video messages to prospects, which can help to establish a connection, explain complex products, or demonstrate a company's value proposition in a more engaging way.

💡Account-Based Marketing (ABM)

Account-Based Marketing (ABM) is a strategic marketing approach that focuses on targeting and engaging specific high-value accounts or companies, rather than a broad market segment. ABM involves personalized and targeted campaigns designed to address the unique needs and interests of each account, with the goal of establishing a strong relationship and ultimately driving revenue.

💡Sales Funnel

The sales funnel is a visual representation of the customer's journey from initial awareness of a product or service to the final decision to purchase. It typically involves several stages, including prospecting, qualification, handling objections, and closing the sale. The video discusses strategies for optimizing the festive funnel, which is a specific application of the sales funnel during the holiday season.


Multi-threading in the context of sales refers to the strategy of engaging with multiple contacts within a single organization simultaneously. This approach can increase the chances of a successful sale by creating multiple points of contact and building a network of relationships that can support the sales process. It involves coordinating efforts across different team members to maximize the impact of outreach efforts.

💡Holiday Prospecting

Holiday prospecting refers to the practice of reaching out to potential customers during the holiday season. This can be a challenging time for sales as people may be more distracted or less available due to holiday plans. However, it also presents an opportunity to stand out by adding a personal touch or holiday-themed content to outreach efforts, which can lead to increased engagement and potentially more deals.


The importance of personalization in sales outreach, and how it should be thought of as a process rather than a checkbox.

The effectiveness of personalization in emails, with a 133% increase in response rates compared to non-personalized emails.

The concept of 'in season' personalization, and the importance of recognizing human factors and external indicators in the sales process.

The role of segmentation in reaching out to groups with similar challenges and traits, making outreach more relevant.

The balance between personalization and效率, with the 20% to 80% window of efficacy in personalization efforts.

The potential of video prospecting as an inherently personalized method, and how it can be used effectively alongside email.

The importance of relevancy in personalization, and how it can lead to more effective sales outreach.

The pitfalls of attempted personalization, and how it can ruin conversation attempts if not done genuinely.

The benefits of using video in prospecting, such as the ability to convey tonality and personality more effectively than email.

The strategy of 'sharking' at events, and how it can lead to numerous conversations with potential decision-makers.

The trend of account-based marketing and the shift from one-to-one to organization-to-organization outreach strategies.

The potential downsides of AI-written personalization, and how it may lead to patterns that recipients can easily tune out.

The importance of sales reps developing their own skills and becoming thoughtful individuals, rather than relying solely on automation.

The effectiveness of direct mail in prospecting, and how it can be combined with other channels for a multi-faceted approach.

The value of understanding and acknowledging the holiday season in outreach, and how it can be used to brighten up a prospect's day.