Full Masterclass: How To Create Amazing Presentations For School, Business, and Client Decks 💥

10 Apr 202422:37

TLDRThis masterclass video script focuses on creating impressive presentations for various contexts like school, business, and client decks. It emphasizes the importance of understanding the aspect ratio, typically 16:9, and suggests using higher resolutions like 4K for clarity. The transcript outlines key design principles, including visually representing points with images or data, drawing attention with color and size, and ensuring clarity and legibility through contrast, size, and readable fonts. It also recommends using minimal elements per slide to avoid clutter and suggests using consistent elements throughout the presentation for structure. The script provides tips on background color choices, using branded colors, and adding impact with contrasting slide colors. It concludes with the advice to always end presentations with a thank you slide, maintaining professionalism and clarity in presentation design.


  • 📐 **Aspect Ratio Importance**: Knowing the aspect ratio (commonly 16:9) is crucial for presentations to fit various screens without distortion.
  • 📈 **Resolution Matters**: Start with a high resolution like 3840x2160 (4K) for clarity, even if you settle for 1920x1080.
  • 🎨 **Visual Representation**: Use images or data (charts, graphs) to convey points visually and effectively.
  • 👀 **Attention Focus**: Direct the audience's attention with color or size to emphasize the main points.
  • 🔍 **Clarity and Legibility**: Ensure text and elements are clear and legible through contrast, size, and readable fonts.
  • 📝 **Minimalism in Design**: Use fewer elements per slide to avoid clutter and maintain a clean presentation.
  • 🕹 **Consistent Elements**: Maintain consistency with elements like logos or text blocks in the same position throughout the presentation.
  • 🖌 **Font Selection**: Choose clean, legible fonts like Raleway, Aro, Brickled Grotesque, Fama, and Cal Sans for professional look.
  • 🌈 **Color Contrast**: Use contrasting colors for text and background to ensure readability, and consider softer shades of black and white.
  • 📉 **Data Visualization**: Align data visuals like graphs with other elements for a clean, intentional look.
  • 🔲 **Structural Impact**: Use background color changes and consistent margins to add structure and impact to different sections.
  • 📖 **End with a Thank You**: Conclude presentations with a thank you slide to signal the end professionally.

Q & A

  • What is the standard aspect ratio for presentations?

    -The standard aspect ratio for presentations is 16:9, which is common for laptop screens, TV screens, and boardroom meeting screens.

  • What are the two common resolutions mentioned for presentations?

    -The two common resolutions mentioned are 1920 x 1080, which is suitable for smaller screens like phones and laptops, and 3840 x 2160, also known as 4K resolution, which is higher resolution and suitable for larger screens like big TV screens.

  • How can you visually represent points in a presentation?

    -You can visually represent points in a presentation by using images or data such as charts and graphs to convey your message.

  • What are two ways to draw attention to the main focus of a slide?

    -Two ways to draw attention to the main focus of a slide are by using color contrast or varying the size of elements on the slide.

  • Why is it recommended to use as few elements as possible on each slide?

    -Using as few elements as possible on each slide helps to keep the presentation clean and less cluttered, which in turn makes it clearer and more legible for the viewer.

  • What are some legible fonts recommended for presentation design?

    -Some legible fonts recommended for presentation design include Raleway, Aro, Brickled Grotesque, Fama, and Cal Sans.

  • How can you ensure a consistent look and feel throughout your presentation?

    -You can ensure a consistent look and feel by using the same fonts, colors, and layout elements in the same positions throughout the entire presentation.

  • What is the recommended approach for using images in a presentation?

    -When using images, it's strategic to align them with other elements on the slide, such as corner elements or titles, to maintain a clean and intentional look. Using masks to fit the image into a specific shape can also enhance the presentation's design.

  • Why is it important to have an 'End' slide in a presentation?

    -An 'End' slide is important as it signals the conclusion of the presentation, preventing the audience from being left on a data slide which might look unprofessional or confusing.

  • How can you add impact and draw attention to different sections of your presentation?

    -You can add impact and draw attention to different sections by alternating background colors between title slides and content slides, such as having a white background with black text for the title slide and a black background with white text for the content slides.

  • What are some tips for using colors in a presentation?

    -Use colors with good contrast to ensure legibility. If using branded colors, choose text colors that provide high contrast against the background. For a black and white presentation, consider using off-black and off-white shades for a softer look.

  • How can you maintain clarity and structure in a presentation?

    -Maintain clarity and structure by using consistent elements throughout the presentation, such as logos, page numbers, and corner elements, and by aligning different parts of the slide with a grid system.



📈 Presentation Fundamentals and Aspect Ratios

The first paragraph emphasizes the importance of understanding presentation fundamentals and aspect ratios. It discusses the standard 16:9 aspect ratio for presentations and the option to use 1920 x 1080 or 3840 x 2160 resolutions for higher quality. The paragraph also touches on the use of visual elements like images and data, drawing attention with color and size, and ensuring clarity and legibility through contrast and font choice.


🎨 Designing for Clarity and Legibility

The second paragraph focuses on the design aspects of presentations to ensure clarity and legibility. It suggests using minimal elements per slide to avoid clutter and recommends prioritizing longer, cleaner presentations over short, congested ones. The paragraph also provides font recommendations for legibility, such as Raleway, Aro, Brickled Grotesque, Fama, and Cal Sans, and discusses the use of color variations for text and background to maintain contrast and readability.


📚 Consistent Elements and Structural Impact

The third paragraph highlights the value of having consistent elements throughout a presentation for structure and impact. It describes the use of corner elements, background colors, and margins to create a professional look. The paragraph also explains the benefit of alternating slide backgrounds between title slides and section slides to delineate sections clearly and maintain viewer engagement.


🔄 Repetitive Slide Layouts for Cohesion

The fourth paragraph details the process of creating repetitive slide layouts for a cohesive presentation. It suggests setting up a main title slide and then duplicating and modifying it for different sections. The paragraph also covers the strategic placement of elements, such as text and images, to align with the overall design and maintain a professional appearance.


📘 Finalizing with an End Slide

The fifth and final paragraph stresses the importance of ending a presentation professionally with a thank you slide. It describes how to maintain consistency with the four corner elements and page numbers throughout the presentation. The paragraph also advises on the intentional design of slides, using lines and grids for alignment, and concludes with a call to action for viewers to like, comment, and subscribe.



💡Aspect Ratio

Aspect ratio is the proportional relationship between the width and the height of an image or screen. In the context of the video, it is crucial for ensuring that the presentation fits well on various screens without distortion. The video emphasizes 16:9 as the standard aspect ratio for presentations, which is widely compatible with most screens like laptops, TVs, and projectors.


Resolution refers to the number of pixels that make up an image or a screen. The video discusses the importance of higher resolution, such as 4K (3840 x 2160), for presentations to maintain clarity and quality when displayed on large or high-resolution screens. It is an essential aspect to consider for professional and visually appealing presentations.

💡Visual Representation

Visual representation is the use of images, charts, or graphs to convey information or points within a presentation. According to the video, it is a fundamental way to make a presentation more engaging and to help the audience understand complex data or concepts more easily. It is used to emphasize the main points and to break down information in a digestible format.

💡Color and Size

Color and size are two primary design elements used to draw attention and highlight the main focus of a presentation slide. The video suggests using contrasting colors or varying the size of text and elements to guide the viewer's eye to the most important parts of the presentation. These tools help in creating a visual hierarchy and enhancing the overall impact of the presentation.


Legibility is the quality of being easily readable or understandable. In the context of the video, legibility is achieved through the use of high-contrast colors, appropriate sizing of text and elements, and clear, readable fonts. The video stresses the importance of ensuring that all parts of the presentation can be easily read by the audience, regardless of the viewing distance or screen resolution.


Fonts are the different styles of typefaces used in a presentation. The video recommends using clean, legible fonts like Raleway, Aro, Brickled Grotesque, Fama Grotesque, and Cal Sans for presentations. These fonts are chosen for their readability and aesthetic appeal, which contribute to a professional and polished look. The choice of font can significantly affect the presentation's overall clarity and visual appeal.

💡Minimalist Design

Minimalist design is a design approach that emphasizes simplicity and functionality, often using a limited color palette and clean lines. The video mentions a current trend towards a minimalist, utilitarian vibe in presentation design, which is characterized by the use of black and white, web fonts, and a UI/UX feel. This style is appreciated for its clarity and legibility, making it suitable for presentations.

💡Consistent Elements

Consistent elements are design components that remain the same throughout a presentation to provide structure and a sense of continuity. The video discusses the importance of having elements like logos, text blocks, or shapes in the same position on every slide to create a cohesive look. This consistency helps the audience to follow the presentation more easily and gives it a professional appearance.


Contrast in a presentation refers to the difference in colors, shades, or tones that make certain elements stand out against others. The video explains that using high-contrast colors can enhance the legibility of text and make certain parts of the presentation more noticeable. It is a key principle in ensuring that the presentation is visually accessible and engaging.

💡Page Numbers

Page numbers are used to indicate the sequence and progression of slides within a presentation. While not always necessary, the video suggests including page numbers as a nice feature that can help the audience keep track of the presentation's flow. It adds a layer of organization and can be a useful reference point during the presentation.

💡Title Slide

The title slide is the introductory slide of a presentation that typically includes the presentation's title, the presenter's name, and sometimes the institution or company. The video emphasizes the importance of the title slide in setting the tone for the presentation and recommends using it in conjunction with consistent design elements and a clear, high-impact layout to make a strong first impression.


Understanding the aspect ratio of a presentation is crucial, with 16:9 being the standard.

For high-resolution presentations, consider using 3840 x 2160, also known as 4K resolution.

Visually representing points through images or data like charts and graphs can effectively convey information.

Use color or size to draw attention to the main focus of a presentation slide.

Ensure clarity and legibility by using contrasting colors, appropriate sizing, and readable fonts.

Minimize elements on each slide to avoid clutter and maintain clarity.

Fonts like Raleway, Aro, Brickled Grotesque, Fama, and Cal Sans are recommended for their legibility and clean look.

For a minimalist and utilitarian vibe, use a UI/UX design approach with clean lines and simple colors.

Consistent elements throughout the presentation, such as logos or text blocks, provide structure and a sense of continuity.

Use margins to create a safe and inviting look, avoiding unintentional or messy appearances.

Contrast is key when choosing colors for text and background to ensure legibility.

Incorporate consistent background colors with contrasting text for different sections to add impact.

Use title slides and section slides with a consistent design to maintain a professional look.

Strategic alignment of elements, such as text and images, on a grid can enhance the presentation's intentionality.

Adding lines or vector elements can connect points and percentages on charts for a more coherent look.

End presentations with a thank you slide to signal the conclusion professionally.

Use a style that fits the content and audience while applying these principles for effective presentations.