I Flew To Watch The Worlds WORST Football Team WIN!
TLDRاليوم نسافر لمشاهدة تاريخ كرة القدم، سن مارينو هي المنتخب الناional الأسوأ في العالم، يحتوي على ترتيب 210 في ترتيب FIFA للاعبين الرجال، في أسفل الترتيبات. بعد 296 مباراة، تسجل 196 نقصان، تعادلات 9 وفوز واحد، ولكن قد يتغير هذا اليوم. سن مارينو تواجه المنتخب الـ147 في العالم، ساينت كيتس ونيفيس، في مباراة تجريبية. قد تكون هذه المباراة تاريخية، وسنرى إذا كان يمكن أن تحصل على ثاني فوز في تاريخهم. تشير إلى أن المنتخب الوطني لسن مارينو يلعب ضد فرق أوروبا باستمرار، مما يفسر الأداء السلبي. الفوز الوحيد الآخر لسن مارينو كان في عام 2004 ضد لينشتاين بنتيجة 1-0. يحتوي النص على تجربات السفر والإقامة في فندق، واستكشاف المكان، وتناول الطعام، وتبادل المحادثات مع اللاعبين والمدربين. يُشير إلى أن المنتخب الوطني لسن مارينو يتكون في الغالب من ممارسين وبعض المحترفين، ويقدم النص معلومات حول اللاعبين واللاعبين الملهمين مثل رومان ساويرز. يُشير إلى أن الجمهور الأوروبي يدعم فظيعًا المنتخب الوطني لسن مارينو، ويُشير إلى الحماس والأمل في الفوز. ومع ذلك، النتيجة النهائية لم تتحقق، ولم يحقق المنتخب الفوز، ولكن الجمهور يظل متحمسًا و撑持 الفريق. يُشير إلى أن الرياضة تجمع الناس معًا، ويُشير إلى أهمية الرياضة بغض النظر عما إذا كانت النتائج الإيجابية أم سلبية.
- 🏃♂️ **역사적인 경기**: San Marino, FIFA 순위 210위의 국가 대표팀이 296경기 중 196패, 9무, 1승의 기록을 가지고 있으며, 이번 경기에서 역사적인 변천을 맞이할 수 있다는 기대를 가지고 있다.
- 🌍 **국가 소개**: San Marino는 세계에서 가장 작은 국가 중 하나로, 인구는 33,000명이며 주로 아마추어로 구성되어 있다.
- 🤝 **우정의 경기**: San Marino와 St. Kits와 NIS의 경기는 우정적인 대결로, San Marino가 승리를 거둘 수 있는 기회로 여겨졌다.
- 🏟️ **관중의 열정**: 관중들은 San Marino의 승리를 응원하며, 이들의 지지와 격려로 인해 경기는 더욱 흥미진진해졌다.
- 🇸🇲 **San Marino의 역사**: San Marino는 유럽에서 가장 오랫동안 경기에서 승리하지 못한 기록을 가지고 있으며, 이전의 유일한 승리는 2004년에 녹스테인에 대한 1-0 승리였다.
- 🧍♂️ **주요 선수**: Nicola Nani, San Marino의 주요 공격수로 프로페셔널리그에서 뛰고 있다.
- 👕 **의상의 의미**: 스크립트에서 언급된 San Marino의 유니폼은 팀의 정신과 역사를 상징하며, 이들의 역사적인 순간을 기록한 의상으로 소개되었다.
- 🎢 **관광 명소**: San Marino의 대표 관광지 중 하나는 케이블카로, 이를 타고 아름다운 전망을 즐길 수 있다.
- 🍽️ **음식과 문화**: 이탈리아식 음식이 유명한 이곳에서, 스크립트는 맛있는 식사를 즐기는 장면을 통해 지역 문화를 소개한다.
- 🏨 **여행의苦乐**: 호텔에서의 숙박 경험과 여행 중의 어려움, 그리고 그들을 극복하는 과정이 스크립트에 담겨있다.
- 🤝 **팀 간의 만남**: San Marino 코치와의 만남은 팀 간의 친근감과 우정을 보여준다.
- 📈 **기록적인 순간**: San Marino가 연속으로 4경기에서 골을 넣는 등 역대적인 성적을 기록하고 있다는 사실이 언급되었다.
Q & A
الفريق الوطني للفوطبول في سان مارينو مصنف في مرتبة ما?
-الفريق الوطني للفوطبول في سان مارينو مصنف في المرتبة 210 في ترتيب FIFA للرجال.
كم عدد الخسائر التي تكبها سان مارينو في تاريخها؟
-تكبت سان مارينو 196 نقصًا في تاريخها.
متى كانت الفوز الوحيدة لفريق سان مارينو؟
-الفوز الوحيد لفريق سان مارينو كان في عام 2004 ضد لينشتاين عندما فازوا بنتيجة 1-0.
ما هي النسبة الإجمالية للفريق الوطني لسان مارينو في مباراته الودية؟
-الفريق الوطني لسان مارينو لديه نسبة 1 فوز فقط في 296 مباراة.
لماذا يلعب الفرق الأوروبية بدرجة عالية ضد سان مارينو؟
-SAN مارينو يلعب الفرق الأوروبية بدرجة عالية لأنهم يقع في أوروبا ويواجهون الفرق الأوروبية بشكل متكرر في مباراته.
ما هي الحدث التاريخية الذي يمكن أن يشهده الجمهور في المباراة الودية بين سان مارينو و ست. كيتس و NIS؟
-الحدث التاريخية الذي يمكن أن يشهده الجمهور هو إذا فاز سان مارينو في المباراة، مما سيكون ثاني فوزًا في تاريخ الفريق.
ما هي النسبة السكانية لسان مارينو؟
-النسبة السكانية لسان مارينو تبلغ 33,000 نسمة.
ما هي الترتيب الحالي لفريق سان مارينو في FIFA men's world rankings؟
-الترتيب الحالي لفريق سان مارينو في FIFA men's world rankings هو 210.
ما هي النتيجة النهائية للمباراة بين سان مارينو و ست. كيتس و NIS؟
-النتيجة النهائية لمباراة سان مارينو و ست. كيتس و NIS كانت 3-1 في فavour من ست. كيتس و NIS.
هل تمكن سان مارينو من تسجيل هدف في المباراة؟
-نعم، تمكنت سان مارينو من تسجيل هدف في المباراة، مما سجل تاريخًا جديدًا للفريق.
لماذا يعتبر الجمهور الأوروبي الحضور إلى المباراة مهمًا؟
-يعتبر الجمهور الأوروبي الحضور إلى المباراة مهمًا لأنهم يأتون من جميع أنحاء أوروبا لدعم الفرق الأقل شهرة وتحدي الفرصة لرؤية فريق مثل سان مارينو يحقق نجاحا.
ماذا يشير العبارة "We're on the road to 400,000 subscribers" إلى؟
-يشير العبارة إلى أن القناة تسير في طريقها لجمع 400,000 مشتركًا على الأقل.
😀 Football History in the Making: San Marino's Challenge
The video begins with the anticipation of witnessing a potential historic moment in football as San Marino, ranked 210th in FIFA men's world rankings, is set to play against St. Kits and NIS, ranked 147th. Despite a history of 296 games with only one win, there's a sense of hope that San Marino could secure their second win ever. The narrator discusses the team's reputation and the challenges they face due to playing against stronger European teams. The video also captures the arrival in San Marino, the hotel experience, and the anticipation of a historic win.
🏨 Exploring San Marino and Preparing for the Big Game
The second paragraph details the narrator's exploration of San Marino, a microstate with a cable car as its main tourist attraction. There's a palpable sense of excitement and hope in the air as the narrator and Ed prepare for the match. They discuss the local cuisine, the possibility of meeting the San Marino squad for a pre-match meal, and the excitement of wearing a special shirt from a previous match. The paragraph also touches on the potential significance of the game and the desire to witness a historic win for San Marino.
🤔 San Marino's Football Struggles and the Upcoming Match
This paragraph delves into the reasons behind San Marino's poor performance in football, including their small population and the fact that many of their players are amateurs. The video discusses the team's recent change in management and their unexpected performance against Denmark. It also highlights the importance of Nicola Nani, a professional player for San Marino, who could make a difference in the match. The narrator expresses excitement about the possibility of witnessing football history and the unique experience of being a San Marino supporter.
🎉 The Atmosphere and Pre-Game Rituals
The video script describes the pre-game atmosphere at San Marino's National Stadium, with the narrator expressing genuine excitement about the match. It details the efforts to connect with the British San Marino fan group, Submarina, and the purchase of a scarf to show support. The narrator also interviews a fan who has never seen San Marino win but enjoys the camaraderie and joy of supporting the team. The anticipation of a historic win is contrasted with the acceptance that the team might not win, but the experience of being there is still valuable.
⚽ The Game Unfolds: Hopes and Disappointments
The fifth paragraph captures the live action of the football match, with the narrator expressing a range of emotions from excitement to disappointment. San Marino takes the lead, marking a historic moment as they don't often lead in games. However, the lead doesn't last, and the narrator reacts to the subsequent goals scored by St. Kits and NIS. Despite the setbacks, the narrator notes that San Marino has already made history by scoring in four consecutive games, a first in their history.
📸 Post-Game Reflections and Future Hopes
The final paragraph reflects on the game's outcome, with San Marino not achieving a win but still managing to score multiple goals. The narrator expresses a mix of disappointment and admiration for the team's effort. There's a moment of levity as the narrator suggests that if San Marino were to score three times, it would lead to an annual trip to watch them play. The video ends on a positive note, with the narrator asking viewers to subscribe for more football and away days content, and a farewell as they prepare to leave San Marino.
💡سان مارينو
💡ترتيبات FIFA
💡مباراة الأصدقاء
💡اللاعبين المحترفون
💡الأحداث التاريخية
💡الأداء الأفضل
San Marino, ranked 210th in FIFA men's world rankings, is set to play a friendly match against St. Kits and NIS, a team ranked 147th.
San Marino has a historical record of 196 losses, nine draws, and only one win, with their sole victory coming in 2004 against Estonia.
The match against St. Kits and NIS is seen as a potential opportunity for San Marino to secure another win, possibly making football history.
Despite their low ranking, San Marino is often perceived as not being as bad as their record suggests, due to frequently playing against stronger European teams.
The narrator and his companion, Ed, arrive in San Marino with high hopes of witnessing a historic win for the national football team.
The San Marino national team mainly consists of amateur players, with a few professionals, unlike their opponents.
Nicola Nani, a striker playing in series C, is highlighted as a key player for San Marino with the potential to make a significant impact on the game.
The narrator and Ed explore San Marino, discussing the country's size and the fact that many talented players from San Marino often end up playing for Italy.
The San Marino national stadium is described, setting the scene for the anticipated match and the country's passionate, albeit small, football fan base.
The narrator expresses excitement and anticipation, hoping to witness a historic win that would break San Marino's long-standing losing streak.
The San Marino supporters group, Submarina, is introduced, founded after their only win, and their dedication to supporting the team is highlighted.
The match begins with a fervent atmosphere, and the San Marino team takes an early lead, marking an unprecedented moment in their football history.
Despite the excitement of leading, San Marino ultimately concedes two goals, and the match ends in disappointment for the home team and their fans.
The narrator reflects on the experience, acknowledging the emotional investment of the fans and the rarity of San Marino taking the lead in a match.
A discussion with San Marino fans reveals their unwavering support and the joy they find in supporting their team, despite the lack of victories.
The video concludes with the narrator and Ed expressing their admiration for the San Marino team and fans, regardless of the match outcome.
today we're traveling to witness
football history San Marino the world's
worst national football team ranked
210th in the FIFA men's world rankings
bottom of the rankings 296 games played
in their history 196 losses nine draws
one win but today that
changes maybe yes today we're back here
in the micro nation as San Marino are
taking on 147th ranked in the world St
kits and NIS in a friendly which you
will being honest is sort of a
manufactur for them to win oh they've
done this a couple of times now they've
had manufactured friendlies and haven't
won them so hopefully this one's
different obviously San Marino are
bottom of the rankings however it's
often said that San Marino aren't as bad
as everyone makes out and only performs
so badly because they play European
teams all the time so this friendly
could potentially be historic and see
them pick up their seven ever winning
history key use of the word potentially
there there only other win came back in
2004 against lonstein when they won 1
nil are we about to witness football
history are we about to see the Minos
rides from the ashes are we about to see
football Heritage welcome to San Marino
and welcome to to away
days we've arrived at our hotel starting
banging San Marino Ed right I don't know
where this is going to rank in the way
Hotel rankings H let's find out yeah I'm
S no one no one talks about this bloody
place it's all just Hills yeah it's just
a big hill I'm so out of breath I'm
sweating like a pig sit
down we me the name please oh yes Ellis
PL we're here for the football they play
St kits in N tomorrow they could win
which is amazing they never win
I don't think so but yeah room
303 hello oh they've given us a double
bed Ed that's so annoying we have to go
and ask to change no we don't I don't
want a double bed what's WR with that I
just don't want to D this too
stuffy that is
ridiculous He Lovely isn't it that
built 2014 yeah bet this sort of the
architecture of the time sort of looks
like it would fit quite nice on a new
Builder state in England m
right if
we do we go for
it you go
first is someone up there
just what's that all
about so obviously there's not really we
are here a day before there's not really
that much to do in San Marino cuz it's a
little micro State micro state in a
micro State more of a macro State
probably there's a cable car probably do
that tomorrow yeah and try and fill the
rest of the day somehow we going to get
nice food I want to be fat by the end of
the trip that be nice yeah really nice
view isn't it it's amazing I think it's
one of the places where think everyone
should come here
once not twice yeah that's a second time
that's too much is that that's the real
yeah that's that's the the
real oh my God obviously the entire
point of this trip this time is to just
see Sam Runa win if anyone wants to see
us traveling to San Marino we did this
almost a year to the day we came to
watch San Marino take on Northern Island
which was a really fun experience we we
documented how to get here and
everything like that so you want to see
that video check that one out this one
is we're purely back we're starting in
San Marino cuz we're here to see history
you don't need to see us traveling we've
already done that it was actually me and
Ed I think you can see what we look like
the year so you know a sort of Hope in
my eyes a year ago how quickly that can
Ed is inside there um getting game ready
I already have my shirt for tomorrow and
it's a surprise I'll surprise you all
with it I think you're all going to be
really intrigued by the shirt I've
bought along for this but Ed is now
officially G ready $15 is this oh
yes there he is medium oh you think I'm
slightly Slimmer you thank you very much
I'm almost K the thing with sarino is
it's quite Lawless in terms of like if
you come as a place like just you can
buy pistols you that pistols yes knives
you just buy fake clothes everywhere
there is some alcohol here which I don't
know if we can even show in the video
but we're going to go and try and find
it cuz it's so
mental it's pretty hot yeah it's that
just just I don't want to see that I
want to just drink the alcohol what it's
that is mental what is that all about
two things I like
boob and booze that's awful hi mate
sorry are you with the St kits national
team yes sir good luck for tomorrow's
game thank you man we're watching we're
going to the game yeah you'll be do the
stands we're do the stands yeah you're
going to watch yourself
lose you part of the uh management team
or something yeah I'm the coach oh
you're the coach oh you're the coach
some amazing players like Romain Sawyers
really good this is what I love about
like last year we came we met the sarino
team we just made the St kits coach it's
just so small this place bump into I was
going to throw in a rol I hope you lose
but I can't you can't do that can you
on there's the second kits team uh ready
for tomorrow's game exciting that isn't
it it's good nice to see it so shout
down good luck
yeah no it's a bit awkward I do that
yeah a bit awkward now I've made it
really weird hav't I good luck for
tomorrow good luck good
luck see there we go you've walked away
out of cringe haven't you did you
yeah God I hope you lose tomorrow if not
I've Wast a lot of time energy and money
behind this lovely group of men and also
some really good footballers in that
Squad irrelevant to me just please lose
me and Ed came to a restaurant and Ed
just presented a really good theory turn
the camera to the left the
right look at the table laid out Ed
thinks it could be the squad coming for
a pre-match meal M makes sense ja get in
some footb Federation walking past
somewhere from it we should just find a
way to stay as long as possible to find
out drinks desserts half you've ordered
four tius you're not eaten any of them
here we go then look at that a nice
incredible steak meal for me it does
look amazing and 's gone for two meals a
Caesar salad and a
peena lovely it's and Portugal are my
favorite countries in Europe I know
we're in San Marino but just a
Cuisine so so good any Italian women
watching this or Spanish or French any
women yeah just women in
general day one of sarino done Ed
brought a scarf of him that he purchased
the last time we were here there it is
first time worn it since feel it Stoke
it Yeahs good see you in the
morning good
spread very good
spread I thought for the game I'd wear
something very special not many people
in that Stadium today able to say
they're wearing a match sarino shirt
from Luna day got this when I was the
Slovenian mascot those of you that saw
that video at full time we went in there
and just said can I the Slovenian
players didn't want any of the sarin
shirt so I was like can I just have your
shirt and he's like yeah so I got this
got a match one shirt look at the the
detail will be overlay it be overlaid on
screen the detail will be yeah we still
got the match wall Mark haven't washed
it since wearing it so we're going to go
out and explore San Marino have a little
look around talk to about some more
facts about San Marino for those of you
who aren't aware as to how massive today
can be but it feels different in the air
doesn't it smells like smells like hope
there's hope in the air come on for a
titani or Titan probably titani Titan
what about breakfasted Tiffany and she
said that was really bad terrible yeah I
see in a bit I am genuinely so excited
for today they've played over 200
matches in their history we actually can
witness the second ever win big it is
Big potential is massive for a big game
here today it's going to run no nil yeah
but I mean this place is just class
it if anyone who needs any more context
as to the size of sarino as a place we
are at the main tourist attraction for
the entire country is a little cable car
that can take you up cuz it's going to
be a beautiful view no one's here no
one's in the queue for it and also I I
need to a minut I'm terrified of the pH
going the cable car oh yeah we got to go
down and up it's not like we're just
going one way we're safe yeah if
anything I'm more scared about going
up oh my Christ oh my Christ not a fan
of that at
mov I don't it's No Nonsense this is
it way down wasn't actually that bad
very quick very quick but the way up is
what I'm scared about we'll do the way
up and then we'll get some lunch and
then we'll head to the ground and we'll
talk about more in detail why this is
for anyone who is new here we'll provide
some context as to why they are so
terrible we're off back
up quick it B I mean old to get it over
and done with but guess I've spent 44 on
this once again I do often say what
other football channel gives you this
weird the most of them are bigger than
users also I like how they put steps
there of anyone no one's taking the
steps up let's not be DED probably oh
God we have the side keep bring the side
keep bringing the side cheers cheers to
a win fingers crossed tasty oh that is
Proby lovely Ed just notic in the
distance the Sam Runo Squad have been
spoted go on go Jo the go on should get
a photo with the squad again Ed going to
be so intrigued and confused as to why
in Earth I'm wearing a match one shirt
of this that's my top you're wearing I
gave that to the Slovenian mascot what
happened there off and say hello to them
weird them out so give us two
secs thank you so much good luck thank
you so cheeky little cheesecake heru I
find it really interesting that samuna
Squad must be so baffled as to what they
were saying the players name had in the
back they must be like yes how has he
got that yeah eat these then we'll head
to the ground there's got to be a better
way to adverage your Museum hasn't there
there's got to be adol and the pope
together at last why are you talking
about them like a strike
force he knocks it who's who's um
crouching who's the pH we're not doing
that Jesus Christ Alfie just zoom in on
that in the
distance that's Winston Churchill to the
game Y how you feeling I'm excited I
actually I really can't wait for this
cuz this is a big there a big
opportunity I just think it's it would
be so us for it to
go how everyone's expecting it to go but
you never know 1% chance 99% faith I
love that that's not the saying is
it we've arrived at San Marino's
National Stadium so I think it's time to
gave you some context as why San Marino
is so objectively terrible at football
they're the world's fifth smallest
country with a population of 33,000
they're currently actually in their best
ever form they've scored in the last
three football matches and if they score
again today it' be their fourth and a
row which is also better in their record
again however they did just change their
manager which doesn't really make much
sense as they were in F City a Purple
Patch they were level against Denmark
yes Euro 2020 semi-finalist Denmark will
level against San Marino late in the
game at 1-1 their team consists of
mainly amateurs there is a couple of
Pros who play for them historically they
had bonini who is their best ever player
and currently their main man is a
striker called Nicola Nani who plays in
series C who's a professional actually
plays at least above amateur football
for San Marino which is really cool and
he is the man who if anyone's going to
make a difference today is him because
they're micronation inside of Italy
whenever a sames player comes through
could Fally be any good they just end up
playing for Italy it doesn't happen very
often but if anyone was to be like
incredibly high potential wise they
theoretically play for Italy as well so
you'd obviously do that and finally like
I said the shot and wear is match one
doesn't really matter too much there's
also some people we're going to catch up
with later in the day that are going to
provide more context about what it's
actually like to be a samurai supporter
which is really exciting we we actually
could what witness football history on
this channel for once for once we could
I'm so excited ouris is so miserable
just buzzing tell you what it is good to
be back Ed good to be back the world's
worst oh they're just not the world's
wor I mean they are they are my problem
with this is um we've been talking off
camera if San Marino win today does sort
of the fun around them go away a bit
there might be that's that's a risk this
is you know it's a good news bad news
situation it's like maybe that's why
they don't win they're like oh we don't
we want the attention good point now we
so I'm joined by Mark and Paul two
people who know a lot about football
like a niche football as well from the
sweeper podcast you can check out in the
description an amazing podcast can you
give us some context as to why Sam
Marino is so terrible and um what to
expect today a bit close to the Press
office for that move we move just for
that quote yeah what is the situation
and why is it so Bleak summar on a world
record winless run so it's 20 years
since they last one it's 136 matches
some people say it's 137 probably quite
bad they lost count like my day in life
world record winless run but if you
watch their last few games they've been
scoring goals suddenly so I think there
is like a degree of Hope most s R's team
are sort of third tier fourth tier
players but it's very difficult to know
what some kits are going to bring to it
because they again have some quite
decent players but we were trying to
work out over here what their mentality
would be because you probably don't want
to be sort of historic defeat um yeah
but on the other hand it might just be
quite a nice sort of Jolly for them I
feel samino might want it a bit more
because of this whole ending 13
it's a classic case if not now when
except the answer might be at the
weekend of course yeah so second game
now this this is the elephant in the
room right that there's a second game
between the two teams taking place in
what four days time we haven't addressed
this in the video yet but yeah it is
basically they play twice in 4 days and
me and Ed are not here for the second
game so this it's all enough and you're
in the same position we might win this
history tonight or we might miss history
by four days tonight yeah yeah and in a
way day's fashion I can already tell you
what's going to happen we're going to
witness his we're going to miss history
by four days but that is fine terrible
draw and then they'll learn lessons from
this game and play brilliantly the
weekend is that fish on there is it fish
on there you
reckon OB and meat thought ordered pasta
little bit different yeah oh well Ed you
look like a character from a video game
what's wrong with
that you look so
intriguing little side quest that's I am
should we get inside the stadium and
watch History should a football going
let's do it we're in the round we are in
Samar National Stadium I am so genuinely
this is the most excited in run away day
for so long come on come almost a year
to the day we were here yeah crazy what
could happen in a year um but we're back
and it's going to be unbelievable I want
them to go one up anything after 1 nil
is crazy St kits like remain Sawyers
from Cardiff play St kits and we're
going to actually try and get in with
the briti who like a s Marino fan group
who started were actually founded after
their only ever win so the F group
Submarina that follow them for every
game I've never seen Samara win either
I'm going to try and speak to before the
game see what it's like I'm going to buy
scarf come on let's go come on come on
here we
are here we
are we have both accepted s Marino
aren't winning this and my service level
point is remain Sawyer's place for these
St K NIS he's not going to want to get
baned at cardi training next week that
is literally my that is the entire point
he is not going to want to be
that there they are our Lads the history
makers hopefully to warm up do there is
an hour till kickoff feels too early to
be doing that please it is mental by the
way how many people here are just
British who have traveled over to see
San Marino play most of the people here
everyone we've spoken to has been
British St kit and Ne are the favorites
I know the the with book makers samarino
are never the favorites but are the
favorites for this one but St kits just
obviously they have a better team they
are warming up in their kit which is
interesting to me samaro at least have
training tops so there's that we have
found the the S supporters group who
have bought a s kits and never flag with
them as well to show support because
they haven't got any supporters with
them which is amazing hello would you
like to introduce yourself what is your
name and why do you come to San Marino
games oh my name is Danielle I'm 41
years old and I'm Italian not Samarian
but like the most part of our group are
Italians and uh we are the the
partically the official group of
supporting of uh national team of San
Marino and you you've never seen San
Marino win a game uh no in my life not
because San Marino won the only match in
2004 with Lin and this time I didn't
follow the sarino so what has been your
best memory supporting sarino your best
memory oh I we must to make some
difference uh the sport uh joy and the
joy of the life because every every
match is a joy because like you can see
there are people from all the Europe who
have came with us make supporting I
think the best moment was the the goal
of golucci with Denmark yes because it
started this good uh the good good
situation of three matches with one goal
if if you win today how would you
celebrate uh second question
I I don't know because I want I don't
want to be responsible of what I will do
because I'm a f I'm a father of family
so it's better I don't expl don't tell
my my
ideas it's amazing how this sport brings
these people together everyone is here
with the same USP of trying to see this
team of underdogs this team of people
who are so noly terrible at football win
a game of football these people are all
here from all around Europe some from
Belgium some from Italy some from
England some from all around the world
here to watch the same team play and I
love this sport so
much hello Tim Tim is also making a
video of this game
maybe check out Tim's Channel it is
exceptional for sort of like we do Niche
football you do just Niche
travel nich nich so check out Jim's
Channel link
below can you hear the S kit sing no no
is that all you take away is that all
you take away I say to Ed Nervous Game I
just like this like we're with the briti
the San Marino fan group like I it was
off little come
on come on San Marino history it's time
for history this is it come on there're
in the distance up there is where we are
we were today the very distance at the
top there see lights at the top of that
castle that's where we were today and
now we're all the way down here to see
this come
here we go here we go come on atmosphere
mental come
on come
on there's a Thro in come on we're
celebrating a Thro
n on
fire Nan's on fire the defenses are P by
Nan on
fire oh oh oh hang on a minute hang on a
minute no way what's it dropping what's
dropping was like there no it looks was
nowhere near
oh that is definitely a foul by the
way that is a massive chance all over
like a rash it is a massive chance we're
11 minutes in still no no they just
managed to overthrow on that side they
overlap yeah surely surely you're in
just bang it penalty penalty
no this the thing I don't think St kety
used to play in a cauldron like this
they're not they're really not good
delivery just get a good delivery and
get a
good penalty
yeah it's a penalty it's a penalty he's
get a penalty it's a penalty it's a
penalty s Marino a to S Marino come on
it's definitely a pen
come we haven't scored it yet oh my
goodness oh my goodness I don't remember
I don't know the last time s Rono led a
game of football actually so on please
yeah come
so come on Soo need a game of
unbelievable The
Impossible is on he on S fan account has
tweeted barard you sexy son of a be each
we scored four goals in four games and
already made history once again a
scoreboard in the distance for the first
time in a very very long time so s
Marino W another team nil we this is
happening by the way it is all s Marino
this is happening big time Big Big
Time me and Ed have just start Ed just
started o Sam Marino officially Olay a
football team it's happening it's
actually something good is happening on
days oh no for God's sake that felt
inevitable as well although as how good
it was going as well us as well did he
one of the
like oh that's annoying one of them got
and picked the ball up which feels a bit
of an
insult oh God thinking hindsight you
probably shouldn't have started your a
yeah their manager looks like a sve
Southgate not say Southgate isn't sve oh
up down there God's
sake it's 2-1 St K nervous why is the
keeper coming up the Keeper's up to
celebrate what is going on what is going
on well done he's 13 you know for God's
sake they don't even deserve to be two
on down either they they two corners
against them
both that's really disappointing really
really disappointed the keeper coming up
to celebrate sums up how the game's gone
so far by the way half timee 21 to St
kits and NIS once again want to
reiterate the Olay chant in the 28th
minute Ed I've got another fact for you
San Marino have never scored three in
their history they've only ever scored
twice two times in their history so the
translation for that is if this
happens it
ridiculous vingan sausage yeah it's
delicacy oh
oh for God's sake it's 3
one chips
are oh that's so
disappointing no they're never going to
win a game of football are they not just
never going to win a game of football we
had a moment didn't we
the moment when well there's still time
to uh score three
goals go
BR that's a pen that's a call come on
come on come on fre one up and you still
don't sing fre one up and you still
sing remember the aan I haven't
it these people
oh a you've got to do better than
that that drama is so cute by the way oh
there is actually a scrap going on in a
San Marino s it's a never friendly there
is a
scrap what is going on it would be the
biggest football in Miracle of all time
s Marino to not even lose this now to
get a second in itself as a miracle
hey miracles
happen I'm yet to see one in my lifetime
I think they do happen how did Denmark
and beat these
2-1 sorry that's quite loud I've said
that want to say we have witnessed
football history San Marino scoring for
their fourth game in a row is history
bit desperate that in it bit desperate
even I can't it is history but it's
history that this is only the second
time I've been here you could you could
argue That's History there are points
dur in this game you're going to have to
try and take a player on it's the 80th
minute you can't just you can't you're
not playing a good you can just turn you
can't just turn around and find I'm
annoyed now I am annoyed is what I've
noticed I've realized very quickly I'm
annoyed um and that's not being changed
unless say score three
times it's going to become a yearly trip
isn't it the worst thing about this is
It's just really cold as well it's just
miserable really
D2 let's give him an Applause off just
start Clapping Your Hands that everyone
else will follow you
ready there we
go he's not even looking at
I'm just TR to stay warm
yeah St kits might win the game but have
they thrown a kettle over a pub good
point real that is the real
qu disgusting time wasting it is
actually a bit annoying they qualify for
the Gold Cup and they're time wasting
against San Marino oh we're so close to
history genuinely we saw them go one nil
up I can't remember the last time they
what one the up in a game of football oh
my oh so close to a second come
on so they've lost but football isn't
about winners and
losers it is it's entirely about that
and I'm not going to pretend otherwise
so it's so there you
go what could have been what could have
been these people don't care
what a group of men though genuinely
what a group of men fair
play we make a photo together photograph
together let's do it I don't know if
he's talking to us let's go home see you
back in
England so they didn't win the game they
didn't win my heart I don't know if
they're ever going to win a game of
football you know they we saw Sam go W
up which doesn't happen very
ofteno we're on the road to 400,000
subscribers if you are new around there
and haven't subscribed or you watch all
the time and haven't subscribed please
do it it's free to do so huge thank you
for watching this far and I've been
Ellis make sure to subscribe for more
football sh content and more away days
Chia Chow
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