Google Image FX - FREE AI Google Image Generator | NEW Text to Image Generation

1 Mar 202405:17

TLDRIn this episode of AI Test Kitchen, the focus is on Google's experimental demo, Image FX, a text to image generator. The video showcases the tool's ability to create realistic and detailed images based on textual descriptions. Examples include a portrait of a dog dressed as medieval royalty, a classical painting of a dog chasing a cat, and a futuristic drawing with cool tones. The tool is praised for its impressive capabilities, offering various styles and options to align with user preferences. The ease of generating high-quality images, such as an abstract vector line art of a dog using a laptop or a painting of a cat hacker wearing VR headsets, is highlighted. The potential of AI in creating realistic and detailed images is emphasized, with the presenter expressing excitement and amazement at the tool's capabilities, suggesting that AI-generated images are becoming increasingly indistinguishable from reality.


  • 🎨 Google's Image FX is an AI-driven text-to-image generator that creates impressive and realistic images based on textual descriptions.
  • πŸ• The tool can generate detailed and varied styles of images, such as a classical painting of a dog chasing a cat on a summer's day.
  • πŸ” The AI identifies key elements from the description and uses them to generate images, demonstrating a high level of understanding and creativity.
  • πŸš€ Users can experiment with different variables, such as changing the style from classical to futuristic, and even the color tones.
  • 🌟 The generated images are of high quality, with intricate details that rival professionally designed artwork.
  • πŸ› οΈ The tool allows for customization, offering options to align with the user's vision, enhancing the creative process.
  • πŸ“₯ Images generated by Image FX can be downloaded, providing users with a tangible output from the AI's creativity.
  • πŸ”„ The script showcases the AI's ability to create a wide range of styles, from realistic to abstract, and from detailed to minimalist.
  • 🐒 Unique and abstract concepts, such as a turtle made of potato chips, are accurately and impressively rendered by the AI.
  • πŸ’» The AI's capabilities extend to generating abstract vector line art and even complex scenes like a hacker cat wearing VR headsets.
  • 🎞️ The potential for creating 35mm film-style images suggests the tool's versatility and the high quality of its output.
  • πŸ“ˆ The rapid advancement of AI in image generation is highlighted, with the potential to blur the line between AI and reality in the near future.

Q & A

  • What is the name of the AI tool discussed in the video?

    -The AI tool discussed in the video is called 'Image FX', which is Google's text to image generator.

  • What kind of image was the first example generated by Image FX in the video?

    -The first example generated by Image FX was a portrait of a dog dressed as medieval royalty in vintage style.

  • What style of painting did the presenter request Image FX to create next?

    -The presenter requested Image FX to create a classical painting of a dog chasing a cat on a summer's day in a very detailed style.

  • How does the presenter describe the quality of the images generated by Image FX?

    -The presenter describes the quality of the images as 'pretty impressive', 'incredible', and 'unbelievable', noting the quick capture of the requested concepts and the high level of detail.

  • What variable did the presenter change to test a different style?

    -The presenter changed the style from 'classical' to 'futuristic' and requested a drawing of a dog chasing a cat on a winter's day with very detailed and cool tones.

  • What unique image did the presenter generate using the 'I'm feeling lucky' option?

    -Using the 'I'm feeling lucky' option, the presenter generated an image of a turtle made of potato chips.

  • What is the significance of the '35mm film' example mentioned in the video?

    -The '35mm film' example signifies the potential of Image FX to generate high-quality, realistic images that could be mistaken for professional photography or film.

  • How does the presenter summarize their overall impression of Image FX?

    -The presenter is highly impressed with Image FX, stating that it's 'huge' and 'incredible', with the potential to make AI-generated images indistinguishable from reality in the near future.

  • What feature allows users to keep the generated images?

    -The presenter mentions that users can actually download the images generated by Image FX.

  • What was the presenter's opinion on the difference between AI-generated images and those created by a human designer?

    -The presenter suggests that there's little to no difference between AI-generated images and those created by a human designer, especially considering the quality and the minimal instructions required for generation.

  • What was the presenter's final call to action for viewers of the video?

    -The presenter encourages viewers to leave a comment with their thoughts on the video and to give the video a thumbs up if they enjoyed it.

  • What is the presenter's view on the future of AI in image generation?

    -The presenter believes that AI in image generation is advancing rapidly and predicts that in a few months, AI-generated images will be so realistic that it will be impossible to distinguish them from real images.



🎨 Testing Google's Image FX: Text to Image Generator

This paragraph introduces AI Test Kitchen, Google's experimental demo for creative AI testing. The focus is on Image FX, a text to image generator tool. The script describes the process of generating images from text prompts, showcasing the tool's ability to create realistic and detailed images. Examples include a portrait of a dog dressed as medieval royalty, a classical painting of a dog chasing a cat, and a futuristic drawing with cool tones. The tool's versatility is highlighted by its capacity to adjust variables such as style and tone. Additionally, the paragraph mentions the option to download generated images and the potential for AI-generated content to rival human-designed work.


πŸ“½οΈ Viewer Impressions and Closing Remarks

The second paragraph invites viewers to share their thoughts in the comments section and to like the video if they enjoyed it. It serves as a closing to the video, thanking the viewers for watching and signaling the end of the demonstration. The tone is engaging and encourages viewer interaction, which is a common practice in video content to foster a community and receive feedback.



πŸ’‘AI Test Kitchen

AI Test Kitchen is Google's experimental platform where they explore and showcase creative applications of artificial intelligence. In the context of the video, it serves as the setting for testing out Google's new text to image generation tool, Image FX.

πŸ’‘Text to Image Generator

A text to image generator is a tool that uses AI to create images from textual descriptions. It is the core subject of the video, demonstrating how the tool can generate various styles of images based on the text input provided by the user.

πŸ’‘Image FX

Image FX is the name of Google's text to image generation tool. It is showcased in the video, highlighting its ability to create realistic and detailed images from textual prompts, such as a portrait of a dog dressed as medieval royalty.

πŸ’‘Classical Painting

A classical painting refers to a style of art that is inspired by traditional and historical methods. In the video, the tool is used to generate a classical painting of a dog chasing a cat, showcasing its ability to capture the essence of different artistic styles.


Futuristic in the context of the video refers to a style that is forward-looking, incorporating elements of science fiction or modern technology. The tool is tested to generate a futuristic drawing of a dog chasing a cat, indicating its versatility in creating images across various themes.

πŸ’‘Detailed Style

A detailed style in art refers to the level of intricacy and complexity in the depiction of an image. The video emphasizes the tool's ability to generate images with a high level of detail, as seen in the examples provided.

πŸ’‘Cool Tones

Cool tones in art and design refer to colors that are on the blue and green side of the spectrum, often associated with a calming or sophisticated aesthetic. The video demonstrates the tool's capability to incorporate specific color schemes, such as cool tones, into the generated images.

πŸ’‘Downloadable Images

The term refers to the feature that allows users to save the generated images to their devices. This is mentioned as an additional benefit of using Image FX, allowing users to not only view but also keep the AI-generated artwork.

πŸ’‘I'm Feeling Lucky

In the context of the video, 'I'm Feeling Lucky' is an option within the tool that generates a random or unexpected image based on the current settings or without specific input. It is used to showcase the tool's creativity and ability to produce surprising results.

πŸ’‘Abstract Vector Line Art

Abstract vector line art is a form of digital art that uses geometric shapes and lines to create non-representational images. The video demonstrates the tool's ability to generate this type of art, emphasizing its versatility in artistic styles.

πŸ’‘35mm Film

35mm film refers to a specific format of photographic film, which is mentioned in the video as a style that the tool can emulate. It highlights the tool's capability to generate images with the look and feel of traditional film photography.

πŸ’‘AI Realism

AI realism refers to the ability of AI-generated content to closely resemble real-life images or scenarios. The video discusses the impressive realism of the images produced by Image FX, suggesting that AI-generated content is becoming increasingly indistinguishable from reality.


Google's AI Test Kitchen showcases their experimental demo, Image FX, a text-to-image generator.

The tool generates a realistic portrait of a dog dressed as medieval royalty in vintage style.

Image FX can create a classical painting of a dog chasing a cat on a summer's day with a detailed style.

The AI identifies key elements from the description and generates images based on customizable characteristics.

The generated images are of high quality, showcasing the best generation seen by the reviewer.

Variables can be adjusted from classical to futuristic styles for different outputs.

The tool offers options for cool tones and detailed styles, aligning with user preferences.

Images generated by Image FX can be downloaded for personal use.

The tool can create a futuristic drawing of a dog chasing a cat on a winter's day with cool tones.

Image FX can generate abstract vector line art, such as a dog using a laptop.

The quality of generated images is comparable to that of a professional designer.

The tool can create unique styles for each prompt, such as a painting with a cat hacker wearing VR headsets on a postage stamp.

The 35mm film style generated by Image FX is of high quality and could have a significant market impact.

The advancements in AI image generation are rapid, with realistic results achieved in a short period.

The reviewer is highly impressed by the capabilities of Image FX, predicting a future where AI-generated images are indistinguishable from reality.

The tool can generate creative and detailed images, such as a turtle made of potato chips.

The 'I'm feeling lucky' option provides unexpected and innovative image results.

The variety of styles and the ability to adjust variables make Image FX a versatile and powerful tool.