I Survived 100 Days as MECHA STEVE in Minecraft
TLDR在这个充满挑战的Minecraft冒险中,玩家扮演的Mecha Steve经历了从新手到高手的转变。起初,Mecha Steve只是一个脆弱的乐高小人,面临着三位猎人的追杀。通过不断升级装备和技能,如解锁激光射击、飞行能力、以及强大的黑洞技能,玩家逐渐增强了角色的生存能力。在建立了多个基地并成功抵御猎人的攻击后,Mecha Steve最终获得了终极形态,成为了几乎不可战胜的存在。然而,猎人也不断进化,建造了坚不可摧的基地并拥有了能够禁止玩家某些能力的“banhammer”。在一场史诗般的对决后,尽管猎人使用了各种策略和武器,Mecha Steve还是巧妙地利用自己的能力,摧毁了猎人的基地,并在没有达到100天的情况下,意外地赢得了这场生存游戏的胜利。
- 🚀 介绍了一个名为Mecha Steve的角色,这是一个可以发射激光、飞行甚至创造黑洞的机器人版Steve,目标是在《Minecraft》游戏中生存到第100天。
- 📦 Mecha Steve初始状态非常小,类似乐高积木搭建的,只有五个心形的HP(生命值),并且有三个猎人角色会尝试阻止他生存下来。
- 🌟 Mecha Steve可以通过升级窗口升级,增加心形HP并提升装甲,以对抗猎人。
- 🔥 玩家初始任务是逃脱猎人的追捕,并解锁第一个任务——解锁钻石碎片手里剑,这是一个可以投掷的武器。
- 🏞️ 为了躲避猎人,Mecha Steve利用森林和洞穴进行隐蔽,并利用环境来逃避追捕。
- 🛠️ 通过制作木制工具和武器,Mecha Steve开始收集资源并建立基地,为长期生存做准备。
- 🥄 Mecha Steve利用“食品无人机”来获取无限食物,这样可以专注于战斗和升级,而不用担心食物资源。
- 💺 为了变得更强大,Mecha Steve需要解锁更多的升级,包括成为拥有15颗心形HP的Mecha Steve原型,以及获取更强大的武器和能力。
- 🎣 玩家需要完成一系列任务,如使用望远镜观察鹦鹉、在冷水海洋遗迹中寻找物品,以及播放特定的音乐唱片,来解锁新的能力和武器。
- 🏹 Mecha Steve获得了一种特殊的弓——爬行者电荷弓,它可以发射会爆炸的箭矢,但使用时需要注意,因为它也可能伤害到自己。
- 🏡 Mecha Steve在游戏过程中建立了多个基地,每次基地被发现或破坏后,他都会迁移到一个新的隐蔽地点。
- 🔮 最终,Mecha Steve通过不断的战斗和升级,解锁了强大的武器和能力,包括能够召唤黑洞的重力结束水晶,以及无限隐形药水。
Q & A
Mecha Steve是什么,他在游戏中有什么特殊能力?
-Mecha Steve是一种机器人版的Steve皮肤,在游戏中他可以射击激光、飞行甚至创造黑洞。
-玩家需要控制Mecha Steve在游戏中生存至第100天,同时躲避或击败三个猎人的追杀。
Mecha Steve升级窗口有什么作用?
-Mecha Steve升级窗口允许玩家停止作为一个玩具大小的Mecha Steve,并解锁更多的心脏和升级Mecha Steve装甲。
玩家如何建立自己的第一个Mecha Steve基地?
玩家如何从Tiny Lego Steve升级到Mecha Steve原型?
-玩家需要收集16朵蒲公英、4个铁块和1个马鞍,然后使用这些物品来升级成拥有15颗心和额外的力量与速度加成的Mecha Steve原型。
玩家如何解锁Creeper Charge Bow?
-玩家可以通过建造隐蔽的基地、使用Mecha Steve的升级能力,如Creeper Charge Bow和高级扫描器,以及利用环境和策略来躲避猎人的攻击。
-玩家在寻找猎人基地时遇到了困难,因为猎人将基地建在了非常远的地方,而且使用了一种新的能够将玩家退化到Tier 1的炸弹。
-玩家通过不断升级Mecha Steve,使用新解锁的能力如Gravitational End Crystals和Infinite Invisibility Potion,以及策略性地破坏猎人的基地,最终击败了猎人。
😀 介绍机械史蒂夫与挑战开始
视频介绍了一个名为机械史蒂夫(Mecha Steve)的角色,这是一个可以发射激光、飞行甚至创造黑洞的机器人版本史蒂夫。视频的挑战是让机械史蒂夫在游戏中生存到第100天,同时逃避三个猎人的追杀。主角在第一天就以乐高小人的形象出现,体积极小,只有五颗心的血量,并介绍了他的升级窗口,通过它可以获得更多的心和升级装备。
🏞️ 逃脱猎人并建立基础基地
🔥 获得更多心和升级能力
🏡 迁移到新基地并继续升级
🛡️ 解锁终极能力和面对最终挑战
🎮 成为终极史蒂夫并完成任务
🏁 完成最终挑战并获得胜利
💡Mecha Steve
💡Survival Challenge
💡Diamond Shurikens
💡Ender Dragon
介绍了Mecha Steve,一个可以发射激光、飞行甚至创造黑洞的机器人版Steve。
Mecha Steve在游戏的第100天时面临三个猎人的挑战,目标是生存下去。
Mecha Steve初始状态非常小,类似乐高积木,只有五个心的血量。
玩家可以通过Mecha Steve升级窗口来强化角色,增加血量和升级护甲。
Mecha Steve利用森林和洞穴进行躲避,使用策略逃脱猎人的追击。
展示了Mecha Steve如何通过制作木制工具和武器来提升生存能力。
描述了Mecha Steve如何巧妙地利用环境和物品来躲避猎人的追捕。
Mecha Steve使用熔岩和水的组合来获得新的能力并摆脱猎人。
详细介绍了Mecha Steve如何建立一个隐蔽的基地,以提高生存机会。
Mecha Steve原型拥有15颗心,以及速度和力量加成,提升了战斗能力。
介绍了Mecha Steve如何通过完成任务和解锁新技能来逐步增强实力。
描述了Mecha Steve如何巧妙地在一个新基地中躲避猎人,并准备下一步升级。
Mecha Steve使用高级扫描器,一种可以透视墙壁和发现矿石的工具。
Mecha Steve最终目标是生存到第100天,成为游戏的胜利者。
everyone knows Steve from Minecraft and
if you see someone wearing a Steve skin
well you know that they are a noob but
it's time to change that introducing
meca Steve a robotic Steve who can shoot
lasers fly and even create black holes
and now I'm going to be playing as Mecha
Steve to see if he can survive till day
100 in game but there's just one small
problem and that's the fact that three
Hunters are going to try and kill meca
Steve and stop him from getting to day
100 on day one I spawned in as meca
Steve but as you can see I am not I mean
look at me I'm literally made of Legos
and I'm tiny like if I stand next to
this stair it is taller than I am and of
course since I'm small I only have five
hearts of HP and these three gods of
Minecraft behind me are going to try and
stop me from getting to day 100 so yeah
this is not going to be an easy
challenge to survive but luckily for me
I have my Mecha Steve upgrade window
which will allow me to stop being a toy
and this is where I'll be able to get
more hearts and upgrade my Mecha Steve
armor to hopefully eventually beat these
three but for now we're going to start
with the basics and work to escape while
unlocking our first Quest the diamond
shard shurikens these are basically
Diamond sharkens I can throw at these
three but T un lock it won't be easy so
let's just get started okay I'm
currently on the edge of this platform
and the second I leave it they're
allowed to come chase me and attack me
so we got to make sure we get this right
okay my best bet is definitely to head
to that Forest way out there in the
distance then I can hide amongst the
trees and this will work perfect okay
here we go 3 2 1 go go go go go go go go
go go go go toy Steve go get back here
mea Steve oh this is not good this is
not good so tiny a little Lego right now
hopefully I can lose them like this oh
jeez okay go up here barely see him keep
going this way than us we has tiny legs
go go we got to get to a hiding spot
where we can get a log oh right here
right here right here I see one I see
one I see one left to cut him off we go
I don't see him I just buried myself
sping into the grass no way we're
currently stuck it under this log I'm
going to check this cave okay they're
looking let me start grabbing logs he's
definitely around here he's definitely
around here I hear him breaking they
hear me where was it dirt or something
break myself no wait right here right
here oh go go go run go run run run run
run run run oh they're right on me they
right on me they're right on me we got
some logs though okay we need to bury
ourselves again we need to lose them and
bury ourselves again we just want to
have a little chat don't run so fast I
know they're right behind me oh jeez
lose them in the water ready he's in the
water oh he oh I hit him once got him so
tiny wait hug nice he can go through one
high block GS oh my God I lost him we're
buried to get we yeah he went this way
he went this way follow me okay cool
quickly let's break this block turn
these logs into planks then make a
crafting table now let's just go ahead
and make some sticks then we just need
to make a wooden pickaxe now just Dig
Down okay now we just need to grab a few
Stone here two for a sword and three for
a pickaxe Stone Age oh he's mining I see
his name tag he's back here oh they
found me go go go go go you thought you
were slick buddy there we go make some
more sticks they're coming in I see a
crafting table there we go down here
somewhere yeah he's down here believe
the tree oh that hurts oh oh they're in
ow ow no he hurts I'm stuck I'm stuck go
in the in the water he's back in the
water he's back in the water how to get
to the edge how to get to the edge look
at this look at this I'm so small I can
juk them just like this going he
literally just did a loopy loop okay we
need to get two kills one down oh no way
bro yes two down yes okay we got two
kills we got two kills okay the other
one's behind me the other one's behind
me we now need to slap a dolphin or fall
in love and survive okay the ocean's
right here let's look for a dolphin oh I
really hope this is a warm ocean okay
there's no dolphin here there's no
dolphin here this has got to be a warm
ocean somewhere around here oh gosh
there he is oh no they saw me go go go
go go go go go go we need to find a
dolphin or lava stat oh I can't hit him
oh my God the grass the grass he we're
back at spawn we're back at spawn this
is not where I wanted to be he's so fast
please be a dolphin all right they can
see me they can see me let's see if we
can grab a boat real quick that's enough
that's enough that's enough go quick Qui
quick quick quick dude that thing is's
shooting Trident at us Boat Boat Bo boat
we got it he's right here he's right
here no a boat we have to make boats I'm
literally under the boat drowning this
is ridiculous I literally am drowning
under the boat while using it what is
this nonsense okay we need to get air
now just to use boats okay we need to
look for a dolphin we need to look for a
dolphin oh there's a dolphin right here
oh that's huge I didn't even see this
guy I didn't know you could spawn here
okay I punched a dolphin oh wait I see
boats I see boat oh God the hunters are
right there oh jeez we need to go to
land we need to go to land we're
drowning we're drowning go to land to
land to land he's on the boat now all we
need to do is survive lava we need to
fall in lava and survive that's going to
be tough with five Hearts but I think
it's doable if there's water nearby he's
under the water again oh they're they're
close is
that try that almost hit me that almost
hit me oh my gosh there's a careful oh I
fell he jum oh it's water it's water
it's water I'm
hopping oh they hit me down they hit me
down ooh it's not good I hit him down
wait he's down here swim this way swim
this way oh he is go this way okay then
we jump here jump here jump here where
is he they they lost me they lost me
here somewhere up oh he went up there we
go there we go there we go yes I just
need lava and then I can get an ability
and lose these guys oh it's an egg okay
this way this way this way we need to
find some lava get in this jungle get in
this jungle we can lose them in here cuz
it's all super tight lava okay okay okay
okay if I step in this little pool right
here and then how close is there to
water oh there's water right here hold
on hold on hold on let me just dig this
up and then we can quickly just get in
water break this little path right here
ready boom we stepped in lava now we
just run over here and boom he's over
here he's over here water we need to go
we need to go we need to go oh my God
melons this way this way this way
they're getting food they're getting
food they're getting food oh okay let's
unlock the diamond shurikens I got him I
got him I got them oh what am I going to
do I got an idea I got an idea right
here you see him he's over here he like
dig in or dug in I think man oh wait no
oh no no oh get out get out oh no no no
get out get out of there get out of
there okay let's go this way let's go
this way let's go this way a dude what
are we even going to do okay we need to
get out of here dude I don't even see I
hear him I don't see him I I he must be
I think I hear him okay they don't see
me that's good that's good let's keep
going this way I can't believe we just
lost him again he's so tiny okay we're
up this they saw me they saw me we're
going back down we back we're going back
in we're going back in we're going back
in dude oh he's shoo little fell what is
he doing he's tiny dude we just have to
hit him once oh my
god oh oh no no no I tricked him I
tricked him I tricked him nice two down
two down oh no oh my gosh I can't get
him oh my gosh yes they're dead they're
dead they're so far away they went back
to spawn this is our chance we're
finally free we're out of here let's go
after Escaping The Hunters I simply went
ahead and worked on my first Mecha Steve
base which uh let's just say it was a
bit basic okay so welcome your basis to
the First toy Steve base which uh as you
can see is kind of small but you know
I'm also really small so this is
actually giant to me like literally look
at this when I walk around it takes me
so long to get around this place but
anyway the base is officially complete
with a basic survival area here some
beds right here and my lava generator
right here now over here is actually how
we get out we just swim up this hole
right here to get to the surface which
is all hidden around some bamboo to make
it really hard to find and then to get
back inside the base all we have to do
is go over here to this bamboo climb on
top of these leaves and you'll see that
right behind these leaves is actually a
hole that goes down into our base so
yeah this base is actually super hidden
in a jungle right now meaning I should
stay safe for a little while and since I
am safer right now let's keep getting
stronger so we don't just absolutely get
destroyed in fact let's work on getting
our next utility power which is the
advanced food drone it's basically a
drone that gives me free food so I will
never need to get food again now to
actually unlock this drone there's a few
things I'm going to need to do first I
need to gather up eight sugar cane then
I need to get three golden apples and
then I need an iron shovel and only then
will I get the food drone so anyway
since we're on the surface and we're
kind of near a river let's just start
grabbing a bunch of sugar cane since we
need eight sugar cane to get the
advanced food drone and luckily there's
some right in front of me right here
there's a bunch here so that's enough
it's actually 10 we have more than
enough sugar cane look at this when I
throw these it looks like I'm chucking
them so far cuz I'm so tiny anyway now
that we have the sugarcane we need we
just need to make an iron shovel since
that's also one of the requirements and
we can do that just like this done and
now we just need three golden apples now
I currently only have four raw gold and
that is is not enough cuz we need 24 raw
gold so let's quickly go back to the
surface and head over to our mine so we
can start getting some gold together to
get some golden
apples okay there we go that's 20 raw
gold now just simply grab the four raw
gold from this chest and now let's grab
some lava and let's throw all of that
into a blast furnace to start turning
this raw gold into gold ingots okay now
we simply just grab all our gold and now
we just need three apples which means
let's swim them to the surface really
fast and now let's go find a bunch of
oak trees to start cutting down okay
perfect we've found a bunch of oak trees
and birch trees which drop apples so now
we just got to start cutting them down
and wait for apples to drop okay this is
kind of crazy to think about but right
now as toy Steve I am literally the size
oh I dropped it hold on let me throw
that over there I'm literally the size
of a block on the ground this is crazy
though it's probably honestly a good
thing because it makes me really hard to
hit anyway let's just keep finding some
trees okay and there we go we officially
have three out of three apples now just
head back to the base real quick and
let's combine the gold and the apples
together to get three golden apples
where now we can unlock our food drone
and this food drone is awesome so as you
can see in my hot bar I have zero food
items right now but if I turn on my food
drone you see this little Steve like
drone is going to appear and fly away uh
looks like he's flying out of the tunnel
that way uh I think my food drone got
stuck hold on I might have to use it
above ground it may not work well
underground okay let's try again I spawn
the food drone there he goes he's going
off into the distance he should
disappear okay oh my God the other food
drone wait I can have more than one oh
he did make it look he gave me a bunch
of food and now this guy's coming back
thank you Steve drone there we go and
now I'm also going to spawn another one
and another one who is also going to get
me more food this is awesome infinite
food for forever using a bunch of Steve
drones it's kind of like Amazon's
delivery drones but a lot less creepy
okay maybe a lot more creepy cuz look at
that Steve coming up behind me oh my God
but you've seen the food drones and now
it's time for us to go home cuz the Sun
is going down and I am squishy wait why
are my hearts back at 10 my hearts are
10 wait what how do I have 10 Hearts
okay I'm going to go to bed and I'm
going to see if there's still 10 in the
morning cuz I think that might be a
visual bug I think I only have five
Hearts right now okay moment of truth
let's go to sleep oh we have five Hearts
there we go see I knew going to sleep
would give me five Hearts though I am
very confused on how that happened wait
maybe I can recreate the glitch somehow
and give myself 10 Hearts no no I I
don't have time for that it sounds
really fun but I would be having to
break the game and spend a lot of time
doing that and what I really need to do
is actually get more Hearts the legit
way because only having five Hearts
makes me super squishy so to actually
get more Hearts we need to become the
meca Steve prototype who has 15 total
hearts and he also gets a bunch of
strength and speed bonuses as well and
luckily unlocking him is actually pretty
easy all we need are 16 poppies four
blocks of iron in one saddle and poppies
are pretty much everywhere we just got
to find Plaines biome so let's just keep
going this way cuz I know there is a
ples over this way okay perfect we found
a poppy which is one out of 16 that we
actually need hello bees oh my God are
the bees bigger than look how big they
are look how big the bee is compared to
me this is crazy I'm smaller than the
flower what okay anyway before I get
distracted we got to keep getting
poppies oh here's a bunch bunch of
poppies this is it this is all we're
going to need we now have all the
poppies that we need and now that we
have those poppies let's quickly head
back to the base and then let's start
looking for a saddle in some Cav cuz our
best place to find one is either a mob
spawner or inside of an abandoned mft so
I went searching for a saddle but I
couldn't find one anywhere near the base
so I simply decided to check out some
other caves further away and when I did
that I of course ran into the hunters
okay this cave looks huge if I'm going
to fight a saddle anywhere it's going to
be this one okay we need to find a mob
spawner um surprise oh dear God she's so
H Hunters H I literally haven't even hit
him once yet oh my God he's away there
we go go go go go go no I fell I fell
Jesus they fell they fell oh he he's
going back he's going back towards the
entrance go get out get out get out get
get get get out oh God Hunters are here
dude I don't have any blocks get back
here mea Steve oh he's right on my tail
we need to get out I'm not even going to
worry about getting that saddle for a
sec dude go small to hit go get ready
it dude I was
shielding yes he's gone he's gone he's
gone oh run run run run I need to ditch
the others oh God I'm going to confuse
them I'm going to confuse them food
drone I really hope that confuses them I
can barely see him okay let's lose them
let's lose them let's lose them ready
watch this what what is that now hold
shift I definitely just lost on my hair
I'm saying wait where he go that okay
the feud drone has him confused yes
let's go that's my chance to get out of
here go go go go go spawner spawner
spawner I almost didn't see that the
Cobblestone gave it away break it saddle
yes yes yes yes yes yes oh that's huge
we got the saddle and now all we need is
four blocks of iron which uh I'm pretty
sure I can just make four blocks of iron
in fact yes yes I can but that would
literally use up my entire iron Supply
I'd be broke so since getting four
blocks of iron really isn't that
difficult let's go over to the cave and
let's just get it ourselves
okay and there we go that's 38 raw iron
and now we just put all that iron in to
smelt real quick and now while that
smelts we can take the iron that we
already have and make the iron blocks
and now without further Ado we can say
goodbye to Tiny Lego Steve as cute as he
is and upgrade into the next one the
mecca Steve prototype for now I look
like Steve with a bunch of different
robot Parts you'll notice I have all
these cyber implants on the side of my
head and then implants on both my arms
and my legs as well which is why on top
of having 15 total hearts of HP he Al
get speed jump boost and strength
bonuses okay so now that we've
officially unlocked this new Steve I'm
not going to die in one hit which means
now it's time to keep upgrading and our
next upgrade is kind of busted this is
the creeper charge bow a bow that shoots
arrows that explode okay I accepted the
quest now how do I actually unlock this
bow well first things first I have to
get a spy glass and look at a parrot
inside of a jungle to get the is it a
bird advancement then I simply have to
loot the cold ocean ruin and finally I
have to play the cat music disc inside
of a juke box and if you've been
watching these videos for a while you
know I hate the music disc cat so I'm
saving that one for last cuz I don't
want to have to listen to that song I
swear to God editor if you put it on
right now I'm going
to whatever I'm just going to go find a
cold ocean ruin oh wait I see a ruin I
see a ruin but I see a dolphin wait what
there's Cod though so this is a cold
ocean right it is a cold ocean boom
there we go Quest complete I have no
idea why there's Dolphins here I thought
Dolphins only spawned in warm oceans am
I wrong about that okay so next on the
list we just got to get the Cat music
disc in a juke box but uh the sun
setting so we're going to worry about
that tomorrow so let's just go to bed
real quick there we go oh TNT TNT oh
Herobrine oh
swim oh god oh almost died swim swim swi
get back here oh he's up this Waterway
oh we need to go we need to go we need
to go 3v one I don't even want to deal
with it oh we hit him we hit him we hit
him just keep going he has shurikens or
something dude keep going let's get up
this tree let's get up this tree please
don't kill me no there we go we got him
dude he's up the tree I'm climbing it oh
no careful and keep the back there's a
good spot oh dude I'm almost dead I hit
him once up here no we got
him there we go he's done yes yes yes
okay there's one more there's one more
they're done they're done oh my gosh oh
this way F oh they got me yes oh oh I'm
so low and sniped oh I missed oh go this
way bnk bnk bnk and oh I missed I'm
about to die oh okay they're about to
die but I want to kill them with
shurikens I got to get the cool kill
here we go ready 360 oh I missed
whatever you're
okay we survived oh God but did our base
survive I heard an explosion I just
don't know how big that was how bad is
oh no okay the water's still there oh um
so uh all that survived was the water I
guess technically my lava generator did
too but yeah wow but whatever let's just
pack up the lava generator I guess grab
whatever's left and now let's just go
build another base after the base got
raided I obviously couldn't stay there
so it was time to move to a new base
somewhere much farther away which is
normal by the way I I saw a comment on
the last video asking why I leave bases
when they're found because I don't want
to keep dealing with the hunters that's
why anyway let's just show you the base
welcome to the brand new Mecha Steve
base yes this is a village but this
Village is now my home in fact I live
inside of this well so if we simply go
right here and click this trap door that
you can barely see and then we just swim
down this water we're inside the brand
new base where as you can see it's kind
of shaped like a circle though uh it's
not really a perfect circle look I tried
my best okay but this base is pretty
cool we have all our chests over in this
corner all of our furnaces over in this
corner an enchanting table and a lava
generator in this corner and then my
beds and nether portal in this corner
then our M shaft is just down here and
obviously this waterfall well that's our
way back up and there you go you've been
MTV cribed about my base God that
reference dated me anyway now that
you've seen the new base like I said we
still have to get the Cat music disc and
put it in a jukebox but on top of that
we still need to get is it a bird which
is to look at a parrot through a spy
glass now we actually already have all
the materials to make a spy glass since
all you need is some Mammoth the shards
and some copper okay so now let's just
grab a few copper and now by taking two
copper and one emth this Shard we can
make the spy glass and now we just have
to go back to our first base the one
that we just left cuz it was blown up
because it's inside of a jungle where
parrots spawn so hopefully we can just
go over there real quick find a parrot
and spy on it with our spy glass okay
we're officially back at our old base
one oh how I don't miss navigating this
bamboo anyway let's just run into this
jungle here let's get on top of some of
these trees and let's just look for some
parrots okay I just heard a parrot I
definitely just heard a parrot see I
heard it again right here two green ones
I didn't even see you guys you blend it
in okay now we spy on you real quick
with spy glass oh look how pretty you
are look at that beak who's a pretty
birdie anyway there we go we got is it a
bird the second Quest we needed to do
and now for my least favorite we need to
find a cat dis and put it in a jukebox
and honestly to do that isn't like crazy
hard we just have to find a cat dis now
you can get the cat dis at a ton of
different areas at mob spawners inside
of Woodland Mansions at ancient cities
like it's everywhere so I think my best
bet is just to look around for either an
ancient city or a mob spawner till we
get one and then we just have to play it
music disc and we'll be done oh yes it's
a dead end but it's a mob spawner oh
please have the cat disc here please
have cat oh I need to destroy this thing
right you guys just fight for a sec okay
let them fight does this one have cat
nope we have 13 and we have cat yes oh
thank goodness man oh let's go okay
would you go away please thank you I
cannot believe the first mob spawner we
found had the disc we needed so now all
we need to do is make a jukebox with a
bunch of wood and one diamond in the
center and now we'll put that right
there and now we simply have to play the
worst music d
okay so we unlocked the creeper bow we
just got to click combat click the bow
and now we have this bow in our hands
now all I have is one arrow on me right
now and this thing does take Arrow ammo
but you'll see when I shoot it it kind
of does this yep it explodes so for this
to be useful I need a boatload of arrows
so I think you guess what's about to
happen I'm about to get a boatload of
arrows first things first let's just
simply slaughter a bunch of
okay there we go that's 22 feathers that
should be enough for now and since we
already have 32 sticks the last thing we
need to make a bunch of arrows is simply
some Flint okay let's just start diing
up this gravel and see how much Flint we
get okay so my shovel just broke and we
got a lot of gravel and only 15 Flint to
show for it now I'd prefer to have a
little bit more so let's quickly just
make ourselves another iron shovel and
now we can simply mine up a bunch of the
gravel that didn't turn into Flint back
at the
base and now we just start digging this
wall up one by one to see how much extra
Flint we
get and there we go now we have 24 Flint
now we simply combine together our
sticks our flint and our feathers we
will get ourselves a stack and a half of
arrows meaning that's a stack and a half
of explosives oops I didn't mean to
break glow stone any who ignoring that
we officially have the creeper bow and
next in our things to unlock is the
advanced or scanner basically x-ray
hacks it it allows me to see through
walls and SE ores it's really op and
I've had it a lot recently so I know you
guys already know what it is so I don't
need to explain it let's just unlock it
now luckily for us we already have
Diamond horse armor in our inventory and
that is one of the things we need to
unlock this Advanced or scanner so now
we need 32 glowstone dust and 16 glowing
ink sacks so let's go to the Nether and
let's go get some more glowstone okay
perfect there's some glowstone right
here let's just start by grabbing this
okay and there we go that's more than
enough glow stone dust okay let's just
go kill some glow squids as that's the
last thing we need and once we're done
with that we'll unlock the or
scanner and now it is time to unlock the
advanced or scanner okay we have in our
hand now let's right click with it and
you're going to see that nothing nothing
happened that's because I have my Shader
pack on and now if I look down you can
see all the ores in the world so as an
example if I'm down in a cave it looks
like this so if I go over here to these
light blue blocks let's see what these
represent and like I assumed they're
diamonds so we can just go here and mine
up all these Diamonds oh my gosh look at
all these diamonds dude this is crazy we
just got eight diamonds just like that
we might as well want use this or
scanner to get full diamond armor oh God
and there we go we now have 27 diamonds
which is enough for us to make full
diamond armor already okay so now that
we have diamond armor on we can also
make ourselves a diamond sword which is
honestly really helpful too and there we
go just like that we have full diamond
armor cuz of our or scanner so now that
we have full diamond armor using our or
scanner it's time to get our first tier
three upgrade and I figured we might as
well start by getting some extra Hearts
seeing as 15 really isn't that much I
mean if you think about it I'm versing
three Hunters each with 10 hearts of HP
so basically they have 30 I have 15 I
lose so to prevent that from happening
let's become full grown Mecha who's
really not that hard to unlock all I
need is a goat horn a bell and some
honeycomb and I'm already in a village
that should have a bell yep there we go
that was easy boom bell complete and now
let's just go look for a Snowy Mountain
somewhere where goats are going to spawn
so we can get a goat horn off of them
okay so perfect I'm on a mountain that
has some goats and I use this furnace
here to go ahead and make ourselves some
stone that was need to make these goats
angry and they should try to Ram us
which hopefully should give us their
goat horn now we just got to stand still
and just wait cuz apparently standing
still makes them mad no don't go up
there I need you to R yes okay no don't
walk away away hey you ugly no one of
these goats has got to Ram me eventually
what is happening come on goats what are
you doing and then this guy's just like
here he's here he's here voice oh God
voes he sees us he sees us God P I don't
see you I hear you I missed my anti-
Evolution no anti- Evolution what was
that explosion with my bow okay this way
go this
way oh we need to go he fell he fell go
this way we're back up we're back up
he's building up he's building up keep
backing up keep backing up go up this I
got blocks this time you're not getting
away I'm just going to Tower ready watch
this wait where are you going
no he's off dude oh oh oh go this way go
this way climb this dude I'm almost dead
together together oh yes we blew one up
oh the creeper bow that's what we got to
use oh it's so strong where's the third
one where's the third one I see their
name yes this bow is broken I'm not sure
if anyone else noticed that bow did
almost kill me too so it turns out that
this bow can hurt me so why there like
yeah that's that hurts me this bow is
not as good as it looks it might do a
lot of damage but uh it can also kill me
so we got to be super careful of that
and now before they come back let's
quickly get over here and try and get a
goat to Ram us so we can get his horn
that's literally what I'm here for the
300s are just being annoying at this
point yes oh yes we did it take that you
dumb goat yeah and now we got the goat
horn I'm going home Okay so yesterday
was a little weird Beyond figuring out
that my creeper bow can kill me too I
also learned that these Hunters have
something called an anti-evolution bomb
now they didn't hit me with it but you
definitely saw the explosions nearby
yeah apparently that bomb if it hits me
is going to set me back to tier one toy
Steve who's just small how be that with
five Hearts meaning once again I'll be
squishy and they can one-hot me that
bomb is dangerous super duper dangerous
so we have to get stronger or get
something to avoid it from the hunters
but uh before we do that we still got to
finish up becoming meca Steve and all we
need is three honeycomb to do that now
luckily getting honeycomb is pretty easy
all we need to do is make ourselves a
pair of shears and then we just need to
head to a Cherry Grove by because that's
where beehives spawn the most common
which by the way is something I learned
from the comment section from you guys
you guys told me that beehives were way
more common here since I was struggling
to find them and honestly look there's
one right here that was super easy oh
wait this one doesn't have any honey yet
we need to find a beehive with honey but
again they're super common cuz we're in
a Cherry Grove oh I made the bees angry
by doing that but hey we got three
honeycomb which means I can become mechy
so now officially I am even more of a
cyborg I have a screen in my chest new
mechanical arms and legs and of course
these crazy biomechanical shoulder
mounted things I don't even know what to
call them they're just really really
cool but anyway now that we're Mecha
Steve like I said it is time to get
stronger because as much as I like this
creeper bow I could accidentally die to
it so we need to focus on our next
combat upgrade the gravitational end
crystals which look like this by the way
that is literally a black hole that is
going to spawn from these end crystals
so you know I got to unlock that and to
do that all I have to do is kill one
ravager use a slime block and bounce 10
blocks high and kill one player with a
creeper charge bow let's start by
killing a ravager perfect here's a
Pillager Outpost right here and now we
should have to find a Bannerman
somewhere around this Pillager Tower so
that way we can get the bad Omen effect
and summon a
rabbit okay now I haven't seen a single
Bannerman yet so let just keep looking
around till we find one with a banner oh
literally literally one just spawned as
I said that right here boom boom now we
have bad Omen and now let's just head to
a village real fast and take out a
ravager okay so let's go back to this
Village over here by the pink trees that
we were at earlier here we go the raid's
beginning okay there's no ravager on
Wave one that's pretty normal there we
go he's dead okay let's wait for the
next level of Raiders who will challenge
meca Steve apparently those guys oh
they're up top we need to get up top
they're all gone they're coming from
over here I see ravager I see a ravager
we just need to kill that ravager okay
we got the ravager three times he should
try to get to us
now no way he just took the ravager kill
there better be another ravager after
this he just killed the ravager how did
he kill the ravager I don't see any ra
here wait what where did they spawn they
glitched oh my God they did they're all
down there oh there is a ravager there
is a ravager wait there might be more
down there but either way they can't
actually raid this Village so I can just
shoot down on them from above and take
them out this way okay perfect all
that's left is that ravager and this guy
right here we'll just kill him and now
we just have to take out the ravager yes
he's done the raid isn't over but we
killed the ravager and now there's
another raid starting but I don't need
to worry about it cuz I finished my
quest good luck
villagers okay so with the ravager sent
to the afterlife I just need two kills
with the creeper charged bow and I need
to jump on a slime block now normally I
would have to wait for nighttime inside
of a swamp to get slimes but I saw
slimes spawn in my cave earlier meaning
I actually don't have to do that I can
just go into my cave and get slimes
there since it actually turned out to be
a slime chunk you can literally find
slimes everywhere like this little guy
and this guy oh that's only three slime
balls we're going to need more than that
and there we go now we have enough slime
now let's just put this in a crafting
table and put it in a group of nine like
that to make a slime block and now we
just got to bounce 10 blocks high so I
think if I put the slime block right
here and I myself build up right next to
it I think I should be able to bounce 10
blocks theoretically okay this is as
high as I can go let's see if this is
enough oh it was it was enough yes let's
go okay perfect and now that that's done
all we need to do is find the three
Hunters hunting me down and we need to
take them out and so I went out
searching for the Hunter's base but I
really struggled to find it and it turns
out that's because they built this base
in a village 10,000 blocks away but
having a base far away only delays
what's about to happen to the hunters oh
o I definitely saw something holded up
yeah look look look look in the corner
of my screen I can see like the roof of
a tower that's got to be their base I
don't see any name plates yet no I saw
one I see two I see two they're
definitely there let's get in the trees
let's get in the trees hold up hold up
okay just get up here stay shifted
hopefully they won't see me oh they're
all outside there's Herobrine there's
Alex and there's Notch how do I get over
there real quick oh wait I shouldn't
even do that I should just pick them off
with the creeper charge bow from here
wait watch this boom we're taking out
the roof there we go just keep hitting
the roof boom I'm destroying their base
from a distance oh yeah we're destroying
it hey oh I got hit down from there
Steve okay that's your bait him over now
we have to get two kills with this thing
oh oh that hurts oh oh no where is he oh
I see him oh we got him we got him I'm
going to die I'm going to die keep
jumping keep jumping oh I missed with my
anti-evolution bomb try and hit get down
here oh God I got turn back to TI one oh
where'd he go where'd he go he's up
there I see him he's jumping between the
trees I'm literally back to my first
evolution and I got 15 more seconds of
this oh he's this way hide right here in
the tree I lost him where'd you guys go
dude he's so tiny I actually don't know
get ready I'm so I need to eat
yeah his tiny mode is actually kind of a
bu oh he's right there oh my God go go
this way this way this way JP here oh
back here oh he's dying in the I'm
throwing a bomb throwing a bomb Oh my
God they anti- Evolution me again oh
he's over here this way this way this
way he's so fast all my items are gone
too go this way down here sneak this way
oh they're going this way he's somewhere
along the coast he has to be he has to
be along the coast go this way back this
way no boats have left here he's be here
oh yeah yeah go this way one more second
one more second tiny mea Steve get back
here oh he's big he's big again he's
going back into the village oh god oh
he's still thr those M no dude oh oh my
gosh what nice we got one we finally got
one get back here meca Steve there's two
we got all the kills we needed got you
can do okay there we go we got him go go
this way this way this way let's unlock
our new ability the gravitational end
crystals there we go get our health back
their towers over this way let's go use
the new gravitational bomb on their base
I bet you we can destroy their base in a
single go oh they see me they see
me d I got their base totally destroyed
okay here now watch this let's put the
end crystals in where is he I put an end
Crystal now look there's a timer oh in 3
seconds run be careful don't go out
there no
should their whole base is getting eaten
by a black hole oh my gosh are we in
water what is happening I'm shooting
there we go I killed one it sucks all
it please it should suck everything and
then sends them flying up in the air
what is where they are now just blow
them up down below I'm I still can't see
anything stop it I'm out of arrows no I
can't see there we go he's done there we
go keep shooting down at Haze keep
shooting down at Haze oh wait we ran out
of ammo you know what it's one one where
oh it's see you oh my well that worked
out in our favor so now let's just go
ahead and climb on out of this hole and
let's head on home with our brand new
black hole ability in hand okay so this
little gravitational black hole ability
is really broken so now let's just test
it away from the player so we can kind
of see what this does you can see it
explodes and turns into a giant black
hole that eats the world see look at
this the whole world has been eaten this
is is crazy powerful and they're stuck
in that thing for 30 seconds and they're
blind I'm not going to lie for a tier
three ability that may have just W me
the game I'm not even kidding it
literally is that strong but now that we
can summon black holes it's time to work
on the next tier three upgrade which is
the infinite invisibility potion I turn
invisible infinitely like it's really
that straightforward and while that
ability may not sound that strong it is
because unlike an invisibility potion
where you can still see my armor and
sword with this invisibility ability you
can't but anyway how do we actually
unlock loock this invisibility potion
well we need to get 64 spectral arrows
16 magma blocks and one cake and seeing
as spectral arrows are actually kind of
easy to make like literally you just
need glowstone dust and arrows let's
make some of those first so let's just
start by heading to the nether okay so
let's just grab some glowstone dust
here okay just like that we now have two
stacks of Glowstone Dust now on a
crafting table we just take a stack of
arrows surround those arrows and
glowstone dust and we get two stacks of
spectral arrows I did that math wrong we
only got a stack you know math was never
my strong suit but luckily that is all
the spectral arrows we need so now we
just need some magma blocks and a cake
and honestly I don't know why I didn't
grab the magma in the nether already so
let's go grab that okay and there we go
we officially now Evol the magma and now
we just got to make a cake and to make a
cake all we need is some buckets of milk
two things of sugar an egg and three
weed okay so let's just start by going
up to this cow right here and getting
some milk off of him and let's simply
break this hay bale here and turn that
into the wheat we're going to need and
now all we need is two sugar and an egg
now I actually already have an egg in my
chest downstairs all we really need is
two sugar boom sugarcane spotted and
that's all we need to make a cake so now
let's just make this thing by putting
three milk buckets on top putting two
sugar on the left and right sides
putting an egg in the middle and then
three wheed on the bottom to make a cake
and now with the cake in hand we can
unlock the infinite invisibility potion
where we turn invisible forever okay
maybe not forever oh apparently 3 more
seconds and we're back but yeah as you
saw with that invisibility none of my
shield or armor or anything is visible
meaning now I can sneak up on the
Minecraft Legendary hunters and take
them out okay so now we can turn
invisible like you know whenever we want
it is time to work on our tier four
upgrades and there's one in particular I
really want and that is the Ender sword
because when I WR click it I
automatically teleport to the second
nearest player it sounds weird but
you'll see it when I use it and then on
top of that it should do the damage of a
netherite sword making it really
overpowered now to unlock this sword I
just need to place a beehive beneath
it's got It's got good visibility on all
four sides what is that they're here oh
God the hunters here nice well I already
have a stack of bread dude I need I need
to hide I need to hide hey guys
guys there's a trap door here on the
well oh down mind down mind down mind
dude it definitely go somewhere oh God I
don't see anybody in here yeah yeah hold
on I'm going to actually I'm invisible
I'm invisible I'm invisible they can't
see me why is he invisible dud we just
struck gold oh what is this what what
hello gowi up I don't know I just took
damage they can't see me they can't see
me I literally see nothing I threw my
bomb in there but there there's nothing
okay they don't know I'm up here they
don't know I'm up here I don't want to
blow up my chest what was that oh oh
he's up here oh above us above us there
we go okay I didn't blow up the chest oh
they coming up oh that did not work oh I
miss down here oh that's a lot of fall
damage oh down here down here down here
nice he di fall damage down here get
here oh I can't move I can't jump up
this oh there we go there we go there we
go we going to get that ladder there we
go he fell yes go up the water up the
water up the water get back here there
we go there we go get away from there
get away from there where are you there
are oh that was that was a little easier
than I expected okay they found my base
that's kind of annoying I was literally
about to start working on the tier four
Ender sword but now instead we got to
pack up all our stuff and move to a new
base not to be confused with Anubis
sorry that was a really dumb joke you
know what I'm just to the new base
really already how did they find my base
so fast well I guess it wasn't the most
hidden but whatever it's time to move to
yet another base welcome your faces to
my brand new survival base the Mecha
Steve base 3.0 as you can see this Base
is located right outside of a swamp and
is on top of a mountain where we get up
to the base through a water elev so if
we just go through here real quick and
follow our way up we'll get to the sky
base now they at the sky base you're
going to notice we have our nether
portal right here and our entire
survival area up here though my favorite
part is below here where we have a
massive lava generator and now that
you've seen the base it's time to keep
working on upgrades which by the way we
were rudely interrupted last time so now
let's unlock the Ender sword so once
again to actually unlock that thing I
need to place a campfire beneath a
beehive equipped a netherite chest plate
with a Max Level enchantment and kill
eight players with my diamond shurikens
now the easiest one of that is
definitely to make a campfire cuz it's
just like some sticks some coal and some
logs so let's just grab some logs some
coal and some sticks and boom we got
ourselves a campfire and now we just
going to take this campire and bring it
below a beehive which that really
shouldn't be too hard to find right okay
perfect there's literally a beehive
right under this tree here trying to
clear it an area so it's a little easier
to see okay here we go hello Mr be I'm
about to put a fireplace below your
beehive I did it there we go the quest
is completed that was actually a little
easier than I thought I'll take the
campfire back now what you don't get the
campfire back okay so now we need to get
a Max Level netherite chest plate which
is way easier you're said than done and
honestly the easiest way to probably do
that is to Simply raid a bunch of
bastions till we get a bunch of
netherite upgrades and netherite okay
perfect here's a Bastion literally right
in front of us there we go now we just
break our way into the Bastion real fast
got check this chest there we go boom we
got a netherite upgrade now we just need
to go ahead and get enough ancient
debris to make ourselves a netherite
chest plate there's another chest that
way let's start going that way in fact
hold on let's actually go ahead and make
a crafting table let's put on some gold
boots cuz I think they'll ignore me if I
have gold on right definitely not right
on that definitely not right on that
that was not correct here's another
chest though though this one has nothing
useful in it check the chest a netherite
scrap another smithing template 10
blocks of iron a netherite Ingot that
chest was loaded grab the rest of the
gold blocks okay now let just grab these
two gold blocks up here actually wait
now that we have netherite Ingot do we
even need anything else I think that
actually is it right okay so it turns
out I'm correct if I just grab these
diamonds from the chest here and make
ourselves a diamond chest plate we can
now go over to the smithing table
combine that with the netherite upgrade
and the netherite Ingot to get a
netherite chest plate though all this
does is give us a netherite chest plate
now here's the thing I am currently
level 38 so I can get this to max level
but I really don't want to get a bad
enchantment so let's just see what we
get oh it's fire protection no way oh
that's so bad okay well all we have to
do is equipped it I guess the quest is
now complete now I'll take it off let's
put it in the grindstone oh you know
what that's good we'll take protection
four and now we just have to kill eight
of the Minecraft Legends with our
Diamond shurikens but that means finding
them first cuz uh I kind of made their
last base well show the clip again their
whole base is getting eaten by a black
hole yeah I did that last time let's go
find their new base so after using the
black hole on the Hunter's last base it
was doomed so I to go look for their new
base which turned out to be kind of easy
to find to be honest that's definitely
it that's definitely it oh it's on the
land over here it's on this island oh no
it's on an island their base is one
giant Island I need to bait them up to
the water somehow okay hold on I got an
idea I got an idea I can shoot up their
ready okay I missed oh their whole water
elevator's busted come on I can hit that
there we go if I can shoot the floor
under them that would be huge come here
you ow hey hey hey that hurts a lot that
hurts a lot he's throwing something it's
not the missiles anymore what is that
okay back off back off back off no yes
okay that's one kill dude nice two down
two down two
down yes three down I got him I got him
oh they anti- Evolution bom me run I'm
coming I'm coming nice realiz is dead
he's done she said she was low too she's
running get her with the sharkens nice
she's gone wait wait heal up one's down
one's down one's down I'm going to die
I'm going to yes okay that's all the
kills let's unlock the next ability
which is our Ender sword it does the
damage of netherite sword and when I
right click it it should TP me to the
second nearest Target so it TV me behind
Rex watch boom Oh what where'd he go oh
how did he come here dead wait second
nearest Target is in the base how are
you here what why youen even doing that
now I can teleport into the base I the I
can just keep tping around this is so
broken where are their beds how are they
I found it oh my gosh okay this base is
destroyed wait yes oh my God I can't
believe we killed them this sword is
broken and now that we have it unlocked
let's head on home okay this this Ender
sword is absolutely busted like herob BR
and Notch didn't stand a chance against
this thing and even though that might
seem crazy our next upgrade is even
crazier it it's this laser beam pickaxe
you see right here I'm going to wait a
sec to let you guys actually see this
thing in action because it really blew
me away the first time I saw it now to
actually unlock the laser beam pickaxe
we need 15 blocks of redstone four skull
Catalyst and one regeneration Poston so
let's start by just heading down here
and getting the Redstone which should be
pretty easy to
do okay there we go that's all the
Redstone we need so let's just turn all
of that into redstone blocks like this
and just like that we have 16 blocks of
redstone now let's go look for an
ancient city so we can get some skull
catalysts which shouldn't be too hard as
we just have to look underneath a bunch
of Hills to find an ancient city it took
2 days of searching to find a fresh
ancient city where I could get some
skull catalysts yes booya we found an
ancient city okay now we need to get
some skull catalysts which uh are those
blocks you see right there but we need
silk touch to actually get them and we
don't have silk touch on our pickaxe
luckily for us though we can also find
them in chests or by killing a warden
I'm not going to lie I'm really not
looking to fight a warden right now okay
perfect we're at the ancient City now
just start looting these chests and
seeing what we can find here we got to
the first chest and nothing okay this is
going to definitely set one off please
be a school Catalyst in here no there's
not there's just a streer okay let's
check this one out ooh we got a god
apple and the best music disc other side
editors I swear to God if you don't play
The Other Side disc I am going
to I hate you editors okay there's no
skull Catalyst in this one let's just
check out the other one real quick yes
we got one okay that's one skull
Catalyst three more to go oh another dud
but we did get another God Apple there
we go that's two ooh protection for for
and breaking three pants that I will
gladly take oh this one had two the
uster school C we need so now let's just
get out of here and let's head on home
okay perfect so now that we're done in
the ancient city I realized we actually
finished this Quest look at this we
actually got a regeneration potion in
there which means the quest is now
complete let's just grab our redstone
blocks from the chest and now we can
unlock the laser pickaxe this orange
pickaxe you see in my hand right here
now let me just show you what this thing
quickly does by going into a mine real
fast okay so I'm at a spot in the mine
where you can definitely see there's
some diamonds and some iron and some
Redstone around and when I right click
this pickaxe it does does this 3 2
1 boom it shoots off lasers in all
directions and destroys all the ores
nearby and the best part is it
automatically puts them inside of my
inventory inside of this item here
called a laser chest so let's just put
this laser chest on the ground open it
up put the laser beam pickaxe inside and
you're going to see that I just got 64
diamonds 64 Redstone a bunch of lapis
and some copper we're rich now let's
just take our laser chest back and we
could do that a million times over so
let's just go to a different part of the
cave right here should work let's do it
again it breaks all the ores nearby and
now we just simply put down the chest
throw our laser beam pickaxe inside and
oh my gosh we have a stack of gold red
stone lapis I mean just so much stuff
but I'm never going to need a real
pickaxe again so uh I can't bring myself
to do it this pickaxe is still really
good so I'm just going to put it in my
chest just in case anyway now that we
officially have that laser upgrade
there's only one more tier four upgrade
to go and that is to become the grand
mea Steve who's going to gain the
ability to fly for 60 whole seconds and
to unlock him all we need is 12 28
Cherry logs 64 blocks of gold and eight
Magma Cream wait 64 blocks of gold
that's an insane amount of gold so you
know what I'm not doing that first I'm
going to get Cherry logs okay there we
go let's just start cutting down all
these cherry trees for their
logs okay there we go we actually have
the perfect amount of logs we have two
full stacks of cherry logs fully done
with so now let's just go home and get
some magma creams and then start on
those uh 64 Gold Blocks okay and the
quickest place I can think to get eight
Magma Cream is just to steal them from a
Bastion and hope that the chests have
them or if this Bastion is a bridge
Bastion it will actually have a Magma
Cream spawner so let's just start
building over there real quick and let's
see what type of Bastion it actually is
okay we're inside oh wait is this a
bridge I think it's a bridge meaning we
can actually get magma creams right here
yes there's a Magma Cream spawner right
here okay we need to start building a
farm so these don't burn there we go we
can kill you now okay and there we go we
officially got all the Magma Cream we
need and now we just need to start
collecting a boatload of gold blocks so
uh let's start doing oh my God there's
five in this chest and we also have an
enchanted diamond helmet now let's grab
the rest of the gold blocks over here
and that's all the gold blocks in this
Bastion we got a total of 29 which is
actually pretty good because back at our
base we have another 17 Gold Blocks
bringing our total to 46 Gold Blocks
meaning we need like you know 18 more so
let's go back to the nether let's go
find another Bastion and let's go get
some more gold blocks oh I found another
Bastion okay let's just see what Gold
Blocks you got inside and boom we got a
stack of gold blocks which means this
Quest is complete and we're going to
stop being Mecha Steve once we go home I
I got to make sure I still fit in my
nether portal okay so with everything in
hand say goodbye to our level three meca
Steve and hello to the the grand meca
Steve oh my God I'm now a giant robot oh
my gosh and apparently I can now fly for
60 seconds oh my God look at that I'm
literally flying and you can see I have
a lava timer on the left hand side so
you can see how much energy I have left
and when I land on the ground it resets
back to the Top This is hugely busted I
love this okay I am definitely
Invincible now that I can fly like
there's no way anyone stops me right oh
it's now we officially the level four
Mecha Steve all we need to do now is get
a bunch of blaze rods to head to the end
okay that's nine blaz rods that's all we
need now let's go trade for some Ender
Pearls at another Bastion now we're
going to need to find a fresh Bastion
because I've looted pretty much everyone
near here that I know about Bastion I
found one definitely have not been to
this one lava's still generating okay
let's see what we got here what type of
Bastion is this okay we're inside it's
another Bridge no way that's huge now
let's grab all the gold blocks for like
the millionth time now let's grab the
three gold blocks from this chest and
the netherite ingots and let's grab the
netherite upgrades and ancient debris
and another netherite Ingot from that
chest let's just look around the back
here for some gold blocks it doesn't
seem oh no there's one right here okay
and now we just got to trade with some
piglins okay I realized that uh I had to
check some footage and I never rehit
record so uh my bad I basically just got
a bunch of piglins here to start trading
for ender pearls and uh yeah that's
that's what they're doing okay I killed
off all the guys inside cuz I see a lot
of Ender Pearls around that's 21 ender
pearls which is more than what we need
to go to the end so now let's make some
Eyes of Ender and let's go battle the
End Dragon so now let's just throw the
first one off and see which direction
the end portal is going to be in it
looks like this way okay so let's just
start going in this direction and let's
go battle the Ender Dragon oh just throw
it off St oh it's going backwards that
means we're pretty close to this this
thing the strongholds got to be
somewhere in this like foresty area
going down it's right below here okay
let's grab our laser pickaxe let's start
heading down yes boom I found stone
brick it is here we are inside the
strong am I in the portal room no way I
just found the portal room already okay
the bad guys now know where at the end
but I don't think they'll to be able to
get here in time cuz I already found the
end portal room there we go okay let's
go in here we go we're in the end let's
do this thing so first things first
let's grab our spy glass and let's look
at the dragon with it to get is it a
plane and that's our first end Quest
done now let's just go ahead and let's
destroy each of these obsidian Towers
okay there we go all the towers are
officially destroyed and since we can
fly killing this guy should be a piece
of cake and boom there we go we've
officially freed the end the dragon is
dead so now we just have to get to level
50 which we're going to do right here
really easily and that's a second Quest
complete and now we just right click the
dragon egg and there we go now we can
collect it dragon egg acquired okay now
let's just take our ender pearls over
here to this portal real quick and throw
our ender pearl through to go to the
outer end and now we just need to look
around for end cities that have elytra
and it kept happening I ran into seven
more nend cities without the Dragon head
in a row till finally on day 78 I found
what I needed we got an n city yes end
ship we got an end ship which means we
can just fly up here real quick and get
the dragon head which is on the front of
the ship and now we've got it so let's
just fly on home since we don't actually
need to grab the elytra cuz you know
what we already fly okay so now that
we're back from the end and we finished
everything Quest wise in the end there's
only a few more things we need to do to
actually become a full level meca Steve
now if you watch these videos regularly
you know I like to unlock my tier five
upgrades all in one big go and so so
that's what I'm going to do so from here
there's only a few items we need to get
to become max level we need to get eight
Vines eight Twisted Vines we need to
kill 10 vexes and also kill three
players within 6 seconds and then
finally we just need a pitcher plant and
a beacon so let's start with the easiest
part of this which is just getting a
sniffer egg because that's how we're
going to get the pitcher plant we need
to unlock the Ultimate Steve okay so
what we need to do to get the sniffer
egg is make ourselves a brush with a
feather a stick and a copper Ingot and
now we just need to go brush a bunch of
stuff till we get the sniffer egg
luckily there is a warm ocean ruin right
here that we can test it on and maybe
we'll just get a sniff egg and get lucky
uh okay here we go right here let's test
this one nope that looks like we're
going to get a pottery fragment here's
another suspicious sand come on give me
a sniffer egg no that's a piece of coal
come on give it to me no that's wheat
okay let's head to the next War otion
ruin real quick and check that one out
okay we found another one though this
one's kind of like destroyed though
there is some suspicious sand so we may
get a sniffer egg that is definitely a
gold nugget okay that is not helpful
what about I think I saw one back here
yeah there's one right here that looks
like another Pottery fragment that's not
overly helpful not going to lie I think
that's it in this one wait no there's
one more oh but we got an emerald okay
there's a few more suspicious sand
there's one right here we can check out
looks like we're getting another Pottery
fragment from this one let's go around
back here I saw another one right here
yep here's one looks like we're getting
a gold nugget from that one yes finally
we got the sniffer egg let's go meaning
now all we have to do is build a little
platform for our sniffer to hatch okay
here's our pen for our little sniffer
now let just take the sniffer egg and
put on these Moss blocks and now we
should simply hatch in about 10 minutes
and then once he hatches we'll actually
worry about getting the pitcher plant to
finish the quest but for now uh you just
sit there and hatch little buddy I'm
going to sit on this egg and warm it up
and while we wait for it to hatch I'm
simply going to go to the Nether and
start killing some wither skeletons for
their wither skulls cuz I'm not sure if
you noticed but to become the ultimate
Steve I also need a beacon and to make a
beacon we need to kill a Wither for its
nether star and to summon a Wither we
need three Wither Skeleton skulls which
is why we're starting with getting those
first perfect here's a wither skeleton
skull let me just uh kill you real quick
okay he didn't drop a skull so now just
kill a bunch more till we actually get
skull okay perfect we got all three
Wither Skeleton skulls so now let's just
simply go fight the Wither by summoning
it real quick okay let's just summon the
wither right here real quick just put
out the Soul Sand throw the three skulls
on top now he's going to spawn in and
now we just got to kill this
guy and there we go the Wither is dead
and I got the nether star in my hand to
proof and with that Nether Star in hand
we just need to go ahead and now make a
beacon with five glass and three
obsidian so let's do that nice and easy
we just surround the glass and obsidian
like that throw the nether star in the
middle and we get a beacon hey why isn't
this EG hatch and this have hatched
already it's definitely been 10 minutes
wait a minute do I have to sit here in
the same chunk as it to make it hatch
well I need you to hatch if I want to
become the ultimate Steve Mr Egg so
please hatch I'm going to stand here
till you do okay I'm bored of waiting it
still hasn't hatched I'm going to the
nether to finish some other quests and
the first Quest we're going to finish is
actually getting some Twisted Vines from
the nether since we only need about
eight so let's just go find a twisted
forest and quickly get those okay I
think these are the Twisted ones let me
just double check yep okay this is
Twisted Vines yep these blue ones
perfect let's just get a bunch of these
cut down there we go we have 45 Twisted
Vines so that Quest is complete now we
just need eight regular Vines and we can
get those eight regular Vines nice and
easy from like a jungle like this so
let's just go ahead and start cutting
these down okay that should be all we
need I'll grab a couple extra just to be
safe boom just like that we can unlock
the game over ability that's crazy fast
and also uh where is herob bran like
notching them I haven't seen them in
forever I thought they would attack me
when I went to the end cuz it would tell
them where I am but they haven't
appeared maybe they can't find me okay
we're back at the base and yes we have a
sniffer he finally hatched but before we
do that let's unlock game over the new
ability even though it turns out we
can't use the Ability cuz there's no
players nearby but uh here's a quick
recre of what that would look like if I
used it on a player yeah they get sent
to the credit screen and then it's game
over anyway now that that's unlocked
there's only two tier five abilities to
go and that's to become the ultimate
Steve by getting a pitcher plant or by
killing 10 vexes or the 300s in 6
seconds now luckily I already know where
a woodland Mansion is so I'm just going
to head over there real quick to the
Woodland Mansion to quickly kill 10
vexes and then we'll get the pitcher pod
from this guy after cuz uh it requires a
bit of luck all the Woodland Mansion was
literally just beyond this hill
somewhere there it is there it is I knew
it was over here let's get over this
Woodland Mansion now let's just kill
some vexes I haven't looted this thing
yet now you might be wondering why I
actually haven't looted this thing yet
it's actually cuz I knew this Quest was
coming up where I'd have to kill 10
vexes so I figured I'd save it for later
so let's just blast our way inside and
we're in now let's just get some vexes
to quickly summon okay here he is this
guy I don't want to kill him yet I want
him to keep summoning his vexes just in
case he's the only one okay there's two
vexes down four vexes down there we go
that's all 10 vexes now we can kill this
guy for his totem of undying all I need
to do is break one chair and I can get
that totem there we go we got the totem
now we're Invincible okay perfect now
let's go find that other guy summoning
Vex is oh he's right here there we go we
got him that's another totem I think
there's another one what is he in here
he's in here he's in here okay there we
go another one down there's still more
in here there you are there we go that's
four totems of undying I think there's
still another one down here somewhere
wait what oh they're running you can't
run yeah you're done grab that other
totem we have five totems of undying
there is no way I'm losing this video
now that was a bit chaotic but that
worked out so well oh my goodness okay
let's just go out here and now we can
head on home with the vex's dead and
five totems in hand okay so now that the
vexes are dead there's only two more
quests to complete one getting the
sniffer behind me to give me a pitcher
pod and two killing all three of the
hunters within 6 seconds which again I
still don't know where they are I
haven't seen them I'm really confused
but I'm not going to worry about it I'm
just going to keep upgrading until they
show up or something happens cuz look
we're getting pretty close to day 100
here so let's start by getting a pitcher
plan from this sniffer here to get this
sniffer safely to the ground we're going
to have to put water all down below this
floor so that way he falls and he lands
in water okay so let's just go below our
sniffer here with all these water
buckets and let's just start putting
water everywhere okay they should
definitely do okay the sniffer will fall
probably through the so he's probably
coming down like right here and then
we'll just need a lead to lead him over
to the plains biome and I luckily stole
one earlier boom let's grab this lead
here and now let's have this guy fall
below the world I'm sorry an advanced
sniffer there he goes there he goes come
on yes he landed in the water now let's
get him in the lead get him in the lead
there we go start pulling him this way
okay let's get him out into the field
here okay now we should just start
sniffing around till he gets a pitcher
pod though this also could take a bit so
I'm oh there he goes there he goes sniff
yes this is good this is good this is
good give me the pitcher pod no he gave
me the torch flower seeds which is the
one I don't need no I need the other one
go back back to work oh he's finally
doing it again yes let's go please give
me the right one please give me the
right one he just gave me another torch
flower didn't he no now I got to wait
another 8 minutes oh he's doing it he's
doing it he's doing it oh my God I think
that is it what is that it's a pitcher
pod yes we got it oh thank God sniffer
friend I'm just going to let you chill
here in this uh plains biome you're free
free to live your life and now I'm going
home and I'm growing this pitcher pod
tomorrow okay so now to plant this
pitcher plant we're just going to go
ahead and create a small farm on the
edge here put the pitcher pod inside of
that block and now we're going to take
our bones and turn them the bone meal
and grow that pitcher pot into a pitcher
flower which when we Harvest it should
give us the pitcher plant boom there it
is and if we look at the quest the quest
is now complete and we can become the
ultimate Steve as much as I love this
robot Steve I'm very curious what our
final form is going to look like here we
go let's do it boom Oh my God I'm like
an even buffer version than before
except now I'm like the Terminator my
face has turned completely red am I
Herobrine now and now only one Quest
remains and that's to kill three of the
hunters in 6 seconds which uh is going
to be easy easier said than done cuz not
only do I not know where their base is I
haven't seen the hunters in days which
kind of scares me because they could be
working on something really big right
now and I would really hate to lose at
this point in the video now I just need
to kill three players in 6 seconds to
get to max level though uh where have
they been I haven't seen them in days
and it turns out that's because they
were building the ultimate base one
where I can't just blow up and get
inside they really wanted to try and
counter me and now I might be in trouble
because because on top of that base I
have to deal with they now have a new
item called the banhammer ooh some of
these crops are looted hold up oh wait
no they're not picked up something must
have just happened when they spawned in
Oh I thought I just found them in this
Village dude that's unfortunate that's
okay though oh no I found them they're
right here it's a giant like Notch face
oh my God look at this thing we got to
do some damage to them they got
netherite out he's going for down oh
wait the kill timer right I have to get
a bunch of kills within enough time oh
wait Banning uh type zombie wolf spider
planks and pork what was that how do
they just almost ban me wait what is in
their hand that ability can ban me when
they shoot out that weird thing around
them oh my God he's blowing up our face
if we're going to get them all we're
going to need to damage them all first
before killing them I'm so
low get him get him oh yes come on yes
we killed them all oh that's huge we can
unlock our new ability which is our
mounted TNT cannon let's test it on this
Notch face base shall
we yeah take
that they're basing is done wait what is
that it's a giant obsidian tube hold on
their base is made of obsidian I
teleported in I teleported in okay
that's one down that's one down oh he's
inside eat some food oh they're doing a
lot of damage hit him with the band
hammer hit him with the band Hammer they
got me with that band Hammer oh I the
bottom floor their beds are in there
their beds are in there oh he's breaking
our beds the bed should be gone oh I
need to get outside I need to get
outside okay let's get out there we go
dude he's breaking everything okay here
we go let's try this oh no no no no no
no no no no no okay there we go I killed
them all this base is done I don't think
they're spawning I think their bed
should be gone already boom I just put a
black hole there that should suck up the
whole world there we go there we go it's
eating the obsidian yes that's our way
out boom there we go just like that the
black hole eats the whole base and we
are out and now our goal is simple all
we got to do is survive till day 100 and
we'll be good to go dude that was the
stupidest thing in the world I I'm off
I'm out I'm out dude M BS are broken
we're done wait wait wait but n it's
over dude what what else do you want us
to do we still got plenty of days left
you could try something nah it's done
the banam didn't work the anti-
evolution bombs didn't work it's
over okay well never mind I guess they
quit so uh instead of having to survive
till day 100 meca Steve wins
4.7 / 5 (42 votes)

I Survived 100 Days as an ELEMENTAL WARDEN in Minecraft

100 Players Simulate WORLD WAR 2 in Minecraft Civilization War

Mikey and JJ Survive the Tsunami On the Island in Minecraft (Maizen)


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THIS GAME WANTS TO BE BROKEN - Crab Champions Is A Perfectly Balanced Game with no Exploits or Bugs