I Survived 100 Days as MECHA STEVE in Minecraft
TLDR在这个充满挑战的Minecraft冒险中,玩家扮演的Mecha Steve经历了从新手到高手的转变。起初,Mecha Steve只是一个脆弱的乐高小人,面临着三位猎人的追杀。通过不断升级装备和技能,如解锁激光射击、飞行能力、以及强大的黑洞技能,玩家逐渐增强了角色的生存能力。在建立了多个基地并成功抵御猎人的攻击后,Mecha Steve最终获得了终极形态,成为了几乎不可战胜的存在。然而,猎人也不断进化,建造了坚不可摧的基地并拥有了能够禁止玩家某些能力的“banhammer”。在一场史诗般的对决后,尽管猎人使用了各种策略和武器,Mecha Steve还是巧妙地利用自己的能力,摧毁了猎人的基地,并在没有达到100天的情况下,意外地赢得了这场生存游戏的胜利。
- 🚀 介绍了一个名为Mecha Steve的角色,这是一个可以发射激光、飞行甚至创造黑洞的机器人版Steve,目标是在《Minecraft》游戏中生存到第100天。
- 📦 Mecha Steve初始状态非常小,类似乐高积木搭建的,只有五个心形的HP(生命值),并且有三个猎人角色会尝试阻止他生存下来。
- 🌟 Mecha Steve可以通过升级窗口升级,增加心形HP并提升装甲,以对抗猎人。
- 🔥 玩家初始任务是逃脱猎人的追捕,并解锁第一个任务——解锁钻石碎片手里剑,这是一个可以投掷的武器。
- 🏞️ 为了躲避猎人,Mecha Steve利用森林和洞穴进行隐蔽,并利用环境来逃避追捕。
- 🛠️ 通过制作木制工具和武器,Mecha Steve开始收集资源并建立基地,为长期生存做准备。
- 🥄 Mecha Steve利用“食品无人机”来获取无限食物,这样可以专注于战斗和升级,而不用担心食物资源。
- 💺 为了变得更强大,Mecha Steve需要解锁更多的升级,包括成为拥有15颗心形HP的Mecha Steve原型,以及获取更强大的武器和能力。
- 🎣 玩家需要完成一系列任务,如使用望远镜观察鹦鹉、在冷水海洋遗迹中寻找物品,以及播放特定的音乐唱片,来解锁新的能力和武器。
- 🏹 Mecha Steve获得了一种特殊的弓——爬行者电荷弓,它可以发射会爆炸的箭矢,但使用时需要注意,因为它也可能伤害到自己。
- 🏡 Mecha Steve在游戏过程中建立了多个基地,每次基地被发现或破坏后,他都会迁移到一个新的隐蔽地点。
- 🔮 最终,Mecha Steve通过不断的战斗和升级,解锁了强大的武器和能力,包括能够召唤黑洞的重力结束水晶,以及无限隐形药水。
Q & A
Mecha Steve是什么,他在游戏中有什么特殊能力?
-Mecha Steve是一种机器人版的Steve皮肤,在游戏中他可以射击激光、飞行甚至创造黑洞。
-玩家需要控制Mecha Steve在游戏中生存至第100天,同时躲避或击败三个猎人的追杀。
Mecha Steve升级窗口有什么作用?
-Mecha Steve升级窗口允许玩家停止作为一个玩具大小的Mecha Steve,并解锁更多的心脏和升级Mecha Steve装甲。
玩家如何建立自己的第一个Mecha Steve基地?
玩家如何从Tiny Lego Steve升级到Mecha Steve原型?
-玩家需要收集16朵蒲公英、4个铁块和1个马鞍,然后使用这些物品来升级成拥有15颗心和额外的力量与速度加成的Mecha Steve原型。
玩家如何解锁Creeper Charge Bow?
-玩家可以通过建造隐蔽的基地、使用Mecha Steve的升级能力,如Creeper Charge Bow和高级扫描器,以及利用环境和策略来躲避猎人的攻击。
-玩家在寻找猎人基地时遇到了困难,因为猎人将基地建在了非常远的地方,而且使用了一种新的能够将玩家退化到Tier 1的炸弹。
-玩家通过不断升级Mecha Steve,使用新解锁的能力如Gravitational End Crystals和Infinite Invisibility Potion,以及策略性地破坏猎人的基地,最终击败了猎人。
😀 介绍机械史蒂夫与挑战开始
视频介绍了一个名为机械史蒂夫(Mecha Steve)的角色,这是一个可以发射激光、飞行甚至创造黑洞的机器人版本史蒂夫。视频的挑战是让机械史蒂夫在游戏中生存到第100天,同时逃避三个猎人的追杀。主角在第一天就以乐高小人的形象出现,体积极小,只有五颗心的血量,并介绍了他的升级窗口,通过它可以获得更多的心和升级装备。
🏞️ 逃脱猎人并建立基础基地
🔥 获得更多心和升级能力
🏡 迁移到新基地并继续升级
🛡️ 解锁终极能力和面对最终挑战
🎮 成为终极史蒂夫并完成任务
🏁 完成最终挑战并获得胜利
💡Mecha Steve
💡Survival Challenge
💡Diamond Shurikens
💡Ender Dragon
介绍了Mecha Steve,一个可以发射激光、飞行甚至创造黑洞的机器人版Steve。
Mecha Steve在游戏的第100天时面临三个猎人的挑战,目标是生存下去。
Mecha Steve初始状态非常小,类似乐高积木,只有五个心的血量。
玩家可以通过Mecha Steve升级窗口来强化角色,增加血量和升级护甲。
Mecha Steve利用森林和洞穴进行躲避,使用策略逃脱猎人的追击。
展示了Mecha Steve如何通过制作木制工具和武器来提升生存能力。
描述了Mecha Steve如何巧妙地利用环境和物品来躲避猎人的追捕。
Mecha Steve使用熔岩和水的组合来获得新的能力并摆脱猎人。
详细介绍了Mecha Steve如何建立一个隐蔽的基地,以提高生存机会。
Mecha Steve原型拥有15颗心,以及速度和力量加成,提升了战斗能力。
介绍了Mecha Steve如何通过完成任务和解锁新技能来逐步增强实力。
描述了Mecha Steve如何巧妙地在一个新基地中躲避猎人,并准备下一步升级。
Mecha Steve使用高级扫描器,一种可以透视墙壁和发现矿石的工具。
Mecha Steve最终目标是生存到第100天,成为游戏的胜利者。
everyone knows Steve from Minecraft and
if you see someone wearing a Steve skin
well you know that they are a noob but
it's time to change that introducing
meca Steve a robotic Steve who can shoot
lasers fly and even create black holes
and now I'm going to be playing as Mecha
Steve to see if he can survive till day
100 in game but there's just one small
problem and that's the fact that three
Hunters are going to try and kill meca
Steve and stop him from getting to day
100 on day one I spawned in as meca
Steve but as you can see I am not I mean
look at me I'm literally made of Legos
and I'm tiny like if I stand next to
this stair it is taller than I am and of
course since I'm small I only have five
hearts of HP and these three gods of
Minecraft behind me are going to try and
stop me from getting to day 100 so yeah
this is not going to be an easy
challenge to survive but luckily for me
I have my Mecha Steve upgrade window
which will allow me to stop being a toy
and this is where I'll be able to get
more hearts and upgrade my Mecha Steve
armor to hopefully eventually beat these
three but for now we're going to start
with the basics and work to escape while
unlocking our first Quest the diamond
shard shurikens these are basically
Diamond sharkens I can throw at these
three but T un lock it won't be easy so
let's just get started okay I'm
currently on the edge of this platform
and the second I leave it they're
allowed to come chase me and attack me
so we got to make sure we get this right
okay my best bet is definitely to head
to that Forest way out there in the
distance then I can hide amongst the
trees and this will work perfect okay
here we go 3 2 1 go go go go go go go go
go go go go toy Steve go get back here
mea Steve oh this is not good this is
not good so tiny a little Lego right now
hopefully I can lose them like this oh
jeez okay go up here barely see him keep
going this way than us we has tiny legs
go go we got to get to a hiding spot
where we can get a log oh right here
right here right here I see one I see
one I see one left to cut him off we go
I don't see him I just buried myself
sping into the grass no way we're
currently stuck it under this log I'm
going to check this cave okay they're
looking let me start grabbing logs he's
definitely around here he's definitely
around here I hear him breaking they
hear me where was it dirt or something
break myself no wait right here right
here oh go go go run go run run run run
run run run oh they're right on me they
right on me they're right on me we got
some logs though okay we need to bury
ourselves again we need to lose them and
bury ourselves again we just want to
have a little chat don't run so fast I
know they're right behind me oh jeez
lose them in the water ready he's in the
water oh he oh I hit him once got him so
tiny wait hug nice he can go through one
high block GS oh my God I lost him we're
buried to get we yeah he went this way
he went this way follow me okay cool
quickly let's break this block turn
these logs into planks then make a
crafting table now let's just go ahead
and make some sticks then we just need
to make a wooden pickaxe now just Dig
Down okay now we just need to grab a few
Stone here two for a sword and three for
a pickaxe Stone Age oh he's mining I see
his name tag he's back here oh they
found me go go go go go you thought you
were slick buddy there we go make some
more sticks they're coming in I see a
crafting table there we go down here
somewhere yeah he's down here believe
the tree oh that hurts oh oh they're in
ow ow no he hurts I'm stuck I'm stuck go
in the in the water he's back in the
water he's back in the water how to get
to the edge how to get to the edge look
at this look at this I'm so small I can
juk them just like this going he
literally just did a loopy loop okay we
need to get two kills one down oh no way
bro yes two down yes okay we got two
kills we got two kills okay the other
one's behind me the other one's behind
me we now need to slap a dolphin or fall
in love and survive okay the ocean's
right here let's look for a dolphin oh I
really hope this is a warm ocean okay
there's no dolphin here there's no
dolphin here this has got to be a warm
ocean somewhere around here oh gosh
there he is oh no they saw me go go go
go go go go go go we need to find a
dolphin or lava stat oh I can't hit him
oh my God the grass the grass he we're
back at spawn we're back at spawn this
is not where I wanted to be he's so fast
please be a dolphin all right they can
see me they can see me let's see if we
can grab a boat real quick that's enough
that's enough that's enough go quick Qui
quick quick quick dude that thing is's
shooting Trident at us Boat Boat Bo boat
we got it he's right here he's right
here no a boat we have to make boats I'm
literally under the boat drowning this
is ridiculous I literally am drowning
under the boat while using it what is
this nonsense okay we need to get air
now just to use boats okay we need to
look for a dolphin we need to look for a
dolphin oh there's a dolphin right here
oh that's huge I didn't even see this
guy I didn't know you could spawn here
okay I punched a dolphin oh wait I see
boats I see boat oh God the hunters are
right there oh jeez we need to go to
land we need to go to land we're
drowning we're drowning go to land to
land to land he's on the boat now all we
need to do is survive lava we need to
fall in lava and survive that's going to
be tough with five Hearts but I think
it's doable if there's water nearby he's
under the water again oh they're they're
close is
that try that almost hit me that almost
hit me oh my gosh there's a careful oh I
fell he jum oh it's water it's water
it's water I'm
hopping oh they hit me down they hit me
down ooh it's not good I hit him down
wait he's down here swim this way swim
this way oh he is go this way okay then
we jump here jump here jump here where
is he they they lost me they lost me
here somewhere up oh he went up there we
go there we go there we go yes I just
need lava and then I can get an ability
and lose these guys oh it's an egg okay
this way this way this way we need to
find some lava get in this jungle get in
this jungle we can lose them in here cuz
it's all super tight lava okay okay okay
okay if I step in this little pool right
here and then how close is there to
water oh there's water right here hold
on hold on hold on let me just dig this
up and then we can quickly just get in
water break this little path right here
ready boom we stepped in lava now we
just run over here and boom he's over
here he's over here water we need to go
we need to go we need to go oh my God
melons this way this way this way
they're getting food they're getting
food they're getting food oh okay let's
unlock the diamond shurikens I got him I
got him I got them oh what am I going to
do I got an idea I got an idea right
here you see him he's over here he like
dig in or dug in I think man oh wait no
oh no no oh get out get out oh no no no
get out get out of there get out of
there okay let's go this way let's go
this way let's go this way a dude what
are we even going to do okay we need to
get out of here dude I don't even see I
hear him I don't see him I I he must be
I think I hear him okay they don't see
me that's good that's good let's keep
going this way I can't believe we just
lost him again he's so tiny okay we're
up this they saw me they saw me we're
going back down we back we're going back
in we're going back in we're going back
in dude oh he's shoo little fell what is
he doing he's tiny dude we just have to
hit him once oh my
god oh oh no no no I tricked him I
tricked him I tricked him nice two down
two down oh no oh my gosh I can't get
him oh my gosh yes they're dead they're
dead they're so far away they went back
to spawn this is our chance we're
finally free we're out of here let's go
after Escaping The Hunters I simply went
ahead and worked on my first Mecha Steve
base which uh let's just say it was a
bit basic okay so welcome your basis to
the First toy Steve base which uh as you
can see is kind of small but you know
I'm also really small so this is
actually giant to me like literally look
at this when I walk around it takes me
so long to get around this place but
anyway the base is officially complete
with a basic survival area here some
beds right here and my lava generator
right here now over here is actually how
we get out we just swim up this hole
right here to get to the surface which
is all hidden around some bamboo to make
it really hard to find and then to get
back inside the base all we have to do
is go over here to this bamboo climb on
top of these leaves and you'll see that
right behind these leaves is actually a
hole that goes down into our base so
yeah this base is actually super hidden
in a jungle right now meaning I should
stay safe for a little while and since I
am safer right now let's keep getting
stronger so we don't just absolutely get
destroyed in fact let's work on getting
our next utility power which is the
advanced food drone it's basically a
drone that gives me free food so I will
never need to get food again now to
actually unlock this drone there's a few
things I'm going to need to do first I
need to gather up eight sugar cane then
I need to get three golden apples and
then I need an iron shovel and only then
will I get the food drone so anyway
since we're on the surface and we're
kind of near a river let's just start
grabbing a bunch of sugar cane since we
need eight sugar cane to get the
advanced food drone and luckily there's
some right in front of me right here
there's a bunch here so that's enough
it's actually 10 we have more than
enough sugar cane look at this when I
throw these it looks like I'm chucking
them so far cuz I'm so tiny anyway now
that we have the sugarcane we need we
just need to make an iron shovel since
that's also one of the requirements and
we can do that just like this done and
now we just need three golden apples now
I currently only have four raw gold and
that is is not enough cuz we need 24 raw
gold so let's quickly go back to the
surface and head over to our mine so we
can start getting some gold together to
get some golden
apples okay there we go that's 20 raw
gold now just simply grab the four raw
gold from this chest and now let's grab
some lava and let's throw all of that
into a blast furnace to start turning
this raw gold into gold ingots okay now
we simply just grab all our gold and now
we just need three apples which means
let's swim them to the surface really
fast and now let's go find a bunch of
oak trees to start cutting down okay
perfect we've found a bunch of oak trees
and birch trees which drop apples so now
we just got to start cutting them down
and wait for apples to drop okay this is
kind of crazy to think about but right
now as toy Steve I am literally the size
oh I dropped it hold on let me throw
that over there I'm literally the size
of a block on the ground this is crazy
though it's probably honestly a good
thing because it makes me really hard to
hit anyway let's just keep finding some
trees okay and there we go we officially
have three out of three apples now just
head back to the base real quick and
let's combine the gold and the apples
together to get three golden apples
where now we can unlock our food drone
and this food drone is awesome so as you
can see in my hot bar I have zero food
items right now but if I turn on my food
drone you see this little Steve like
drone is going to appear and fly away uh
looks like he's flying out of the tunnel
that way uh I think my food drone got
stuck hold on I might have to use it
above ground it may not work well
underground okay let's try again I spawn
the food drone there he goes he's going
off into the distance he should
disappear okay oh my God the other food
drone wait I can have more than one oh
he did make it look he gave me a bunch
of food and now this guy's coming back
thank you Steve drone there we go and
now I'm also going to spawn another one
and another one who is also going to get
me more food this is awesome infinite
food for forever using a bunch of Steve
drones it's kind of like Amazon's
delivery drones but a lot less creepy
okay maybe a lot more creepy cuz look at
that Steve coming up behind me oh my God
but you've seen the food drones and now
it's time for us to go home cuz the Sun
is going down and I am squishy wait why
are my hearts back at 10 my hearts are
10 wait what how do I have 10 Hearts
okay I'm going to go to bed and I'm
going to see if there's still 10 in the
morning cuz I think that might be a
visual bug I think I only have five
Hearts right now okay moment of truth
let's go to sleep oh we have five Hearts
there we go see I knew going to sleep
would give me five Hearts though I am
very confused on how that happened wait
maybe I can recreate the glitch somehow
and give myself 10 Hearts no no I I
don't have time for that it sounds
really fun but I would be having to
break the game and spend a lot of time
doing that and what I really need to do
is actually get more Hearts the legit
way because only having five Hearts
makes me super squishy so to actually
get more Hearts we need to become the
meca Steve prototype who has 15 total
hearts and he also gets a bunch of
strength and speed bonuses as well and
luckily unlocking him is actually pretty
easy all we need are 16 poppies four
blocks of iron in one saddle and poppies
are pretty much everywhere we just got
to find Plaines biome so let's just keep
going this way cuz I know there is a
ples over this way okay perfect we found
a poppy which is one out of 16 that we
actually need hello bees oh my God are
the bees bigger than look how big they
are look how big the bee is compared to
me this is crazy I'm smaller than the
flower what okay anyway before I get
distracted we got to keep getting
poppies oh here's a bunch bunch of
poppies this is it this is all we're
going to need we now have all the
poppies that we need and now that we
have those poppies let's quickly head
back to the base and then let's start
looking for a saddle in some Cav cuz our
best place to find one is either a mob
spawner or inside of an abandoned mft so
I went searching for a saddle but I
couldn't find one anywhere near the base
so I simply decided to check out some
other caves further away and when I did
that I of course ran into the hunters
okay this cave looks huge if I'm going
to fight a saddle anywhere it's going to
be this one okay we need to find a mob
spawner um surprise oh dear God she's so
H Hunters H I literally haven't even hit
him once yet oh my God he's away there
we go go go go go go no I fell I fell
Jesus they fell they fell oh he he's
going back he's going back towards the
entrance go get out get out get out get
get get get out oh God Hunters are here
dude I don't have any blocks get back
here mea Steve oh he's right on my tail
we need to get out I'm not even going to
worry about getting that saddle for a
sec dude go small to hit go get ready
it dude I was
shielding yes he's gone he's gone he's
gone oh run run run run I need to ditch
the others oh God I'm going to confuse
them I'm going to confuse them food
drone I really hope that confuses them I
can barely see him okay let's lose them
let's lose them let's lose them ready
watch this what what is that now hold
shift I definitely just lost on my hair
I'm saying wait where he go that okay
the feud drone has him confused yes
let's go that's my chance to get out of
here go go go go go spawner spawner