Google Rejected Me Again... Going Nuclear (Google Spam Update) - Building in Public Day 156

Jacky Chou from Indexsy
14 Apr 202410:32

TLDRThe video discusses the creator's struggle with a Google manual penalty for their website due to spam techniques. After multiple attempts to resolve the issue by removing AI-generated content and resubmitting for reconsideration, the penalty persists. The creator decides to take a drastic approach by removing all blog posts to see if Google will lift the penalty, and plans to share the outcome with their audience.


  • 📉 The speaker's website recently received a manual penalty from Google, affecting their search rankings.
  • 🤖 Initially, the penalty was due to the use of AI-generated content, which they removed extensively.
  • 📝 After removing over 2,000 AI content pieces, they resubmitted their website for reconsideration.
  • 🚫 Google responded that the issue still persisted, even after the removal of AI content.
  • 🗑️ In a drastic move, they decided to remove all blog posts from their website and resubmit for review.
  • 💰 The website's revenue had a decrease, with Amazon and OnlyFans earnings being notably lower.
  • 📉 The total ordered revenue was down from previous averages, but still considered solid.
  • 🎥 The speaker is documenting their entire process and plans to share updates on the outcome.
  • 🤔 They are curious to see if Google will revoke the penalty with no content left on the site.
  • 🤝 The speaker engages with their audience by encouraging comments and subscriptions.
  • 🚀 The speaker discusses other topics such as boosting online presence and the future of their community.

Q & A

  • What was the main issue with the manual penalty the speaker received from Google?

    -The main issue was that the website was flagged for scaled content aggressive spam techniques.

  • How many AI-generated content pieces did the speaker claim to have removed from their website?

    -The speaker claimed to have removed over 2,000 AI-generated content pieces.

  • What was the total order revenue on the day the speaker recorded the video?

    -The total order revenue was $29.6k.

  • Which specific types of content did the speaker decide to keep on their website after removing the rest?

    -The speaker decided to keep content about ceramics, as they were an expert in that area.

  • What was the speaker's strategy in response to Google's persistent penalty issue?

    -The speaker's strategy was to remove all blog posts from the website and then request a review to see if the manual penalty would be revoked.

  • How did the speaker engage with the YouTube algorithm in relation to their video content?

    -The speaker encouraged viewers to comment 'Google spam update' on their YouTube videos to interact with the algorithm.

  • What advice did the speaker give regarding boosting a website's SEO with Fiverr gigs?

    -The speaker advised against boosting a website's SEO with Fiverr gigs, especially if it's not a link farm type of situation.

  • What did the speaker suggest about their future plans after retirement?

    -The speaker suggested that they would not fully retire but would take a step back from aggressive monetization and focus more on running experiments.

  • What was the speaker's opinion on the current state of Reddit for their strategies?

    -The speaker believed that Reddit was no longer effective for their strategies as it seemed to have been 'cooked' due to overuse.

  • What was the speaker's outlook on Rank and Rent as an investment strategy?

    -The speaker was bullish on Rank and Rent, believing it to be a promising investment strategy at the time.

  • What was the speaker's plan for the Advis community after reaching a certain limit?

    -The speaker planned to shut down new applications to the Advis community as they had nearly reached their limit of 350 members.



📈 Website Traffic and Revenue Update

The speaker discusses recent changes in their website traffic and revenue, highlighting a decrease in total revenue and specific earnings from different sources like Amazon and OnlyFans. They also mention the removal of AI-generated content to address a manual penalty issue and their plan to document the entire process to keep their audience updated.


🚫 Google Spam Update and Manual Penalty

The speaker talks about their experience with a Google spam update affecting their website. They detail the steps taken to address a manual penalty, including the removal of AI content and resubmission for reconsideration. The speaker expresses frustration with the ongoing penalty and shares their plan to remove all blog posts to see if this will resolve the issue.


🤔 Future Plans and Community Updates

The speaker shares their thoughts on the future of their online community and monetization strategies. They mention plans for a less aggressive approach to revenue generation and a focus on running experiments. The speaker also addresses concerns about comment deletion on Reddit and expresses optimism about new opportunities in the digital marketing space.



💡Google Spam Update

The Google Spam Update refers to algorithmic changes made by Google to its search engine to identify and penalize websites engaging in spammy or manipulative behavior. This is relevant to the video as the creator discusses their experience with a manual penalty from Google presumably due to such an update. They detail their efforts to comply with Google's guidelines by removing AI-generated content and focusing on human-written articles.

💡Manual Penalty

A manual penalty is a sanction applied by Google manually, not through its algorithmic processes, to a website that violates Google's Webmaster Guidelines. In the context of the video, the creator received a manual penalty for their website, which affected their site's visibility on Google. They discuss the steps taken to have this penalty removed, including deleting over 2,000 AI-generated articles.

💡AI Content

AI content refers to articles or posts generated by artificial intelligence rather than written by humans. The video's creator mentions removing a significant amount of AI content from their website as a response to Google's manual penalty, emphasizing a pivot towards content that is exclusively human-written to align with Google's quality guidelines.

💡Reconsideration Request

A reconsideration request is a process by which a webmaster asks Google to re-evaluate their website after penalties have been applied, usually following corrective actions taken to address the issues cited by Google. The creator describes submitting multiple reconsideration requests to Google, detailing their efforts to comply with guidelines and requesting the removal of the penalty.

💡Human-Written Content

Human-written content refers to articles or posts authored by individuals rather than generated by AI. This is highlighted in the video as a strategic pivot for the creator's website, aiming to improve quality and comply with Google's guidelines after receiving a manual penalty for the presence of AI-generated content.


Ceramics are mentioned in the context of the remaining content on the creator's website after removing much of the AI-generated material. They focus on ceramics-related topics, which are relevant to their business in dinnerware, to demonstrate expertise and value in a niche area. This strategic choice reflects an effort to align with Google's emphasis on quality, relevance, and expertise in web content.

💡Revenue Streams

The video discusses various revenue streams, including Amazon, Medi Vine, and OnlyFans, illustrating the creator's diverse online income sources. These details provide insight into the financial impact of the Google manual penalty and the importance of maintaining good standing with search engines for online businesses.

💡SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

Although not explicitly mentioned, the video's content revolves around SEO practices and challenges. SEO involves optimizing a website to improve its visibility in search engine results pages. The creator's efforts to remove AI-generated content and focus on quality human-written articles are aimed at improving their site's SEO in light of Google's guidelines and penalties.

💡Content Quality

Content quality is a central theme of the video, as the creator discusses the importance of removing low-quality AI-generated content and focusing on high-quality, human-written articles. This reflects the broader SEO principle that content quality is crucial for achieving and maintaining good search engine rankings.


Rankings refer to a website's position on search engine results pages. The video's narrative includes the impact of Google's manual penalty on the creator's website rankings and their subsequent efforts to restore their rankings by aligning with Google's quality guidelines through content improvement and reconsideration requests.


Google rejected the manual penalty reconsideration due to aggressive spam techniques.

The initial penalty was for scaled content and aggressive spam techniques on a subdirectory.

Over 2,000 AI-generated content pieces were removed in response to the penalty.

After content removal, resubmission was made on March 25th with only human-written content remaining.

Google's response indicated the issue still persisted, even with human-written content.

On April 2nd, the request was resubmitted emphasizing the human-written nature of the remaining posts.

Google's response on April 8th confirmed the issue persisted for some pages despite the changes.

The decision was made to remove all blog posts and request a review of the manual penalty.

The impact of removing all content on the site and its effect on the manual penalty is yet to be seen.

The strategy of 'going nuclear' involves drastic measures to address Google's penalty.

The speaker is a dinnerware company expert and focused on content related to ceramics.

The remaining posts were about different types of ceramics and dinnerware materials.

The speaker is curious to see if Google will revoke the penalty with no content left on the site.

The speaker plans to keep the audience updated on the outcome of this approach.

The video also includes a discussion on the YouTube algorithm and a call to action for subscriptions.

The speaker shares insights on avoiding penalties and the importance of high-quality content.

The speaker addresses audience questions on various topics, including Fiverr gigs and Reddit strategies.

The speaker discusses potential retirement plans and the future of the advised community.