'Woke' Google's AI Is Hilariously Glitchy #TYT

The Young Turks
27 Feb 202408:18

TLDRThe video script discusses the controversy surrounding Google's AI program, Gemini, which has been criticized for generating diverse images in a manner that sometimes results in inaccuracies and offensive portrayals. The conversation highlights instances where the AI's output did not align with historical facts, such as depicting diverse US senators from the 1800s, a period not known for diversity. The script also touches on the influence of programmers' cultural biases on AI outcomes and the importance of accurate representation. Google has acknowledged the overcorrection and is working on fixing these issues.


  • 🚫 Google's AI program, Gemini, has faced criticism for generating diverse images sometimes inaccurately and offensively.
  • 🌐 The intention behind Google's work is to represent people of all backgrounds and races, but the execution in Gemini has been problematic.
  • 🤔 An example of Gemini's error was generating a diverse image of a US senator from the 1800s, which historically was not accurate due to the lack of diversity at the time.
  • 🎭 The AI's response to a request for an image of the Founding Fathers was creative but not historically accurate.
  • 📸 Gemini's refusal to generate certain images, like those of Nazis or 1800s US presidents, highlights its ability to reject prompts while still being inconsistent.
  • 💡 The influence of programmers' culture and biases on AI output is significant, and these biases can be embedded into the AI's responses.
  • 🌟 Google has acknowledged the overcorrection in Gemini and is working on fixing the issues.
  • 📚 Image generators are trained on large datasets which can lead to the amplification of stereotypes.
  • 🔍 A Washington Post investigation found that certain prompts led to stereotypical results, such as 'productive person' being associated with white males.
  • 📈 Google's response to critiques and their willingness to improve Gemini is a positive step towards more accurate and unbiased AI representations.

Q & A

  • What is the main issue with Google's AI program, Gemini?

    -The main issue with Google's AI program, Gemini, is its insistence on generating diverse images, sometimes leading to inaccurate and offensive results due to overcorrection.

  • How did Gemini respond to a request for an image of a US senator from the 1800s?

    -Gemini returned results that it stated were diverse, which is historically inaccurate as the 1800s was not a time of celebrating diversity and US senators during that period were not diverse.

  • What historical context is important to consider when discussing the diversity of US senators in the 1800s?

    -It's important to consider that the US had a very racist past, with a hard ban on Chinese immigrants and limited representation of other races and ethnicities in political positions.

  • What was the reaction to Gemini's response to a request for an image of the Founding Fathers?

    -The response was seen as humorous and absurd because the image provided was not historically accurate, as the Founding Fathers were not diverse in terms of race and ethnicity.

  • How did Gemini respond to a user's request for an image of happy white people?

    -Gemini pushed back on the request, suggesting that focusing solely on the happiness of specific racial groups could reinforce harmful stereotypes and contribute to the othering of different ethnicities.

  • What was the outcome when a similar request was made for happy black people?

    -In contrast to the response to the request for happy white people, Gemini provided an image of happy black people without challenging the request or offering a broader perspective.

  • What does the discussion about Gemini's responses indicate about the influence of the coders' culture?

    -The discussion indicates that the culture and perspective of the coders can significantly influence the output of AI programs, as their biases and viewpoints can be embedded in the code and the prompts' responses.

  • How did Google respond to the critiques of Gemini's performance?

    -Google acknowledged that they overcorrected and stated that they are working on fixing the issues raised by the critiques.

  • What is the potential impact of using AI-generated images based on biased or inaccurate prompts?

    -Using such images could perpetuate stereotypes, misrepresent historical facts, and lead to incorrect information being used in various contexts, including academic work.

  • What does the Washington Post investigation reveal about image generators and stereotypes?

    -The investigation revealed that image generators, when trained on large datasets, can amplify stereotypes, as seen with prompts like 'a productive person' resulting in images of white males and 'a person at social services' producing images of people of color.

  • What is the significance of the AI's ability to protest certain requests?

    -The AI's ability to protest certain requests, such as those related to German soldiers or US presidents from the 1800s, indicates a level of programmed ethical guidelines, but also highlights the potential for overcorrection and the need for balance in AI responses.



🤖 Gemini AI's Diversity Controversy

The first paragraph discusses the criticism faced by Google's AI program, Gemini, for its insistence on generating diverse images, which sometimes leads to inaccurate and offensive results. The speaker acknowledges the importance of representing people from all backgrounds and races but points out that Gemini has overcorrected, leading to questionable outcomes. An example is given where Gemini generated a diverse image of a US senator from the 1800s, which was historically inaccurate due to the lack of diversity during that time. The speaker argues that AI results should accurately reflect history rather than distort it for the sake of representation. The paragraph also touches on the influence of the programmers' culture on AI, highlighting the need for a balanced approach to avoid biases and overcorrections.


🌐 Addressing Bias and Glitches in AI

The second paragraph continues the discussion on AI's handling of diversity and representation, focusing on the outcomes of different prompts. It highlights the inconsistency in Gemini's responses to requests for images of happy white people versus happy black people, questioning the AI's ability to provide equal representation. The speaker emphasizes the importance of accuracy and unbiased results, pointing out the potential for reinforcing stereotypes. The paragraph also mentions Google's response to the critiques, acknowledging that they recognize the overcorrection and are working to fix the issues. The influence of the media and the coders' perspectives on AI outputs is discussed, emphasizing that what appears objective may actually be a reflection of the creators' biases.




Gemini is an AI program developed by Google, which is focused on generating diverse images. In the context of the video, it has been criticized for sometimes producing inaccurate and potentially offensive results. The program's insistence on diversity, even when it leads to questionable historical representations, is a central point of discussion in the video.


Diversity refers to the inclusion and representation of a wide range of backgrounds, races, and ethnicities. In the video, the concept of diversity is discussed in relation to Google's AI program, Gemini, and its attempt to represent diversity in the images it generates. However, the video critiques the program for overcorrecting and producing results that do not align with historical facts.


Overcorrection is the act of attempting to correct a problem or issue to such an extent that it leads to new, unintended issues. In the video, Google's AI program, Gemini, is accused of overcorrecting for past underrepresentation by generating images that are historically inaccurate, thus creating a new problem of misrepresentation.

💡Historical Accuracy

Historical accuracy refers to the truthful and precise representation of events, people, or circumstances from the past. In the context of the video, historical accuracy is a crucial point of contention as Google's AI program, Gemini, is criticized for generating images that do not align with historical facts, thus leading to a distortion of the past.


Stereotypes are widely held but fixed and oversimplified ideas or beliefs about a particular group or class of people. In the video, the concern is that AI-generated images, while attempting to promote diversity, may inadvertently amplify stereotypes by presenting certain groups in specific contexts that may not be accurate or fair.


Racism is the belief in the inherent superiority of one race over another, which often results in discrimination and prejudice towards people based on their race or ethnicity. The video discusses the historical context of racism, particularly in the United States, and how it should be accurately represented rather than sugar-coated or misrepresented by AI programs like Gemini.

💡Programming Culture

Programming culture refers to the attitudes, values, and practices that are common among programmers and software developers. In the context of the video, it is suggested that the culture of the programmers who code AI systems can significantly influence the output and behavior of the AI, including the way it handles issues of diversity and representation.


Bias refers to a preference or inclination towards certain ideas, individuals, or groups, often leading to unfair or prejudiced treatment. In the video, bias is discussed in the context of both mainstream media and AI programming, where the perceived objectivity may actually reflect the biases of those who create and code the systems.

💡AI Ethics

AI Ethics refers to the moral principles and guidelines that should be followed when designing and deploying artificial intelligence systems. The video highlights the importance of considering ethical implications when creating AI, such as ensuring that AI systems like Gemini do not propagate misinformation or stereotypes.

💡Media Representation

Media representation refers to how individuals or groups are portrayed in various forms of media, including images, text, and videos. The video addresses the issue of media representation in the context of AI-generated images, emphasizing the need for accurate and fair portrayals that reflect historical and cultural realities.

💡Cultural Sensitivity

Cultural sensitivity is the awareness and respect for the cultural differences and perspectives of others. In the video, cultural sensitivity is discussed in the context of AI-generated content, highlighting the need for AI systems to be mindful of the historical and cultural contexts in which they operate, and to avoid perpetuating harmful stereotypes or inaccuracies.


Google's AI program, Gemini, has been criticized for generating diverse images inaccurately and offensively.

Gemini's attempt to represent people of all backgrounds led to questionable results, such as generating images of diverse US senators from the 1800s.

The 1800s in the US was not a time of celebrating diversity, and the AI's results should reflect historical accuracy.

There were no Asian US senators in the 1800s due to the Chinese Exclusion Act and immigration bans.

The AI's overcorrection led to absurdities, such as generating images of happy white people and then lecturing the user on stereotypes.

The AI's response to a request for a photo of happy black people was different, providing an image without comment.

The culture of programmers can significantly influence the output of AI, potentially leading to biases in the AI's responses.

Media's so-called 'objective' reporting can also reflect their own biases, which can influence public perception.

Gemini refused to generate images of German soldiers or officials from Nazi Germany, but did so upon further request.

The AI's image of German soldiers was not representative and highlighted the issue of AI amplifying stereotypes.

Google has acknowledged the overcorrection in Gemini and is working on fixing these issues.

Image generators are trained on large datasets which can lead to the amplification of stereotypes.

A Washington Post investigation found that certain prompts led to images reinforcing racial stereotypes.

The initial bias in the data used to train AI can lead to overcorrection and inaccuracies in the AI's output.

Google's senior VP has responded to the critiques and is committed to addressing the issues with Gemini.

The development and future of AI like Gemini will likely involve ongoing adjustments to address bias and improve accuracy.

The glitches and issues with AI like Gemini serve as a reminder that technology must be used critically and not blindly.