Guide: Stable Cascade with Automatic1111 installation.

Vladimir Chopine [GeekatPlay]
24 Feb 202411:32

TLDRIn this informative video, BL guides viewers through the installation of Stable Cascade on Automatic 1111 environments, emphasizing the importance of disabling unnecessary extensions to avoid conflicts. The tutorial covers the process of installing from a URL, using a repository provided by Blue pan 5805, and highlights the system requirements, particularly the need for a powerful GPU to handle the large model downloads. BL demonstrates the generation process, noting the impact of resolution on rendering quality and speed, and encourages viewers to experiment with different settings for optimal results.


  • 📌 The video is a guide on installing Stable Cascade on Automatic 1111 environments.
  • 🔧 Before installation, disable and uncheck unused extensions to prevent library conflicts.
  • 🔗 To install Cascade, use the repository URL provided by Blue pan 5805.
  • 🌐 After installation, a 'Stable Cascade' tab should appear in the browser interface.
  • ⏺️ The initial use of Stable Cascade may involve downloading large components, which could take time depending on internet speed.
  • 💻 Users should ensure their system meets the minimum 16 GB RAM requirement for optimal performance.
  • 🎨 The Stable Cascade interface is straightforward, offering basic elements like prompt, negative prompt, CFG steps, decoder, and batch size.
  • 🏞️ Experiment with different image resolutions to find the most optimized performance for your system.
  • 📊 Monitor GPU memory usage to prevent swapping to RAM, which can slow down rendering.
  • 🤔 The video suggests that Stable Cascade may benefit from further development and optimization.
  • 🚀 The creator encourages viewers to contribute to the development of the extension if they have the skills and time.

Q & A

  • What is the main topic of the video?

    -The main topic of the video is the installation of Stable Cascade on Automatic 1111 environments using Stable Diffusion.

  • What should you do with the extensions you're not using?

    -You should disable and uncheck all the extensions that you're not going to use to avoid conflicts with different libraries.

  • How do you install Stable Cascade from a URL?

    -To install from a URL, you need to go to the 'Install from URL' option, input the repository URL, and then click 'Install'.

  • What is the repository URL used in the video?

    -The repository URL used in the video is provided by Blue pan 5805 and can be found by clicking the 'Copy URL' button on the repository page.

  • What should you do after installing Stable Cascade?

    -After installation, you may need to restart your server for Stable Diffusion. Once completed, you should see the 'Stable Cascade' tab in your browser.

  • What are the basic elements available in the Stable Cascade tab?

    -The basic elements available in the Stable Cascade tab include prompt, negative prompt, CFG steps, seed, and batch size.

  • What happens when you generate an image for the first time?

    -When you generate an image for the first time, it will take a long time because it needs to download all the necessary components.

  • What is the recommended resolution for Stable Cascade?

    -The video suggests that Stable Cascade is more optimized at a resolution of at least 1,024 by 1,024.

  • What happens if your video card has less than 16 GB of RAM?

    -If your video card has less than 16 GB of RAM, it may start swapping to the RAM, which can significantly increase the render time. It is recommended to decrease the resolution in such cases.

  • How can you monitor the GPU memory usage on your computer?

    -You can monitor the GPU memory usage on a Windows machine through the Task Manager's Performance tab under GPU, or on a Mac by going to the Task Manager, selecting Performance, and then GPU.

  • What is the final outcome of the Stable Cascade installation and usage demonstrated in the video?

    -The final outcome of the Stable Cascade installation and usage demonstrated in the video is the creation of a high-resolution image of a snow princess dancing in a magical forest, with some adjustments to the settings for optimal performance.



📦 Installing Stable Cascade - Initial Setup

This paragraph outlines the process of installing Stable Cascade on an AI platform. It begins with an introduction and a recommendation to review previous videos for context. The speaker guides the user through the installation, emphasizing the importance of disabling unnecessary extensions to avoid conflicts. The paragraph details the steps to access the extensions, install Cascade from a URL, and the need to restart the server post-installation. The speaker also explains how to identify and utilize the Stable Cascade tab after successful installation.


🖌️ Experimenting with Resolution and Memory Usage

The second paragraph delves into the practical application of Stable Cascade, focusing on the impact of resolution on image quality and system performance. The speaker conducts experiments with different resolutions, noting the optimal performance at 1,24 by 1,24. The discussion includes the trade-off between resolution and memory usage, especially for systems with varying RAM capacities. The speaker also shares insights on how to monitor GPU memory usage on different operating systems and the implications of using shared memory on rendering time.


🚀 Testing Performance and Rendering Capabilities

In the final paragraph, the speaker continues to test the rendering capabilities of Stable Cascade, pushing the limits of the system by experimenting with higher resolutions and larger image sizes. The focus is on the system's performance, memory usage, and rendering times. The speaker observes the system's utilization and processing capabilities, noting the increase in GPU memory usage during the rendering process. The paragraph concludes with a reflection on the results of the experiments, highlighting the successes and areas for improvement in the technology.



💡Stable Cascade

Stable Cascade is a feature or extension related to AI and machine learning, as discussed in the video. It appears to be integrated with an AI system called 'stability AI' and is used for image generation or processing tasks. In the context of the video, the speaker guides viewers through the installation process of Stable Cascade on a platform called 'automatic 1111', indicating its significance in achieving the video's instructional goals.

💡Automatic 1111

Automatic 1111 seems to be a platform or software where the installation of Stable Cascade is being carried out. The term suggests a system that is designed to automate certain processes, potentially related to AI or machine learning applications. The video's focus on installing Stable Cascade on this platform highlights its importance in the overall workflow being discussed.


In the context of the video, extensions refer to additional software components that can be added to a base platform to enhance its functionality. The speaker mentions disabling and unchecking extensions that are not in use to avoid conflicts, indicating that managing extensions is a crucial step in the installation process of Stable Cascade.


A repository, as used in the video, is a storage location where software code, applications, or other digital assets are kept. It is a crucial concept in software development and distribution. In this case, the speaker uses a repository to obtain the URL needed for installing Stable Cascade, showing that repositories serve as essential sources for accessing and installing new software components.


URL, or Uniform Resource Locator, is the address of a resource on the internet. In the video, the speaker uses a specific URL to access a repository from which the Stable Cascade extension can be installed. This highlights the importance of URLs as unique identifiers that allow users to locate and retrieve digital content from the web.


Installation refers to the process of setting up and preparing software or extensions for use. In the video, the main instructional content revolves around the steps required to install Stable Cascade on Automatic 1111. The detailed process, including the need for a stable internet connection and sufficient system resources, underscores the complexity and technical nature of software installation.

💡Stable Diffusion

Stable Diffusion is mentioned as a feature or application that becomes accessible after the installation of Stable Cascade. It suggests a diffusion model that operates on stable AI, possibly related to image generation or processing. The speaker's mention of a 'stable Cascade tab' indicates that Stable Diffusion is a user-interface element within the platform, which becomes available post-installation.

💡Control Net

Control Net is referenced as a potential future feature or extension that could be utilized with Stable Cascade. While not explicitly defined in the video, the term implies a system or tool that could offer additional control or management capabilities within the AI environment. The mention of Control Net suggests an anticipation of expanding the functionality of Stable Cascade.


In the context of the video, a prompt is an input or a set of instructions given to the AI system to generate specific outputs. The speaker uses the term in relation to generating images with Stable Cascade, where the prompt is the text input that guides the AI in creating the desired visual content. The example given in the video, 'pirate', serves as a prompt that the AI uses to produce an image.


Resolution refers to the quality or detail of an image, typically measured in pixels. In the video, the speaker discusses the impact of resolution on the performance and output of Stable Cascade, noting that higher resolutions require more system resources. The mention of 512x512, 1024x1024, and 4000x4000 illustrates the range of resolutions tested during the installation and usage of Stable Cascade.


VRAM, or Video RAM, is the memory used specifically for rendering images, graphics, and video. In the video, the speaker monitors the VRAM usage during the operation of Stable Cascade, emphasizing the importance of having sufficient VRAM for optimal performance. The discussion around the requirement of 16 GB of VRAM and the adjustments made to reduce memory usage demonstrate the technical considerations involved in running resource-intensive AI applications.


Introduction to the installation guide for Stable Cascade on Automatic 1111

Previous videos discussed installation in Com UI and with Pinocchio

The importance of disabling unused extensions to avoid conflicts

How to install Stable Cascade from a URL when it's not showing in extensions

Using Blue pan's repository for the correct installation URL

The recommendation to restart the server after installation

Appearance of the Stable Cascade tab post-installation

Basic elements of Stable Cascade such as prompt, negative prompt, CFG steps, etc.

Initial generation process is slow due to downloading components

The impact of internet speed on the download time for models

Optimal settings for memory usage and resolution

How to monitor GPU memory usage on Windows and Mac

Recommendations for resolution and memory usage based on testing

The performance of the Stable Cascade extension at different resolutions

The importance of not using shared GPU memory for optimal performance

Experimentation with various settings and resolutions for best results

The potential for future enhancements to the Stable Cascade extension