Stable Cascade in ComfyUI, installation and how to use

Vladimir Chopine [GeekatPlay]
25 Feb 202410:07

TLDRIn this informative video, Vladimir guides viewers through the installation and use of Stable Cascade on ComfyUI. He emphasizes the importance of having the manager installed and provides a step-by-step tutorial on how to clone the repository and install the custom nodes. The video also explains the advantages of the updated Stable Cascade, which now includes separate nodes for better control and customization. Viewers learn how to install models and use a JSON workflow for a more efficient and flexible experience. The video concludes with a demonstration of the rendering process and encourages viewers to experiment with the new features.


  • 🔧 Ensure that the ComfyUI manager is installed before starting the installation process.
  • 📂 Follow the repository path provided to install Stability Cascade using git clone.
  • 🖥️ Use the ComfyUI Windows portable installation for ease of use.
  • 🔄 Scroll down to 'custom nodes' in the ComfyUI manager to access the installation path.
  • 🔄 Copy and paste the git clone command into the command prompt or terminal to install Stability Cascade.
  • 🔄 Restart the server if it's already running to ensure the new installation takes effect.
  • 🔎 Use the manager to easily install and manage different models and custom nodes.
  • 🌳 The main repository has been updated to include Stability Cascade, making it easier to implement and control.
  • 📁 Download and place the specific files in the correct folders as per the instructions for seamless integration.
  • 📋 Copy the provided JSON workflow code to a file with a .json extension for easy setup.
  • 🚀 Be patient after installation as it may take some time for the server to preload the workflow.

Q & A

  • What is the main topic of the video?

    -The main topic of the video is the installation and usage of Stable Cascade in ComfyUI.

  • What is the first step before installing Stable Cascade?

    -The first step is to ensure that the manager is installed in the system.

  • How can one install the Stable Cascade using the manager?

    -By using the manager, one can install Stable Cascade by searching for it in the 'Install Models' section and then clicking install.

  • What is the advantage of using the new version of Stable Cascade?

    -The new version of Stable Cascade is separated into different nodes, allowing for more control and flexibility compared to the older version which was one big node.

  • What should one do after installing the Stable Cascade?

    -After installing, one should restart their server to ensure the changes take effect.

  • How can the user modify the Json workflow file?

    -The user can modify the Json workflow file by copying the code and creating a new file with a .json extension, making necessary changes such as renaming the clip from 'Model do save and online 111' to 'Model' for correct naming when preloading the workflow.

  • What happens when the user runs the workflow for the first time?

    -The first time the workflow is run, it may take some time, around 10 or more minutes, as everything needs to be preloaded. However, subsequent runs will be much faster.

  • What are the different stages visible in the new version of Stable Cascade?

    -The different stages visible include an AR clip, a quarter de quarter, a latency image, and stages A and B with sensors and decoders.

  • How can one install the older version of Stable Cascade?

    -To install the older version, one needs to go to the 'deprecated' section, copy the GitHub location, and use git clone in the command prompt to clone the repository. Then, additional requirements need to be installed as specified in the requirements.txt file.

  • What is the significance of the compression number in the Stable Cascade?

    -The compression number can be adjusted to modify the output results, with different values leading to varying levels of minimization or maximization in the rendered images.



📦 Installing Stability Cascade on Comfy UI

This paragraph introduces the process of installing Stability Cascade on the Comfy UI. The speaker, Vladimir, emphasizes the importance of having the manager installed and provides a step-by-step guide on how to do so. He mentions the need to clone a repository and install custom nodes, and also explains how to use the manager to install different models and custom nodes easily. The paragraph highlights the advantages of the new version of the repository, which includes separated nodes for better control and implementation. The speaker also provides instructions on how to download and place specific models in certain locations for proper functionality. Additionally, he explains how to create and use a JSON workflow file for the installation process.


🔄 Enhancing Comfy UI with New Node Structure

In this paragraph, the speaker discusses the benefits of the new node structure in the updated Comfy UI. He contrasts the older single-node version with the new multi-stage, flexible structure that allows for more customization and control. The speaker explains how the new structure includes separate nodes for different stages, such as AR clip, latency image, and samplers, which can be modified to achieve desired results. He also talks about the process of running the workflow, including the initial longer wait time due to preloading and the subsequent faster runs. The speaker encourages viewers to experiment with the new node structure and to share any interesting findings or workflow improvements. He concludes by guiding viewers on how to install additional requirements for running the new node structure properly.



💡Stable Cascade

Stable Cascade is a term referring to a specific model or software component being discussed in the video. It is a feature that is being installed on the ComfyUI, which suggests that it is a component designed to improve the stability and functionality of the system. In the context of the video, Stable Cascade is an upgrade that allows for more control and implementation of various features, such as control nets, enhancing the overall user experience and system performance.


ComfyUI is the user interface or platform where the Stable Cascade is being installed. It is a system that allows for the management and customization of different models and nodes, as indicated by the mention of custom nodes and the manager feature. ComfyUI seems to be designed for ease of use and efficient management of complex systems or workflows.


Installation refers to the process of adding new software, features, or components to an existing system. In the video, it is the method by which Stable Cascade is added to ComfyUI. The installation process is described in detail, including the use of specific commands and the need to restart the server after the installation is complete.


The Manager in the context of the video is a feature within ComfyUI that allows users to easily install and manage different models and custom nodes. It serves as a tool to streamline the process of adding new functionalities to the system, making it more user-friendly and efficient.

💡Custom Nodes

Custom Nodes refer to the specific components or modules that can be added to ComfyUI to enhance its capabilities. These nodes are mentioned as being installable through the Manager, and they seem to be integral to the functionality and customization of the system.


A repository, in the context of the video, is a storage location where the code or software for projects like Stable Cascade is kept. It is typically a remote location, such as a server, from which users can clone or download the necessary files for installation.

💡Git Clone

Git Clone is a command used in version control systems, specifically with Git, to copy or clone a repository to a local machine. This allows users to have a copy of the code or software on their own system for development or installation purposes.


A Workflow in the context of the video refers to a sequence of steps or tasks that are executed in a specific order within the ComfyUI system. It is a structured process that defines how different components or nodes function together to achieve a desired outcome.


JSON, or JavaScript Object Notation, is a lightweight data interchange format that is easy for humans to read and write, and for machines to parse and generate. In the video, it is used as the format for the workflow file, which dictates the sequence of tasks in the ComfyUI system.

💡Restart Server

Restarting a server refers to the process of stopping and then starting the server again. This is often necessary after installing new software or making significant changes to a system, as it ensures that all new configurations or installations are properly loaded and the system is functioning as intended.

💡Requirements File

A Requirements File is a text file that lists all the dependencies needed for a particular software project. These dependencies are usually libraries or packages that the software relies on to function correctly. In the context of the video, the requirements file is used to install additional necessary components for the Stable Cascade to operate properly within the ComfyUI system.


Installing Stability Cascade on ComfyUI involves using the manager for easy installation of custom nodes.

Ensure the manager is installed before beginning the installation process.

The process starts with cloning the repository for the Stability Cascade using git clone.

ComfyUI Windows portable installation is mentioned as the preferred version for this tutorial.

After cloning, the server should be restarted for the changes to take effect.

The manager allows for easy installation and management of different models and custom nodes.

The main repository for ComfyUI has deprecated the old single node in favor of a more flexible, multi-node structure.

The new structure separates the nodes, allowing for more control and implementation capabilities.

The tutorial provides links to the necessary files and instructions for both manual and manager-assisted installations.

A JSON workflow file is used to define the structure and components of the Stability Cascade.

The tutorial demonstrates how to modify the JSON workflow for correct naming and functionality.

After installation and server restart, the workflow can be executed by dragging and dropping the JSON file.

The first run may take longer due to preloading, but subsequent runs will be faster.

The new node structure allows for experimentation with different stages and components.

The tutorial also covers the older installation method for those who prefer the single node version.

Additional requirements need to be installed for the node to run properly, as detailed in the requirements file.

The tutorial concludes by encouraging viewers to experiment with the Stability Cascade and share any interesting findings.