How Did Llama-3 Beat Models x200 Its Size?

22 Apr 202413:54

TLDRLlama-3, a cutting-edge AI model, has disrupted the AI industry by outperforming models up to 200 times its size. This success is attributed not to new architectures, but to innovative training approaches using a vast 15 trillion token dataset, which is 75 times beyond the optimal for its size. It boasts superior capabilities in both general and language-specific benchmarks, challenging giants like OpenAI's GPT-4. Furthermore, Llama-3's potential open-source release could democratize AI advancements, following Meta's ethos of open innovation that could reshape industry standards and drive down costs through collective development.


  • ๐Ÿš€ Llama-3, developed by Meta (formerly Facebook), has achieved impressive results with its open-source models, particularly the 8B and 70B parameter models, and a 400B parameter model in development.
  • ๐ŸŽฏ The standout feature of Llama-3 isn't its architecture but its training methodology, which has surprised many in the AI community and even led to OpenAI's silence on the day of Llama-3's announcement.
  • ๐Ÿ“ˆ Llama-3 models have demonstrated performance that surpasses models five times their size, such as Mixr A7B, and are close to the capabilities of GP4 Turbo and CLA 3.
  • ๐Ÿ“Š Llama-3's 70B instruct model has shown performance that could surpass all models below the GP4 level, being more cost-effective and efficient.
  • ๐Ÿ” Llama-3 uses a new tokenizer with a vocabulary capacity of 128k tokens, allowing it to encode more text types and longer words, reducing the number of tokens needed.
  • ๐Ÿ”ง The efficiency of Llama-3's 7B model is comparable to its 8B counterpart, thanks to Group Query Attention and the new tokenizer.
  • ๐Ÿ“š Training on a dataset 75 times larger than the optimal for an AP model, Llama-3 has debunked the myth that smaller models cannot learn beyond a certain amount of knowledge.
  • ๐Ÿ’ฐ Despite the high cost of development, Meta has chosen to open-source Llama-3, aiming to create an ecosystem and potentially save billions of dollars in the long run by improving model efficiency.
  • ๐ŸŒ Llama-3's training data set includes over 10 million human-annotated examples and 15 trillion tokens, composed entirely of publicly available sources in over 30 languages.
  • ๐Ÿ”ฌ High-quality data, including instruction fine-tuning with a combination of SFT, Po DPO, and rejection sampling, has given Llama-3 models strong reasoning capabilities.
  • ๐Ÿค– NVIDIA has optimized Llama-3, achieving 3,000 tokens per second on a single H200, and offers free inferences of the model at for users to try out.

Q & A

  • What is the significance of Llama-3's announcement in the AI community?

    -Llama-3's announcement is significant because it introduced models with impressive metrics that even surpassed larger models in performance, causing a stir in the AI community and leaving Open AI silent, which is considered a first.

  • What are the two main model sizes that Llama-3 Series open-sourced?

    -The two main model sizes that Llama-3 Series open-sourced are 8B and 70B parameters.

  • What is the most surprising aspect of Llama-3's training?

    -The most surprising aspect is not the model architecture but the training method, particularly the amount of data it was trained on, which was significantly more than what is typically used.

  • How did Llama-3's 7B model perform compared to other models of its size class?

    -Llama-3's 7B model is considered the most capable in the world for its size class, outperforming rivals by a large margin and even competing with models five times its size.

  • What is the tokenizer vocabulary size of Llama-3 compared to Llama-2?

    -Llama-3 uses a new tokenizer with a vocabulary size of 128k tokens, which is four times more compared to Llama-2.

  • How many tokens did Llama-3 7B and 8B models train on?

    -Llama-3 7B was trained on two trillion tokens, while Llama-3 8B was trained on a staggering 15 trillion tokens.

  • What is the main reason behind Meta's decision to open source their models despite the high R&D costs?

    -Meta believes that open sourcing can lead to more efficient and cost-effective ways to run models, which can save billions in the long term and contribute to the standardization of the industry.

  • How does the training data set of Llama-3 contribute to its high performance?

    -The training data set of Llama-3 includes over 10 million human-annotated examples and a combination of SFT, Po DPO, and rejection sampling, which gives the model great reasoning capabilities.

  • What is the current status of the 400 billion parameters Llama-3 model?

    -The 400 billion parameters Llama-3 model is still in development and has not been published yet, but its performance has been previewed and it is expected to be open-sourced in the future.

  • How does Llama-3's performance compare to the rumored GP4 model size?

    -Llama-3 has technically beaten the worst version of GP4, which is rumored to be around 220B parameters, by being 200 times smaller and still outperforming it in certain benchmarks.

  • What is the potential impact of Llama-3's open-source policy on the AI industry?

    -The open-source policy of Llama-3 could lead to a new wave of super-capable models and the creation of a robust ecosystem, potentially challenging companies like Open AI and encouraging further innovation in the field.

  • How can individuals try out Llama-3 models?

    -Individuals can try out Llama-3 models by visiting, where NVIDIA provides free inferences for users to experiment with specific models.



๐Ÿš€ Llama 3's Breakthrough in AI: Open Sourcing and Model Performance

The paragraph discusses the recent developments by xAI, an AI company that has made significant strides in the field of open-source AI models. They have released Llama 3, an impressive model with two sizes, 8B and 70B parameters, open-sourced to the public. A third, larger model with 400 billion parameters is in development. The highlight of Llama 3 is its training methodology, which has garnered surprise and praise. The model has shown remarkable performance, even outperforming larger models in benchmarks and fine-tuning tests. Elon Musk's praise and the model's efficiency improvements, such as the new tokenizer and query attention mechanism, are also highlighted. The paragraph concludes with a teaser that the 400B model will also be open-sourced in the future.


๐Ÿ“ˆ Training Intensity and Data Quality: Llama 3's Success Factors

This paragraph delves into the reasons behind Llama 3's success, focusing on the extensive training data and high-quality datasets used. Llama 3 was trained on 15 trillion tokens, which is 75 times beyond the optimal for an AP model, debunking the myth that smaller models cannot learn beyond a certain point. The use of various training methods like SFT, Po DPO, and rejection sampling is mentioned, which contributed to the model's reasoning capabilities. The paragraph also discusses the public availability of the training data and the multilingual aspect of the non-English tokens used. It raises the question of whether the costs of open sourcing such an expensive model are worth it and presents arguments from an interview with Zuck, highlighting the potential long-term savings and industry standardization as benefits.


๐Ÿ’ผ The Business and Ethical Implications of Open Sourcing AI Models

The final paragraph discusses the business perspective of open sourcing AI models, especially when significant R&D is involved. It contrasts the situation with Stability AI and questions the sustainability of open sourcing from a business standpoint. The interview with Zuck is referenced again, where he discusses the potential benefits of open sourcing, including cost savings and the creation of an ecosystem. The paragraph also mentions the integration plans for Llama 3 into Meta's platforms and the announcement of Meta AI, a new platform for web browsing and image generation. It concludes with a sponsorship message for Data Curve, a coding platform offering challenges and rewards, and a personal update from the speaker about their future plans with YouTube and AI research.




Llama-3 refers to a series of advanced AI models developed by the company mentioned in the transcript. It is significant because it has achieved impressive performance metrics, surpassing models much larger in size. The series includes models with 8 billion and 70 billion parameters, and a third model with 400 billion parameters is in development. Llama-3 is notable for its training methodology and efficiency, which has led to its high performance in benchmarks.

๐Ÿ’กOpen Source

Open source in the context of the video refers to the practice of making the AI models available to the public, allowing anyone to access, modify, and distribute the models without significant restrictions. The company behind Llama-3 has chosen to open source their models, which is a departure from the trend of keeping such advanced models behind a paywall. This approach fosters community collaboration and innovation.


In the field of AI, parameters are the variables that the model learns from the training data. They represent the model's internal state and are adjusted during training to minimize the difference between the model's predictions and the actual data. The number of parameters is often used as a measure of a model's complexity and capacity. Llama-3 has a large number of parameters, which contributes to its ability to process and understand vast amounts of information.


Benchmarks are standardized tests or measurements used to evaluate the performance of AI models. They are crucial for comparing different models and assessing their capabilities. The video discusses how Llama-3 performed on various benchmarks, including outperforming models many times its size, which is a testament to its efficiency and effectiveness.


A tokenizer is a component in natural language processing that breaks down text into tokens, which are discrete units such as words or characters. Llama-3 uses a new tokenizer with a vocabulary capacity of 128k tokens, allowing it to encode more types of texts and longer words. This leads to a reduction in the number of tokens needed to represent the same text, enhancing the model's efficiency.

๐Ÿ’กAttention Mechanism

The attention mechanism is a technique used in neural network models, including Transformers, to allow the model to focus on different parts of the input data when making predictions. Llama-3 applies this mechanism to improve its performance, especially when dealing with longer context windows.

๐Ÿ’กTraining Data

Training data is the information used to teach an AI model to make predictions or decisions. The quality and quantity of training data significantly impact the model's performance. Llama-3 was trained on an exceptionally large dataset of 15 trillion tokens, which is a key factor in its ability to achieve high performance.

๐Ÿ’กInstruction Fine-Tuning

Instruction fine-tuning is a process where an AI model is further trained on a specific task using a set of instructions. This method enhances the model's ability to perform well on that task. Llama-3's instruct version was fine-tuned, which brings it close to the performance of current state-of-the-art models like GPT-4.

๐Ÿ’กContext Length

Context length refers to the amount of text or data that a model can take into account when making predictions. Llama-3 has a context length of 32k tokens, which is smaller than some other models but is still significant. It allows the model to process longer sequences of text, which is important for understanding complex information.

๐Ÿ’กMeta AI Platform

The Meta AI platform is a service announced in the video that integrates Llama-3 and provides capabilities such as web browsing and image generation. It represents the company's broader vision for AI applications and services, suggesting a future where Llama-3 could be used in various multi-modal applications.

๐Ÿ’กData Centers

Data centers are large facilities that house computer systems and associated components, such as servers, storage systems, and networking equipment. They are critical for training large AI models like Llama-3. The video mentions Meta's own data centers and the significant computational resources required to train such sophisticated models.


Llama-3 has achieved impressive results by training its models on a significantly larger scale than previous models, with 15 trillion tokens compared to Llama-2's two trillion tokens.

XAI has open-sourced Llama-3, which has surprised many with its performance metrics, even surpassing models 200 times its size.

The Llama-3 series includes an 8B and 70B model that have been open-sourced, with a third 400B model still in development.

Llama-3's 8B model is considered the most capable model in its size class and has outperformed rivals by a large margin.

The 70B instruct model of Llama-3 has shown performance better than the first version of GP4 Claw 3, despite being 10 times cheaper.

Llama-3 uses a new tokenizer with a VOC capary size of 128k tokens, allowing it to encode more types of texts and longer words.

Attention has been applied to the AB Model of Llama-3, potentially improving performance with longer context windows.

Llama-3's efficiency is on par with Llama-2's 7B model, despite being 1B parameters larger, thanks to the new tokenizer and gqa.

Training Llama-3 beyond the Chinella optimal has proven to be beneficial, busting the myth that smaller models cannot learn beyond a certain amount of knowledge.

The high-quality data and over 10 million human-annotated examples used in training have significantly contributed to Llama-3's capabilities.

Llama-3's training data set is composed of publicly available sources, with 5% of the data being non-English tokens spanning over 30 languages.

Open sourcing Llama-3, despite the high R&D costs, aligns with XAI's philosophy of not letting one company hold absolute power over AI models.

Zuck, from XAI, has promised that the 400B model of Llama-3 will also be open-sourced, which is a significant move considering its R&D costs.

The open sourcing of Llama-3 models could potentially lead to a new wave of super capable models, fostering an ecosystem similar to Nvidia's success.

Nvidia has optimized Llama-3's 70B model to generate at 3,000 tokens per second on a single H200, showcasing its potential for high performance.

Meta AI, a platform similar to Gemini and Chat GBT, is announced to integrate Llama-3 and offers web browsing with access to Google and Bing, as well as image generation.

The open sourcing of Llama-3 challenges OpenAI's position, especially considering the model's performance and accessibility to the global community.

Data Curve, a coding platform, is mentioned as a sponsor, offering a chance to practice coding problems and earn rewards, aiming to improve the coding dataset landscape for AI models.

The video concludes with a personal update from the content creator about their future plans with YouTube and a call for like-minded individuals to collaborate on video scripting and AI newsletter projects.