How I Make Money Selling Products in WhatsApp | Effective $500 Per Day Marketing

Robert Okello
5 Apr 202416:32

TLDRThe video script outlines a strategy for leveraging WhatsApp groups to promote a variety of products, both physical and digital. It begins by instructing viewers on how to create a WhatsApp group, select contacts, and name the group appropriately. The script emphasizes the importance of content in engaging the group members and suggests using Chat GPT to generate recipe content as an example. It then transitions into selling physical products related to the content, such as ingredients for recipes, and discusses the potential for delivery services. The script further explores promoting digital products and affiliate marketing, detailing how to create an eBook or utilize affiliate networks to sell products. The video concludes by encouraging viewers to use WhatsApp groups as a promotional tool for products.


  • 📱 Creating a WhatsApp group is the first step to promote products, as it serves as a contact list and potential customer base.
  • 🌐 The strategy can be applied to promote any niche, including physical products and not just affiliate items.
  • 📝 Content is key in group promotion; providing valuable and informative content helps keep the group active and engaged.
  • 🍲 Using AI like Chat GPT to generate content ideas, such as recipes, is an efficient way to produce engaging material for the group.
  • 📄 Presenting content in a well-formatted Google Document can enhance readability and professionalism, including images and links.
  • 🛍️ Physical products related to the content can be promoted and sold within the group, leveraging the convenience of WhatsApp for transactions.
  • 💡 Highlighting specific ingredients or tools needed for recipes can lead to product recommendations and sales opportunities.
  • 📈 Diversifying promotion to different niches, such as finance, opens up additional avenues for content creation and product promotion.
  • 📚 Digital products or affiliate offers can be promoted by creating informative content and including affiliate links or video sales letters.
  • 🎯 Utilizing multimedia elements like videos in the content can increase engagement and the likelihood of conversions.
  • 📌 Regularly updating the group with fresh content keeps the group dynamic and encourages members to remain active and responsive to promotions.

Q & A

  • What is the main topic of the video?

    -The main topic of the video is about using WhatsApp groups to promote and sell products, both physical and digital.

  • How does the video suggest one can start promoting products on WhatsApp?

    -The video suggests that one can start by creating a WhatsApp group, which will serve as a contact list and potential customer base.

  • What is the role of content in promoting products on WhatsApp according to the video?

    -Content plays a crucial role in keeping the group active and informed. It provides value to the group members and is key in promoting products effectively.

  • How can one utilize Chat GPT to generate content for WhatsApp groups?

    -One can use Chat GPT to generate various types of content such as recipes, tips, or any other information related to the niche of the group. For example, it can provide recipes for a cooking group or finance tips for a finance group.

  • What is the significance of using a Google Document when sharing content in a WhatsApp group?

    -Using a Google Document allows the addition of images, links, and extra information, making the content more engaging and informative for the group members. It also provides a better presentation of the content.

  • How can physical products be promoted and sold through a WhatsApp group?

    -Physical products can be promoted by discussing ingredients or items related to the group's niche and then offering those items for sale within the group. For example, in a cooking group, one could sell ingredients for a recipe discussed.

  • What are some ways to promote digital or affiliate products in a WhatsApp group?

    -Digital or affiliate products can be promoted by creating informative content related to the product, adding an affiliate link, or embedding a video sales letter (VSL) that redirects to the product page.

  • How does the video demonstrate the creation of a Google Document with content?

    -The video demonstrates by showing the process of pasting content into a Google Document, adding a title, images, and formatting the content for better readability and吸引力 (attractiveness). It also shows how to remove the dark background and change the text color for better visibility.

  • What is the role of images in enhancing the content shared in a WhatsApp group?

    -Images add visual appeal and help illustrate the content, making it more engaging and easier to understand for the group members. They can be added to Google Documents to enhance the presentation of recipes, tips, or any other information shared.

  • How can one track the success of product promotion in a WhatsApp group?

    -While the video does not explicitly mention tracking, one can potentially track the success by monitoring engagement, such as the number of views, clicks on links, or direct inquiries from group members about the products.

  • What is the strategy shared in the video that the speaker used to generate over $15,000 in digital sales?

    -The strategy involves creating WhatsApp groups, adding content regularly, and promoting both physical and digital products within those groups. The speaker used this method to achieve significant digital sales success.



📱 Creating a WhatsApp Group for Promotion

The paragraph discusses the process of creating a WhatsApp group to promote products. It emphasizes the platform's potential for marketing both physical and digital goods, not limited to affiliate products. The speaker shares a personal strategy that led to generating significant income. The first step involves creating a group on WhatsApp, which serves as a contact list of potential customers. The instructions include selecting contacts, naming the group appropriately, and setting up the group preferences such as disappearing messages. The importance of content in keeping the group active and engaged is highlighted, with suggestions to use Chat GPT for generating content ideas like recipes for different meals.


🍝 Developing Engaging Content for the Group

This paragraph focuses on creating engaging content for the WhatsApp group. The speaker demonstrates how to use Chat GPT to generate recipes for different meals, which can be shared in the group. The process involves asking for recipes, receiving a list of popular meals, and then requesting detailed recipes for each. The content is to be presented in a more engaging format using Google Documents, where the recipe can be formatted nicely, images can be added, and links can be included. The example given is a detailed recipe for spaghetti bolognese, which is then turned into a PDF document to be shared in the group, allowing members to view it with all the added enhancements.


🛍️ Promoting Products through Content

The speaker explains how to promote products through the content shared in the WhatsApp group. It discusses the possibility of selling physical items related to the content, such as ingredients for the recipes shared. The example given involves selling ingredients for the spaghetti bolognese recipe. The paragraph also covers promoting digital products and affiliate marketing. The speaker shows how to use an affiliate network like Digital 24 to find products to promote, and how to include affiliate links in the content. The strategy involves providing valuable tips or content first and then introducing the product or link to encourage purchases. The paragraph concludes with the speaker encouraging the viewers to use WhatsApp groups for promoting both physical and digital products.


💼 Utilizing WhatsApp for Affiliate Marketing

In the final paragraph, the speaker provides a comprehensive guide on using WhatsApp for affiliate marketing, specifically focusing on promoting digital products. The process involves creating a group with a relevant name, generating content using Chat GPT, and formatting it into an engaging Google Document. The example given is about finance tips for saving money. The document is enhanced with a title, bold tips, and an image related to the content. The speaker then explains how to promote an affiliate product by including a link to a sales page and embedding a video sales letter (VSL) in the document. The VSL serves as a call to action, encouraging group members to learn more about the product by clicking on the embedded video or link, which redirects them to the product page. The paragraph concludes with the speaker summarizing the benefits of using WhatsApp groups for marketing and promoting various products.




WhatsApp is a widely-used messaging app that allows users to create groups, send messages, share documents, and make voice or video calls. In the context of the video, it is presented as a platform for promoting and selling products, leveraging the group feature to reach a wider audience and engage potential customers.

💡Promoting Products

Promoting products involves marketing and advertising efforts to increase awareness and sales of a particular item or service. In the video, the focus is on using WhatsApp groups to share content related to the products, thereby attracting interest and potentially leading to sales.

💡Content Creation

Content creation refers to the process of producing and sharing valuable and relevant information with the aim of engaging an audience. In the video, content creation is emphasized as a crucial part of promoting products on WhatsApp, where the creator shares recipes, tips, and other valuable information to keep the group active and engaged.

💡Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is a performance-based marketing strategy where businesses reward affiliates for each customer brought by the affiliate's own marketing efforts. In the video, the concept is applied by promoting digital products or services through affiliate links shared within WhatsApp groups, with the creator earning a commission for each sale made through their links.

💡Group Creation

Group creation in the context of the video refers to the process of setting up a WhatsApp group where individuals can join and receive promotional messages, content, and product information. This is a strategic method for reaching multiple potential customers at once and building a community around the products being promoted.

💡Google Documents

Google Documents is a part of Google Docs, a web-based software suite that allows users to create, edit, and share documents online. In the video, Google Documents is used to format and present content in a more professional and visually appealing manner before sharing it in the WhatsApp group.

💡Value Addition

Value addition refers to the process of enhancing the worth of a product or service by providing additional features or benefits. In the context of the video, value is added to the WhatsApp group by sharing useful and informative content, which helps to build trust and engagement among the group members.


Engagement in the context of digital marketing refers to the level of interaction and involvement from the audience or consumers. The video emphasizes the importance of keeping the group engaged by regularly sharing relevant and valuable content, which can lead to increased interest and sales of promoted products.

💡Physical Products

Physical products are tangible goods that can be felt and used. In the video, physical products refer to items like ingredients for cooking or other goods that can be sold to group members, with the WhatsApp group serving as a platform to showcase and sell these items directly.

💡Digital Products

Digital products are intangible goods that are delivered and used online, such as ebooks, online courses, or software. The video discusses promoting digital products by sharing information and affiliate links within the WhatsApp group, allowing members to purchase these products directly from the links provided.

💡Sales Strategy

A sales strategy is a plan that outlines the methods and tactics used to sell products or services. The video outlines a sales strategy that involves creating targeted WhatsApp groups, sharing relevant content, and promoting both physical and digital products through direct sales or affiliate marketing.


Creating a WhatsApp group is an effective way to promote products, whether they are physical items or digital content.

The strategy demonstrated in the video has been used to generate over $15,000 in digital sales.

WhatsApp groups can be leveraged for promoting products from any niche, including non-affiliate physical products.

To create a WhatsApp group, select contacts from your list and give the group a relevant name, such as 'Best Local Recipes'.

Adding an image and adjusting message settings can enhance the presentation and longevity of content within the group.

Content is key to keeping the group active; providing value through informative and engaging posts is crucial.

Utilizing Chat GPT to generate content ideas, such as recipes for different meals, can provide diverse content for the group.

Google Documents can be used to create well-formatted, visually appealing content with images and additional information.

Posting content in PDF format allows for a more professional presentation and can include links and images.

Promoting physical items, such as ingredients for a recipe, can be done by sourcing products at wholesale prices and selling them to group members.

Deliveries of promoted physical items can be organized within the group, providing convenience to members.

Digital products or affiliate products can be promoted by creating informative content related to the niche and including a call to action.

Embedding affiliate links within content or using videos as a form of promotion can effectively direct group members to product pages.

The video provides a step-by-step guide on how to use WhatsApp for product promotion, from content creation to distribution and sales.

The transcript serves as a comprehensive resource for understanding the process of leveraging WhatsApp for business and sales purposes.