How I made an AI generated IDM Glitch Album for free. How should we feel about it?

The Fellow Passenger
20 Apr 202442:17

TLDRIn this video, the creator discusses the ethical considerations and potential of AI-generated music. He shares his experience of using an AI tool to produce an IDM glitch album, highlighting the moral quandaries such as the right to use real artists' material for training AI. The creator also reflects on historical parallels, like the introduction of drum machines and pre-recorded music, and how they initially threatened jobs but eventually led to new opportunities and genres. He demonstrates the process of generating music with AI, using the platform 'udio', and explores its limitations and creative possibilities. The video concludes with the creator's optimism about AI's role in music, emphasizing the importance of viewing it through a forward-looking lens and continuing to experiment with it.


  • 🎵 The video discusses the use of AI to create an IDM glitch album and raises moral questions about AI's use of real artists' material for training.
  • 🤔 The creator ponders the ethical considerations of AI in music, including the rights of artists and the nature of creativity and skill in AI-generated music.
  • 📚 A comparison is made to historical technological advancements, like the drum machine, which initially displaced some jobs but also created new genres and opportunities.
  • 💡 The speaker suggests that AI in music might follow a similar path to other technologies, where talented individuals continue to create value in their craft despite automation.
  • ⚙️ The Industrial Revolution is cited as an example where new jobs were created as a result of technological advancements, implying the same could happen with AI.
  • 👉 The importance of viewing AI through a forward-looking lens is emphasized, rather than just the current perspective.
  • 🎶 The process of creating an album using a free AI service called 'udio' is demonstrated, showing how prompts and AI-generated content can be used to produce music.
  • 🔄 The AI tool can create instrumentals or lyrics, and offers a remix function to vary the output based on user input.
  • 🚀 The creator expresses excitement and a bit of apprehension about the future of AI in music, but is committed to continuing experimentation.
  • 🌟 The video concludes with an encouragement to explore AI in music creation, despite any initial resistance or uncertainty.
  • 📈 Lastly, the creator shares an experiment with nonsensical prompts to see what kind of AI-generated music results, highlighting the potential for unexpected creativity.

Q & A

  • What is the main topic of the video?

    -The main topic of the video is the creation of an AI-generated IDM Glitch Album and the ethical considerations surrounding the use of AI in music production.

  • What is the name of the AI tool used to create the album?

    -The AI tool used to create the album is called 'udio', which is accessible through

  • How long does it take to generate a track using the AI tool mentioned in the video?

    -It takes about 2 minutes to generate a track using the AI tool, although the time can vary slightly.

  • What is the maximum length of a track that can be generated using the AI tool?

    -The maximum length of a track that can be generated using the AI tool is 4 minutes and 22 seconds.

  • What are some of the ethical questions raised about AI-generated music?

    -Some of the ethical questions raised include whether AI has the right to use real artists' material as training data, the soul or skill involved in making AI-generated music, and the potential impact on jobs in the music industry.

  • How does the video creator suggest we should view the role of AI in music creation?

    -The video creator suggests viewing AI as a tool that can inspire and assist in music creation, rather than as a replacement for human creativity. They also mention that AI can be seen as a 'musical ideas sketch pad' for overcoming writer's block.

  • What historical analogy is used to discuss the impact of AI on the music industry?

    -The video creator uses the analogy of the Industrial Revolution and its impact on craftsmen and the invention of the drum machine to discuss the potential impact of AI on the music industry.

  • How does the AI tool generate music based on prompts?

    -The AI tool generates music based on prompts by creating instrumental tracks or, if selected, including lyrics. The user can customize the prompts, and the AI will generate music that it deems relevant to the given prompts.

  • What is the process for extending a generated track to a longer duration?

    -To extend a generated track, the user can choose to add new sections before or after the existing clip, or create an intro or outro. The AI then generates another 33 seconds of music to extend the track, and this process can be repeated until the maximum length is reached.

  • What are some of the limitations mentioned about the AI-generated music?

    -Some limitations mentioned include the audio quality, which is compared to early low-quality MP3s, and the inability to extend a track beyond 4 minutes and 22 seconds.

  • How does the video creator suggest using the AI-generated music in the creative process?

    -The video creator suggests using AI-generated music as a source of inspiration and as a starting point for further creative development. They recommend taking the generated music into a digital audio workstation like Ableton to refine and build upon the ideas provided by the AI.



🎵 Introduction to AI and Moral Queries

The speaker introduces the topic of artificial intelligence (AI) and its impact on music creation. They discuss the ethical concerns surrounding AI's use of real artists' materials for training and the potential loss of jobs due to AI-generated music. The speaker also shares their recent experience with creating an album using AI and invites viewers to explore the process and the free AI tool they used.


🤔 Ethical Considerations and Historical Perspective

The speaker delves into the moral quandaries of AI in music, acknowledging that AI is here to stay and must be engaged positively. They reflect on the rights of AI to use artists' materials and the nature of skill in AI-generated music. The speaker draws parallels with historical instances of technological advancements, such as the drum machine and pre-recorded music, and how they initially threatened jobs but eventually led to new opportunities and genres in music.


📈 The Evolution of AI and Its Acceptance

The discussion moves to the evolution of AI and its acceptance in the music industry. The speaker talks about the transition of technologies like FM synthesis and the Yamaha DX7 from being seen as poor mimics of real instruments to gaining their own identity. They emphasize the importance of viewing AI through a forward-looking lens and not just the current perspective, and predict new skills and jobs emerging from AI's integration into music.


🎼 Creating Music with AI - The Process

The speaker demonstrates how to create music using an AI service called udio. They explain the process of generating a track by writing prompts, choosing between custom instrumental or autogenerated options, and how the AI provides two different options based on the same prompt. The speaker also discusses the limitations of the service, such as the audio quality and the maximum track length.


🔄 Extending and Remixing AI-Generated Tracks

The speaker continues the demonstration by showing how to extend AI-generated tracks by adding new sections and choosing whether to include vocals. They discuss the possibility of creating different versions of a track by remixing and adjusting the prompts. The speaker also mentions the potential for combining multiple AI-generated sections to create longer tracks and the creative possibilities this offers.


🎧 Listening and Selecting AI-Generated Music

The speaker listens to the outcomes of the AI-generated music process, comparing different intros and outros to decide which ones work best. They discuss the limitations of extending tracks beyond 4 minutes and 22 seconds and the workaround of splicing together different iterations of a track in a digital audio workstation like Ableton for a more polished final product.


🎹 Using AI as a Musical Sketchpad

The speaker reflects on the utility of AI as a tool for generating musical ideas and overcoming writer's block. They describe how AI can produce interesting transitions and melodies that might inspire new creative directions. The speaker also shares their experience of using AI-generated music as a starting point for further refinement in Ableton.


🎶 Experimenting with AI and Creative Prompts

The speaker shares an experiment with AI using nonsensical prompts to generate music. They explore the AI's ability to create tracks with specified elements like guitar solos and discuss the ethical considerations of AI learning from artists' materials without explicit permission. The speaker concludes by listening to the abstract pieces generated by the AI.


📝 Conclusions and Future Thoughts on AI in Music

The speaker concludes the video by sharing their mixed feelings of excitement and apprehension about the future of AI in music. They express their commitment to continue experimenting with AI and acknowledge its permanence in the field. The speaker invites viewers to share their thoughts on the role of AI in music and thanks them for watching.



💡Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Artificial Intelligence refers to the simulation of human intelligence in machines that are programmed to think like humans and mimic their actions. In the context of the video, AI is used to generate music, which raises questions about the future of music creation and the role of AI in the arts. The video discusses the ethical considerations and potential impact of AI on musicians and the music industry.

💡IDM (Intelligent Dance Music)

IDM, or Intelligent Dance Music, is a genre of electronic music that is characterized by complex rhythms and unconventional structures. It is often experimental and challenging. The video creator used AI to generate an IDM album, which is an example of how AI can be employed in creating music in specific genres.

💡AI Generated Music

AI Generated Music is a type of music that is composed by an artificial intelligence system rather than a human. It is a central theme in the video, where the creator discusses the process of making an album using AI tools. The video explores the implications of AI in music composition and the quality of the output.

💡Moral Quandaries

Moral Quandaries are situations that involve difficult moral choices or dilemmas. In the video, the creator reflects on the ethical questions surrounding AI's use of real artists' material for training purposes and the potential impact on artists' livelihoods. These quandaries are part of the broader discussion on AI in creative fields.

💡Drum Machine

A Drum Machine is an electronic instrument that mimics the role of a drummer by producing percussive beats, rhythms, and patterns. The video uses the history of drum machines as an analogy to discuss the impact of technology on musicians and how it has led to new genres and job opportunities.

💡Industrial Revolution

The Industrial Revolution refers to the period during which agrarian societies became industrialized. The video draws parallels between the job displacement caused by the Industrial Revolution and the potential impact of AI on jobs today, suggesting that new opportunities and industries emerge from technological advancements.


💡FM Synthesis

FM Synthesis, or Frequency Modulation Synthesis, is a method of synthesizing sounds by modulating the frequency of a waveform. The video discusses how FM synthesis initially mimicked real-life instruments but eventually found its own identity. This is used as a metaphor for how AI might develop its own unique role in music creation.


Udio is an AI-driven music creation service that allows users to generate music based on prompts. The video creator uses Udio to make an album, demonstrating how AI tools can be utilized in the music production process. It is an example of the practical application of AI in the creative industry.

💡Musical Ideas Sketchpad

The term 'Musical Ideas Sketchpad' is used in the video to describe the utility of AI as a tool for generating musical ideas quickly, which can then be refined and developed further by human musicians. It emphasizes the辅助 (auxiliary) role of AI in the creative process rather than a replacement for human creativity.

💡Gibberish Prompts

Gibberish Prompts are nonsensical or random inputs given to an AI system to see how it responds. In the video, the creator experiments with providing AI with such prompts to generate music, resulting in abstract and unexpected compositions. This showcases the experimental aspect of AI in music.

💡Ethical Considerations

Ethical Considerations pertain to moral principles that guide actions and decisions. The video raises questions about the ethical use of AI in music, particularly concerning the use of artists' materials for training AI systems without their permission. It is part of an ongoing debate about the rights and implications of AI in creative domains.


The video discusses the creation of an AI-generated IDM Glitch Album and the ethical considerations surrounding AI in music.

The artist used a free AI tool to create the album, which raises questions about the soul or skill involved in music creation.

AI's right to use real artists' material as training data is a moral quandary addressed in the video.

The artist reflects on the historical context of technology's impact on jobs, comparing AI to the invention of the drum machine.

The video suggests that talented craftsmen and craftswomen continued their work despite industrialization, drawing parallels to the current AI debate.

The artist argues that new skills and jobs will emerge as people find creative ways to use AI in music.

The service used in the video,, allows users to generate music based on prompts and has a remix function.

The generated tracks are instrumental and can be extended to create longer pieces, although the maximum length is 4 minutes and 22 seconds.

The artist emphasizes the importance of viewing AI through a forward-looking lens rather than being limited by current perspectives.

The video demonstrates how to use to create and extend AI-generated music tracks.

The artist shares an experiment with non-sensical prompts to generate abstract music, showcasing the creative potential of AI.

The generated music, while of varying quality, can serve as a source of inspiration and a sketchpad for new musical ideas.

The video highlights the limitations of current AI-generated music, particularly concerning audio quality.

The artist discusses the ethical implications of AI learning from artists' materials without explicit permission.

The video concludes with a call to continue experimenting with AI in music and a recognition of its potential to shape the future of the industry.

The artist shares their personal feelings of excitement and apprehension about the role of AI in music creation.