How Iโ€™d Learn AI Agent Development in 2024 (if I had to start over)

25 Apr 202421:04

TLDRIn this informative video, the speaker, Arson, who runs a popular AI agent framework on GitHub and an AI agency, explains the burgeoning field of AI agent development. He clarifies misconceptions about AI agents, positioning them as operating systems with more autonomy than automations but less than human employees. Arson outlines the role of an AI agent developer, which involves researching business processes, creating necessary tools, iterating based on feedback, and integrating agents into a business. Essential skills include communication, a willingness to learn, and a mix of backend development and AI knowledge. He emphasizes the importance of coding, despite the rise of no-code platforms, due to the need for customization and data privacy concerns. Arson provides a roadmap for aspiring AI agent developers, starting with finding a project that intersects personal interests with AI, setting up a development environment, learning Python, understanding AI models, and deploying agents. He also suggests monetizing services, finding clients, and building a community for feedback and growth. The video concludes with a teaser for an upcoming comprehensive course on AI agent development.


  • ๐ŸŒ AI agents are becoming increasingly popular and are expected to be one of the most sought-after jobs in 2024.
  • ๐Ÿš€ The role of an AI agent developer involves creating systems that have autonomy between traditional automations and human employees.
  • ๐Ÿค– AI agents should route requests to tools, which do the heavy lifting, rather than trying to perform all tasks themselves.
  • ๐Ÿ› ๏ธ Essential skills for an AI agent developer include communication, eagerness to learn, and a combination of backend development and AI knowledge.
  • ๐Ÿ’ก The importance of starting with a real-world project to apply and retain learned concepts and to find unique use cases by combining AI with personal interests.
  • ๐Ÿ“š Setting up a proper development environment is crucial, including an IDE, Python installation, package management, and AI development tools.
  • ๐Ÿง  Learning the basics of programming, especially Python, is a fundamental step for anyone looking to become an AI agent developer.
  • ๐Ÿ”ง Gaining proficiency with Git for version control and collaboration is necessary for working on agent development projects.
  • ๐Ÿค– Mastering the use of large language model (LLM) APIs is key for creating effective AI agents.
  • ๐Ÿ“ˆ Understanding function calling, which allows LLMs to interact with the external world, is critical for building operational AI systems.
  • ๐Ÿ—๏ธ Learning about multi-agent frameworks can help manage the complexities of running agent-based systems.
  • ๐ŸŒŸ Deploying agents in a production environment and integrating them into existing business processes is an essential skill for real-world application.
  • ๐Ÿ’ฐ Monetizing AI agent projects through freelancing, cold outreach, or full-time job opportunities can be an effective way to learn and grow in the field.
  • ๐Ÿค Building a community can provide valuable feedback and help tailor services to specific needs, standing out in the competitive market.

Q & A

  • What is the significance of AI agents in 2024 according to the transcript?

    -AI agents are taking the world by storm in 2024, with tech giants like Google recognizing their potential. They are becoming more advanced, moving beyond traditional chatbots to systems that are more autonomous and are expected to be one of the most sought-after jobs.

  • What does the speaker, Arson, do in the field of AI?

    -Arson runs one of the most popular AI agent frameworks on GitHub called 'Agencies Form' and also operates his own AI agency, which recently launched an agents-as-a-service subscription.

  • How does Arson define AI agents in comparison to automations and employees?

    -AI agents have more autonomy than automations but less than employees. They operate between the two, acting like operating systems with memory, access to tools, and the ability to reflect on their actions.

  • What is the role of an AI agent developer?

    -An AI agent developer ensures that agents have access to necessary resources, tools, and knowledge to perform their tasks. This involves researching the business, creating tools, iterating and gathering feedback, and deploying the agents into the client's business.

  • What soft skills are required to become an AI agent developer?

    -Communication and eagerness to learn are the primary soft skills needed. Communication is important for gathering requirements and setting expectations, while eagerness to learn is crucial due to the rapidly advancing field of AI.

  • Why is coding necessary for AI agent development?

    -Coding is necessary because the most powerful tools require some coding experience. It allows for greater control over the behavior of the tools, the ability to connect and use multiple APIs, and addresses concerns over data privacy for clients who prefer to deploy agents on their own infrastructure.

  • How does Arson suggest someone start learning AI agent development?

    -Arson suggests starting with a good project that aligns with one's interests and how they could intersect with AI. This provides a real-world context to interpret information and learn effectively.

  • What is the importance of deploying agents in production?

    -Deploying agents in production is crucial as it tests the reliability and functionality of the agents in a real-world scenario. It's a step that many might skip, but it's essential for the mass adoption of AI agents.

  • How can someone find their first client for AI agent development?

    -One can find their first client through freelance platforms, cold outreach, or by seeking a full-time job in companies looking for AI agent developers. Building a community can also help tailor services and gain valuable feedback.

  • What is the recommended approach to learning backend API development for deploying AI agents?

    -Start by deploying a simple model via API using serverless solutions like Firebase functions, AWS Lambda, or creating your own server with Flask or FastAPI. These are scalable solutions that can handle varying request loads.

  • Why is productizing the service important when monetizing an AI agent project?

    -Productizing the service allows for reusing previous code and creating templates for each step, making the process more efficient and scalable. It's a key strategy for effective monetization and growth in the AI agent development field.

  • What is the role of community building in the journey of an AI agent developer?

    -Building a community helps in understanding the needs and challenges faced by potential clients. It allows for tailoring services specifically for them, standing out in the market, and gaining valuable feedback for improvement.



๐ŸŒ The Rise of AI Agents and Their Developers

The script introduces the burgeoning field of AI agents and the growing demand for AI agent developers in 2024. It emphasizes the lack of clarity around the role and skills required to become an AI agent developer. The speaker, Arson, establishes credibility by mentioning his experience running a popular AI agent framework on GitHub and an AI agency. He provides a brief overview of AI agents, distinguishing them from traditional automations and employees, and likens them to operating systems. Arson stresses that AI agents should route requests to tools rather than performing all tasks themselves. The role of an AI agent developer involves researching business processes, creating necessary tools, iterating based on feedback, and deploying agents within a business environment. Soft skills like communication and a willingness to learn are highlighted as important, alongside hard skills in backend development and AI.


๐Ÿ’ก Skills and Opportunities in AI Agent Development

This paragraph discusses the soft and hard skills necessary for AI agent development. It stresses the importance of communication when gathering requirements and setting expectations with stakeholders. Eagerness to learn is crucial due to the rapidly evolving nature of AI. Hard skills include backend development and AI, with coding being a non-negotiable aspect. The speaker asserts that anyone can become an AI agent developer in 2024, given the relatively short experience curve. The necessity of coding is justified by the need for customization and control, the advantages of open-source platforms, and data privacy concerns. AI coding tools are mentioned as making the learning process smoother, and the roadmap for becoming an AI agent developer begins with finding a good project that aligns with one's interests and AI's capabilities.


๐Ÿ› ๏ธ Setting Up the Development Environment

The paragraph outlines the steps for setting up a development environment for AI agent development. It starts with the installation of Python, which is the industry standard for AI development and beginner-friendly. The importance of proper package management is emphasized, with recommendations to avoid global installations and to use virtual environments. Tools for AI development are introduced, with personal preferences and industry standards provided. The paragraph concludes with the advice to begin coding by learning the basics of programming and using resources like online tutorials and books. It also suggests using AI to assist in the learning process, such as by creating an agent to help with understanding code or by engaging with open-source projects.


๐Ÿ“š Learning the Ropes of AI Development

This section delves into the specifics of learning AI development. It advises starting with the basics of programming and version control systems like Git. The use of LLM (Large Language Model) APIs is identified as a key skill for AI agent developers, with OpenAI being the recommended starting point. The paragraph also touches on the importance of understanding how to deploy and fine-tune AI models, suggesting platforms like Hugging Face for convenient deployment and fine-tuning options. The concept of function calling, which allows LLMs to interact with the outside world, is highlighted as a critical component of AI agent development. Resources and libraries for function calling are recommended, such as the Instructor Library.


๐Ÿš€ Deploying and Monetizing AI Agents

The final paragraph focuses on deploying AI agents and monetizing the service. It emphasizes the importance of learning light backend API development for deploying models via APIs using serverless solutions like Firebase functions or AWS Lambda. The integration of agents into platforms like Slack or Discord and the potential for creating custom chat user interfaces are also discussed. Monetization strategies include productizing the service, reusing code, and creating templates for various steps of the process. Finding the first client is covered, with suggestions to use freelance platforms, cold outreach, or seek full-time employment. The paragraph concludes with the advice to build a community for tailored services and valuable feedback, sharing the speaker's personal success with community building on platforms like YouTube.



๐Ÿ’กAI Agents

AI Agents, or Artificial Intelligence Agents, are autonomous systems that can perform tasks, make decisions, and interact with their environment on behalf of users. In the video, they are central to the discussion as the speaker discusses the growing importance and potential of AI agents in various industries, emphasizing their increasing adoption over traditional chatbots.

๐Ÿ’กAI Agent Developer

An AI Agent Developer is a professional who designs, builds, and maintains AI agents. The role involves ensuring that agents have access to necessary resources and tools to perform designated tasks. The video outlines the skills and steps required to become an AI agent developer, positioning it as a sought-after job in 2024.


Autonomy in the context of AI agents refers to their ability to operate independently, making decisions without direct human input. The video clarifies that AI agents have more autonomy than automations but less than human employees, highlighting the nuanced level of independence these agents possess.

๐Ÿ’กOperating Systems

The video uses the analogy of operating systems to describe AI agents. Just as operating systems like Windows or Mac OS manage computer resources and applications, AI agents are said to manage tools and perform tasks, emphasizing the systemic and integrated nature of their function.


Tools, as mentioned in the video, are applications or services that AI agents use to perform tasks. The speaker stresses that the heavy lifting in terms of functionality should be done by these tools, not by the agents themselves, drawing a clear distinction between the roles of agents and the tools they utilize.

๐Ÿ’กSoft Skills

Soft skills are personal characteristics that enable someone to interact effectively with others. The video identifies communication and eagerness to learn as essential soft skills for AI agent developers, as they are needed for gathering requirements and adapting to new advancements in AI.

๐Ÿ’กHard Skills

Hard skills are technical abilities that can be taught and measured. For AI agent developers, the video mentions backend development and AI as key hard skills. These skills are crucial for building and fine-tuning AI agents and their underlying systems.

๐Ÿ’กAI Coding Tools

AI Coding Tools are software applications that assist in the coding process, often by automating certain tasks or providing suggestions. The video discusses how these tools are making it easier for individuals to learn and engage in coding, even without a deep background in computer science.

๐Ÿ’กMulti-Agent Frameworks

Multi-Agent Frameworks are software platforms that facilitate the development of systems involving multiple AI agents. The video mentions Autogen, Crew, and the speaker's own framework, Agency Form, as examples. These frameworks help manage communication and state between agents.


Deployment in the context of AI agents refers to the process of making the developed agents operational in a live environment. The video emphasizes the importance of this step, as it is often overlooked. It involves integrating the agents into existing systems and ensuring they function seamlessly.


Monetization is the process of converting a non-profit or free service into a profitable one. In the video, the speaker discusses how to monetize AI agent projects by productizing services, finding clients, and leveraging different platforms to generate income.


AI agents are becoming increasingly popular in 2024, with tech giants like Google recognizing their potential.

The role of an AI agent developer is projected to be one of the most sought-after jobs in 2024.

AI agents are defined as operating systems that fall between employees and automations, offering more autonomy than the latter but less than the former.

AI agents should route requests to tools rather than performing all tasks themselves, similar to an operating system.

The speaker, Arson, is an experienced AI agent developer with a popular AI agent framework on GitHub and an AI agency.

AI agent developers need to conduct research, create tools, iterate, gather feedback, and deploy agents into clients' businesses.

Soft skills like communication and eagerness to learn are crucial for AI agent developers due to the rapidly evolving nature of AI.

Hard skills required for AI agent development include backend development and AI, with coding being a necessary skill.

The most powerful tools for AI agents will always require some coding experience, and open-source tools can adapt to new AI advancements faster.

AI coding tools are making the learning curve for coding smoother, allowing developers to code using natural language.

Finding a good project is essential for retaining knowledge and should align with the developer's interests and AI capabilities.

Setting up a development environment includes choosing an IDE, installing Python, managing packages, and selecting AI development tools.

Learning the basics of programming, particularly Python, is the first step in AI agent development.

Git is a vital tool for AI agent developers, allowing them to track code changes and collaborate with others.

Mastering the use of large language model (LLM) APIs is a key skill for AI agent developers, with OpenAI being a leading provider.

Function calling is a critical feature for AI agents, allowing them to interact with the outside world and external functions.

Multi-agent frameworks like Autogen, Crew, and Agency Form help manage underlying details for running agent-based systems.

Deploying agents in production requires learning light backend API development, with serverless solutions being recommended for scalability.

Monetizing AI agent development projects involves productizing services, finding clients through freelance platforms, cold outreach, or full-time job opportunities.

Building a community can provide valuable feedback and help tailor services to specific needs, standing out in the AI agent development field.