How Podcasters are Getting RICH (3 Replicable Ways)

19 Jan 202210:38

TLDRIn this informative video, Pat Flynn discusses alternative methods for podcasters to generate income aside from traditional advertising and sponsorships. He highlights the potential of affiliate marketing, selling personal products, and utilizing platforms like Patreon for community-based support. Flynn emphasizes the importance of storytelling, audience engagement, and the value of working in public to build trust and sales, ultimately showing that monetization is achievable even with a smaller, loyal audience.


  • 🚀 Affiliate marketing is a viable way for podcasters to earn money without relying on advertising or sponsorships.
  • 💡 Even with a small audience, podcasters can recommend products and earn commissions, making it a scalable strategy.
  • 🛍️ Storytelling is crucial in affiliate marketing; sharing personal experiences with products can increase trust and drive sales.
  • 📈 Start selling your own products early in your podcast's lifecycle to build anticipation and engage your audience.
  • 🎤 Interviewing customers or students who have used your products can provide authentic testimonials and boost sales.
  • 🤝 Patreon and similar platforms offer a way for podcasters to receive financial support from their fans in exchange for exclusive content or experiences.
  • 🌐 Crowdfunding platforms like Kickstarter can be utilized to fund podcast projects and build a community around the show.
  • 🔗 Building a membership community with recurring payments can provide a steady income stream for podcasters.
  • 📊 The '1000 true fans' concept suggests that even a small, dedicated fan base can lead to a sustainable income for creators.
  • 🎯 Focus on providing value, telling great stories, and offering solutions to your audience to monetize your podcast effectively.

Q & A

  • What are the three ways podcasters can make money aside from advertising and sponsorships?

    -Affiliate marketing, selling their own products, and utilizing platforms like Patreon for fan support are the three ways podcasters can monetize their content.

  • How does affiliate marketing work in the context of podcasting?

    -Affiliate marketing involves earning a commission by recommending products or services of other companies. Podcasters can recommend products that align with their audience's interests and earn a commission when their listeners purchase through their affiliate links.

  • What is the advantage of starting affiliate marketing from the first episode of a podcast?

    -Starting affiliate marketing from the first episode allows podcasters to begin generating passive income early on. Even if the audience is small initially, over time, as the audience grows, the podcaster can earn commissions from recommendations made in earlier episodes.

  • How can podcasters identify products that their audience might be interested in purchasing?

    -Podcasters can engage with their audience on social media platforms, ask about their pain points, and inquire about products they've found helpful. They can also try out products themselves and share personal experiences with their listeners.

  • What is the second method mentioned for podcasters to make money?

    -Selling their own products is the second method. This could include software, coaching services, online courses, consultations, or events that the podcaster creates and promotes on their show.

  • Why is it beneficial for podcasters to share the development process of their products with their audience?

    -Sharing the development process behind a product helps build anticipation and engagement. It allows the audience to feel involved and invested in the product's success, leading to stronger connections and potentially higher sales.

  • What is Patreon and how can it help podcasters monetize their content?

    -Patreon is a platform that enables creators to receive financial support from their fans. Podcasters can offer exclusive content or experiences at different subscription levels, providing value to their supporters in exchange for monetary support.

  • What is the significance of inviting users of your own products onto your podcast?

    -Inviting users or customers onto the podcast can provide authentic testimonials and success stories. This can be more persuasive and relatable for potential customers, as they hear directly from people who have benefited from the product or service.

  • How can podcasters benefit from the concept of 'working in public'?

    -By sharing their progress, challenges, and successes publicly, podcasters can build trust and credibility with their audience. This transparency can lead to increased engagement, anticipation for upcoming products, and ultimately, higher sales.

  • What is the potential income for a podcaster with a thousand true fans, each paying $100 per year?

    -A podcaster with a thousand true fans paying $100 per year could potentially earn a six-figure income, as this would amount to $100,000 annually.

  • What advice is given to podcasters who are just starting out or have a small audience?

    -Podcasters should not be discouraged by small numbers. Instead, they should focus on creating content that resonates with their audience, telling great stories, and offering solutions through affiliate marketing, their own products, or support from their community.



🚀 Introduction to Monetizing Podcasts Beyond Advertising

This paragraph introduces the topic of the video, which is about exploring alternative ways for podcasters to generate income aside from traditional advertising and sponsorships. It emphasizes the potential of affiliate marketing as an accessible method even for those with a small audience. The speaker, Pat Flynn, encourages podcasters to consider recommending products that align with their audience's interests, as this can lead to earning commissions. The paragraph highlights the benefits of affiliate marketing, such as not requiring the creation of a new product and the ability to leverage storytelling within the podcast to build trust and drive sales.


🛠️ Selling Your Own Products and Working in Public

The second paragraph discusses the strategy of selling one's own products through a podcast. It suggests that podcasters should not wait until their product is complete to start promoting it; instead, they should share the creation process and engage the audience in the journey. The paragraph also advises inviting users or customers of the product onto the podcast to share their experiences and transformations, which can be a powerful selling tool. The concept of 'working in public' is introduced, emphasizing the value of transparency and community involvement in the product development process.


🤝 Patreon and Community Support Models

The final paragraph of the script focuses on using platforms like Patreon to build a supportive community and generate income. It explains that Patreon allows creators to receive financial support from their fans in exchange for exclusive content or experiences. The paragraph also mentions other platforms like Kickstarter and Super Cast, which offer different models for community engagement and monetization. The speaker encourages podcasters to consider these options, regardless of their current audience size, and references the concept of 'a thousand true fans' as a sustainable business model. The paragraph concludes with a call to action for podcasters to start their journey and provides a link to a tutorial on starting a podcast.



💡Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing refers to the practice of earning a commission by promoting and recommending other companies' products. In the context of the video, it is highlighted as a viable income source for podcasters, even with a small audience. The speaker emphasizes the importance of recommending products that align with the audience's interests and needs, and how sharing personal experiences with these products can build trust and lead to successful affiliate marketing. An example given is promoting products through the Amazon Associates program.

💡Audience Building

Audience building is the process of growing a podcast's listener base. The video underscores the importance of understanding and connecting with the target audience, as this can lead to more effective product recommendations and ultimately, higher affiliate marketing commissions. The speaker also suggests using social media platforms and online communities to gauge what products the audience finds helpful, thereby aiding in the audience building process.


Patreon is a platform that allows creators to receive financial support from their fans or audience, who contribute monthly amounts in exchange for exclusive content or experiences. In the video, Patreon is presented as a monetization strategy for podcasters, where they can offer different levels of access to their content based on the contribution tier. This model supports creators in generating a sustainable income from their podcast, independent of traditional advertising and sponsorship.

💡Personal Storytelling

Personal storytelling is the act of sharing one's own experiences and narratives to connect with an audience on a deeper level. The video emphasizes the power of personal storytelling in podcasting, particularly in the context of affiliate marketing. By sharing personal stories related to recommended products, podcasters can establish trust and credibility with their audience, making their recommendations more persuasive and potentially leading to higher sales.

💡Product Creation

Product creation involves the development of goods or services that can be offered to a podcast's audience. The speaker discusses various forms of products, such as software, coaching services, online courses, and events. The video highlights the benefits of selling one's own products, as it allows podcasters to leverage their expertise and provide value directly related to their content. Additionally, the speaker advises podcasters to share the creation process with their audience, which can generate interest and anticipation for the product.

💡Working in Public

The concept of 'working in public' refers to the practice of openly sharing one's work progress, challenges, and successes with an audience. In the context of the video, this strategy is recommended for podcasters creating their own products, as it helps to build a story around the product and engage the audience throughout the development process. This approach can foster a sense of community and investment in the product, leading to more meaningful connections and potential sales.


Monetization is the process of generating income from a platform or content, such as a podcast. The video discusses various monetization strategies for podcasters beyond traditional advertising and sponsorships, including affiliate marketing, selling own products, and utilizing platforms like Patreon. The speaker emphasizes that even with a small audience, podcasters can successfully monetize their content by providing value and building trust with their listeners.

💡Value Creation

Value creation in the context of the video refers to the process of offering useful and relevant content to the audience, which can include solutions, advice, or recommendations. The speaker stresses the importance of creating content that resonates with the audience and addressing their needs, which in turn can lead to successful monetization strategies. By consistently providing value, podcasters can establish a trustworthy relationship with their audience, making them more likely to support the podcast through affiliate marketing, purchasing products, or contributing financially on platforms like Patreon.

💡Community Building

Community building involves the development of a group of individuals who share common interests and engage with each other and the content creator. In the video, the speaker mentions the potential of building a community through platforms like Patreon or membership communities, where fans can connect over shared interests in the podcast's content. By fostering a sense of belonging and offering exclusive content or experiences, podcasters can create a loyal fan base that is more likely to financially support the show.


Kickstarter is a crowdfunding platform that enables creators to raise funds for their projects from the public. In the video, it is mentioned as an alternative platform for podcasters to receive support from their fans, similar to Patreon. Podcasters can use Kickstarter to fund their projects, such as creating exclusive content or developing new podcast episodes, by offering rewards to backers who contribute to the campaign.


Pat Flynn introduces three ways podcasters can make money without relying on advertising and sponsorship.

Affiliate marketing is recommended as an effective method for podcasters to earn commissions by recommending products.

Even podcasters with a small audience can benefit from affiliate marketing by recommending products relevant to their target audience.

Affiliate marketing is advantageous as it does not require creating a new product; instead, it leverages existing products.

Sharing personal stories and experiences with recommended products can increase trust and drive sales.

Podcasters can find products to promote by understanding their audience's needs and engaging with them on social media platforms.

Pat Flynn suggests selling your own products as a viable income stream for podcasters.

Podcaster should consider selling their products before they are fully developed by sharing the creation process with their audience.

Working in public, or sharing the progress of creating a product, can build anticipation and interest among the audience.

Inviting users or customers who have benefited from your product can be a powerful way to promote it.

Pat Flynn discusses Patreon as a platform for podcasters to receive financial support from their fans in exchange for exclusive content or experiences.

Other platforms like Kickstarter and Supercast offer alternative ways for podcasters to monetize their content.

Podcasters can build a successful business with a loyal fan base, even with a small number of downloads per episode.

Kevin Kelly's '1,000 True Fans' concept is mentioned as a potential business model for podcasters.

Telling great stories and offering solutions through affiliate marketing, personal products, or fan support can lead to podcast success.

Pat Flynn encourages podcasters to check out his step-by-step tutorial on starting a podcast for further guidance.