NYC Women Are Randomly Getting PUNCHED in the FACE?!

The Comments Section with Brett Cooper
28 Mar 202410:22

TLDRThe video discusses a concerning trend of unprovoked physical assaults on women in New York City, as highlighted by victims sharing their experiences on social media platforms like TikTok. The alarming frequency of these attacks, many of which involve women being punched in the face while on their phones, has sparked widespread concern and calls for increased safety measures. The video emphasizes the importance of situational awareness and self-defense, while also questioning the effectiveness of current law enforcement strategies in protecting citizens.


  • 📍 Concerns about safety in New York City are highlighted by recent social media posts of women being assaulted.
  • 👊 Women on TikTok have shared their experiences of being punched by strangers on the street.
  • 😷 The rapid spread of these incidents on social media has raised awareness about personal safety.
  • 🎥 The role of social media in providing information about city safety is emphasized over traditional channels.
  • 👥 A common description of the attacker has emerged, pointing to a potential serial offender.
  • 📍 The attacks are concentrated in downtown areas like Union Square and East Village.
  • 📱 Victims often report being on their phones when attacked, highlighting the importance of situational awareness.
  • 🚨 Calls for increased vigilance and self-defense measures among the public are made.
  • 🏛️ Criticisms of local government and law enforcement's handling of crime are expressed.
  • 🤔 Speculations about the motivations behind these attacks, including a potential 'knockout game' or group targeting women.

Q & A

  • What is the main topic of the video?

    -The main topic of the video is the recent increase in random assaults on women in New York City, particularly those involving being punched in the face.

  • How did the issue come to light?

    -The issue came to light through social media, specifically TikTok, where women shared videos of themselves immediately after being assaulted.

  • What is significant about Haley Kate's role in this situation?

    -Haley Kate is a well-known TikTok influencer who created a series of videos discussing her experience and the aftermath of being assaulted, contributing to raising awareness on the issue.

  • What is the speculated motive behind these attacks?

    -There is speculation that these attacks could be a new iteration of the 'knockout game' or potentially related to a group called '4B,' though concrete information is not available.

  • What commonalities have been identified among the victims and the attacks?

    -The victims are mostly young women in their early to mid-20s, often attacked from behind while looking at their phones in the downtown Manhattan area, particularly around NYU's campus.

  • What advice is given to women to protect themselves?

    -Women are advised to be vigilant, avoid being distracted by phones or earphones, and consider carrying legal self-defense items like pepper spray. They are also encouraged to take self-defense classes and report any incidents to the police.

  • How does the speaker feel about the response from the New York City Police Department?

    -The speaker expresses dissatisfaction with the NYPD's response, mentioning that despite extensive surveillance and the presence of robots in subway stations, the department has not been effective in preventing these crimes.

  • What broader issues are discussed in relation to the rise in crime?

    -The speaker discusses broader issues such as the economic impact of inflation, the state of the US economy, and the potential consequences of certain political policies on crime rates.

  • What is the speaker's stance on the handling of crime in New York City?

    -The speaker criticizes the handling of crime in New York City, suggesting that lenient policies and lack of effective law enforcement have contributed to the increase in violent incidents.

  • What is the main message the speaker wants to convey to the audience?

    -The speaker wants to convey the importance of personal safety, vigilance, and the need for effective crime prevention measures. They also emphasize the role of social media in raising awareness and the impact of political and economic factors on public safety.



🏙️ Concerns Over Women's Safety in New York City

The paragraph discusses the alarming issue of women being assaulted on the streets of New York City. It highlights the role of social media, particularly TikTok, in bringing this issue to light as women share their experiences of being punched by strangers. The speaker, Brett Cooper, expresses horror at these incidents and emphasizes the importance of being aware of one's surroundings. The discussion also touches on the potential reasons behind this surge in violence, including possible political motivations or a resurgence of the 'knockout game'. The paragraph ends with a call to action for better safety measures and awareness.


🚨 The Role of Social Media and Public Response

This paragraph delves deeper into the role of social media in documenting and spreading awareness about the attacks on women in New York City. It discusses the collective efforts of women who have been victims of these assaults, sharing their stories and identifying common patterns in the attacks. The speaker also addresses the perceived inadequacy of the police response and the potential implications of certain political policies on crime rates. Additionally, the paragraph includes a personal account from a victim and emphasizes the need for self-defense and vigilance among city dwellers.


🗳️ Empowering Personal Safety and Community Action

The final paragraph shifts focus towards the importance of personal safety and the power of community action in addressing crime. It encourages viewers to take proactive steps such as attending self-defense classes and exercising vigilance in public spaces. The speaker also stresses the significance of voting, implying that policy changes can have a direct impact on public safety. The paragraph concludes with a call to engage more with positive content and a reminder to follow the speaker on various social media platforms for future updates.



💡New York City

New York City, often referred to as 'the city that never sleeps,' is a central location in the video. It is depicted as a place where several incidents of women being punched have occurred. The city's reputation for being a hub of dreams and activity contrasts with the disturbing events being discussed, highlighting the complex nature of urban safety.

💡Social Media

Social media platforms, particularly TikTok, serve as a tool for women to share their experiences of being assaulted. It is highlighted as a medium that allows for immediate response and documentation of crimes, acting as an alternative information source compared to traditional journalism.

💡Violence Against Women

This is a central theme in the video, focusing on the alarming trend of random assaults on women in New York City. The video discusses the physical and emotional impact of these incidents, emphasizing the need for public awareness and action.

💡Public Safety

Public safety is a key concern in the video, with the discussion centered around the perceived lack of security in New York City. It questions the effectiveness of law enforcement and the city's infrastructure in protecting its citizens, especially in light of the assaults.

💡Crime Prevention

Crime prevention strategies are discussed, emphasizing personal vigilance and awareness as key tools for individuals to protect themselves. The video suggests practical measures such as not being distracted by phones and carrying legal self-defense items.


Inflation is mentioned as an economic concern affecting the United States, with the video suggesting that it contributes to the overall instability and challenges faced by citizens. It is used as a context to discuss the broader societal issues that might be influencing crime rates.

💡Political Responsibility

The video touches on the role of political leaders in shaping policies that affect public safety and crime rates. It criticizes certain policies for potentially contributing to the rise in crime and the lack of effective responses to violence.

💡Community Awareness

Community awareness is emphasized as a crucial element in addressing and preventing crime. The video highlights the power of collective action and sharing information to identify and stop perpetrators.


Self-defense is presented as an essential skill for individuals, especially women, to protect themselves in situations of danger. The video encourages viewers to take self-defense classes and be prepared to respond to threats.


Vigilance is a recurring theme in the video, urging individuals to be constantly alert and aware of their surroundings to avoid becoming victims of crime. It is positioned as a proactive measure for personal safety.


The discussion focuses on the issue of women being punched in New York City, highlighting the role of social media in bringing attention to these incidents.

The speaker expresses appreciation for social media platforms like TikTok for providing real-time information on city safety issues.

A specific case is mentioned where a well-known TikToker named Haley Kate was assaulted and documented her experience in a video.

The alarming frequency of such attacks is emphasized, with the speaker having seen multiple videos of similar incidents within a short period.

A fringe political candidate accused of such an attack is mentioned, underscoring the seriousness of the issue.

The description of the attacker provided by the victims points to a pattern, with most attacks occurring in the downtown area of Manhattan.

The importance of being aware of one's surroundings and not being distracted by phones or earphones is stressed for personal safety.

The speaker shares a personal decision to move away from LA due to rising crime rates and the defunding of police departments.

The impact of policies on crime rates and public safety is discussed, with a call for empathy towards the victims.

The role of the New York City Police Department and its effectiveness in addressing these crimes is questioned.

The speaker suggests practical measures for personal safety, such as carrying legal self-defense tools and being vigilant.

The discussion includes a call to action for women to protect themselves and to vote with their safety in mind.

The prevalence of these attacks on social media is noted, with a suggestion that it may be part of a larger, coordinated trend.

The potential connection to a group called '4B' is mentioned, indicating that the attacks might not be random.

The issue of inflation and its impact on the economy is briefly discussed, with a suggestion to diversify savings into gold.

The speaker shares a personal anecdote about a woman who was punched but felt embarrassed to report it, highlighting the fear and trauma experienced by victims.

The discussion concludes with a call for vigilance and a reminder of the importance of personal safety measures.