How To Humanize Ai Content | Ai SEO Plagiarism Free Text Generator Tool | Bypass Ai Text Detection

Learnify Ai
22 Nov 202309:19

TLDRThis script introduces viewers to the process of transforming AI-generated content into a more human-like, engaging format. It guides through the use of tools like Keyword Everywhere and Chat GPT to create an informative article, and then refines the content using platforms like and plagiarism remover to ensure originality and a natural tone. The goal is to craft content that can bypass AI detection, rank well on search engines, and appeal to readers, with the entire process explained in a step-by-step manner.


  • 🌐 Start by installing the 'Keyword Everywhere' extension for valuable search insights and metrics.
  • 🔍 Utilize the 'aerm for chat GPT' extension to enhance your content creation process on Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge browsers.
  • 📝 Craft an informative article by focusing on a primary keyword, such as 'best wireless mouse under 500'.
  • 📊 Use chat GPT to generate a blog post outline, ensuring the language is set to English and other settings remain at default.
  • 🖋️ Copy the generated outline into a Google Document, formatting the headings (H2) and adding explanatory lines for chat GPT's comprehension.
  • 📈 Generate paragraphs of text in chat GPT with a conversational voice tone, using the provided keywords and outlines.
  • 📝 Paste the generated text under the relevant H2 headings in the Google Document, maintaining a coherent structure.
  • 📝 Use the word count tool to monitor the article's length while typing, aiming for a clear and concise piece.
  • 🔄 Visit to convert AI-generated content to a more human-like style, using it as an AI detector tool.
  • ✍️ Refine the AI-generated content using plagiarism remover tools like ais content generator for a plagiarism-free output.
  • 🔄 Revisit to check the AI content ratio after each iteration, ensuring the content becomes more human-like.

Q & A

  • What is the main focus of the video transcript?

    -The main focus of the video transcript is to guide viewers on how to transform AI-generated content into more relatable and engaging human-like content, and how to bypass AI text detection.

  • Which tool is recommended for gaining insights into search volume and other metrics?

    -The tool recommended for gaining insights into search volume and other metrics is the 'Keyword Everywhere' extension.

  • How does one install the Keyword Everywhere extension?

    -To install the Keyword Everywhere extension, navigate to Google, type 'Keyword Everywhere' in the search bar, locate the extension, and click to install it on your Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge browser.

  • What is the primary keyword used in the example within the script?

    -The primary keyword used in the example is 'best wireless mouse under 500'.

  • How can one utilize Chat GPT to write a human-based article?

    -To utilize Chat GPT for writing a human-based article, one should open Chat GPT, click on 'New Chat', access templates under the 'Copywriting' category, select 'Blog Writing', choose 'Generate Blog Post Outline', and follow the prompts to craft the article structure and content.

  • What is the significance of adjusting the voice tone to 'Conversational' in Chat GPT?

    -Adjusting the voice tone to 'Conversational' in Chat GPT helps to generate text that is more akin to how humans naturally speak and write, making the content more relatable and engaging.

  • How can one ensure their AI-generated content is undetectable as AI text?

    -To ensure AI-generated content is undetectable as AI text, one can use tools like 'Content', which acts as an AI detector, and 'Plagiarism Remover', which helps to convert AI text into human text and remove instances of plagiarism.

  • What is the process for converting AI-generated content into human-like content?

    -The process involves using Chat GPT to generate a blog post outline and paragraphs, pasting the content into a document, using 'Content' to check for AI content, and then using 'Plagiarism Remover' to convert the AI text into human text, repeating this process as necessary to enhance the human-like qualities of the content.

  • Why is it important to bypass AI text detection?

    -Bypassing AI text detection is important because search engines like Google prioritize human-written content over AI-generated content. High-quality, human-like content is crucial for better search engine rankings and engaging readership.

  • How does the video transcript suggest improving the human-like qualities of AI-generated content?

    -The video transcript suggests improving the human-like qualities of AI-generated content by using tools to detect and adjust the balance between AI-generated and human-like elements, regenerating the content to remove plagiarism, and iteratively checking and refining the content until it passes as more human-like.



🤖 Humanizing AI-Generated Content

This paragraph introduces the concept of transforming AI-generated content into something more relatable and engaging for human audiences. It emphasizes the importance of bypassing AI text detection and provides a step-by-step guide on how to use the 'Keyword Everywhere' extension and Chat GPT to create an informative article. The process involves installing the extension, utilizing it for keyword insights, and crafting a blog post outline with headings and content that can be adjusted as needed. The paragraph also explains how to format the document with bold H2 headings and how to use Chat GPT to generate paragraphs based on the outlines, aiming for a natural and human-like writing style.


📝 Enhancing AI Content to Human Quality

The second paragraph discusses the next steps in the process of converting AI-generated content into human-quality content. It introduces 'Content' as an AI detector tool that helps to assess the balance between AI and human-like elements in the text. The paragraph provides guidance on how to use this tool by copying AI-generated content and checking it for AI characteristics. It also explains how to use a plagiarism remover tool to create original content and further refine the text to enhance its naturalness. The process involves regenerating the content, checking it again for AI content ratio, and repeating the steps until the content is more human-like. The paragraph concludes with an invitation for further discussion on AI tools and a call to action for viewers to engage with the content and subscribe to the channel for more tutorials.



💡AI content

AI content refers to the material or text generated by artificial intelligence systems, like chatbots or automated writing tools. In the context of the video, AI content is the starting point for creating articles or blog posts, which are then humanized to make them more engaging and relatable to readers. The script discusses methods to convert and improve AI-generated content to resemble human writing, thus bypassing AI text detection tools.

💡Humanizing AI text

Humanizing AI text involves altering or editing AI-generated content to make it sound more like it was written by a human. This includes adjusting the tone, vocabulary, and structure of the text to appear more natural and relatable. The video emphasizes the importance of humanizing AI text to create content that can engage readers and rank higher in search engine results.

💡Keyword Everywhere

Keyword Everywhere is a browser extension that provides insights into search volume, competition, and cost-per-click (CPC) for specific keywords. It helps content creators and SEO specialists optimize their content for search engines. In the video, the extension is used to identify the keyword 'best wireless mouse under 500', which becomes the focus for crafting an informative article.

💡Chat GPT

Chat GPT is an AI-driven platform that can generate human-like text based on user inputs. It is used for various purposes, including creating blog posts, articles, and other written content. In the video, Chat GPT is utilized to write an outline and generate paragraphs for an informative blog post, which is then further humanized and checked for plagiarism.


Content is an AI detection tool that helps to assess the balance between AI-generated and human-like elements in a piece of content. It can identify areas where the content sounds too 'AI' and needs to be adjusted to appear more human. The video describes using this tool to convert AI content into a more human-like format.

💡Plagiarism Remover

Plagiarism Remover is a tool designed to detect and eliminate instances of plagiarism in written content. It helps in creating original and unique text by rephrasing and reworking sections of the content that may match existing sources. In the video, this tool is used to ensure that the AI-generated content is not only humanized but also free from plagiarism.


SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization, which is the practice of improving a website's or content's visibility on search engines like Google. It involves various strategies, including keyword research and content creation, to rank higher in search results. The video emphasizes the importance of SEO in making content more discoverable and accessible to readers.

💡Affiliate marketing

Affiliate marketing is a performance-based marketing strategy where businesses reward affiliates for each visitor or customer brought by the affiliate's own marketing efforts. In the context of the video, creating engaging and human-like content is crucial for affiliate marketing because it helps in driving traffic and conversions, which can lead to higher earnings.

💡Content generation

Content generation refers to the process of creating written, visual, or audio material for various platforms like websites, blogs, or social media. The video focuses on the use of AI tools to generate content, particularly text, and then refining it to make it more human-like and engaging.

💡Human-like content

Human-like content is written or created in a way that mimics the natural style and tone of a human writer. It is designed to engage readers more effectively by sounding authentic and relatable. The video emphasizes the importance of creating human-like content to bypass AI detection and rank higher on search engines.


AI content transformed into human-like content is crucial for engaging readers and bypassing AI text detection.

The use of the Keyword Everywhere extension in Google provides insights into search volume, CPC, and other valuable metrics.

Chat GPT can be utilized to craft informative articles by installing the AIpm and Keyword Everywhere extensions.

An informative article about 'best wireless mouse under 500' is demonstrated as an example of AI-generated content.

The importance of creating human-based content for ranking on Google is emphasized, as the search engine prioritizes non-affiliate content.

Chat GPT's templates can generate a blog post outline, including headings and subheadings, to structure the article.

The process of humanizing AI-generated text involves changing voice tones to conversational and adjusting the content accordingly.

Content Scale AI helps convert AI content to human content by detecting the balance between AI-generated and human-like elements.

Plagiarism Remover tool aids in creating plagiarism-free AI content by rewriting the text and enhancing its naturalness.

Regeneration of content through plagiarism remover and Content Scale AI ensures the text is more human-like and original.

The video tutorial offers guidance on using AI tools for content generation, ensuring the content is undetectable as AI-generated.

Engagement with the audience is encouraged through comments, subscriptions, and feedback for more tutorials on AI tools.

The video also covers additional topics such as YouTube shorts, AI video content creation, and faceless automation channel niche ideas.

The tutorial concludes with a call to action for viewers to explore more about AI in content creation and automation.