Best AI Detector & Humanizer: Humanize AI Text and Bypass AI Detection with Humbot

Nicolai Nielsen
21 May 202408:37

TLDRIn this tutorial, the presenter explores the use of 'Humbot AI', an AI detector and humanizer, to enhance the naturalness of AI-generated text and evade AI detection systems. They demonstrate the process by researching the Transformer architecture from a Wikipedia page, summarizing it in a human-like manner using 'Chatbot', and then refining the text with 'Humbot AI' to improve its authenticity. The video also tests various AI content detectors to ensure the humanized text can pass as human-written, highlighting the potential of such tools for research and content creation while cautioning against misuse for academic dishonesty.


  • ๐Ÿ˜€ Humbot AI is a tool designed to detect AI-generated text and humanize it to bypass AI detection systems.
  • ๐Ÿ” The video demonstrates using Humbot AI for research purposes, to make AI-generated responses more human-like.
  • ๐Ÿ“š The presenter opens a Wikipedia page on the Transformer architecture, which is fundamental to many AI models, including detectors and language models.
  • ๐Ÿ“ The process involves copying text from the Wikipedia page and using Chat GPT to summarize and humanize the content.
  • ๐Ÿค– Initially, the AI-generated text from Chat GPT is identified as robotic and not human-like by AI detectors.
  • ๐Ÿ“ˆ The video shows the use of various AI detectors to evaluate the human-likeness of the text, with varying results.
  • ๐Ÿ“ After using Humbot AI, the text is reformatted and made more human-like, improving its ability to pass AI detection.
  • ๐Ÿ“Š AI detectors' results after humanization show improved scores, indicating that the text now appears more human-written.
  • ๐Ÿšซ The video advises against using such tools for cheating in academic work or producing plagiarized content.
  • ๐Ÿ› ๏ธ Humbot AI can be used to make AI-generated content more efficient and human-readable for legitimate purposes, like research or content creation.
  • ๐Ÿ“š The presenter also mentions an AI career program for learning how to secure AI jobs and freelance work.

Q & A

  • What is the purpose of using Humbot AI as mentioned in the video?

    -Humbot AI is used as an AI detector and humanizer to make AI-generated text appear more human-like, which can help bypass AI detection systems. It can also be used for research purposes to make notes and summaries more readable.

  • What is the Transformer architecture mentioned in the video?

    -The Transformer architecture is a deep learning model that serves as the foundation for many language models, including AI detectors and generators like Chatbot, GPT, and Gemini.

  • How does the video suggest using Chatbot for research?

    -The video suggests using Chatbot to generate summaries and notes from complex information sources like Wikipedia pages, making the research process more efficient and the output more digestible.

  • What is the significance of the AI content detectors mentioned in the video?

    -AI content detectors are tools that analyze text to determine if it was generated by an AI or a human. They are important for ensuring the originality and authenticity of content.

  • How does the video demonstrate the process of humanizing AI-generated text?

    -The video shows the process by copying AI-generated text into Humbot AI, using its humanizing feature to reformat and rephrase the text, and then testing the humanized text with various AI detectors.

  • What is the expected outcome when using Humbot AI to humanize AI-generated text?

    -The expected outcome is a text that has a higher human score, making it less likely to be flagged by AI detectors, and more readable and natural for human consumption.

  • What is the role of Originality AI in the process shown in the video?

    -Originality AI is used to scan the text and provide a score indicating the likelihood that the text is AI-generated. It helps in assessing the effectiveness of the humanization process.

  • How does the video address the ethical use of AI humanizing tools?

    -The video advises against using these tools for cheating, such as in academic papers or school assignments, and encourages their use for efficiency in generating content and making AI text more human-like.

  • What is the AI Career Program mentioned at the end of the video?

    -The AI Career Program is a course or series of resources designed to teach individuals how to secure AI jobs and undertake AI freelance work, providing technical courses, live calls, and personal help.

  • How can one access the AI Career Program and community mentioned in the video?

    -The video suggests checking the program and community in the video description, where more information and access links are likely provided.

  • What is the final advice given to viewers in the video regarding learning and using AI tools?

    -The final advice is to use the tools for efficient learning and content generation, and to look forward to upcoming videos for more insights, emphasizing the importance of continuous learning.



๐Ÿค– AI Research and Humanization

This paragraph introduces the video's focus on utilizing AI for research and making responses appear more humanlike. The tool 'hbot AI' is highlighted for its ability to bypass AI detectors and humanize content. The process involves taking information from a Wikipedia page on the Transformer architecture, a fundamental component of modern language models, and using AI to generate notes and summaries. The goal is to make the content more digestible and less robotic, with potential applications in research, exams, and content creation.


๐Ÿ› ๏ธ Bypassing AI Detectors and Enhancing Content

The second paragraph delves into the practical application of the process described earlier. It discusses the use of AI detectors to evaluate the human-likeness of generated content and the subsequent humanization of the text using 'humard AI'. The paragraph details the step-by-step process of scanning the AI-generated text with various detectors, such as originality AI and gbt Z, to assess its authenticity. The humanized version of the text is then tested again with these detectors to ensure it can pass as human-written. The video concludes with a reminder to use these tools responsibly, for efficiency in research and content creation, and not for unethical purposes like cheating in academic assignments.



๐Ÿ’กAI Detector

An AI Detector is a software tool designed to identify and distinguish between content that is generated by artificial intelligence and content that is written by humans. In the context of the video, the AI Detector is used to analyze text and determine if it appears to be produced by an AI, which is important for ensuring originality and authenticity in content creation. The script mentions using AI detectors to test the effectiveness of the 'Humbot AI' tool in bypassing AI detection.


A Humanizer, in this context, refers to a process or tool that makes AI-generated text appear more human-like, improving its readability and making it harder to detect as AI-generated. The video discusses using 'Humbot AI' as a humanizer to transform the output from AI chat models into text that can bypass AI detectors and seem more natural to readers.

๐Ÿ’กHumbot AI

Humbot AI is the specific tool highlighted in the video that serves as both an AI detector and a humanizer. It is used to analyze and modify AI-generated text to make it appear more human-written, which can be useful for research purposes, creating content, and bypassing plagiarism checks. The script describes using Humbot AI to process text from a Wikipedia page on the Transformer architecture.

๐Ÿ’กTransformer Architecture

The Transformer Architecture is a type of deep learning model that has become the foundation for many state-of-the-art AI language models, including those used for AI detection and generation. The video script discusses opening a Wikipedia page on this topic to use as source material for research and summarization, emphasizing its importance in the field of AI.


In the script, research refers to the process of gathering and analyzing information on a particular subject, in this case, the Transformer architecture. The video demonstrates using AI tools to assist in this process, automate the summarization of findings, and make the content more digestible and human-like.

๐Ÿ’กAI-generated Text

AI-generated text is content created by artificial intelligence algorithms, often used for tasks such as writing articles, blog posts, or scripts. The video script discusses the challenges of making AI-generated text appear natural and the use of tools like 'Humbot AI' to enhance the human-like quality of such text.

๐Ÿ’กOriginality AI

Originality AI is one of the AI content detectors mentioned in the script. It is used to scan text and determine the likelihood that the content is original, as opposed to being generated by AI. The video demonstrates using Originality AI to test the effectiveness of the humanization process provided by Humbot AI.


Plagiarism refers to the act of using someone else's work or ideas without giving proper credit, which is a concern when using AI-generated content. The script mentions the use of AI detectors and humanizers to avoid plagiarism by ensuring the content is unique and not simply a rephrasing of existing AI-generated text.

๐Ÿ’กContent Creation

Content creation is the process of producing various forms of content, such as articles, blog posts, or video scripts. The video script discusses using AI tools to assist in content creation by generating and humanizing text, making the process more efficient and the output more engaging.

๐Ÿ’กEducational Use

The script emphasizes the educational use of the tools discussed, such as for research and learning about new areas or preparing for exams. It advises against using these tools for unethical purposes like cheating in academic papers or assignments.

๐Ÿ’กAI Career Program

The AI Career Program mentioned in the script is an educational offering aimed at teaching individuals how to secure jobs in the AI industry or obtain freelance AI work. The program includes technical courses, live calls, and personal assistance, highlighting the video creator's commitment to helping others learn and succeed in the field of AI.


Introduction to using hbot AI for humanizing AI-generated text and bypassing AI detection.

Exploration of the Transformer architecture as the basis for AI language models.

Demonstration of using chat GBT for research and generating human-like responses.

How to format and humanize responses from AI tools for better readability.

Using Wikipedia as a source for information on the Transformer architecture.

The process of copying and pasting text into chat GBT for summarization and research.

The challenge of AI-generated text appearing robotic and the need for humanization.

Testing AI-generated text with various AI detectors for originality and authenticity.

Results from AI detectors indicating the need for humanization to pass as human-written content.

Utilizing hbot AI to humanize text and improve the human score in AI detectors.

The importance of not using AI tools for cheating but for efficiency in content creation.

How humanizing AI text can help in preparing for exams and researching new areas.

The effectiveness of hbot AI in reformatting and summarizing AI-generated content.

Final results from AI detectors showing improved human scores after humanization.

Encouragement to use AI tools responsibly and for legitimate purposes.

Invitation to join an AI career program for learning and getting AI-related jobs.