How To Make Money On Instagram In 2024 (For Beginners)

Mike Vestil
19 Jul 202210:00

TLDRThe video script offers a step-by-step tutorial on monetizing Instagram, emphasizing the importance of understanding and addressing specific pain points to generate sales. It shares personal success stories and illustrates how providing value and creating a sales funnel can lead to significant earnings. The script also promotes a free workshop for further insights into making money on social media, suggesting that even with a small following, substantial income is achievable.


  • 🚀 **Identify Pain Points:** Understand the specific problems or dissatisfactions your target audience faces to effectively market your products or services.
  • 🎯 **Value Ladder:** Create a hierarchy of offerings that address increasingly significant pain points, leading to higher value transactions.
  • 💡 **Fundamentals Matter:** Success on Instagram isn't just about the platform; it requires a solid understanding of sales, marketing, and online business principles.
  • 📈 **Results Proven:** The method shared has been proven to work, as exemplified by the 62-year-old woman who made $160,000 in profit in 90 days.
  • 💰 **Net Commissions:** The speaker highlights their own success, earning $346,000 in net commissions without creating a product, showcasing the potential of this method.
  • 🛠️ **Solving Problems:** The key to making money on Instagram is to solve problems for your audience, whether it's related to health, wealth, love, happiness, or other human needs.
  • 📸 **Content is Secondary:** While important, the content you post isn't the primary money-maker; it's the solution to the audience's problems that drives sales.
  • 📈 **Pain Point Scale:** The more significant the pain point, the more money you can potentially make, as people are willing to invest in solutions that address their core issues.
  • 📋 **Sales Processes:** Utilize sales funnels and processes to guide your audience from initial engagement to purchasing higher-value products or services.
  • 📧 **Email Collection:** Collecting emails allows you to build a relationship with your audience and market to them effectively, moving them up the value ladder.
  • 🌐 **Social Media Strategy:** Instagram is a tool for finding and connecting with people who are unhappy and seeking solutions, and leveraging this can lead to significant earnings.

Q & A

  • What is the main topic of the video?

    -The main topic of the video is a tutorial on how to make money on Instagram, specifically for complete beginners.

  • How much profit did the 62-year-old woman make in 90 days according to the video?

    -The 62-year-old woman made a profit of $160,000 in 90 days.

  • What are the fundamentals one needs to understand for making money on Instagram?

    -To make money on Instagram, one needs to understand the fundamentals of sales, marketing, and online business in general.

  • What type of people is Instagram a place for according to the video?

    -Instagram is a place where you can find people who are severely unhappy with some type of aspect in their life, such as health, wealth, love, and happiness.

  • What is the key to making money with Instagram according to the video?

    -The key to making money with Instagram is understanding and solving a specific pain point for your target audience.

  • What was the pain point solved by the 'booty plump' Instagram page mentioned in the video?

    -The 'booty plump' Instagram page solved the pain point of people wanting bigger butts.

  • How does the value ladder concept apply to making money on Instagram?

    -The value ladder concept applies to making money on Instagram by providing increasing levels of value to your audience, which allows you to sell higher-priced products or services as they move up the ladder.

  • What is the role of a sales process or funnel in making money on Instagram?

    -A sales process or funnel is used to guide potential customers from the initial free offer or low-cost product to higher-value products or services, ultimately increasing earnings.

  • How does the video suggest one can attract people to the first step of their value ladder?

    -The video suggests using bait, such as a free offer or low-cost product, to attract people to the first step of the value ladder.

  • What is the ultimate goal when making money on Instagram according to the video?

    -The ultimate goal when making money on Instagram is to get people off of the platform and into your sales funnel, moving them up the value ladder.

  • How can one sign up for the free workshop mentioned in the video?

    -One can sign up for the free workshop by clicking on the link provided below the video.



🚀 Making Money on Instagram: The Fundamentals

This paragraph introduces the concept of earning money on Instagram, emphasizing that even complete beginners can achieve significant earnings with no prior experience. It highlights the success story of a 62-year-old woman who made a substantial profit in a short period. The speaker, Mike Lucille, stresses the importance of understanding the fundamentals of not just Instagram, but also sales, marketing, and online business in general. The key is to identify the pain points of potential customers, which are human needs such as health, wealth, love, happiness, etc., and offer solutions to these problems. The speaker shares personal experiences of creating Instagram pages that catered to specific pain points, like 'booty plump' for people wanting bigger butts, and 'longer lashes' for those desiring longer eyelashes. The paragraph emphasizes that the value you provide determines the money you can make on Instagram.


📈 The Value Ladder and Sales Process in Instagram Marketing

The second paragraph delves deeper into the concept of the value ladder and how it can be applied to Instagram marketing. It uses the analogy of a dentist's services to explain how escalating the perceived value of a product or service can lead to higher earnings. The speaker shares how a dentist might start with a free checkup, then gradually introduce more expensive treatments based on the patient's needs, ultimately leading to high-value procedures like cosmetic surgery. This process is likened to Instagram marketing, where the goal is to guide followers up the value ladder by offering them increasing value and, consequently, higher-priced products or services. The speaker also discusses the importance of email collection and building a sales funnel, using software and templates to create an effective marketing strategy. The paragraph concludes with a call to action, encouraging viewers to sign up for a free workshop to learn more about making money on social media.




Instagram is a social media platform where users can share photos and videos. In the context of the video, it is portrayed as a tool for generating income, especially for beginners who can leverage it to make money by identifying and addressing specific pain points of their target audience.

💡Pain Points

Pain points refer to the problems or dissatisfactions that people experience in their lives. In the video, identifying and addressing these pain points is emphasized as a crucial strategy for making money on Instagram, as it involves offering solutions to people's needs, such as health, wealth, love, happiness, etc.

💡Value Ladder

A value ladder is a marketing concept that represents a progression of products or services, starting from low-cost, high-value offerings to more expensive, high-value items. The video uses the value ladder to illustrate how businesses can gradually upsell their customers, providing more value and increasing profits.

💡Sales Process

The sales process is the series of steps a business takes to convert a lead into a customer. In the video, it is emphasized as a necessary component for making money on Instagram, involving strategies to attract customers with free or low-cost offers before leading them to purchase higher-value products.


Bait, in the context of the video, refers to an attractive offer or incentive used to draw people into a sales process. It is typically something of high perceived value given at a low cost to encourage engagement and eventual sales.

💡Email Collection

Email collection is the practice of gathering contact information from potential customers, often in exchange for valuable content or offers. In the video, collecting emails is seen as a foundational step in building a sales funnel and establishing a connection with potential customers.

💡Social Media Marketing

Social media marketing involves using social media platforms to promote products or services, engage with customers, and build brand awareness. The video focuses on Instagram as a channel for social media marketing, emphasizing the importance of understanding and addressing the audience's pain points to drive sales.

💡Online Business

An online business refers to a commercial enterprise conducted over the internet. The video presents Instagram as a platform for conducting online business, where individuals can leverage social media to identify pain points and offer solutions, thus generating income without the need for physical products or extensive experience.


A workshop, as mentioned in the video, is an educational session or training program designed to teach specific skills or knowledge. The video promotes a free workshop as a resource for viewers to learn more about making money on social media, suggesting it as a pathway for those interested in this field.


Influencers are individuals who have the power to affect the purchasing decisions of others, often due to their large following on social media. The video acknowledges that even without being a major influencer with millions of followers, one can still be successful on Instagram by understanding and applying the methods taught.


The video introduces a step-by-step tutorial on making money on Instagram, emphasizing that even complete beginners can earn $100 to $700 a day with no experience.

A 62-year-old woman is mentioned as an example of someone who went from zero to $160,000 profit in 90 days by participating in a workshop, showcasing the effectiveness of the method taught.

The importance of understanding the fundamentals of sales, marketing, and online business is stressed, not just Instagram, to be successful in monetizing the platform.

Instagram is described as a place to find people with various pain points, such as health, wealth, love, and happiness, which are human needs that can be addressed through the right content.

The speaker shares their own experience of earning $346,000 in net commissions from products they did not have to create, highlighting the potential of Instagram for income generation.

The concept of identifying a specific pain point that your brand, persona, or page can solve is crucial for making money on Instagram, as it directly addresses people's needs and desires.

Examples of successful Instagram pages that solved specific pain points, such as 'booty plump' for bigger butts and a page for longer lashes, are given to illustrate the effectiveness of this strategy.

The speaker emphasizes that it's not just the pictures posted on Instagram that make money, but the problems you solve for your audience.

The video explains that the most successful Instagram users are those who solve a specific pain point, as it helps people and leads to higher value transactions.

The 'pain point scale' is introduced, suggesting that the bigger the pain point, the more money can be made by addressing it.

The value ladder concept is discussed, using the example of a dentist, to show how providing increasing levels of value can lead to higher earnings.

The importance of a sales process and email collection is highlighted as a means to build a funnel and move people up the value ladder.

The speaker shares a personal story of offering free or low-cost value to attract customers and then selling them higher-level products.

The goal of getting people off of Instagram and into a sales funnel is emphasized, to effectively monetize the platform.

The video mentions that even Instagram users with less than 10,000 followers can make six figures by understanding and applying the value ladder method.

A free workshop is promoted as a faster and easier way to learn social media monetization, with real-life success stories of individuals like a stay-at-home mom earning $30,000 a month in eight weeks.