How To Make Money With ChatGPT & Amazon Affiliate Marketing

Income AI
8 Feb 202307:31

TLDRThe video script outlines a method for generating income through Amazon affiliate marketing by leveraging AI-powered tools to find in-demand topics, select related products, and create engaging articles. The process involves four steps: identifying demand, fetching relevant Amazon products, article generation using Chad GBT, and monetizing through platforms like Vocal and Medium. By following this strategy, one can earn from both affiliate sales and article views, potentially reaching a four-figure monthly income.


  • ๐Ÿ” Start by identifying in-demand topics using a tool to find high search volume keywords.
  • ๐Ÿ›๏ธ Use Amazon to find products related to the chosen in-demand topic.
  • ๐Ÿ“ Generate articles about the selected products with the help of AI-powered tools like Chad GBT.
  • ๐Ÿ“ˆ Structure the articles into an introduction, body, and conclusion for better readability.
  • ๐Ÿ”— Include clickable affiliate links within the articles to monetize through Amazon products.
  • ๐Ÿ’ฐ Earn income not only from Amazon affiliate sales but also from the platforms where you post your articles.
  • ๐Ÿค– Utilize AI tools to draft subtitles and introductions for the articles.
  • ๐Ÿ–ผ๏ธ Enhance articles by adding relevant images of the products discussed.
  • ๐Ÿ“ฑ Post articles on platforms like and Medium to reach a wider audience.
  • ๐Ÿ“Š Optimize articles for SEO by using suggested title ideas and incorporating keywords naturally.
  • ๐Ÿ“ˆ Potential to earn four or even six figures monthly by consistently producing and posting engaging content.

Q & A

  • What is the main topic of the video?

    -The main topic of the video is about making money through Amazon affiliate marketing by selling Amazon products and leveraging content creation platforms like Vocal and Medium.

  • What is the four-step process mentioned in the video?

    -The four-step process includes: 1) Finding in-demand topics using a tool to find demand, 2) Fetching related Amazon products for the selected topic, 3) Generating articles using Chad GBT, and 4) Posting the articles on platforms like Vocal and Medium to earn income from views and affiliate sales.

  • How does one find in-demand topics for articles?

    -In-demand topics are found using an AI-powered tool that helps identify search volume for specific keywords. The tool is used to find keywords with high search volume and low competition, indicating a demand for content on that topic.

  • What is the role of Amazon in this method?

    -Amazon plays a crucial role as it is the platform where related products are sourced based on the in-demand topics identified. These products are then promoted in the generated articles, and the creator earns a commission from the sales made through their affiliate links.

  • How does Chad GBT help in this process?

    -Chad GBT is used to generate high-quality articles related to the selected Amazon products and in-demand topics. It helps in creating structured content with an introduction, body, and conclusion, making the process more efficient and professional.

  • What are Vocal and Medium in the context of this video?

    -Vocal and Medium are content creation platforms where the generated articles can be posted. They not only provide free traffic to the articles but also pay the creators per view, thus creating multiple income streams from a single article.

  • How does one monetize their articles on Vocal and Medium?

    -Monetization on Vocal and Medium is achieved by including affiliate links within the articles that lead to Amazon product pages. When a user makes a purchase through these links, the article creator earns a commission. Additionally, these platforms pay for the views generated on the articles.

  • What is the significance of creating engaging articles?

    -Engaging articles are more likely to attract and retain the reader's attention, increasing the chances of them clicking on affiliate links and making a purchase. This ultimately leads to higher conversion rates and more income for the affiliate marketer.

  • How often should one update or create new articles?

    -The video does not specify a particular frequency, but it is generally recommended to consistently create and update content to maintain reader interest, improve search engine rankings, and maximize earnings from both affiliate sales and platform views.

  • What is the expected income from following this method?

    -The video suggests that by following this method, one can expect to earn four-figure amounts monthly from Amazon affiliate products alone. Additionally, by posting on platforms like Vocal and Medium, one can potentially earn six figures or more by leveraging both affiliate sales and paid views.

  • How can one optimize their Amazon affiliate marketing strategy?

    -Optimizing the Amazon affiliate marketing strategy involves selecting high-demand, low-competition niches, creating engaging and high-quality content, and effectively utilizing platforms like Vocal and Medium to maximize exposure and earnings. Regularly analyzing performance metrics and adjusting the strategy accordingly is also crucial.



๐Ÿš€ Making Money with Amazon Affiliate and Article Writing

This paragraph introduces a method for earning six figures by leveraging Amazon affiliate products and article posting platforms. The strategy involves a four-step process starting with identifying demand, using a tool to find in-demand topics, fetching related Amazon products, and generating articles with Chad GBT. The video promises to show how to double or triple income from a single article by creating multiple income streams. It emphasizes the simplicity of the process, starting with finding demand and using Amazon to find related products, followed by article generation and finally, monetization through personal websites or platforms like Vocal and Medium.


๐Ÿ“ Posting Articles on Vocal for Additional Earnings

The second paragraph focuses on the practical steps for posting articles on Vocal, a platform that can generate income both from affiliate products and per view. It explains the process of creating a story on Vocal, selecting a title and subtitle, and pasting the article in the correct order. The paragraph highlights the importance of adding calls to action and product links throughout the article, as well as including images to enhance engagement. It concludes by emphasizing the potential for significant monthly earnings from multiple articles and the combined benefits of engaging content and useful product suggestions.



๐Ÿ’กSix Figures

The term 'Six Figures' refers to an income level of at least one hundred thousand dollars per year. In the context of the video, it sets an expectation for the potential earnings from the described method of monetizing articles through Amazon affiliate products and platform-based earnings.

๐Ÿ’กAmazon Affiliate

Amazon Affiliate is a program where individuals earn commissions by promoting and selling products from Amazon. In the video, the method discussed revolves around leveraging Amazon affiliate links within articles to generate income whenever a reader purchases through these links.


A strategy refers to a well-thought-out plan designed to achieve a particular goal. In the video, the strategy involves a four-step process for creating and monetizing content that includes finding demand, fetching related products, generating articles, and creating multiple income streams.


Demand in a marketing context refers to the desire or interest of consumers to purchase a particular product or service. The video emphasizes the importance of finding demand as the first step in the process, using a tool to identify keywords with high search volume to target a profitable niche.

๐Ÿ’กKeyword Research

Keyword research is the process of identifying and analyzing words and phrases that people enter into search engines when looking for products or information. In the video, keyword research is crucial for finding profitable topics to write about and to optimize articles for search engines.

๐Ÿ’กContent Generation

Content generation refers to the creation of new and engaging material, such as articles, videos, or posts, to attract and retain an audience. The video outlines a method for generating articles using AI tools like Chad GBT, which helps in writing structured and informative content related to the chosen products and topics.

๐Ÿ’กMultiple Income Streams

Multiple income streams involve earning money from various sources. In the video, this concept is applied by not only monetizing through Amazon affiliate links but also by earning from the platforms where the articles are posted, such as Vocal and Medium, which pay per view.

๐Ÿ’ก is a platform where writers can publish their articles and earn money based on the number of views and engagement their content receives. In the video, is presented as one of the platforms to post articles and generate income from both the content and the associated Amazon affiliate links.


Medium is an online publishing platform that allows writers to share their stories, ideas, and articles with a broad audience. In the video, Medium is mentioned as another platform where one can post articles and earn income from both the views and the Amazon affiliate products mentioned within the articles.

๐Ÿ’กChad GBT

Chad GBT is an AI-based content generation tool that helps in creating articles by breaking them down into sections like introduction, body, and conclusion. In the video, Chad GBT is used to generate high-quality articles related to the Amazon affiliate products and the chosen topics.


Engagement refers to the interaction and involvement of readers with the content, such as reading, commenting, or clicking on links. In the video, creating engaging articles is emphasized as a way to attract more views, increase the likelihood of affiliate product sales, and generate more income from the platforms.


The video introduces a method for making money through Amazon affiliate products and online platforms.

A four-step process is outlined for generating income from affiliate marketing and article posting.

The first step involves finding demand using a tool to identify high search volume keywords.

Amazon is used to fetch products related to the selected high-demand topics.

Articles are generated using Chad GBT, an AI-based tool.

The process of generating an article is broken down into an introduction, body, and conclusion.

Detailed information about each product is included by utilizing the 'About this Item' section from Amazon.

Multiple income streams can be created from a single article, doubling or tripling earnings.

The method can be applied to other affiliate providers, but the focus is on Amazon due to its popularity and conversion rate. and Medium are recommended platforms for posting articles to generate views and income.

By posting articles on these platforms, one can earn money both from affiliate products and per view.

The video provides a step-by-step guide on how to post the article on Vocal and Medium.

Adding a call to action and product links within the article can increase conversions.

Images and engaging titles are suggested to enhance the article's appeal and drive traffic.

The method aims to solve customer problems and suggest useful products, creating engaging content.

By following this method, one can expect to earn four or even six figures monthly.