How To Make an App With ChatGPT (Without Knowing Code)

AI Andy
2 Nov 202311:11

TLDRThe video provides a step-by-step guide on how to create a simple application without prior coding knowledge using ChatGPT. The host shares their journey of creating an app that captures screenshots with each mouse click, inspired by their desire to automate tasks like collecting data from TikTok accounts or taking screenshots of websites. The process involves writing a Python script, refining it through iterative prompts with ChatGPT, and eventually turning the script into an executable file or a Chrome extension. The video emphasizes the ease of learning to code with AI assistance and the empowerment it brings, encouraging viewers to pursue their own app ideas and get hands-on experience in software development.


  • 📝 The speaker started coding and creating apps with ChatGPT despite no prior coding experience, fulfilling a long-held desire to make custom software.
  • 🛠️ The process involves creating a Python script that captures a screenshot every time the mouse is clicked, which is the foundation for the app.
  • 🧩 To get started, one needs to download Visual Studio Code and the Python extension, then create a new Python file to paste the code into.
  • 📁 It's important to save the Python file in an accessible location like the Documents folder for ease of use.
  • 🔍 The initial version of the app is basic and requires refinement, such as adding a feature to show the cursor in screenshots and organizing saved screenshots.
  • 🔄 Refining the app involves iteratively improving the code, which may include asking ChatGPT for help with error messages and further enhancements.
  • ✋ The final version of the app includes a user interface with start and stop buttons and saves screenshots with the mouse cursor visible in a new folder each time it's run.
  • 🔗 Gradient AI is mentioned as a tool that can be used to fine-tune large language models (LLMs) with private data for higher performance.
  • 📚 The speaker emphasizes the value of custom AI for solving specific problems faster and more relevantly, and how it can be cost-effective with a pay-as-you-go model.
  • 🚀 After refining the app, the speaker discusses converting it into an executable (.exe) file or a Chrome extension for easier sharing and use.
  • 💡 The overall message is one of empowerment, encouraging individuals to take on their own projects, learn new skills, and enjoy the process of creation and problem-solving.

Q & A

  • What was the initial motivation behind creating a Python script to capture screenshots?

    -The initial motivation was to automate the process of taking screenshots of websites, similar to how one might use a tool like Scribe to create instructional content.

  • What software was recommended for writing and running the Python script?

    -Visual Studio Code (VS Code) was recommended, along with the Python extension for VS Code.

  • How does one refine the initial script to improve its functionality?

    -Refinement is done by identifying issues or desired features, formulating a prompt to guide the AI, and iteratively applying the AI's suggested code changes.

  • What is the purpose of using a platform like Gradient for AI application development?

    -Gradient allows developers to use state-of-the-art open-source LLMs or industry-specific LLMs to build AI applications. It also enables the use of private data to create higher-performing, custom AI models.

  • How does the process of creating a software application using AI assistance differ from traditional software development?

    -The process involves iteratively refining the software by asking the AI for improvements and troubleshooting errors, rather than following a strict development plan from the outset.

  • What is the significance of the 'control + L' command mentioned in the script?

    -The 'control + L' command was intended to serve as a shortcut to stop the screenshot capture process, although it was mentioned that it did not work as expected.

  • How does the final version of the script differ from the initial version?

    -The final version includes improvements such as cursor visibility in screenshots, a sequential naming system for screenshots, and a user interface with start and stop buttons.

  • What is the benefit of turning the script into an executable (exe) file?

    -Converting the script into an exe file allows the software to be run without the need for a Python environment, making it more user-friendly for end-users.

  • What is the advantage of using a platform like Patreon for creators to connect with their audience?

    -Patreon provides a way for creators to receive financial support from their audience, allowing them to continue producing content and interact more directly with their supporters.

  • How does the process described in the transcript empower individuals without coding backgrounds to create software?

    -The process leverages AI assistance to guide users through software development, enabling them to create functional applications by iteratively refining their ideas and applying AI-generated code changes.

  • What are some potential applications of the screenshot capture software created in the script?

    -Potential applications include creating instructional content, documenting website changes, or capturing visual data for analysis.



🚀 Introduction to Coding and App Development

The speaker shares their journey of starting to code after the release of Chat GPT, driven by a desire to create custom software. Initially, they had no coding experience but were motivated to build applications for personal use, such as aggregating TikTok videos into a spreadsheet or taking screenshots of websites. They discovered a process to turn ideas into finished products, which they will demonstrate through the creation of an app similar to, which captures browser actions to create instructional guides. The process involves writing a Python script to take screenshots upon mouse clicks and using Visual Studio Code and Python extensions to set up the initial code environment.


🔍 Refining the Screenshot App

The speaker discusses the iterative process of refining the initial screenshot app. They encountered issues such as overwriting screenshots and the lack of cursor visibility in captures. To address these, they refined their script with the help of Chat GPT, which provided an improved version of the code. The refinement process involved asking Chat GPT for specific features, such as stopping the code with a key combination and organizing screenshots. The speaker emphasizes the importance of the refinement prompt and the back-and-forth interaction with Chat GPT to troubleshoot errors and enhance the app. The final version of the app includes a user interface with start and stop buttons, and it saves screenshots with incremental naming in a new folder, including the mouse cursor.


🛠️ Converting the App to an Executable

The speaker concludes by explaining how they turned the refined Python script into an executable file, making it easier to use without the need for Python or command line interaction. They briefly considered creating a Chrome extension but opted for an executable due to its simplicity. The process involved installing a specific tool and running a command that created a build folder containing the executable file. The speaker reflects on the成就感 (sense of achievement) from learning a new skill and encourages the audience to pursue their own coding projects. They also mention the possibility of reaching out to them via Patreon for further interaction and support.



💡Chat GPT

Chat GPT refers to a language model developed by OpenAI, which is capable of generating human-like text based on the prompts given to it. In the context of the video, it is used as a tool to assist in the creation of software without prior coding knowledge. The video demonstrates how the user leveraged Chat GPT to generate code for a custom application.

💡Python Script

A Python script is a sequence of instructions written in the Python programming language to perform a specific task. In the video, the user creates a Python script to capture a screenshot every time a mouse click is made, which is a core component of the application being developed.

💡Visual Studio Code

Visual Studio Code (VS Code) is a popular source code editor developed by Microsoft. It is used in the video as the environment where the user writes and edits the Python script. VS Code is chosen for its powerful features, including support for Python and other programming languages.


A screenshot is a digital image captured by a computer of what is currently visible on the display screen. The video's main theme revolves around creating an application that can take screenshots, which is essential for making instructional guides or saving web content.

💡Refinement Prompt

A refinement prompt is a request for improvements or additional features in the code or application. In the video, the user uses refinement prompts to enhance the functionality of their script, such as adding a cursor to the screenshot and creating a more organized system for saving screenshots.

💡Error Handling

Error handling refers to the process of responding to the errors that occur during the execution of a software program. The video demonstrates a common coding practice where errors are copied from the terminal, pasted into Chat GPT, and resolved with the provided solutions to progress the development of the application.

💡User Interface (UI)

A user interface (UI) is the point of interaction between a user and a program. In the context of the video, the user creates a simple UI with start and stop buttons to control the screenshot functionality, making the application more user-friendly.

💡Executable File (EXE)

An executable file (EXE) is a file that can be run on a Windows-based computer system to perform a specific function. The video concludes with the user converting their Python script into an EXE file, allowing others to use the application without needing to run it through a Python interpreter.

💡Chrome Extension

A Chrome extension is a software component that adds functionality to the Google Chrome web browser. The video briefly mentions the possibility of turning the screenshot application into a Chrome extension, which would integrate the screenshot functionality directly into the browsing experience.

💡Gradient AI

Gradient AI is a platform that provides tools for building AI applications. In the video, it is mentioned as a service that allows users to fine-tune language models with their private data, which could enhance the performance of AI applications like the one being developed.


Patreon is a membership platform that allows creators to receive financial support from their fans or patrons. The video mentions Patreon as a way for viewers to support the creator and potentially get in touch for further interaction or project collaboration.


The author used Chat GPT to write code and create small apps without prior coding knowledge.

The app created resembles, allowing users to capture a scribe and create instructions.

A Python script was developed to capture screenshots with each mouse click.

Visual Studio Code and the Python extension were recommended for coding beginners.

The process involves copying code, encountering errors, and refining the script through interaction with Chat GPT.

Gradient AI is highlighted as a tool for building AI applications with the option to fine-tune models with private data.

The author emphasizes the iterative nature of coding, where refinement and error correction lead to a functional product.

A feature to stop the code with a keyboard shortcut (Ctrl+L) was requested and implemented.

The final script includes a user interface with start and stop buttons for capturing screenshots.

The process resulted in a script that saves screenshots with incrementing numbers and includes the mouse cursor.

The author demonstrates converting the script into an executable file for ease of use.

The executable allows users to run the screenshot tool without entering the Python environment.

The app can be compressed into a zip file for easy sharing.

The author encourages viewers to take on their own projects and learn through the process of coding and iteration.

Patreon is mentioned as a platform to connect with the author for more personalized guidance.

The author reflects on the newfound skill and the empowerment that comes from creating a functional app from scratch.

The transcript ends with an invitation to follow the author for more content on coding and app development.