How to Create an AI WhatsApp Chatbot, Without Coding (Free Template)

Joren Wouters
10 Jan 202425:02

TLDRDiscover how to create an AI-powered WhatsApp chatbot without coding, designed to enhance customer support for businesses. The tutorial outlines the process of setting up a chatbot on the ManyChat platform, integrating it with Chatbase for AI training on custom data, and managing customer interactions through automated responses and human support handoffs. The guide offers a free template for quick implementation and highlights the benefits of chatbots, such as cost reduction and immediate customer response.


  • 📱 Create an AI WhatsApp chatbot without coding using a free template.
  • 💬 WhatsApp is widely used, making it an ideal platform for business customer support.
  • 🆕 Purchase a new phone number for the chatbot, preferably an eSIM for convenience.
  • 🤖 Use a no-code platform like Manat for easy chatbot creation and management.
  • 🔗 Connect the chatbot to WhatsApp via a verified business account on Facebook.
  • 👋 Set up a greeting message to welcome users and guide them through the interaction.
  • 📝 Provide clear options for users to select, such as 'Return Policy' and 'Order Status'.
  • 🔍 Integrate the chatbot with Chatbase for AI capabilities and custom data training.
  • 🔄 Use Make for creating integrations between chatbot platforms and AI tools without coding.
  • 📌 Ensure the chatbot can escalate queries to human agents when needed.
  • 📈 Utilize the chatbot for promotional messages and enhanced customer engagement.

Q & A

  • What is the primary purpose of creating a WhatsApp chatbot for a business?

    -The primary purpose of creating a WhatsApp chatbot for a business is to serve customers on their preferred channel of communication at scale, automatically answering questions about the business, and providing immediate responses to save time and reduce costs.

  • Why is it recommended to buy a new phone number for setting up a WhatsApp chatbot?

    -Buying a new phone number is recommended because there are often issues when connecting an existing WhatsApp number to a chatbot. WhatsApp themselves recommend using a new number to avoid potential problems.

  • What is the role of a chat automation tool in creating a WhatsApp chatbot?

    -A chat automation tool is used to build the chatbot without coding. It allows users to create automations and train the chatbot with their own data, making it capable of automatically answering questions about their business.

  • How does an e-commerce business benefit from using a chatbot?

    -An e-commerce business benefits from a chatbot by being able to automatically answer customer queries even when the business is not operating, saving time and money from not needing to manually reply to questions and providing better customer service through immediate responses.

  • What is the significance of the knowledge-based document used to train the chatbot?

    -The knowledge-based document contains information about various aspects of the business like returns, warranties, and delivery times. Training the chatbot on this document enables it to automatically answer specific questions related to these topics.

  • What are the steps to connect a WhatsApp business account with Manat?

    -To connect a WhatsApp business account with Manat, one needs to log in to the Manat account, go to settings, select WhatsApp, click on connect, and then connect the personal number. This process involves creating a Meta business account and setting up a WhatsApp business profile with the correct business information.

  • How does the chatbot handle user inquiries that it cannot answer?

    -If the chatbot does not know the answer to a user's question, it will offer to connect the user with a human support agent who can provide further assistance.

  • What is the function of the greeting message in the chatbot's interaction with users?

    -The greeting message is the initial message that users receive when they interact with the chatbot. It sets the expectation that they are talking to a digital assistant, outlines what the chatbot can do, and prompts the user to ask their question or select from provided options.

  • How can the chatbot be integrated with AI for enhanced functionality?

    -The chatbot can be integrated with AI using Chatbase, an AI tool that trains the chatbot on custom data. This allows the chatbot to automatically answer a wide range of questions based on the information provided in the training document.

  • What is the role of Make in the process of creating a WhatsApp chatbot?

    -Make is an integration platform that allows the creation of advanced integrations between applications without coding. In the context of creating a WhatsApp chatbot, Make is used to integrate Manat with Chatbase, enabling the chatbot to leverage AI for answering questions.

  • How does the chatbot manage user information and carry over conversations to human agents?

    -The chatbot collects user information such as email addresses and order numbers through user input fields. If a human response is needed, the chatbot marks the conversation as open in Manat and assigns it to a specific agent, providing the agent with the collected user information to continue the conversation.



🤖 Introduction to Creating a WhatsApp Chatbot

The paragraph introduces the concept of creating a WhatsApp chatbot for business purposes. It emphasizes the importance of using the preferred communication channel, which is WhatsApp, by the majority of its over two billion users. The speaker, Joran, explains that a chatbot can provide automated customer support, answering questions and saving time and money for businesses. Joran, the founder of Chamise, shares that his platform inspires people to create chat automations to boost revenue and reduce costs. The tutorial aims to guide users step by step in creating a chatbot, using a chat automation tool, and training it with business-specific data. A free template is also offered for ease of use.


📝 Setting Up Your WhatsApp Business Account

This paragraph details the process of setting up a WhatsApp business account for the chatbot. It starts with the recommendation to acquire a new phone number, preferably a digital SIM card (eSIM), to avoid issues with existing WhatsApp connections. The next step involves creating a free ManyChat account, which is the platform used to build the chatbot. The tutorial then walks through the process of connecting the ManyChat account to a WhatsApp business account via Facebook, including creating a Meta business account with accurate business information to comply with WhatsApp's strict policies. The importance of matching the business name and display name is highlighted to prevent account blocking.


🛠️ Building the Greeting Message and Initial Interactions

The focus of this paragraph is on creating the chatbot's greeting message and the initial interactions with users. The greeting message is crucial as it sets the tone for the conversation and informs users that they are interacting with a digital assistant. The paragraph outlines the five key elements of the greeting message: greeting the user, clarifying the nature of the chatbot, assuring attempts to answer questions, offering human support if needed, and prompting the user to ask their question or choose from provided options. It also discusses setting up buttons for common inquiries such as return policy and order status, and how to handle these interactions by providing information or asking for additional details from the user.


🔗 Integrating User Input and Support Agent Handover

This paragraph delves into the integration of user input for specific inquiries and the handover to support agents when necessary. It explains how to connect buttons to new WhatsApp messages, gather information from users (like email and order number), and store this data using ManyChat's user input feature. The paragraph also describes how to guide users through the conversation using input fields and how to manage the flow of information. It highlights the importance of marking conversations as open in ManyChat when human intervention is required, and notifying the appropriate support team members to take over the conversation, ensuring seamless customer service.


🤖 Adding AI to the WhatsApp Chatbot

The paragraph discusses the integration of AI into the WhatsApp chatbot using Chatbase, an AI tool for training chatbots with custom data. It explains the process of training the chatbot on a document containing information relevant to the business, such as returns, delivery, and warranties. The integration of Chatbase with ManyChat is facilitated through Make, a no-code integration platform. The paragraph outlines the steps to set up the default reply in ManyChat, which triggers when no other automation is applicable, and how to send user queries to Chatbase for responses. It also describes the creation of a flow for displaying Chatbase answers and asking users if their questions have been answered. The paragraph concludes with a practical demonstration of the chatbot's functionality on WhatsApp, showcasing how it handles different types of inquiries and integrates AI to provide accurate responses.



💡AI WhatsApp Chatbot

An AI WhatsApp Chatbot is an automated conversational agent that operates on the WhatsApp platform, designed to interact with users and provide information or assistance. In the context of the video, the AI chatbot is created without coding and is intended to serve as a customer support tool for businesses, answering questions and providing immediate responses to customer inquiries, thereby improving customer service efficiency and saving time and costs.

💡WhatsApp Business

WhatsApp Business is a version of the popular messaging app designed specifically for businesses to communicate with their customers. It offers features such as verified business profiles, automated messages, and messaging statistics, which are not available on the standard WhatsApp application. In the video, the creator uses WhatsApp Business to set up a chatbot that can interact with customers, providing information and support in an automated manner.

💡Chat Automation

Chat automation refers to the process of using software tools and technologies to create automated conversations between a chatbot and users. This type of automation can handle simple queries and provide immediate responses, reducing the need for human intervention. In the video, chat automation is used to create a chatbot that can answer common customer support questions, streamlining the customer service process for an e-commerce business.

💡No Code Platform

A no-code platform is a type of software development environment that allows users to build applications or systems without the need for traditional programming skills or writing any code. The video emphasizes the use of a no-code platform for creating the AI chatbot, making it accessible to individuals or businesses without a background in coding.

💡Digital SIM Card (eSIM)

A digital SIM card, or eSIM, is a programmable SIM card that can be used to activate a cellular network connection without the need for a physical SIM card. It allows users to switch between different phone plans or carriers digitally. In the context of the video, an eSIM is recommended as a quick and convenient way to obtain a new phone number for setting up the WhatsApp chatbot.


Chatbase is an AI tool used for training chatbots to understand and respond to user queries more effectively. It allows businesses to train their chatbots using their own data, thereby personalizing the chatbot's responses to better suit their specific needs. In the video, Chatbase is used to enhance the AI capabilities of the WhatsApp chatbot, enabling it to provide more accurate and customized answers to customer questions based on a knowledge-based document.

💡Knowledge-Based Document

A knowledge-based document is a collection of information, data, or content that is used to train and inform chatbots or other AI systems. It typically contains answers to frequently asked questions, product details, or other relevant information that the AI can use to provide accurate responses. In the video, a knowledge-based document is used to train the AI chatbot on specific information about the business, such as return policies and delivery times.


Make is an integration platform that allows users to create connections between different applications without the need for coding. It is used to build advanced integrations by setting up automated workflows that can transfer data from one application to another. In the video, Make is used to integrate the AI chatbot with Chatbase, enabling the chatbot to send questions to Chatbase and receive answers to provide to the users.

💡Customer Support

Customer support refers to the assistance provided by a business to its customers in order to solve their problems, answer their questions, and meet their needs. It is a critical aspect of customer service and can involve various channels of communication, including phone, email, and chatbots. In the video, the AI chatbot is designed to provide customer support by automatically responding to common inquiries, thereby enhancing the customer experience and reducing the workload on human support staff.

💡Promotional Messages

Promotional messages are marketing communications that aim to promote a product, service, or brand, often with the goal of increasing sales or brand awareness. In the context of the video, promotional messages can be sent through the WhatsApp chatbot to engage customers and inform them about special offers, discounts, or new products.


Create an AI WhatsApp chatbot without coding using a free template.

WhatsApp is used by over two billion people every month, making it a preferred channel of communication for many.

The tutorial guides you step by step on creating a customer support chatbot for an e-commerce business.

Buy a new phone number recommended by WhatsApp for connecting to a chatbot to avoid common issues.

Create a free ManyChat account, a no-code platform for building chatbots.

Link the new phone number to the ManyChat account and connect it to WhatsApp following the on-screen prompts.

Set up a WhatsApp business profile with accurate business information for verification purposes.

Craft a greeting message that introduces the chatbot, sets expectations, and guides users on how to interact.

Provide buttons within the chatbot for common inquiries like return policy and order status for easy user navigation.

Connect the chatbot to Chatbase, an AI tool, to train it on custom data for more accurate responses.

Integrate the chatbot with Make, a no-code integration platform, to connect it to external services like Chatbase.

Ensure the chatbot can handle user inputs such as email addresses and order numbers for personalized assistance.

Notify the customer support team when a user's question requires human intervention through the chatbot.

The chatbot can automatically answer questions based on a knowledge-based document trained in Chatbase.

The tutorial includes a step-by-step guide on setting up the AI integration between ManyChat and Chatbase.

The final chatbot setup allows for a seamless transition from automated responses to live support agents.

The AI chatbot can also be used for sending promotional messages to users through WhatsApp.