How To Use Perplexity AI For Beginners

Corbin Brown
14 Feb 202408:15

TLDRThe video introduces Perplexity AI, a platform offering both free and paid versions for users to leverage AI in their workflows. It highlights unique features like the Focus feature for tailored prompts and the Discover tab, acting as an advanced search engine that condenses information from various sources into a summarized answer. Users can also create collections to categorize and fine-tune chats, and the platform allows customization of the AI model used. The video emphasizes the potential of Perplexity AI as a new wave of search and data manipulation, inviting viewers to explore and compare it with other search engines.


  • 📚 The video introduces Perplexity AI, a platform that aims to integrate AI into workflows with a focus on specific use cases.
  • 💡 The platform offers both free and paid versions, with the free version providing extensive search and chat capabilities, while the paid version unlocks higher models and usage caps.
  • 🔍 Perplexity AI features a unique 'Focus' function not found in other chatbots, which allows users to tailor the context of their prompts for more targeted results.
  • 🌐 The 'Discover' tab functions like a search engine, offering a condensed, summarized answer sourced from various articles, eliminating the need for users to sift through multiple sources themselves.
  • 🖼️ Users can generate images based on search queries, and the platform provides related prompts for further exploration.
  • 📈 The platform avoids traditional advertising, offering a clean, ad-free search experience, which may change in the future as the platform evolves.
  • 🔎 Perplexity AI's search feature condenses information from multiple articles into a single, referenced answer, potentially streamlining the research process.
  • 🗂️ The 'Collections' feature allows users to categorize and reference chats, enabling the fine-tuning of future conversations within the collection.
  • 🔧 Users can adjust the underlying models used within the chat, choosing between different models likeGBT 4, Cloud 2.1, and Gemini Pro for various levels of complexity.
  • 🚫 An option to turn off data training is available for users who prioritize privacy and control over their data usage by the AI.
  • 📰 The Discover tab also serves as a personalized news aggregator, summarizing relevant articles and providing a starting point for further inquiries.

Q & A

  • What is the main goal of today's video on Perplexity AI?

    -The main goal of the video is to provide a comprehensive understanding of how to leverage Perplexity AI in one's workflow, covering different features and making a conscious decision on whether to use this kind of AI language model.

  • What are some platforms mentioned for comparison with Perplexity AI?

    -Chad GBT, Anthropic Bard, and Gemini are mentioned as platforms for comparison with Perplexity AI.

  • What are the two versions of Perplexity AI available?

    -There is a free version and a paid version of Perplexity AI, with the paid version offering access to higher models and higher usage caps.

  • What is the unique feature of Perplexity AI called 'Focus'?

    -The 'Focus' feature allows users to tailor the prompt they are about to input based on the context, such as YouTube, Wolf RME, academic research, or Reddit.

  • What is the purpose of the 'Discover' tab in Perplexity AI?

    -The 'Discover' tab serves as a search engine, aiming to provide a new way of categorizing and manipulating data, and summarize information from various sources into a single, condensed answer.

  • How does Perplexity AI handle advertisements compared to traditional search engines?

    -Perplexity AI does not display traditional advertisements and does not have pop-ups for newsletters or ads when clicking on article sources.

  • What is the 'Collections' feature in Perplexity AI and how is it used?

    -The 'Collections' feature allows users to categorize and store chats within a collection for future reference, with the ability to fine-tune the conversation within the collection and format answers according to specific guidelines.

  • How can users switch between different models within Perplexity AI?

    -Users can adjust the underlying models used within the chat by going to the settings and choosing from different models available in the market, such as GBT-4, Cloud 2.1, or Gemini Pro.

  • What is the significance of the 'Library' section in the 'Collections' feature?

    -The 'Library' section provides a way to access and manage created collections, where users can view, edit, and interact with the categorized chats and fine-tuned prompts.

  • How does the 'Discover' tab function as a homepage for relevant articles?

    -The 'Discover' tab offers a personalized homepage with relevant articles based on user interests or search queries, summarizing information from multiple sources into a single output.

  • What is the main advantage of using Perplexity AI over traditional search engines?

    -The main advantage is that Perplexity AI condenses information from various sources into a single, summarized answer, expediting the research process and allowing for a conversational flow rather than manual research and article reading.



🤖 Introduction to Perplexity AI and its Features

This paragraph introduces the viewer to Perplexity AI, a platform that offers both free and paid versions. The free version allows for extensive searching and chatting, while the paid version provides access to higher models and usage caps. The main goal is to familiarize the audience with the capabilities of Perplexity AI and help them decide whether to incorporate this AI language model into their workflow. Unique features like the Focus function, which is not available in other chatbots, are highlighted, emphasizing the platform's specificity and targeted use cases. The Discover tab is introduced as a search engine-like feature, with the potential to revolutionize search categorization and data manipulation. The user interface is designed to condense information from various sources into a single, reliable answer, streamlining the research process for the user.


📚 Utilizing Collections and Customizing Outputs

This paragraph delves into the Collections feature of Perplexity AI, which allows users to categorize and reference chats within a collection. An example is given where a user creates a 'volcano research' collection and fine-tunes the suggestions by adding a format for bullet point responses. The paragraph also discusses the ability to edit collections and further customize outputs according to user preferences. Additionally, the paragraph touches on the platform's capability to switch between different models for various inquiries, highlighting the flexibility and adaptability of Perplexity AI. The Discover tab is revisited, emphasizing its role in providing a personalized homepage with relevant articles and summarizing information into concise outputs. The paragraph concludes with a call to action for viewers to explore the platform and compare it with other search engines or AI models.



💡Perplexity AI

Perplexity AI is the main subject of the video, which is an AI language model platform. It is described as having both free and paid versions, with the free version offering extensive search and chat capabilities, while the paid version provides access to higher models and usage caps. The platform is designed to be a tool for specific use cases, aiming to enhance workflow efficiency.

💡Focus feature

The Focus feature is a unique aspect of Perplexity AI that allows users to tailor the prompts they are about to input based on the context. This feature is designed to streamline the AI's responses to better match the user's intent, whether they are looking for a YouTube video, academic research, or Reddit discussions.

💡Discover tab

The Discover tab is a component of the Perplexity AI platform that functions like a search engine. It is designed to provide users with a condensed, summarized answer to their queries, sourced from various articles, thus eliminating the need for users to search through multiple sources themselves. This feature emphasizes the platform's potential as a new type of search engine.

💡AI models

AI models refer to the underlying algorithms and computational frameworks that power AI platforms like Perplexity AI. The video mentions the ability to switch between different AI models within the platform, such as GPT-4, Cloud 2.1, and Gemini Pro, to handle various levels of complexity in user inquiries.


Collections in the context of Perplexity AI is a feature that allows users to categorize and store their chats or search results for future reference. This organizational tool helps users to maintain a structured workflow and easily access related information.

💡Source references

Source references are the various articles and data points that Perplexity AI uses to compile its answers. The platform provides these references alongside its responses, allowing users to verify the information and explore the sources further. This feature emphasizes transparency and credibility in the information provided by the AI.

💡Conversational flow

Conversational flow refers to the natural, dialogue-like interaction that users can have with Perplexity AI. The platform is designed to facilitate a seamless back-and-forth exchange, similar to a human conversation, which enhances user experience and makes it easier to gather information or complete tasks.

💡Image generation

Image generation is a capability of Perplexity AI that allows users to create images based on search queries. This feature demonstrates the platform's versatility in not only providing text-based information but also visual content, presumably using APIs from platforms like YouTube for video-related images.

💡Settings adjustments

Settings adjustments refer to the user's ability to customize the underlying models and parameters used by Perplexity AI. This includes selecting different AI models for complexity, choosing image generation models, and even turning off the AI's ability to train on user data, which is important for privacy concerns.


The homepage in the context of Perplexity AI's Discover tab is a personalized starting point that provides users with relevant articles and suggestions based on their interests or recent activities. It serves as a condensed information hub, offering users a quick overview of new content.

💡Data privacy

Data privacy is a critical concern for users interacting with AI platforms. In the context of Perplexity AI, it refers to the option to disable the AI's ability to train on user data, ensuring that user interactions remain private and are not used to improve the AI's performance.


The video aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of leveraging Perplexity AI in one's workflow.

Perplexity AI offers both a free and a paid version, with the free version allowing extensive searches and chats.

The paid version of Perplexity AI provides access to higher models and higher usage caps.

A unique feature of Perplexity AI is the Focus feature, which is not available in other chatbots and allows users to tailor the prompt based on context.

The Discover tab serves as a search engine, aiming to be used like a new Google, and condenses information from various sources into a single, summarized answer.

Perplexity AI's search results include references to the data points where the information is sourced from, allowing users to verify the credibility of the information.

The platform does not display traditional ads, offering a cleaner search experience compared to other search engines.

Perplexity AI can generate images based on search queries, providing a visual element to the search results.

The Collections feature allows users to categorize and reference chats within a specific collection, streamlining research and discussions.

Users can format their answers within collections, such as bullet point lists, for consistency and clarity.

The platform offers the ability to adjust the underlying models used within the chat, such asGBT 4, Cloud 2.1, and Gemini Pro.

Users have the option to turn off the AI's ability to train on their data for privacy concerns.

The Discover tab provides a personalized homepage with relevant articles and summarizes data into a single output.

Perplexity AI can answer more questions on a topic, facilitating a conversational flow and aiding in research.

The video compares Perplexity AI with other platforms like Chat GPT and Google Search, offering viewers a chance to decide which platform best suits their needs.

The video creator's audience primarily uses the free version of Perplexity AI for a search engine-like experience.