How to use Ideogram Ai: for Beginners

Passive Income
3 Oct 202305:49

TLDRDiscover the innovative ideogram AI platform, revolutionizing t-shirt design with its user-friendly interface and vast array of customizable templates. Join the design community in exploring and creating unique designs, remixing and generating new concepts with ease. The platform offers a free and inspiring space for designers to express their creativity and download high-quality, watermark-free designs for various applications, including e-commerce branding.


  • πŸš€ Introduction to Ideogram AI, a revolutionary tool in the design industry.
  • 🌐 Accessible platform at with a simple sign-up process.
  • 🎨 A user-friendly interface that facilitates a smooth creative experience.
  • πŸ‘€ Gallery of designs by other users for inspiration and customization.
  • πŸ› οΈ Customization of prompts to generate unique designs based on preferences.
  • 🌟 Option to remix existing designs with additional elements and keywords.
  • πŸŽ‰ Exploration and experimentation encouraged with the platform's features.
  • πŸ“Œ Organized collection of personal designs accessible through the 'me' icon.
  • πŸ–ΌοΈ Capability to create text-based logo designs for various brands.
  • πŸ“· High-quality design downloads without watermarks.
  • πŸ”„ Continuous improvement and development for Ideogram AI as an AI tool.

Q & A

  • What is the main topic of the video transcript?

    -The main topic of the video transcript is the introduction and demonstration of ideogram AI, a platform for designing t-shirt designs using artificial intelligence.

  • How does the ideogram AI platform impact the design world?

    -The ideogram AI platform is transforming the design world by making it easier and faster to create unique and extraordinary t-shirt designs, which were previously time-consuming and challenging tasks.

  • What is the first step to start using ideogram AI?

    -The first step to start using ideogram AI is to sign up by logging onto or clicking the first link in the video description, and creating a unique username.

  • What kind of interface can users expect from the ideogram AI platform?

    -Users can expect a sleek and user-friendly interface that sets the stage for their creative journey, allowing them to explore and be inspired by designs created by other users.

  • How can users utilize the designs they find on the ideogram AI platform?

    -Users can explore the variations of designs, get inspired, and even use any of these designs as a starting point for their own creations by copying the prompt and tweaking it.

  • What options are available for users when generating a design on ideogram AI?

    -Users can select their preferred dimension, include add-ons, remix designs, and add more keywords to generate the kind of design they want.

  • What is the process for saving a design on ideogram AI?

    -To save a design, users can click the 'me' icon to see all their designs, and then click the arrow pointing downward to download the design without watermarks and save it to their preferred location.

  • Are there any limitations to using ideogram AI?

    -While ideogram AI is powerful and user-friendly, it is still a work in progress, which means that there may be some limitations or unexpected results, such as getting photos instead of a text logo for an e-commerce brand.

  • How can users stay updated with the latest creative tools and tips?

    -Users are encouraged to hit the subscribe button to never miss out on the latest creative tools and tips, as well as to follow the platform's updates and new features.

  • What is the significance of the platform being free and easy to use?

    -The fact that ideogram AI is free and easy to use makes it accessible to a wide range of users, from professional designers to hobbyists, allowing everyone to benefit from the power of AI in design creation without financial barriers.

  • How does the ideogram AI platform support the community aspect of design creation?

    -The ideogram AI platform supports the community aspect by allowing users to explore and use designs created by other users as a starting point for their own, fostering collaboration, inspiration, and the sharing of creative ideas.



πŸš€ Introducing Ideogram AI: Revolutionizing T-Shirt Design

This paragraph introduces the audience to Ideogram AI, a powerful tool that is transforming the world of t-shirt design. The platform,, is highlighted as a free and user-friendly option that is making significant waves within the design community. Users are encouraged to sign up and explore the platform, which features a sleek interface and a variety of designs created by other users. The video demonstrates how to interact with the platform, including copying and tweaking a design prompt, exploring variations, and generating new designs. It emphasizes the flexibility and creativity that Ideogram AI offers, allowing users to remix and customize designs to their liking. The video also showcases the process of selecting dimensions, generating designs, and downloading them without watermarks. The platform's community aspect is highlighted, with users being able to download and use designs created by others as well.


πŸ› οΈ Ideogram AI's Ongoing Development and Future Potential

The second paragraph acknowledges that Ideogram AI, like other emerging AI tools, is still a work in progress. It provides a brief example of a prompt intended for a text logo for an e-commerce brand, but instead resulting in photos, illustrating that there may be limitations or unexpected outcomes. The paragraph concludes by thanking the viewers for joining the design journey and encourages them to subscribe for updates on the latest creative tools and tips. This section serves as a reminder that while Ideogram AI offers exciting possibilities, it is still evolving and has room for growth and improvement.




Artificial Intelligence (AI) refers to the simulation of human intelligence in machines that are programmed to think and learn like humans. In the context of the video, AI is the driving force behind the ideogram AI platform, which is transforming t-shirt designs into extraordinary creations. The script highlights the innovative use of AI in the design community, showcasing its potential to enhance and streamline the creative process.

πŸ’‘T-shirt designs

T-shirt designs refer to the visual artwork or graphics that are printed or embroidered on t-shirts. These designs can range from simple text to complex illustrations and patterns. In the video, the focus is on using the ideogram AI platform to create and transform t-shirt designs, emphasizing the platform's ability to make these designs extraordinary and unique.

πŸ’‘ideogram AI

ideogram AI is a platform that utilizes artificial intelligence to assist in the creation and modification of design works, particularly for t-shirts as mentioned in the script. It is described as user-friendly and currently making significant impact within the design community. The platform's name suggests it uses visual symbols or icons (ideogram) as part of its design process, and it is accessible for free, allowing users to explore and experiment with design variations.

πŸ’‘User Interface

User Interface (UI) refers to the space where interactions between users and a computer system occur, including the look and feel of the system's software, as well as its ease of use. In the video, the sleek and user-friendly interface of the ideogram AI platform is highlighted, indicating that it is designed to be intuitive and accessible for users to navigate and create their designs.

πŸ’‘Design Variations

Design variations refer to different versions or adaptations of a design that may include changes in color, shape, size, or other elements. The video emphasizes the ability of the ideogram AI platform to generate design variations, allowing users to explore different options and find inspiration for their own creations.


In the context of the video, a 'prompt' is a set of instructions or a starting point for the AI to generate a design. It often includes keywords or descriptions that guide the AI in creating the visual output. The prompt is crucial as it directly influences the outcome of the design, and users can tweak prompts to achieve their desired results.


In the context of design, 'dimension' refers to the size or shape of a design element or the overall design itself. The video mentions selecting a preferred dimension, such as changing the aspect ratio of a design to fit specific requirements like creating a square format for a topography design.


To 'remix' a design means to take an existing design and modify it by adding new elements or changing its features to create a new version. In the video, remixing is presented as a way to experiment with design variations and generate fresh ideas by combining different prompts and add-ons.


A watermark is a visible mark or text that is placed on an image or design to identify its creator or owner and to discourage unauthorized use. In the video, it is mentioned that the designs generated by the ideogram AI platform do not have watermarks, implying that users can freely use and share the designs without restrictions.

πŸ’‘E-commerce Brand

An e-commerce brand refers to a business that sells products or services online through a dedicated website or online marketplace. In the video, the term is used in the context of creating a text logo for an e-commerce brand, indicating the importance of design in building a strong brand identity for online businesses.

πŸ’‘Creative Tools

Creative tools are software or platforms that enable users to produce, edit, or enhance various forms of content, such as graphics, videos, or music. The video discusses ideogram AI as one of these tools, emphasizing its role in the design community and its potential to inspire creativity and innovation among users.


Introducing ideogram AI, a platform transforming t-shirt designs

The platform is currently making waves in the design community

It's free and easy to use, encouraging sign-up at

Users are greeted with a sleek and user-friendly interface

Designs created by other users can be explored and used as a starting point

Users can tweak and generate new designs based on existing prompts

The platform allows for remixing designs with additional keywords and add-ons

Designs can be previewed and compared for differences

Access to view all personal designs is provided through a click

The platform encourages exploration and trying out new things

Users can create designs with specific themes, like 'hard work leads to success'

Designs can be customized with different aspect ratios

Users can download their designs without watermarks and use them freely

Other people's designs can also be downloaded and used

Ideogram AI, like other AI tools, is still a work in progress

The platform is for creating text logos for e-commerce brands

The video ends with a call to action to subscribe for more creative tools and tips