How to Use BlueWillow (for Beginners)

27 Apr 202309:26

TLDRThis tutorial video introduces BlueWillow, a free alternative to mid-journey image generation services with full commercial usage rights. It guides beginners through creating a Discord account, joining the BlueWillow server, and using the 'slash imagine' command to generate images based on prompts. The video demonstrates creating a lion with a cowboy hat and a realistic young woman, as well as how to upscale and vary images. It also covers saving images, creating a personal server for a customized experience, and experimenting with different prompts to refine the image generation process. The host encourages viewers to share tips and tricks for better use of BlueWillow in the comments.


  • πŸ†“ BlueWillow offers a completely free alternative to mid-journey image generation services with unlimited generations and full commercial usage rights.
  • πŸ’» BlueWillow operates on Discord, and this tutorial guides beginners through setting up a Discord account and using BlueWillow step by step.
  • 🌐 To get started, users need to visit, register for an account, and verify their email address.
  • πŸ”— The tutorial provides links to both and for easy access.
  • πŸ“§ After account creation and email verification, users join BlueWillow through an invitation link that redirects back to Discord.
  • 🌐 On the BlueWillow platform, users can select their language and choose their notification preferences.
  • 🎨 To create images, users type 'slash imagine' followed by their prompt in the designated channels, such as 'rookie' or 'newbie' channels.
  • πŸ–ΌοΈ Images generated by BlueWillow are ordered in Z-order, which is important for upscaling and variations.
  • ➑️ Users can upscale images or create variations by clicking on the corresponding number or using the 'v' followed by the image number.
  • πŸ–₯️ To save an image, users can right-click on it and select the save option, despite any language barriers.
  • πŸ“ For a personalized experience, users can create their own server on Discord and add BlueWillow to it for a more organized art creation process.
  • πŸ“ The tutorial encourages experimentation with different prompts and adjusting them one word at a time to refine the image generation process.

Q & A

  • What is the primary purpose of the video?

    -The primary purpose of the video is to teach beginners how to use BlueWillow, a free alternative to mid-journey subscription services for image creation, with a focus on Discord integration.

  • How does one begin to create an account on Discord?

    -To create an account on Discord, one should go to, click on 'login', then 'register', fill out the required information, and confirm their email address.

  • What is the first step after creating a Discord account?

    -The first step after creating a Discord account is to confirm that you are human, usually through a CAPTCHA or similar verification process.

  • How does one join BlueWillow on Discord?

    -To join BlueWillow on Discord, one should go to, click on 'join the free beta', accept the invite, and then follow the on-screen instructions to complete the setup.

  • What command is used to create images in BlueWillow?

    -The command used to create images in BlueWillow is 'slash imagine', followed by the desired prompt.

  • How can one upscale or make variations of an image in BlueWillow?

    -To upscale or make variations of an image in BlueWillow, one can click on the image number (e.g., v1234) associated with the image they wish to upscale or vary.

  • What does the video suggest for finding inspiration for image creation?

    -The video suggests browsing through the 'rookie' channels to find inspiration by observing the prompts and images created by others.

  • How can one save an image they created in BlueWillow?

    -To save an image in BlueWillow, one can right-click on the image and select the option to save the image, which may vary slightly depending on the user's language settings.

  • What is the process for creating a more realistic-looking photo in BlueWillow?

    -To create a more realistic-looking photo, one should use the 'photo realistic' command along with a detailed description of the desired image, such as 'a young woman with a cute smile and long black hair'.

  • How can one create their own server to better organize their BlueWillow creations?

    -To create a personal server, one can click on the '+' icon, select 'create my own', name the server, and then add BlueWillow to it by following the prompts to authorize and confirm the action.

  • What advice does the video give for improving one's proficiency with BlueWillow?

    -The video advises users to experiment with different prompts, making small changes one word at a time to see how the output varies, and to play around with the system to understand how to achieve the desired results.

  • What does the video suggest if you are not satisfied with the initial results from BlueWillow?

    -The video suggests that if the initial results are not satisfactory, one should try different variations of the prompt, adjusting the wording to refine the output until the desired image is achieved.



πŸ†“ Introduction to Blue Willow: A Free Mid-Journey Alternative

This paragraph introduces viewers to Blue Willow, a free alternative to Mid-Journey that offers unlimited image generations with full commercial usage rights. The speaker guides beginners through creating a Discord account, joining Blue Willow, and using the platform to generate images. It emphasizes the step-by-step process, including language selection, notification preferences, and choosing whether to pay for a subscription. The tutorial also demonstrates how to create images by using the 'slash imagine' command in the rookie channels and provides tips on finding inspiration from existing prompts. Additionally, it explains how to upscale images and make variations, as well as how to save created images to the computer.


🎨 Exploring Blue Willow's Image Generation and Customization

The second paragraph delves into creating more realistic and detailed images using Blue Willow. It shows how to generate photorealistic images by adding descriptive keywords to the 'slash imagine' command. The speaker discusses the process of making variations and upscaling the generated images, noting the importance of the image order for these features. The paragraph also touches on the potential for creating a personal server within Discord for a more organized and less overwhelming experience when using Blue Willow. It guides users on how to add Blue Willow to a custom server and create separate channels for different types of art creations. The speaker candidly shares their own learning process with Blue Willow, encouraging viewers to experiment with different prompts and adjustments to achieve desired results.




BlueWillow is a free alternative to mid-journey image generation tools. It offers unlimited generations and full commercial usage rights. In the video, it is used to create images by providing prompts and is accessible through Discord. It is positioned as a beginner-friendly tool for generating images without the need for a subscription.


Discord is a communication platform used in the video to access and interact with BlueWillow. It is where the user creates an account, joins the BlueWillow server, and uses commands to generate images. The platform facilitates the process of image creation and community interaction around the generated content.

πŸ’‘Slash Commands

Slash commands are used within Discord to interact with bots and services like BlueWillow. In the video, 'slash imagine' is a command used to generate images based on the user's prompt. It is a key interaction method for beginners to create images without complex instructions.

πŸ’‘Image Generation

Image generation refers to the process of creating visual content from textual prompts. In the context of the video, BlueWillow uses AI to generate images from the user's description, such as 'a lion with a cowboy hat' or 'a young woman with a cute smile'. It is the core functionality of BlueWillow and the focus of the tutorial.

πŸ’‘Commercial Usage Rights

Commercial usage rights indicate that the images generated by BlueWillow can be used for commercial purposes without additional cost or permission. This is a significant benefit highlighted in the video, as it allows creators to monetize their generated images freely.


Upscaling is the process of increasing the resolution or detail of an image. In the video, the user can upscale images generated by BlueWillow for higher quality. It is demonstrated when the user chooses to upscale image three (u3) to get a clearer and more detailed result.



Variations refer to the different versions or interpretations of an image that can be generated based on the original prompt. In the video, the user explores variations of the generated images by using the 'v1234' command, allowing for creative exploration and multiple outcomes from a single prompt.

πŸ’‘Photo Realistic

Photo realistic is a term used to describe images that closely resemble real-life photographs. In the video, the user attempts to generate a photo-realistic image of a young woman by adding descriptive terms like 'highly detailed' and 'clear facial structure' to the prompt.

πŸ’‘Creating a Server

Creating a server in the context of the video refers to setting up a personalized space within Discord for the user to interact with BlueWillow without distractions. It is demonstrated when the user creates a 'test BlueWillow' server for a more organized and personalized experience.


Channels in Discord are used to categorize and organize conversations. In the video, the user is instructed to join specific channels, such as 'rookie' channels, to generate images. Later, the user creates a new channel named 'clip art' for a more organized approach to their creations.


Prompts are the textual descriptions or commands that guide the image generation process. In the video, the user inputs prompts like 'a lion with a cowboy hat' to BlueWillow, which then generates images based on these descriptions. Prompts are crucial for directing the AI's creativity.


BlueWillow is a completely free, mid-journey alternative for image generation with unlimited generations and full commercial usage rights.

The tutorial provides a step-by-step guide for beginners to create a Discord account and use BlueWillow.

BlueWillow operates on Discord, requiring users to join the platform and accept an invite to use the service.

Users can choose their preferred language and notification settings within the BlueWillow interface.

To create images, users type 'slash imagine' followed by a description in specific channels on Discord.

BlueWillow's messages appear slightly blue, aiding users in identifying their prompts within the chat.

Images generated by BlueWillow are ordered in Z order, which is important for upscaling and variations.

Users can upscale images or create variations by clicking on the corresponding number or using the 'v' command followed by the image number.

Right-clicking on an image allows users to save it directly to their computer.

To create more realistic photos, users can add 'photo realistic', 'highly detailed', and 'clear facial structure' to their prompts.

BlueWillow allows users to create their own server for a more personalized and organized art creation experience.

Users can add BlueWillow to their own server and create additional channels for different types of art or projects.

Experimenting with different words in the prompt can lead to varied and improved image results.

The tutorial encourages users to play around with the system and find the best prompts for their desired image outcomes.

The presenter admits to being a beginner with BlueWillow and invites tips and tricks from more experienced users in the comments.

The tutorial concludes with a demonstration of creating a watercolor landscape with specific characteristics using BlueWillow.

Users are encouraged to provide feedback and share their experiences with BlueWillow to improve the community's understanding and usage of the tool.