Angular Material Tutorial - 1 - Introduction

18 Feb 201902:41


TLDRThis introductory tutorial series on Angular Material explores the UI component library, which facilitates the creation of user interfaces following Google's Material Design specification. The course assumes basic knowledge of HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Angular, with the current version being Angular 7. The series will cover adding Angular Material to an application, typography, and key components categorized into buttons, navigation, layout, form controls, pop-ups, and data tables, aiming to equip viewers with the skills to build clean and elegant UIs.


  • 🚀 Angular Material is a UI component library for building user interfaces quickly.
  • 📐 It is an implementation of Google's Material Design specification.
  • 🌟 The goal is to learn how to use library components to build clean and elegant UIs.
  • 📝 Prerequisites for the course include basic knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
  • 🔍 A working understanding of Angular is necessary, though not to an expert level.
  • 📈 The current major version of Angular and Angular Material at the time of recording is 7.
  • 🛠️ The course will cover adding Angular Material to an Angular application.
  • 🎨 Topics such as typography in Angular will be discussed.
  • 🏗️ Major categories of components will be explored: buttons and indicators, navigation, layout, form controls, pop-ups and modals, and data tables.
  • 🎓 By the end of the course, participants will understand how individual Angular Material components work and how to use them to build custom applications.

Q & A

  • What is Angular Material?

    -Angular Material is a UI component library that implements the Material Design principles for Angular web applications, allowing developers to create responsive, consistent, and beautiful user interfaces.

  • What does the course cover regarding Angular Material?

    -The course covers how to add Angular Material to an Angular application, discusses typography, and explores different components categorized into six major sections: buttons and indicators, navigation, layout, form controls, pop-ups and modals, and data tables.

  • What are the prerequisites for this Angular Material tutorial series?

    -The prerequisites for this course include knowledge of HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and basic understanding of Angular. It is not necessary to be an expert in Angular, but having a foundational knowledge is essential.

  • What is the current major version of Angular and Angular Material as of the recording?

    -As of the recording, the current major version of Angular and Angular Material is 7. However, it is mentioned that there might be minor tweaks with new releases, but the core concepts taught in the series will remain valid.

  • How does Angular Material relate to other UI libraries like Material-UI for React?

    -Angular Material, like Material-UI for React and Bootstrap for other frameworks, provides a set of built-in components that follow a specific design language (Material Design in this case), making it easier and faster to develop user interfaces with a cohesive look and feel.

  • What can you do with the knowledge gained from this course?

    -With the knowledge gained from this course, you will be able to use Angular Material components to build clean, elegant, and requirement-specific Angular applications.

  • How will the course structure help in learning Angular Material?

    -The course structure is designed to progressively build up your understanding of Angular Material. It starts with adding Angular Material to an Angular application, then moves on to typography, and finally covers the major component categories, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of the library.

  • Why is it recommended to go through Angular tutorials before starting this course?

    -It is recommended to go through Angular tutorials before starting this course to refresh or establish a basic understanding of Angular, which is essential for effectively learning and implementing Angular Material components in projects.

  • What is the significance of Material Design principles in Angular Material?

    -The significance of Material Design principles in Angular Material is that they provide a set of guidelines for designing visually appealing and user-friendly interfaces. These principles help create a consistent look and feel across different components and applications built with Angular Material.

  • How will the course handle minor version changes in Angular Material?

    -The course is designed to be resilient to minor version changes in Angular Material. While there might be minor tweaks with new releases, the core concepts and component usage taught in the series will remain relevant and applicable, allowing learners to adapt to changes with ease.



📚 Introduction to Angular Material

This paragraph introduces the viewer to a tutorial series focused on Angular Material. Vishwas, the host, welcomes the audience and provides an overview of what Angular Material is—a UI component library that facilitates the creation of user interfaces in a timely manner. It is also noted as an implementation of Google's Material Design specification. The prerequisites for the course are outlined, which include basic knowledge of HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Angular. The host suggests that viewers refresh their Angular knowledge if needed by referring to previous tutorials on the channel. The current major version of Angular and Angular Material is mentioned as seven, with the understanding that future releases may introduce minor changes but the core content of the series will remain relevant. The structure of the course is briefly explained, mentioning that it will cover adding Angular Material to an Angular application, typography, and various components categorized into six major sections. The goal is to provide viewers with a solid understanding of the individual components, enabling them to build Angular applications that meet their specific needs. The paragraph concludes with a teaser for the next video in the series.



💡Angular Material

Angular Material is a UI component library that provides a set of pre-built components to create user interfaces quickly and efficiently. It is an implementation of Google's Material Design specification, which offers a modern and responsive design approach. In the context of the video, Angular Material is the primary focus, with the goal of teaching viewers how to use its components to build clean and elegant UIs.

💡UI Components

UI, or User Interface, components are the interactive elements that make up the visual aspect of a software application. They include buttons, forms, icons, and other visual elements that users interact with. In the video, the emphasis is on learning how to use Angular Material's library of components to streamline the UI development process and create a cohesive and visually appealing interface.

💡Google's Material Design

Google's Material Design is a design language that Google developed to create a more intuitive, consistent, and aesthetically pleasing user interface. It uses principles of simplicity and usability, focusing on the use of flat, 2D elements, clean lines, and bold, friendly colors. In the video, Angular Material is highlighted as an implementation of this design specification, meaning it adheres to the principles and visual style of Material Design.


HTML, or HyperText Markup Language, is the standard markup language used to create web pages and web applications. It provides the structure and layout of a web page by using a system of tags and attributes. In the context of the video, HTML is one of the prerequisites for learning Angular Material, as it forms the foundation upon which UI components are built and displayed.


CSS, or Cascading Style Sheets, is a stylesheet language used for describing the presentation of a document written in HTML. It allows developers to control the look and feel of web pages, including layout, colors, fonts, and responsive design. In the video, CSS is listed as a prerequisite, indicating its importance in styling and presenting the UI components provided by Angular Material.


JavaScript is a high-level, object-oriented programming language used primarily for client-side web development. It enables the creation of dynamic content and interactive effects within web browsers. In the context of the video, JavaScript is one of the core prerequisites, as it is essential for adding functionality and interactivity to the UI components built with Angular Material.


Angular is a TypeScript-based open-source web application framework led by the Angular Team at Google. It is a powerful tool for building complex, single-page applications. In the video, having a basic understanding of Angular is necessary because Angular Material is designed specifically for use within Angular applications, and the course will cover how to integrate these components into an Angular project.

💡Course Structure

The course structure refers to the organization and sequence of topics covered in the tutorial series. It outlines the progression of lessons and the logical order in which concepts are introduced. In the video, the course structure is briefly mentioned, indicating that the series will start with adding Angular Material to an Angular application, followed by discussions on typography, and then an exploration of the different components categorized into six major sections.


Typography refers to the art and technique of arranging text in a way that makes it easy to read and visually appealing. It involves choosing fonts, adjusting spacing, and formatting text to enhance readability and design. In the video, typography is mentioned as one of the topics that will be discussed after introducing Angular Material, highlighting its importance in creating a well-designed user interface.

💡Components Categories

Components categories refer to the grouping of similar UI components based on their functionality or purpose. In the context of the video, Angular Material's components are divided into six major categories: buttons and indicators, navigation, layout, form controls, pop-ups and models, and data tables. This categorization helps users understand the different types of components available and how they can be used to build various parts of a user interface.

💡User Interfaces

User Interfaces, or UIs, are the spaces where users interact with a computer or application. They are designed to be intuitive and user-friendly, allowing users to access and use the system's functions effectively. In the video, the focus is on building user interfaces using Angular Material, which means creating interfaces that are not only functional but also provide a good user experience.


Angular Material is a UI component library.

It provides components to build user interfaces quickly.

Angular Material is an implementation of Google's Material Design specification.

The goal is to learn how to use library components to build clean and elegant UIs.

Prerequisites for the course include HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

Basic knowledge of Angular is necessary, but you don't need to be an expert.

Refresh your Angular knowledge with tutorials on the channel if needed.

As of the recording, the current major version of Angular and Angular Material is seven.

The course content will remain relevant even with new releases.

The course will teach how to add Angular Material to an Angular application.

Typography in Angular will be discussed.

The library components are categorized into six major sections.

Components include buttons, indicators, navigation, form controls, pop-ups, models, and data tables.

Not every single component will be covered in detail.

By the end of the course, you'll understand how individual Angular Material components work.

Use the knowledge to build Angular applications that suit your requirements.

The next video will begin the practical application of the course material.



hey guys my name is vishwas and welcome


to a brand new tutorial series on


angular material in this introductory


video let's take a look at what is


angular material the prerequisites for


this course and also the course


structure alright let's begin what is


angular material angular material is a


UI component library what that means is


angular material provides us with


components to build awesome user


interfaces in QuickTime it is also an


implementation of Google's material


design specification just like how we


have material UI for react beautify for


view we have angular material for


angular the goal here is to learn how to


use the library components to build


clean and elegant UI now before we get


started let me quickly run you through


the prerequisites as always HTML CSS and


JavaScript go without saying in addition


to these you also need to have a


knowledge of angular you don't have to


be an expert by any means but some basic


knowledge is absolutely necessary if you


are feeling rusty make sure to go


through the angular tutorials on my


channel before starting this course now


as of this recording the current major


version of angular and angular material


is seven with new releases there might


be minor tweaks but what you will learn


in this series will still hold good so


you can watch this entire series without


any hesitation alright how are we going


to proceed with this course first we


will learn how to add angular material


to an angular application


then we will discuss about typography in


angular after that we will take a look


at the different components that make up


the library the components fall under


six major categories we have buttons and


indicators navigation layout from


controls pop-ups and models and finally


data tables we will not take a detailed


look at every single one of them but we


will cover the important ones by the end


of this course you will have a good


understanding of how the individual


angular material components work you can


then use that knowledge to build angular


applications that suit your requirement


alright then let's get started in the


next video

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