How to Fine Tune Llama 3 for Better Instruction Following?

Mervin Praison
19 Apr 202408:55

TLDRThe video tutorial demonstrates how to fine-tune the Llama 3 model for improved instruction following. The presenter guides viewers through the process, starting with the need for fine-tuning to ensure the model provides accurate responses to queries. Using the open instruction generalist dataset, the video shows the initial response of the base model and how it can be improved. The steps include setting up the environment, installing necessary libraries, loading the model, and using the SFT trainer for fine-tuning. The presenter also covers saving the model locally and uploading it to Hugging Face for wider use. The fine-tuned model is tested with a question about popular movies, showing a significant improvement in its ability to follow instructions and provide relevant lists. The video concludes with instructions on how to download and run the fine-tuned model, encouraging viewers to subscribe for more AI-related content.


  • 📚 Fine-tuning the LLaMA 3 model improves its ability to follow instructions effectively.
  • 🔍 Initially, the base model may not provide accurate responses to specific questions, such as listing the top five popular movies.
  • 🛠️ The process involves creating a conda environment and installing necessary libraries like hugging face Hub, IPython, and wandb.
  • 📈 The Open Instruction Generalist dataset is used for training the model to follow instructions better.
  • 💾 The model's performance is tested before and after fine-tuning to compare its instruction-following capabilities.
  • 📝 The training process includes defining configurations, initiating the SFT trainer, and saving the model's outputs.
  • 📉 Monitoring the training involves tracking the loss, gradient norm, and learning rate, which can be visualized in a dashboard.
  • 🔄 After training, the model is saved and pushed to the Hugging Face Hub, making it accessible for others to use.
  • 🔗 The uploaded model consists of both a merged version (containing all necessary files) and an adapter version.
  • 📋 Detailed instructions on how to download and run the fine-tuned model are provided.
  • 📈 The fine-tuned model demonstrates improved performance, accurately listing top movies when asked.
  • 🎥 The video creator plans to produce more content on AI and encourages viewers to subscribe for updates.

Q & A

  • What is the purpose of fine-tuning the Llama 3 model?

    -The purpose of fine-tuning the Llama 3 model is to improve its ability to follow instructions and provide more accurate and relevant responses to specific questions.

  • Why is it necessary to save the model locally after fine-tuning?

    -Saving the model locally allows for easy access and reuse of the fine-tuned model without needing to retrain it. It also enables the model to be uploaded to platforms like Hugging Face for sharing with others.

  • What is the 'open instruction generalist dataset' used for in the fine-tuning process?

    -The 'open instruction generalist dataset' is used to teach the model how to respond to human questions in an instruction-following manner, which is crucial for improving the model's performance in understanding and executing tasks.

  • How does the speaker intend to share the fine-tuned model with others?

    -The speaker intends to upload the fine-tuned model to Hugging Face, allowing others to access and use the model for their own purposes.

  • What are the steps to create a conda environment for fine-tuning the Llama 3 model?

    -The steps include creating a new conda environment named 'unsloth', activating the environment, installing necessary packages like Hugging Face Hub, IPython, and Weights and Biases (wandb), and exporting the Hugging Face token for model access.

  • What is the role of Weights and Biases (wandb) in the training process?

    -Weights and Biases (wandb) is used to log and visualize training metrics in a clean dashboard format, which helps in monitoring the training process and understanding the model's performance over time.

  • How does the speaker demonstrate the model's performance before and after fine-tuning?

    -The speaker demonstrates the model's performance by asking the model to list the top five most popular movies of all time before and after fine-tuning. The comparison shows the model's improved ability to follow instructions after fine-tuning.

  • What is the significance of the 'Max sequence length' variable in the fine-tuning process?

    -The 'Max sequence length' variable defines the maximum length of the input sequences the model can process. It is an important parameter as it can affect the model's ability to understand and respond to longer, more complex instructions.

  • How does the speaker ensure that the fine-tuned model is saved correctly with all necessary files?

    -The speaker saves the fine-tuned model as a 'merged' version, which includes all the necessary files such as the model weights and the tokenizer. This ensures that the model can be run without any missing components.

  • What is the benefit of using the SFT (SFT) trainer for fine-tuning the model?

    -The SFT trainer simplifies the fine-tuning process by providing a straightforward interface for training the model with the specified dataset. It also handles the training loop and other training-related tasks, making the process more efficient.

  • How can users who are interested in the fine-tuned model access and use it?

    -Users can access the fine-tuned model by downloading it from the provided path on the Hugging Face Hub. The speaker also provides instructions and code for running the model, allowing users to utilize it for their own purposes.



📚 Introduction to Fine-Tuning Llama 3 Model

This paragraph introduces the process of fine-tuning the Llama 3 model to improve its ability to follow instructions. The speaker explains that a base model might not respond correctly to a question like 'list the top five most popular movies of all time' without fine-tuning. The goal is to make the model provide a list after fine-tuning. The speaker also encourages viewers to subscribe to their YouTube channel for more content on Artificial Intelligence. The data set used for fine-tuning is the open instruction generalist data set, which contains human questions and bot responses. The speaker outlines the steps to set up the environment, install necessary libraries, and configure the model for fine-tuning.


🔧 Fine-Tuning Process and Model Upload

The second paragraph delves into the fine-tuning process of the Llama 3 model. It begins with the speaker acknowledging that the base model does not provide a proper answer to the question about popular movies, hence the need for fine-tuning. The speaker then guides through the code for fine-tuning, which includes defining a function to get the model, initiating the Seq2Seq trainer with the dataset, and saving the model in an output folder. The model is trained, and the speaker demonstrates the improved response after training. Finally, the model is saved and pushed to the Hugging Face Hub, with two versions uploaded: a merged version containing all files and an adapter version. The speaker concludes by expressing excitement about the successful fine-tuning and encourages viewers to stay tuned for more similar content.




Fine-tuning refers to the process of further training a pre-existing machine learning model on a specific task or dataset to improve its performance. In the video, the Llama 3 model is fine-tuned to better follow instructions, such as listing the top five most popular movies of all time, which it initially fails to do.

💡Llama 3 model

The Llama 3 model is a large language model that is being fine-tuned in the video. It represents the subject of the tutorial, which is about improving the model's ability to understand and respond to instructions. Before fine-tuning, it does not provide the expected responses to queries.

💡Instruction following

Instruction following is the ability of a language model to understand and act upon commands or requests given in natural language. The video's main theme revolves around enhancing this capability in the Llama 3 model through fine-tuning, so it can generate appropriate responses to user queries.

💡Hugging Face

Hugging Face is an open-source platform that provides tools for developers to train and deploy machine learning models, particularly in natural language processing. In the context of the video, the fine-tuned Llama 3 model is uploaded to Hugging Face so that others can use it, showcasing the platform's collaborative aspect.


A dataset is a collection of data that is used for training machine learning models. In the video, the 'open instruction generalist dataset' is used to fine-tune the Llama 3 model. It contains multiple lines of instruction data that teach the model how to respond correctly to queries.

💡Model training

Model training is the process of teaching a machine learning model to make predictions or decisions based on data. The video provides a step-by-step guide on how to train the Llama 3 model to follow instructions more effectively through fine-tuning.

💡Weights and Biases

Weights and Biases is a tool used for experiment tracking, visualization, and management of machine learning models. In the video, it is used to save training data and metrics in a clean dashboard format, which helps in monitoring the progress and performance of the Llama 3 model during fine-tuning.

💡Max sequence length

Max sequence length is a parameter that defines the maximum length of the input sequences that a language model can process. It is set during the configuration phase in the video, as part of the fine-tuning process to ensure the model can handle the input data effectively.


A tokenizer is a tool that splits text into individual tokens, which are the basic units of text that a language model understands. In the context of the video, the tokenizer is used in conjunction with the Llama 3 model to prepare the text data for training.

💡SFT Trainer

SFT Trainer, or Sequential Fine-Tuning Trainer, is a component used in the training process of the Llama 3 model. It facilitates the fine-tuning by providing a structured way to train the model with the specified dataset and settings.

💡Push to Hub

Pushing to Hub refers to uploading a trained model to the Hugging Face Hub, making it accessible to others. In the video, after fine-tuning the Llama 3 model, it is pushed to the Hub so that it can be shared and utilized by the broader community.


We will fine-tune the Llama 3 model to improve its instruction following capabilities.

Fine-tuning is necessary because the base model does not correctly follow instructions.

After fine-tuning, the model should provide a list when asked for the top five most popular movies of all time.

The process includes creating a conda environment and installing necessary libraries.

The model will be trained using the Open Instruction Generalist dataset.

The dataset contains human questions and expected bot responses for instruction following.

Before fine-tuning, the model's response to questions is not satisfactory.

The fine-tuning process involves defining a function to get the model and using QA for training.

The SFT Trainer is used to initiate the training process with the provided dataset.

Training metrics like loss, gradient norm, and learning rate can be monitored during the process.

After training, the model is expected to provide correct responses to the same question it previously failed on.

The fine-tuned model can be saved locally and uploaded to Hugging Face for others to use.

The model and its adapter are saved separately in the outputs folder.

The merged version of the model contains all necessary files to run the large language model.

Instructions on how to download and run the fine-tuned model are provided.

The video demonstrates the entire process from training to uploading the model on Hugging Face.

The presenter plans to create more videos on similar topics in the future.

The video encourages viewers to subscribe, like, and share for more content on Artificial Intelligence.