Fine-Tune ChatGPT For Your Exact Use Case

Matthew Berman
29 Aug 202306:28

TLDRThis video tutorial guides viewers on how to fine-tune Chat GPT for specific use cases, enhancing efficiency and customizing output formats. It highlights the importance of creating a suitable dataset and demonstrates how to easily generate one using Google Colab and GPT-4. The process is detailed in three steps: preparing data, uploading files, and creating a fine-tuning job. The video also showcases the successful creation of a custom GPT 3.5 Turbo model with a unique and sarcastic tone, emphasizing its potential applications in personal and business contexts.


  • 🎯 The video outlines a process for fine-tuning Chat GPT to customize it for specific use cases, which can reduce costs and improve efficiency.
  • 📈 Fine-tuning improves model steerability, output formatting, and allows for a custom tone.
  • 🚀 Google Colab is highlighted as a tool to simplify the fine-tuning process and dataset creation with just a few clicks.
  • 📊 The video discusses fine-tuning GPT 3.5 Turbo, noted for its speed and affordability.
  • 🛠️ The process involves three main steps: preparing data, creating a fine-tuning job, and waiting for the model to be trained.
  • 📚 Data preparation involves defining a system and user role, and specifying the desired output format.
  • 🔧 A Google Colab notebook is used to generate synthetic datasets with the help of GPT-4.
  • 🌡️ The temperature setting in the Colab notebook can be adjusted for more or less creative datasets.
  • 📌 An API key from OpenAI is required to access GPT-4 for dataset generation.
  • 📦 The fine-tuning job can be monitored in real-time to check its progress and status.
  • 🎉 The end result is a custom GPT 3.5 Turbo model that reflects the desired tone and can be used for future API calls.

Q & A

  • Why would someone want to fine-tune Chat GPT?

    -Fine-tuning Chat GPT can lead to a customized model that is more efficient and tailored to specific use cases. It can reduce costs, improve steerability, ensure reliable output formatting, and allow for a custom tone.

  • What is the main challenge when it comes to fine-tuning models?

    -The main challenge in fine-tuning models is creating a high-quality dataset that the model can be trained on.

  • How can one easily create datasets for fine-tuning?

    -Datasets for fine-tuning can be easily created using Google Colab, with the process involving a few clicks and generating synthetic datasets with the help of GPT-4.

  • Which GPT model is mentioned as a good option for fine-tuning?

    -GPT 3.5 Turbo is mentioned as a fast and cost-effective option for fine-tuning.

  • What are the three general steps in fine-tuning Chat GPT?

    -The three general steps are: preparing your data, creating a fine-tuning job, and waiting for the job to complete to receive a custom model name.

  • How does the temperature setting affect the dataset generation?

    -The temperature setting influences the creativity of the generated dataset. Higher temperatures result in more creative outputs, while lower temperatures lead to less creative, more logical outputs.

  • What is the purpose of the system message in fine-tuning?

    -The system message provides additional information to the model as it generates its response, helping guide the model's output to better fit the desired tone or style.

  • How long does a fine-tuning job typically take to complete?

    -A fine-tuning job usually takes about 20 minutes to complete.

  • What is the outcome of a successful fine-tuning job?

    -A successful fine-tuning job results in the creation of a new, custom GPT model that can be used for specific purposes or integrated into applications.

  • How can you test the custom model after fine-tuning?

    -After fine-tuning, you can test the custom model by using it to generate responses and ensuring that the output matches the desired tone and style.

  • What is the role of an API key in fine-tuning Chat GPT?

    -An API key is required to authenticate and access the OpenAI services for generating the dataset and fine-tuning the model.



🚀 Introduction to Fine-Tuning Chat GPT

The video begins by introducing the concept of fine-tuning Chat GPT, emphasizing the benefits of customization for specific use cases. It mentions the cost efficiency and the ability to produce outputs in desired formats. The challenge of creating a suitable dataset for fine-tuning is discussed, with the video promising to show how to easily create such datasets using Google Colab. The announcement of the ability to fine-tune GPT 3.5 Turbo is highlighted, noting its speed and affordability. The video outlines the improvements in steerability, output formatting, and custom tone that fine-tuning can achieve. It then describes the three-step process of preparing data, uploading files, and creating a fine-tuning job, and mentions that the process takes approximately 20 minutes.


📊 Demonstration of Fine-Tuning with Google Colab

The second paragraph demonstrates the fine-tuning process using Google Colab. It showcases the creation of a synthetic dataset that mimics the behavior of an overly aggressive and sarcastic Reddit commenter. The video explains how to adjust the temperature for creativity and sets the number of examples to 50. After generating the dataset, the video moves on to installing necessary modules and creating an API key for OpenAI. The process of generating examples, formatting them for Chat GPT fine-tuning, and uploading the file is detailed. Finally, the video presents the successful completion of the fine-tuning job and the creation of a custom GPT 3.5 Turbo model. It ends with a test query to the newly fine-tuned model, eliciting a sarcastic response about sushi, thereby validating the effectiveness of the fine-tuning process.




Fine-tuning refers to the process of adjusting and customizing a pre-trained machine learning model to better suit a specific task or data set. In the context of the video, it involves making the chat GPT model more efficient and tailored for a particular use case, such as generating responses in a specific format or tone. The video outlines steps to fine-tune GPT 3.5 Turbo for improved steerability and output formatting, as well as creating a custom tone, like that of an aggressive, sarcastic Reddit commenter.

💡Chat GPT

Chat GPT is an AI language model developed by OpenAI, designed to generate human-like text based on the input it receives. It can be used for various applications, including chatbots, content creation, and language translation. In the video, the focus is on fine-tuning Chat GPT to achieve a specific tone and behavior, such as responding in a manner akin to a sarcastic Reddit user.

💡Cost reduction

Cost reduction in the context of the video refers to the financial benefits of fine-tuning Chat GPT for specific tasks. By customizing the model to perform a particular function more efficiently, it can lead to lower operational costs. This is because a fine-tuned model can provide the desired outputs more directly, without the need for additional processing or manual intervention.


Efficiency in this context means the ability of the fine-tuned Chat GPT model to produce the desired outputs with minimal resource usage and in the shortest time possible. A more efficient model is not only cost-effective but also provides a better user experience by delivering quick and accurate responses.

💡Data creation

Data creation is the process of generating or gathering the data needed to train a machine learning model. In the video, it specifically refers to creating a dataset that the Chat GPT model can learn from to adjust its responses according to the desired tone and behavior. The video provides a method for creating synthetic datasets using Google Colab and GPT-4, which simplifies the process of preparing data for fine-tuning.

💡Google Colab

Google Colab is a cloud-based platform for machine learning and data analysis that allows users to write and execute Python code in a collaborative environment. In the video, Google Colab is used as a tool to facilitate the fine-tuning process of Chat GPT by providing an interface to generate synthetic datasets and execute the fine-tuning job without the need for local setup.

💡Synthetic datasets

Synthetic datasets are collections of data that are generated using computational algorithms rather than being collected from real-world observations. In the context of the video, synthetic datasets are created using GPT-4 to train the Chat GPT model to respond in a particular tone or style, such as an overly aggressive and sarcastic manner.


In the context of the video, 'temperature' is a hyperparameter used in AI models like GPT to control the creativity or randomness of the generated outputs. A higher temperature results in more creative and diverse outputs, while a lower temperature leads to more conservative and predictable responses. Adjusting the temperature is crucial when generating synthetic datasets for fine-tuning, as it directly influences the tone and style of the model's responses.

💡API keys

API keys are unique identifiers used to authenticate requests to an application programming interface (API). In the video, an API key is required to access and use OpenAI's services, such as generating synthetic datasets with GPT-4 or fine-tuning the Chat GPT model. The API key is a critical component in the process of customizing and using AI models for specific tasks.

💡Custom model

A custom model in the context of the video refers to a version of the Chat GPT model that has been fine-tuned to behave in a specific manner or to produce outputs in a particular format. This customization allows the model to be used for a wide range of applications, from personal chatbots to business-specific solutions, by adapting its responses to meet the unique requirements of the user.


Steerability refers to the ability to control or guide the behavior of an AI model to produce desired outputs. In the video, improving steerability means making the Chat GPT model follow specific instructions or guidelines provided by the user, such as always generating responses in a particular tone or format. This is achieved through the fine-tuning process, which adjusts the model's parameters to align with the user's requirements.


Fine-tuning Chat GPT can be customized for specific use cases.

Customization reduces costs and increases efficiency.

Custom outputs can be formatted in the exact desired format.

The most difficult part of fine-tuning is creating the data.

Google Colab simplifies the process with just a few clicks.

GPT 3.5 Turbo is the fastest and one of the cheapest models available for fine-tuning.

Fine-tuning improves steerability and output formatting.

Custom tone can be implemented in the fine-tuned model.

There are three steps to fine-tune Chat GPT: prepare data, upload files, and create a fine-tuning job.

Google Colab can create synthetic datasets using GPT-4.

The temperature setting can be adjusted for creative or less creative datasets.

An API key is required for generating the dataset using OpenAI's services.

The dataset should be formatted with system, user, and assistant messages for fine-tuning.

Fine-tuning a job usually takes about 20 minutes to complete.

A custom model name is provided upon completion of the fine-tuning job.

The custom model can be used for personal or business applications.

Testing the custom model demonstrates its unique and personalized responses.

The video provides a comprehensive guide on fine-tuning Chat GPT for specific use cases.