How to Get Monetized on YouTube Fast (27 Days)

Make Money Matt
9 Mar 202211:09

TLDRThe video script outlines a hypothetical strategy for quickly achieving YouTube monetization, emphasizing the importance of meeting the platform's requirements through consistent content creation and viewer engagement. It suggests a 30-day challenge involving daily uploads, maintaining a consistent schedule, and leveraging successful content strategies from established channels. The speaker shares tips on selecting profitable niches, utilizing affiliate marketing, and ensuring content adheres to YouTube's monetization policies. The emphasis is on perseverance and strategic planning to potentially reach monetization goals in a shorter timeframe than the average YouTube channel.


  • 🚀 Achieving YouTube monetization is possible within a month with a strategic approach.
  • 🎯 The YouTube Partner Program requires 4,000 hours of watch time and 1,000 subscribers.
  • 📅 Consistently uploading a video daily for 30 days could potentially meet the requirements.
  • 🕒 Each video aiming for 12 minutes in length and an average audience view duration of 50% could contribute to the required watch time.
  • 📈 A realistic target for views per video is 1,33 to reach 4,000 hours of watch time with 30 videos.
  • 🔥 80% of the views often come from 20% of the videos, indicating the importance of creating diverse content.
  • 🌟 A 3% view-to-subscriber ratio is a good benchmark for subscriber growth.
  • 🛠️ Starting with 30 to 60 videos can help build traction and provide insights into what content resonates with the audience.
  • 📅 Maintaining a consistent upload schedule is crucial, with at least one video per week recommended.
  • 🔍 Research and model successful content within your niche, rather than guessing what might work.
  • 🌐 Leverage competition by ensuring your videos are recommended in the suggested video feed, offering value through education or entertainment.

Q & A

  • What is the最快 time frame mentioned in the script for a YouTube channel to become monetized?

    -The fastest time frame mentioned is one month, specifically within two weeks of uploading videos.

  • What are the two key requirements for a YouTube channel to be eligible for the monetization program?

    -The two key requirements are 4,000 hours of watch time and 1,000 subscribers.

  • How does the speaker suggest potentially achieving the required watch time for monetization?

    -By uploading a new video every day for 30 days, with each video being 12 minutes long and getting an average audience view duration of 50%, which is 6 minutes per view.

  • What is the hypothetical average views per video needed to reach 4,000 hours of watch time?

    -The hypothetical average views per video needed is 1,333, considering each video has an average watch time of 6 minutes.

  • What is the speaker's view to subscriber ratio for their channels?

    -The speaker's view to subscriber ratio is about 3%, meaning for every 100 views, they typically gain 3 new subscribers.

  • How does the speaker suggest one can realistically achieve monetization on YouTube?

    -By implementing a strategy that includes consistent uploading, choosing a proven niche, and creating content that is as good as or better than the competition.

  • What is the first secret the speaker suggests for aspiring YouTubers?

    -The first secret is to upload 30 to 60 videos on the channel at the start to see some type of traction.

  • What is the recommended minimum upload frequency according to the speaker?

    -The recommended minimum upload frequency is at least one video per week.

  • Why does the speaker emphasize not guessing when it comes to creating content?

    -The speaker emphasizes this because guessing can lead to inefficiency and less engagement; instead, one should look at what has already worked on YouTube and model that success.

  • What niches does the speaker suggest are more likely to get monetized sooner?

    -The speaker suggests that niches related to health, wealth, happiness, and relationships are more likely to get monetized sooner due to high demand for products within these areas.

  • What is the action checklist the speaker provides for aspiring YouTubers?

    -The action checklist includes ensuring the chosen niche has worked on YouTube, posting at least 30 videos modeling successful examples, analyzing analytics, planning the next batch of videos based on data, following monetization rules, considering alternative monetization strategies, and not giving up.



🚀 Fast-Track Monetization Strategy on YouTube

This paragraph outlines a hypothetical strategy for quickly meeting YouTube's monetization criteria. It emphasizes the challenge of achieving 4,000 watch hours and 1,000 subscribers within a month. The speaker shares their personal record of monetizing a new channel in just two weeks and encourages viewers to aim for a similar goal. The key to success is calculated through the 30-day YouTube monetization challenge, which involves daily video uploads, aiming for an average watch time, and leveraging the 80/20 rule for views distribution. The speaker also acknowledges the difficulty of the task and the variability in success rates, but maintains that with the right approach, it's possible to achieve monetization faster than average.


📈 Understanding YouTube's Algorithm and Content Strategy

The second paragraph delves into the importance of understanding YouTube's algorithm and creating content that aligns with proven strategies. It advises against guessing content ideas and instead recommends researching successful videos within the chosen niche. The speaker suggests modeling successful videos, titles, and thumbnails, but cautions against direct copying. The paragraph also discusses the benefits of competition and how it can lead to video recommendations. The speaker emphasizes the need for videos to provide value, either educational or entertainment, to stand out in a competitive niche. Additionally, it introduces the concept of getting monetized before meeting the official criteria through affiliate marketing and creating one's own products.


🎯 Ensuring Monetization and Following YouTube's Guidelines

The final paragraph focuses on the practical steps to ensure content can be monetized and the importance of adhering to YouTube's policies. It highlights the need to avoid re-uploads, use human voiceovers, and create family-friendly content. The speaker shares tips on how to use other people's content responsibly, following fair use guidelines and YouTube's policies. The paragraph concludes with an action checklist for success, which includes verifying niche viability, posting at least 30 videos, analyzing analytics, following monetization rules, and considering alternative monetization strategies. The speaker encourages perseverance and continuous improvement, promising that with dedication, monetization and channel growth are attainable goals.




Monetization refers to the process of generating revenue from a digital platform, such as a YouTube channel. In the context of the video, it involves meeting specific requirements like watch time and subscriber count to be eligible for the YouTube Partner Program. The speaker emphasizes the importance of understanding and implementing strategies to achieve monetization quickly and effectively.

💡YouTube Partner Program

The YouTube Partner Program (YPP) is an initiative by YouTube that allows content creators to earn money from their videos through various methods like ad revenue sharing, channel memberships, and merchandise shelf. The video discusses the goal of getting accepted into the YPP as a measure of success for a new channel and outlines the requirements for eligibility, which include 4,000 hours of watch time and 1,000 subscribers.

💡Watch Time

Watch time is a metric used on YouTube to quantify the total amount of time that viewers spend watching videos on a channel. It is a critical factor in the platform's algorithm and is also one of the key requirements for monetization, as mentioned in the video. The speaker provides a calculation to illustrate how many minutes of watch time are needed to meet the 4,000-hour threshold and how to achieve this through consistent content creation and audience engagement.


Subscribers are users who choose to receive notifications and updates about new content from a YouTube channel. Gaining subscribers is essential for channel growth and is one of the primary criteria for joining the YouTube Partner Program. The video discusses strategies for rapidly increasing subscriber counts, such as consistent content uploads and creating engaging, high-quality videos that resonate with the target audience.

💡30-Day YouTube Monetization Challenge

The 30-Day YouTube Monetization Challenge is a hypothetical strategy proposed in the video, which involves uploading a new video to the channel every day for 30 days. The aim is to quickly boost watch time and subscriber counts to meet the YouTube Partner Program requirements. The challenge is presented as a way to potentially expedite the monetization process, though it is not guaranteed to succeed within the specified time frame.

💡Average View Count

Average view count refers to the mean number of views that a video receives. In the video, the speaker uses this metric to calculate the number of views needed per video to reach the 4,000-hour watch time goal. Understanding average view counts can help content creators set realistic targets for their video performance and adjust their content strategy accordingly.

💡Content Strategy

A content strategy outlines the approach and plan for creating, publishing, and managing content on a digital platform. In the video, the speaker emphasizes the importance of having a well-thought-out content strategy to increase the chances of monetization. This includes understanding the type of content that works within a chosen niche, optimizing video elements like titles and thumbnails, and maintaining a consistent upload schedule.


A niche refers to a specific, focused topic or market segment that a YouTube channel targets. In the context of the video, choosing the right niche is crucial for attracting a dedicated audience and increasing the likelihood of monetization. The speaker advises against entering unproven niches and instead recommends selecting a niche with existing successful examples and high demand for related products or services.

💡Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is a performance-based marketing strategy where an individual or company earns a commission for promoting and selling other companies' products or services. In the video, the speaker suggests that YouTubers can potentially monetize their channels before meeting the official YPP requirements by becoming affiliates for products related to their niche, such as health, wealth, happiness, and relationships.

💡Fair Use

Fair use is a legal doctrine that allows the use of copyrighted material without obtaining permission from the rights holder under certain conditions. In the context of the video, the speaker mentions fair use as a guideline for creators who wish to include other people's content in their videos, emphasizing the importance of following YouTube's policies and ensuring that the content is transformative and complies with fair use principles.

💡Human Voiceover

A human voiceover refers to the use of a person's voice to narrate or provide commentary in a video. The video highlights the benefits of using a human voiceover instead of automated text-to-speech for creating engaging and more relatable content. It is suggested that channels with human voiceovers are more likely to succeed and potentially get monetized, as they often perform better with viewers.


Achieving YouTube monetization from scratch in a month is possible with a strategic approach.

The YouTube Partner Program requires 4,000 hours of watch time and 1,000 subscribers.

A hypothetical strategy involves uploading a new video daily for 30 days, each with an average length of 12 minutes.

Each video should aim for an audience view duration of 50%, resulting in 6 minutes of watch time per view.

To reach 4,000 hours of watch time, the channel needs 40,000 total views, averaging 1,333 views per video.

80% of views often come from 20% of the videos, indicating that some content will naturally perform better.

A 3% view-to-subscriber ratio is achievable, leading to 1,200 new subscribers with 40,000 total views.

The 30-day YouTube monetization challenge encourages consistent content creation and strategy implementation.

Uploading 30 to 60 videos initially can help gain traction and understand what resonates with the audience.

Maintaining a consistent upload schedule, starting with at least one video per week, is recommended for long-term success.

Avoid guessing content types; instead, model successful videos within a proven niche on YouTube.

Competition can be beneficial as it increases opportunities for video recommendations within the niche.

Creating value through educational or entertainment content is key to standing out among competitors.

Monetization can be achieved before meeting the official YouTube Partner Program requirements through affiliate marketing or selling products.

Niche selection, such as health, wealth, happiness, or relationships, can expedite monetization due to product demand.

Ensuring content is eligible for monetization involves avoiding re-uploads, using human voiceovers, and creating family-friendly content.

An action checklist is recommended for continuous improvement and adherence to YouTube's monetization policies.

Persistence is crucial; improving over time and not giving up early can lead to sustainable success on YouTube.