How to Use the Scribbr APA Citation

Mr. Mark
24 Jan 202204:54

TLDRMr. Mark demonstrates how to use the Scribbr APA citation generator to properly cite sources for school projects. He emphasizes the importance of using the latest APA edition and choosing the correct citation style based on the medium of the project. The video illustrates the process of creating a new citation list, finding a suitable source with an author and date, and inputting the source details into the generator. Mr. Mark also explains how to copy and paste the generated citation onto a web page, suggesting the use of bullet points for better visibility.


  • 📝 Use the Scribbr APA citation generator for creating citations for school projects.
  • 📋 Start by creating a new list and naming it after the project you're working on.
  • 📚 Always use the latest edition of the APA citation style, which is the 7th edition in this example.
  • 🗣️ Choose the language and font according to the project requirements; English and Times New Roman size 12 are standard for documents.
  • 🌐 For web projects, Arial font might be more suitable due to readability.
  • 🔍 When citing, ensure the source has a clear author and date for credibility.
  • 🔗 Copy the link of the source to find the correct document or webpage to cite.
  • 📝 Use the APA citation generator to input the details of the source, such as title, URL, author, and date.
  • 📅 Add the publication date in the format of day, month, and year.
  • 🎯 Once the citation is generated, copy and paste it into your web page or document.
  • 📌 Improve the citation's visibility on a web page by using bullet points.
  • ✉️ Reach out via email if you have any questions on the citation process.

Q & A

  • What is the purpose of using the Scribbr APA citation generator?

    -The purpose of using the Scribbr APA citation generator is to properly cite sources used in academic projects, ensuring that all references adhere to the APA citation style.

  • Which edition of the APA citation style should be used?

    -Always use the latest edition of the APA citation style. In the script, it is mentioned that the seventh edition is being used.

  • What font and size are recommended for APA citations in a document?

    -For a document, the recommended font is Times New Roman and the size should be 12.

  • How does the choice of font differ when working on a website?

    -When working on a website, the font should be easier to read online. In the script, it is suggested to use Arial font for web-based projects.

  • How does one create a new list in the APA citation generator?

    -To create a new list, one should input the project name they are working on into the APA citation generator and select the appropriate citation style and language settings.

  • What is the importance of verifying the source when using the APA citation generator?

    -Verifying the source ensures that the citation is accurate and that it is the correct material being referenced. This can be done by copying the link and checking where it redirects.

  • What type of source does the speaker prefer for citations?

    -The speaker prefers sources that have an author and a date, as it makes the citation process easier and more accurate.

  • How does the APA citation generator automatically import citation data?

    -Once the correct source type is selected and the details are entered, the APA citation generator automatically imports the title, URL, author's name, and the date of the source.

  • What is the process for adding a citation to a web page?

    -After generating the citation, it can be copied and pasted directly onto the web page. The speaker also suggests formatting it with a bullet point to make it stand out.

  • What should one do if they have questions about using the APA citation generator?

    -If one has questions, they should reach out to the person who provided the tutorial or check the documentation for further guidance. In the script, the speaker invites questions via email.

  • Why is it important to use the correct citation style in academic work?

    -Using the correct citation style in academic work is important to maintain academic integrity, give credit to the original authors, and help readers locate the sources for further reference.



📚 Introduction to APA Citation Generator

The video begins with Mr. Mark introducing the APA citation generator, a tool designed to assist in properly citing sources used in various projects for school. He demonstrates the process of creating a new list corresponding to the project at hand, in this case, a computer class project. Mr. Mark emphasizes the importance of using the latest edition of the citation style, which is the 7th edition in this example, and setting the language to English with Times New Roman font size 12. He also discusses the relevance of font choice depending on the medium, suggesting Arial for web projects for better readability.



💡Scribbr APA Citation Generator

The Scribbr APA Citation Generator is an online tool that helps users to create citations in the APA format. In the video, Mr. Mark uses this generator to demonstrate how to properly cite sources for a school project. It is an essential part of the video's tutorial, as it shows the step-by-step process of using the tool to ensure that the citations are accurate and adhere to the APA style guidelines.

💡APA Citation

APA Citation refers to the method of referencing sources in academic writing as per the guidelines set by the American Psychological Association. It is a widely used citation style, particularly in the social sciences. The video focuses on teaching viewers how to correctly implement APA citations to enhance the credibility and professionalism of their academic work.


In the context of the video, a 'project' refers to the academic or scholarly work that the viewer is creating, for which they need to cite sources. The video provides guidance on how to create a new list in the APA citation generator for a specific project, such as a computer class project that Mr. Mark is working on.

💡Citation Style

Citation style refers to the set of rules and guidelines for referencing sources in written work. The video specifically discusses the APA citation style, which is a standardized method for formatting citations and references in academic documents. It is crucial for maintaining consistency and专业性 in academic writing.


In the context of the video, 'font' refers to the specific typeface used in a document or on a website. The choice of font can affect readability and the overall presentation of the text. Mr. Mark notes that the font should be chosen based on the medium of the project, suggesting Times New Roman for documents and Arial for web content due to its readability.


A 'source' in academic writing is the material or content that is being cited or referenced in a project. In the video, Mr. Mark emphasizes the importance of selecting credible sources with clear authorship and publication dates. He demonstrates how to find the correct source by following a link and using the APA citation generator to extract the necessary information.


A 'website' is a collection of web pages that are accessible online, often containing information or services related to a specific topic or purpose. In the video, Mr. Mark uses the term 'website' to refer to the type of source he is citing in the APA citation generator. He also discusses the appropriate formatting for citing websites in APA style.


The 'author' in academic writing refers to the person or entity responsible for the creation of a source. Proper attribution to the author is a fundamental part of citing sources. In the video, Mr. Mark prefers sources that have a clear author to ensure the citation's accuracy and reliability.


The 'date' in the context of citations refers to the publication or access date of the source. In APA citation style, the date is an essential component that helps readers locate the source and verify its currency. Mr. Mark demonstrates how to include the date in the citation by adding the day, month, and year to the citation details.

💡Google Sites

Google Sites is a web-based platform that allows users to create and publish websites. In the video, Mr. Mark uses Google Sites to insert the generated APA citation into his web page. It serves as an example of how to apply the citation in a digital format.

💡Bullet Point

A 'bullet point' is a graphical element used in written documents to draw attention to a list of items or key points. In the video, Mr. Mark adds a bullet point to the citation on his Google Sites page to make it stand out and be easily identifiable for viewers.


Introduction to using the Scribbr APA Citation Generator by Mr. Mark

Creating a new citation list for a specific project, such as a computer class

Using the latest APA edition for citations, in this case, the 7th edition

Selecting the appropriate font and size based on the medium, like Times New Roman size 12 for documents

The importance of choosing a source with an author and a date for citations

Demonstration of how to find the correct source by following a link

Using the APA Citation Generator to input the website as the source type

Automatic import of citation data from the APA Citation Generator

Entering the publication date for the citation

Copying the generated citation to the web page

Using Google Sites formatting for citations on web pages

Adding a bullet point to make the citation stand out on the web page

Mr. Mark's offer to answer questions via email

Closing remarks and a call to action for 'nerdy study'