How to Write a Book with AI in 2024 (2 Best Methods)

The Nerdy Novelist
17 Jan 202422:25

TLDRIn this informative video, Jason, a seasoned author and expert in self-publishing, shares his insights on using AI to write books in 2024. He dispels the myth that AI can write a book at the push of a button and instead offers a step-by-step guide on how to effectively integrate AI into the writing process. Jason explains that writing is a multifaceted process involving brainstorming, outlining, character development, and editing, among others. He suggests using AI for the least enjoyable parts of writing to maximize creative satisfaction and prevent burnout. The video outlines two primary methods for utilizing AI in writing: the fractal technique for expanding ideas and the super prompt for generating detailed content. Jason emphasizes the importance of AI as a productivity tool to assist authors rather than replace them, highlighting the recent writers' strike that secured the right for authors to benefit from AI. He concludes by encouraging authors to use AI to enhance their storytelling capabilities.


  • 📚 Writing a book with AI is not as simple as pushing a button; it involves a multi-step process that includes brainstorming, outlining, character development, and more.
  • 👩‍💼 Jason, the speaker, is an experienced author who has worked with AI and emphasizes that many people discussing AI writing have limited understanding or experience.
  • 🚀 AI can be especially helpful for the parts of writing you enjoy the least, allowing you to focus more on the creative aspects you love.
  • 🔍 AI is not a replacement for authors but acts as a 'junior writing partner', assisting in the writing process without replacing the need for human creativity and validation.
  • 📝 The 'fractal technique' is a method for expanding a small idea into a full manuscript, which can be applied similarly to fiction and non-fiction writing.
  • 💡 AI can generate ideas, synopses, and outlines, but authors must validate and edit these to ensure quality and creativity.
  • 🖥️ Tools like Novel Crafter and chatbots (Claude, Chat GPT) are recommended for different aspects of the writing process, including generating prose.
  • ✍️ Two primary methods for writing with AI are outlined: writing one section at a time with continuous editing, and using a 'super prompt' to write entire chapters.
  • 📈 Non-fiction writing can also benefit from AI, particularly in generating chapter ideas and outlines, but accuracy of information is crucial.
  • 🔑 AI is a productivity tool that can help overcome writer's block, burnout, and assist with research, making the writing process more efficient and enjoyable.
  • ✅ The Writer's Strike of 2023 resulted in an agreement that studios would not replace authors with AI, ensuring that authors have control over the use of AI in their work.
  • ✨ AI is considered a 'mind saver' for authors, helping them to excel beyond their usual capabilities and reduce the stress associated with writing.

Q & A

  • What is the main challenge people face when attempting to write a book with AI?

    -The main challenge is that writing a book with AI is not as simple as pushing a button. It requires understanding that writing is a multi-step process, and AI can assist with specific steps that an author might find challenging.

  • Who is the speaker in the video and what is their background?

    -The speaker is Jason, a self-described 'nerdy novelist' who has written multiple books and worked for Kindlepreneur, a large website about writing and self-publishing.

  • What is Jason's opinion on the use of AI for writing books?

    -Jason believes that AI should be used as a tool to assist with the parts of the writing process that an author finds least enjoyable, while they should focus their efforts on the parts they love the most.

  • What are the two best methods Jason suggests for using AI to write the actual text of a book?

    -The two best methods suggested by Jason are writing the book one section at a time, editing as you go, and using a 'super prompt' to write entire chapters all at once.

  • How does Jason describe the writing process?

    -Jason describes the writing process as involving thinking, brainstorming, outlining, character and world development, research, and multiple types of editing, including developmental editing, line editing, and proofreading.

  • What is the 'fractal technique' that Jason recommends for expanding a small idea into a full manuscript?

    -The fractal technique is a prompting strategy similar to the snowflake technique, where you start with a small idea and expand it into something larger, then further expand it into a more detailed structure until you have a complete manuscript.

  • What is the role of AI in the writing process according to Jason?

    -AI acts as a junior writing partner, assisting with various steps of the writing process such as brainstorming, outlining, and even writing sections of the text, but it requires the author to validate and edit the AI-generated content to ensure quality.

  • How does Jason suggest using AI for non-fiction writing?

    -Jason suggests using AI to brainstorm chapter ideas, outline each chapter, and even write the first draft of sections. However, the accuracy of the text is crucial for non-fiction, so the author must ensure the information is correct.

  • What is the 'super prompt' and how is it used in writing?

    -A 'super prompt' is a very long, detailed prompt that includes instructions, style, characters, setting, overview, and chapter beats. It is used to generate a large amount of text, such as an entire chapter, in one go using AI.

  • What are the advantages of using tools like Novel Crafter for fiction writing?

    -Tools like Novel Crafter allow authors to add scene beats, generate prose, and edit as they go. This method is efficient because it allows the AI to learn the author's style and reduce the amount of editing required in subsequent sections.

  • How does Jason feel about the role of AI in the future of writing?

    -Jason views AI as a mind saver and a productivity tool for authors, not as a replacement for human creativity. He believes that AI should be used to help authors excel and overcome challenges such as writer's block or burnout.

  • What was the outcome of the writer's strike in 2023 mentioned by Jason?

    -The writer's strike in 2023 resulted in an agreement that studios would not replace authors with AI. Instead, the power to use AI as a tool would be in the hands of the authors, allowing them to benefit from AI's capabilities.



📚 Introduction to Writing with AI

Jason, the 'nerdy novelist', introduces the topic of writing a book with AI in 2024. He critiques the misconception that writing a book with AI is as simple as pushing a button. As an experienced author and a contributor to 'kindlepreneur', he notes the lack of practical knowledge from many AI writing advocates. He outlines his intention to provide a step-by-step method for using AI in writing, both fiction and non-fiction, and to address the controversy of whether AI should be used for writing at all. Jason explains the multi-step nature of writing and suggests using AI for the least favorite parts of the process to maximize creative enjoyment and prevent burnout.


🤖 AI as a Junior Writing Partner

The paragraph discusses the role of AI as a tool to assist authors rather than replace them. It emphasizes the need for authors to validate and edit AI-generated content to ensure quality. Using the example of a hardboiled detective story set in 1920s New York, Jason illustrates how AI can help brainstorm ideas and develop a synopsis. He also addresses the process of making the opening more creative by using AI to generate ideas and then selecting the most suitable ones. For non-fiction, the 'fractal technique' is equally applicable, with careful attention to accuracy. AI can help outline chapters and brainstorm content, but the author must ensure the topics are relevant and accurate to their expertise.


📝 Two Methods for Writing Prose with AI

Jason presents two methods for writing prose with AI: writing one section at a time and writing entire chapters at once. He discusses the inefficiency of writing prose directly from AI and advocates for a step-by-step approach using tools like 'novel crafter' for fiction or 'chat GPT' for non-fiction. This method involves adding scene beats or points, generating prose, and then editing for a more natural flow. The second method involves creating a 'super prompt' for writing entire chapters, which requires more advanced prompting and can be more fun but less efficient. The super prompt is particularly useful for online articles and non-fiction book chapters.


📖 Using Super Prompts for Articles and Non-Fiction

The paragraph explains the use of super prompts for generating long-form content like SEO articles and non-fiction book chapters. It details the structure of a super prompt, which includes instructions, style, characters, setting, overview, and chapter beats. The author manually creates the chapter beats and outlines, ensuring the AI has enough context to generate a full chapter. The super prompt method is less efficient with tools like 'novel crafter' but remains useful for certain scenarios, such as writing SEO articles, where the author has a clear vision for the article's structure and content.


🚀 AI as a Tool for Overcoming Writer's Block

Jason shares his personal experience with writer's burnout and how AI helped him get back into writing by overcoming resistances. He acknowledges that many people face various challenges such as burnout, neurodivergence, or writer's block, and AI can assist at every stage of the writing process. He emphasizes that AI is a productivity tool for authors, not a replacement, and references the 2023 writer's strike that resulted in studios agreeing not to replace authors with AI. The paragraph concludes with a note on AI being a mind saver rather than a time saver and an invitation to watch another video for more information on the tools Jason uses for writing fiction.




AI, or Artificial Intelligence, refers to the simulation of human intelligence in machines that are programmed to think like humans and mimic their actions. In the context of the video, AI is used as a tool to assist in the writing process, from brainstorming to editing, making it easier for authors to produce creative work without completely replacing the human element.

💡Fractal Technique

The Fractal Technique is a method for expanding a small idea into a larger structure, similar to the Snowflake Technique. It is used in the video to develop a manuscript by starting with a simple idea and progressively building upon it until a complete story is formed. This technique is applicable to both fiction and non-fiction writing and is demonstrated in the video through the creation of a detective story set in 1920s New York.


A chatbot is an AI program designed to simulate conversation with human users. In the video, chatbots like Claude and Chat GPT are mentioned as tools that can assist with various aspects of the writing process, from generating ideas to outlining and even drafting prose.


A synopses is a brief summary of the plot of a work of fiction or the main points of a non-fiction work. In the video, the creation of a synopses is part of the process of developing a story using AI. It provides a structured outline that can be expanded into a full manuscript.


Non-fiction refers to a genre of prose that is based on real events, information, or experiences as opposed to fiction, which is based on imagination. In the context of the video, non-fiction writing is discussed as a process that can also benefit from AI assistance, particularly in generating chapter ideas and ensuring the accuracy of the content.

💡Productivity Tool

A productivity tool is any application or device that helps users to be more efficient and organized in their work. In the video, AI is described as a productivity tool for authors, helping them to overcome writer's block, manage the writing process more effectively, and enhance their creative output.

💡Novel Crafter

Novel Crafter is a specific tool mentioned in the video for writing fiction. It allows authors to outline their stories using 'scene beats' and then generate prose from these beats, making the writing process more structured and potentially more efficient.

💡Super Prompt

A Super Prompt is a long, detailed instruction given to an AI to generate a large amount of text in one go, such as an entire chapter. In the video, it is used as a method to write prose efficiently, although it requires careful crafting and sometimes multiple iterations to get a satisfactory result.

💡SEO Article

An SEO (Search Engine Optimization) article is a piece of content written with the goal of ranking high in search engine results, often through the strategic use of keywords and a well-structured outline. In the video, the concept of using a Super Prompt to generate an SEO article is discussed, highlighting the potential of AI in content creation for digital marketing.

💡Author's Block

Author's block, similar to writer's block, is a term used to describe the inability to produce creative writing due to mental barriers. The video discusses how AI can assist in overcoming this block by providing ideas, outlines, and even prose, allowing authors to focus on refining and editing the content rather than starting from scratch.

💡Writer's Strike

The Writer's Strike mentioned in the video refers to a real-life event where writers in the entertainment industry protested against certain working conditions and sought fair compensation, including for work produced using AI. The outcome of the strike led to agreements that ensured the continued role of human authors, with AI serving as a tool to aid them rather than replace them.


Writing a book with AI in 2024 is not as simple as it seems and requires a multi-step process.

Author Jason, an experienced writer, criticizes many online guides for their lack of practical knowledge on writing with AI.

Writing involves brainstorming, outlining, character development, world-building, research, and editing.

AI can be used for specific steps of the writing process that the author prefers to avoid, maximizing creative pleasure and reducing burnout.

The fractal technique, similar to the snowflake method, is recommended for expanding a small idea into a full manuscript.

AI can generate a list of ideas based on a prompt, which can then be developed into a full synopsis.

The AI-generated content often requires validation and editing by the author to ensure quality and creativity.

For non-fiction, the fractal technique can help generate chapter ideas and outlines, with careful attention to accuracy.

AI can assist with productivity but is not a replacement for authors, as agreed upon in the 2023 writer's strike.

Two best methods for writing prose with AI are writing one section at a time and writing entire chapters all at once.

Tools like Novel Crafter and Claude or chat GPT can be used for fiction writing, with different approaches for fiction and non-fiction.

The super prompt technique can generate a full chapter or long-form content in one go, though it requires careful setup and may need multiple attempts.

AI is considered a mind saver rather than a time saver, assisting authors to excel beyond their usual capabilities.

The author emphasizes that AI should be used as a tool in the author's hands, not to replace them.

AI can help overcome writer's block and assist with research, making the writing process more efficient and less daunting.

The video provides a step-by-step guide on how to use AI for writing, including tools and techniques for both fiction and non-fiction.

The author shares personal experiences with AI, highlighting how it helped him overcome burnout and get back into writing.

For those interested in the tools used for writing fiction, the author recommends watching a specific video for detailed guidance.