How to Write a Book with AI in 2024 (Full Step-By-Step Tutorial)

Sean Dollwet
6 May 202419:01

TLDRIn this informative video, the presenter guides viewers through the process of writing a book in less than an hour using an AI tool called Dibbl Crate. The video covers selecting a profitable book topic, such as decluttering, and utilizing Dibbl Crate's features for research, book title generation, and outline creation. It demonstrates how to use AI to write, format, and prepare the book for publishing, emphasizing the importance of personal input to ensure the book's uniqueness and quality. The presenter also discusses the benefits of AI writing in terms of efficiency and quality, and provides insights on how to refine the AI-generated content to make it truly one's own. The video concludes with a brief overview of Dibbl Crate's pricing tiers and a comparison with other AI tools, highlighting the time-saving and cost-effective advantages of using a tool specifically designed for book publishing.


  • πŸ“š Use an AI tool like Dibbl Crate to write a book quickly and efficiently.
  • πŸ” Start by researching your book topic using Amazon search term analysis to understand what readers are looking for.
  • πŸš€ Generate a book title and outline using Dibbl Crate's templates, which can help in SEO and content structure.
  • πŸ’‘ Analyze competitor books to identify their strengths, weaknesses, and what makes them stand out.
  • πŸ“ˆ Incorporate a writing style that is relatable, humorous, and easy to understand to engage readers.
  • πŸ“ Create a detailed outline with sub-points and bullet points for each chapter to guide the writing process.
  • ✍️ Use AI to generate the content for each chapter, ensuring to include sources for better output quality.
  • πŸ“ˆ Customize and edit the AI-generated content to add your personal input and voice to the book.
  • πŸ”„ Repeat the process for each chapter, maintaining a consistent tone and style throughout the book.
  • πŸ“‘ Save the generated content into notes and then transfer it to the main sections for further formatting.
  • πŸ–¨ Format the book professionally with headers, footers, chapter headings, and paragraph styles before exporting.
  • ⏱️ The goal of AI writing is to save time without sacrificing quality, aiming to produce a better book than writing from scratch.

Q & A

  • What is the main topic of the book that the video is discussing?

    -The main topic of the book is decluttering, which is a profitable subject for writing a book due to its popularity and relevance to many people's lives.

  • What AI tool is being used in the video to write the book?

    -The AI tool being used in the video is called Dibbl Crate, which is designed to help users write books quickly and efficiently.

  • What is the first step in using Dibbl Crate to write a book?

    -The first step is to click on 'new project' and name the project, such as 'Decluttering Book', which sets the stage for the rest of the process.

  • How does the video suggest researching the book topic before writing?

    -The video suggests using the Amazon search term analysis feature within Dibbl Crate to understand the market, competitors, and what readers are looking for in a book on the topic.

  • What feature of Dibbl Crate is used to generate book titles and subtitles?

    -The 'Title Generator' feature is used to generate potential book titles and subtitles based on the selected genre, brief description, audience, and category.

  • How does Dibbl Crate assist in creating an outline for the book?

    -Dibbl Crate provides an outline creation feature that generates a detailed outline for the book, including chapter summaries, subpoints, and bullet points, based on the information provided about the book.

  • What is the '10-minute decluttering rule' mentioned in the video?

    -The '10-minute decluttering rule' is a strategy where one spends just 10 minutes a day focusing on organizing a specific spot, making the task of decluttering more manageable and less time-intensive.

  • How can the AI-generated content be improved to make it more personal and reflective of the author's voice?

    -The author can add their own input, rewrite sections, correct grammar, and change the writing style to match their voice, ensuring the book feels personal and authentic.

  • What is the recommended approach to formatting the book within Dibbl Crate?

    -The recommended approach includes justifying the text, customizing the title page, headers and footers, chapter headings, and paragraph settings to ensure the book has a professional and consistent look.

  • How does Dibbl Crate assist with sourcing and referencing content for the book?

    -Dibbl Crate can pull sources from online articles and reference them within the book, which is particularly useful for providing credibility and depth to the content.

  • What is the ultimate goal of using AI writing tools like Dibbl Crate, according to the video?

    -The ultimate goal is not to sacrifice quality but to use AI to write a book that is much better than what one could write without it, saving time and improving the writing process.

  • Why is Dibbl Crate considered more efficient for book writing compared to other AI tools?

    -Dibbl Crate is more efficient because it is specifically designed for book writing and publishing, with features that streamline the process, eliminating the need for complex prompting and setup.



πŸš€ Introducing Dibblycrate: AI-Powered Book Writing

The video introduces an AI tool called Dibblycrate, which promises to write an entire book in under an hour. The host shares their experience with various AI writing tools and asserts that Dibblycrate is the fastest, most straightforward option. The plan is to research, write, format, and prepare a book on decluttering within the video. The host also discusses the profitability of the decluttering topic, citing examples of successful books in the genre. The process begins with starting a new project in Dibblycrate and utilizing the AI assistant for writing assistance, including grammar correction and content enrichment.


πŸ” Researching and Outlining the Book Topic

The host emphasizes the importance of researching the book topic before writing. They demonstrate how to use Dibblycrate's research tab, particularly the Amazon search term analysis feature, to understand customer preferences and the competitive edge of similar books. The analysis provides insights into the strengths and weaknesses of competitor books and identifies keywords. The host then uses the title generator to create potential titles and subtitles for the book, selecting 'Decluttering Revolution' as the main title for SEO purposes and a descriptive subtitle.


πŸ“ Generating the Book Content with AI Assistance

After researching and deciding on a title, the host outlines the process of creating the book's outline using Dibblycrate's outline generator. They input details such as the book's title, genre, main topic, and a brief explanation. The AI then generates a detailed outline, including chapter summaries, subpoints, and bullet points. The host proceeds to write the book by pasting the chapter outline into the content writer, selecting the appropriate tone and target audience, and generating the content. They also mention the option to include sources for improved output quality.


✍️ Editing, Formatting, and Exporting the Completed Book

The host discusses the process of editing and adding personal touches to the AI-generated content to make it unique and reflective of the author's voice. They demonstrate how to use Dibblycrate's features to rewrite, correct grammar, and change the writing style. The content is then saved in the notes section and transferred to the book's sections for formatting. The host shows how to format the book, including adjusting margins, using drop caps, and customizing headers and footers. Finally, the host talks about exporting the book, which has been generated in a short amount of time, and emphasizes the importance of not compromising on quality when using AI writing tools. They conclude by mentioning Dibblycrate's pricing tiers and the efficiency it offers for authors, especially those for whom English is not their first language.



πŸ’‘AI tool

An AI tool refers to any software or application that uses artificial intelligence to perform tasks. In the context of the video, it is used to write a book quickly and efficiently. The script mentions using an AI tool called 'Dibbly Create' to generate book content, which is central to the video's theme of automating the book writing process.


Decluttering is the process of organizing and removing unnecessary items from one's living or working space to create a more efficient and peaceful environment. In the video, decluttering serves as the book's topic, which is chosen due to its profitability and relevance to the audience. The script discusses how to write a book on decluttering using AI, making it a key concept.

πŸ’‘Amazon Search Term Analysis

This is a feature within the AI tool that analyzes search terms on Amazon to understand customer preferences and market trends. It is used in the video to research the book topic, providing insights into what customers are looking for in a decluttering book. The script describes using this feature to find competitive edge and keyword information, which is vital for the book's success.

πŸ’‘Book Title Generator

A tool that suggests titles for books based on a given topic or description. In the video, the Book Title Generator is used to create potential titles for the book on decluttering. The script mentions generating titles like 'Decluttering Revolution', which is important for SEO and attracting the target audience.

πŸ’‘Book Outline

An outline is a structured plan that details the chapters and subheadings of a book. The video demonstrates the creation of a book outline using the AI tool, which is essential for organizing the content and ensuring a coherent flow of information. The script provides an example of an outline generated for the decluttering book, showcasing its detailed structure.

πŸ’‘Content Writer

A feature within the AI tool that writes the content of the book based on the provided outline and instructions. The video script explains how to use the Content Writer to generate the text for each chapter of the book on decluttering. This feature is crucial as it automates the writing process, saving time and effort.

πŸ’‘Keyword Analysis

This involves identifying the keywords that are most relevant to the book's topic, which can help improve the book's visibility in search results. In the video, keyword analysis is used to understand what terms are most important for a decluttering book, as mentioned in the script when discussing the output of the Amazon Search Term Analysis.

πŸ’‘Competitive Edge

The competitive edge refers to the unique features or aspects of a book that distinguish it from others in the same category. The video emphasizes the importance of identifying the competitive edge of successful books in the same niche to inform the creation of a new book. The script discusses using the AI tool to analyze and incorporate elements that give a book a competitive edge.

πŸ’‘Chapter Generation

This process involves using the AI tool to generate the text for each chapter of the book based on the outline and chosen style. The video script describes how each chapter of the decluttering book is created, from the introduction of concepts to practical tips, highlighting the efficiency of AI in expanding on the outline's bullet points.


Formatting refers to the arrangement and presentation of the book's text, including font choices, headings, and page layout. The video demonstrates how to format the book for publication using the AI tool's export feature. The script mentions customizing the title page, table of contents, and chapter headings to ensure a professional appearance.


Exporting is the process of converting the book's content into a format suitable for publishing or further editing. In the video, the AI-generated book on decluttering is exported with the final formatting applied. The script describes exporting the book as the last step before publishing, indicating the completion of the book creation process.


AI tool 'Dibbly Create' can write an entire book in less than an hour.

The AI can generate a book on a chosen topic, such as decluttering, which is a profitable niche.

Dibbly Create offers an AI assistant for grammar correction, content enrichment, and other writing assistance.

The tool provides various templates for outlining, describing, and researching the book topic.

Amazon Search Term Analysis helps understand customer preferences and competitive edge in the market.

Keyword analysis and competitive book analysis are used to inform the book's content and style.

The Title Generator creates title and subtitle ideas based on the topic and target audience.

An auto-generated outline provides a detailed structure for the book, including chapter summaries and bullet points.

The AI can pull reference links from online sources to enrich the book's content.

Content Writer feature allows for the generation of full chapters based on the provided outline.

The AI writing process can be customized with tone, writing style, and audience targeting for each chapter.

Generated chapters can be saved, edited, and formatted within the Dibbly Create platform.

The tool allows for professional formatting and export options for the final book product.

Dibbly Create is designed specifically for authors looking to publish books on Amazon KDP.

The tool saves time by automating the writing process, allowing authors to focus on editing and personalizing the content.

AI writing with Dibbly Create aims to produce higher quality books than traditional writing methods.

The platform offers a free tier and a paid tier for different levels of usage and features.

Dibbly Create provides a significant time and cost-saving advantage over other AI tools for book writing.