The Disturbing Linus Tech Tips Allegations

19 Aug 202337:01

TLDRThe transcript discusses the challenges faced by an individual working at Linus Tech Tips (LTT), highlighting issues such as excessive workload, social media management, and the pressure to maintain a professional standard. The individual eventually left the company due to the negative impact on their mental health. The conversation also touches on broader themes, including the unrealistic expectations placed on content creators, the lack of support for unionization, and the gender dynamics within the tech industry. Additionally, the script mentions a tragic incident involving a young content creator and the subsequent fallout within the community, emphasizing the complexity and seriousness of the issues raised.


  • 💻 The individual mentioned in the transcript worked at Linus Tech Tips (LTT) and faced significant work pressure, including high daily social media posting expectations.
  • 🧱 The work environment at LTT was described as negatively impacting mental health due to the heavy workload and expectations for content creation and management.
  • 🤝 The social media role required a high level of professionalism, including planning, filming, editing, and posting exclusive content across various platforms.
  • 📉 The individual felt that their role was undervalued and misunderstood by others who thought it was 'fun' or 'easy' to manage a social media presence for a major internet brand.
  • 😔 The individual experienced a toxic work culture, including being told not to complain and being subjected to a 'no drama' verbal contract after reporting inappropriate behavior in the office.
  • 🚫 The 'no drama' contract was seen as an attempt to silence the individual after they reported being inappropriately touched and other issues, leading to a feeling of being unsupported.
  • 🎭 The comparison was made between the demands on content creators and the unrealistic expectations set by publishers in the manga and light novel industries.
  • 👥 The narrative highlighted the challenges faced by women in the tech industry, including a lack of representation and being treated unfairly or being subjected to sexist comments.
  • 🤯 The discussion touched on the broader topic of worker rights and unionization, with the individual expressing support for unionization as a means to protect employees and ensure fair working conditions.
  • 📉 The individual's account led to a public response from LTT and its CEO, with the company denying the allegations and stating they have proactive measures in place for reporting workplace issues.
  • 🔄 The situation led to a broader conversation about the responsibilities of content creators, community management, and the impact of online actions on individuals' mental health and well-being.

Q & A

  • What was the main reason for the individual's decision to quit their role at LTT?

    -The main reason for quitting was that the working environment at LTT was ruining their mental health due to the high expectations and workload, including managing social media and sponsored content.

  • What was the daily social media expectation for the individual in their role at LTT?

    -The individual was expected to post a minimum of three tweets, two Instagram posts, and two TikTok videos per day, in addition to planning, filming, editing, and posting exclusive content.

  • How did the individual describe the challenge of maintaining a professional standard on social media?

    -The individual described it as infinitely harder than regular person tweeting due to the need to apply a high level of professionalism and curate content across multiple platforms, including editing and producing media with the right subject and presentation.

  • What was the individual's experience with the 'no drama' verbal contract?

    -The individual was asked to agree to a verbal no drama contract after expressing complaints about their job. This contract meant no complaints about work, and it came shortly after the individual had been inappropriately grabbed multiple times in the office.

  • What was the individual's perspective on the gender dynamics within the tech industry?

    -The individual noted that being a woman in tech can be challenging, with a significant risk of assault. They also mentioned that the industry has historically been more balanced in terms of gender but has become more male-dominated due to marketing and societal changes.

  • How did the individual describe their experience with the company's response to their complaints?

    -The individual felt belittled and ignored when they raised concerns about their workload and harassment. They were told they had bad time management skills and were not taken seriously.

  • What was the individual's view on the company's handling of their harassment case?

    -The individual felt barred from being in video and was not supported by the company. They were told they would not be able to find a job easily like others, implying a threat to their employment if they continued to voice their concerns.

  • How did the individual feel about the term 'bossy' being used to describe them?

    -The individual felt that being called 'bossy' was a sexist remark, often used to undermine women's authority and assertiveness in the workplace. They argued that it is an infantilizing term that dismisses women's professional concerns.

  • What was the individual's experience with the company's expectations of overtime and time off?

    -The individual felt pressured to work excessive hours and was even told off for taking sick days. They shared an extreme measure of cutting their leg to get a day off without harassment, highlighting the toxic work culture.

  • What was the individual's stance on the idea of unionization within the company?

    -The individual implied that unionization could have provided them with better protections and support against the unfair treatment and work conditions they experienced. They felt that the company's resistance to unionization was a red flag.

  • What was the individual's overall impression of the company's culture and management?

    -The individual felt that the company's culture and management were toxic, with a lack of support and understanding for employees' struggles. They experienced sexism, harassment, and overwork, and felt that the company prioritized image and profits over employee well-being.



💡 Workload and Mental Health Struggles at LTT

The speaker discusses their decision to leave their role at Linus Tech Tips (LTT) due to the detrimental impact of the working environment on their mental health. They detail the high expectations and demanding social media responsibilities, including a rigorous posting schedule across various platforms. The speaker also highlights the challenges of maintaining a professional standard in content creation, which was often misunderstood by others as being an easy task. Additionally, they were responsible for managing and scheduling sponsored content, further contributing to their workload. The speaker emphasizes the common misconception that jobs in the entertainment and tech industries are always enjoyable, despite the reality of long hours and high stress.


🚨 Experiences of Harassment and Unfair Treatment

The speaker shares their experiences of being inappropriately touched in the office and the subsequent backlash they faced for speaking out about it. They were excluded from appearing in videos, which was a direct response to their complaints about harassment. The speaker also discusses the broader issue of women in tech, noting the historical gender balance in the industry and how it shifted as computers became more accessible to the general public. They express frustration with the sexist attitudes they encountered, including being labeled as 'bossy' for asserting themselves in a professional context. The speaker also criticizes the company's handling of their complaints, including being subjected to a 'no drama' verbal contract and being belittled in meetings.


🤝 Unionization and Worker Protections

The conversation turns to the topic of unionization and worker protections, with the speaker questioning the company's stance on forming a union. They express disbelief at the idea that a company's workers wanting to unionize is seen as a failure on the part of the employer. The speaker argues that even the best bosses may not always align with the interests of their staff, and unions provide a necessary counterbalance and a platform for addressing workplace issues. They also discuss the importance of class dynamics and the influence of ideology on business practices, emphasizing that personal virtue alone cannot overcome systemic issues within a company.


🤔 Corporate Culture and Accountability

The speaker reflects on the corporate culture at Linus Tech Tips and the accountability of the company in the face of allegations of misconduct and overworking employees. They express skepticism towards the company's public statements, which they feel are deflecting from the specific accusations and focusing instead on protecting the company's image. The speaker also discusses the emotional response of the company's founder, Linus, to the allegations and suggests that this reaction indicates a personal investment in the situation that may not be productive. They argue that a more constructive approach would involve directly addressing the claims and working towards a resolution.


💬 Narrative Trustworthiness and the Impact of Workplace Environment

The speaker considers the impact of a difficult workplace environment on an individual's mental state and their ability to accurately recount events. They acknowledge that while the allegations made by a former employee suggest a pattern of mistreatment, the extreme actions taken by the employee, such as self-harm to take a day off, introduce doubt about their overall trustworthiness. The speaker also discusses the broader context of the drama surrounding Linus Tech Tips, including other allegations of misconduct and ethical issues. They express a desire for more information to fully understand and address the situation.


🌐 Community Toxicity and its Consequences

The speaker addresses the issue of community toxicity, particularly in relation to the actions of the Linus Tech Tips fan base. They recount a tragic story of a young person who took their own life after experiencing online harassment, which they attribute in part to the negative behavior of the community. The speaker questions the responsibility of the company and its figurehead, Linus, in managing and guiding the behavior of their audience. They argue that while it is important to moderate online communities, placing the blame for individual actions on the company or its leader may not be entirely fair, considering the complex interplay of personal circumstances and broader societal issues.


🎭 Misunderstandings and the Legacy of a Name

The speaker humorously addresses a misunderstanding about the name 'Linus' in relation to the Linux operating system. They express surprise at the connection between the two and joke about the implications of this realization. The speaker also briefly touches on the broader topic of community perceptions and the impact of a company's or individual's reputation, suggesting that misunderstandings and misattributions can shape public discourse in unexpected ways.




Workload refers to the amount of work expected to be done by an individual or a team within a given period. In the context of the video, it is used to describe the excessive and demanding tasks assigned to the employee, which contributed to their mental health struggles. The script mentions the expectation to post a high number of social media content daily, indicating an unrealistic workload that is not sustainable for one person.

💡Mental Health

Mental health pertains to an individual's psychological and emotional well-being. In the video, the employee cites the negative impact of their work environment on their mental health as a reason for quitting their role. It highlights the importance of a balanced work environment and the potential consequences of neglecting employees' mental health.

💡Social Media Management

Social media management involves the coordination and administration of a company's social media presence, including content creation, audience engagement, and monitoring of performance metrics. In the video, the employee's role required them to manage multiple social media platforms for the company, which included creating and curating content at a high professional standard.


Professionalism refers to the level of skill, competence, and conduct demonstrated in a professional setting. In the context of the video, it highlights the expectation for the employee to maintain a high level of professionalism in their social media content, which is often misunderstood as an easy task by outsiders but is actually quite demanding and requires a specific set of skills.

💡Sponsored Content

Sponsored content refers to promotional material that is paid for by an advertiser and created by the publisher, typically to promote a product, service, or brand. In the video, the employee was responsible for managing, planning, and scheduling sponsored content across social media platforms, excluding YouTube, which adds to the complexity and workload of their role.

💡Workplace Environment

Workplace environment refers to the conditions, culture, and overall atmosphere within a workspace that can influence employee satisfaction, productivity, and well-being. The video discusses how the employee found their workplace environment to be detrimental to their mental health due to the high demands and expectations of their role.


Unionization is the process of forming or joining a labor union, which is an organization of workers that aims to protect and promote the rights and interests of its members in the workplace. In the video, the discussion around unionization touches on the potential benefits for employees in terms of collective bargaining power and protection against unfair labor practices.

💡Sexual Harassment

Sexual harassment is unwanted and inappropriate sexual advances, comments, or behaviors in a workplace or professional setting. In the video, the employee alleges experiencing sexual harassment, which is a serious violation of workplace conduct and can have severe emotional and psychological consequences for the victim.


Discrimination refers to the unfair or unjust treatment of individuals or groups based on characteristics such as gender, race, or other attributes. In the context of the video, the employee experiences discrimination in the form of sexist comments and being treated unfairly due to their gender.

💡Toxic Work Culture

Toxic work culture refers to a negative and harmful environment within an organization that can lead to employee dissatisfaction, stress, and turnover. In the video, the employee describes a work culture that fosters excessive workload, lack of support, and inappropriate behavior, contributing to a toxic atmosphere.

💡Employee Rights

Employee rights are the legal protections and entitlements granted to workers, which ensure fair treatment, safe working conditions, and opportunities for growth and development. In the video, the discussion around unionization and the employee's experiences highlight the importance of advocating for and upholding employee rights in the workplace.


The discussion begins with an individual sharing their limited knowledge about Linus and Tech Tips, having only watched one video while assembling a computer.

A person named Madison, also known as suap, who presumably worked with LTT, shares their experience of feeling overwhelmed with the workload and social media responsibilities.

Madison decided to quit their role at LTT due to the working environment negatively affecting their mental health.

The expectation to maintain a high level of professionalism on social media platforms, such as posting a certain number of tweets and engaging on TikTok daily, is highlighted as being challenging.

The individual was also expected to manage, plan, and execute sponsored content on social media, excluding YouTube, which they found to be an unrealistic workload for one person.

The discussion touches on the common misconception that certain jobs, especially in the creative and tech industries, are easy and enjoyable, when in reality they can be demanding and stressful.

The comparison is made to the manga and light novel industries in Japan, where creators are expected to produce a high volume of work under intense time pressures.

The issue of workers in prestigious jobs feeling ungrateful for complaining about their work conditions is addressed, with the example of a manga creator's difficult work schedule.

The individual shares their experience of being told not to complain about their job, despite the excessive workload and pressure they faced.

A story is shared about an individual who, after complaining about their job, was asked if they thought others would have difficulty finding employment, implying their job was enviable.

The concept of a 'no drama' verbal contract is introduced, which the individual was asked to agree to after expressing concerns about their work environment.

The discussion includes the individual's experience of being inappropriately touched in the office and feeling that their complaints were not taken seriously.

The challenges faced by women in the tech industry are discussed, including the historical context and current issues of gender imbalance and harassment.

The term 'bossy' is highlighted as a sexist way to describe women in the workplace, especially when they assert themselves or take on leadership roles.

The individual shares their experience of being labeled as 'bossy' and 'argumentative' for expressing their opinions and asserting their needs at work.

The discussion addresses the issue of a company's CEO, Linus, publicly offering someone a job without discussing the terms privately, which is seen as unprofessional and coercive.

The individual recounts being sent to the ER due to self-inflicted injury as a means to take a day off work without facing harassment for doing so.

The issue of unionization and worker protections is discussed, with the individual sharing their belief that unionization would be beneficial for addressing workplace issues.

The CEO of Linus Tech Tips, Sebastian, responds to allegations by stating the company will hire an outside investigator and publish the findings, indicating a commitment to transparency and addressing concerns.

The comparison is made between the responses of Linus and Sebastian, the new CEO, with the latter's response seen as more appropriate and convincing in addressing the allegations.