I Paid People on Fiverr to Monetize My YouTube Channel (It Actually Worked!)

Kevin - Financial Tutor
10 Mar 202110:29

TLDRThe video explores the possibility of monetizing a YouTube channel by purchasing subscribers and watch hours through Fiverr. The creator tests various services, ranging from cheap to expensive, and documents the outcomes. Despite initial failures with low-cost services, a higher-priced service eventually helps the channel meet YouTube's monetization criteria. However, the creator advises caution for long-term YouTube endeavors due to potential risks of detection and account penalties by YouTube.


  • 💡 YouTubers can earn significant income through ad revenue, with some channels making hundreds of thousands of dollars monthly.
  • 🚀 The video explores the possibility of using Fiverr to pay for promotion to reach YouTube's monetization thresholds (1,000 subscribers and 4,000 hours of watch time).
  • 📈 The creator's largest YouTube channel has over a hundred thousand subscribers and 44 million views, but the challenge was initially getting the first 1,000 subscribers.
  • 🧐 The experiment involves using a new channel, 'Shark Tank Reviews', with low initial views and subscribers to test the effectiveness of Fiverr services.
  • 💸 Two types of tests are conducted: cheap services to buy subscribers and watch hours, and later, more expensive services to meet the monetization criteria.
  • 📉 The initial cheap services result in temporary increases in subscribers and views, but these are not sustained, leading to failures in meeting the monetization goals.
  • 🤔 After several unsuccessful attempts with low-cost services, the creator decides to invest more money in a higher-priced service to test its effectiveness.
  • 🎉 The expensive service leads to a sustained increase in subscribers and watch hours, allowing the channel to meet YouTube's monetization criteria.
  • 🛑 Despite concerns about abnormal watch time averages, the channel is accepted into the YouTube Partnership Program and begins earning ad revenue.
  • 🔄 The creator advises against using such methods for long-term YouTube endeavors due to potential risks of account deletion or penalties.
  • 🤔 The video concludes that while it is possible to monetize a YouTube channel through paid promotion on Fiverr, the approach depends on individual circumstances and long-term goals.

Q & A

  • What is the main topic of the video?

    -The main topic of the video is the exploration of using Fiverr to pay for services that promote a YouTube channel, with the goal of reaching the threshold for monetization through increasing subscribers and watch time.

  • What was the initial state of the YouTube channel 'Shark Tank Reviews'?

    -The 'Shark Tank Reviews' YouTube channel initially had 11 subscribers and 6 videos, with the highest video having 151 views.

  • What were the two key metrics the video aimed to achieve for the channel to be eligible for monetization?

    -The two key metrics were reaching 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 hours of watch time, which are requirements for YouTube channel monetization.

  • What was the first service purchased on Fiverr and what was the outcome?

    -The first service purchased on Fiverr was a cheap promotion service for $11, which promised 'super fast, organic YouTube video channel promotion and marketing with results'. The outcome was a temporary increase in subscribers to 107, but most were lost within a couple of days, resulting in a net gain of only about 6 subscribers.

  • What was the result of the second cheap service purchased on Fiverr?

    -The second cheap service also resulted in a temporary spike in subscribers, but again, all were lost within a couple of days. There was no significant impact on watch hours or views.

  • How much was spent on the third service on Fiverr that actually helped in gaining subscribers and watch time?

    -The third service cost $231, which was more expensive than the previous attempts. This service led to a significant and sustained increase in subscribers and watch time, contributing to the channel's eligibility for monetization.

  • What happened after the third service was purchased and the channel was close to being monetized?

    -After the third service, the seller was kicked off Fiverr and the order was canceled. However, the channel had already gained enough subscribers and watch time to apply for the YouTube Partnership Program.

  • Was the YouTube channel eventually accepted into the YouTube Partnership Program?

    -Yes, despite the concerns about potentially inflated watch times, the channel was accepted into the YouTube Partnership Program.

  • What was the outcome of the creator's experiment with YouTube ad revenue after being accepted into the program?

    -After being accepted into the YouTube Partnership Program, the creator was able to put ads on all their videos and started earning ad revenue, although it was not a substantial amount.

  • What is the creator's recommendation for others considering using Fiverr to monetize their YouTube channels?

    -The creator advises that it depends on the individual's situation. For those looking for a long-term YouTube career, they recommend against it due to the risk of YouTube flagging and deleting the channel. However, for those seeking an additional income source and not planning on long-term YouTube commitment, they see it as a viable option.

  • What was the creator's final verdict on the possibility of monetizing a YouTube channel through paid services on Fiverr?

    -The creator concluded that it is indeed possible to monetize a YouTube channel through paid services on Fiverr, which was surprising to them as they initially did not believe there were shortcuts to achieving monetization.



🚀 Exploring YouTube Monetization Shortcuts

The video begins with the revelation that YouTubers can earn significant income from ad revenue. The creator discusses their past experience with a successful YouTube channel and introduces an experiment to monetize a new channel named 'Shark Tank Reviews' by purchasing subscribers and watch hours on Fiverr. The aim is to reach the threshold of 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 hours of watch time to enable monetization. The creator shares their skepticism about buying subscribers but is willing to test the method on their new channel.


💸 Investing in YouTube Growth Services

After initial attempts with cheap services on Fiverr, the creator decides to invest more money in an effort to monetize their channel. They find a service that promises legitimate results and spend $231 on it. After a few months, the channel experiences a significant increase in subscribers, but the creator receives a notification that the order was canceled and the seller is no longer active on Fiverr. Despite this setback, the creator continues their pursuit of monetization by purchasing additional watch hours, ultimately achieving the required 4,000 hours and successfully applying for the YouTube Partnership Program.


🤔 Weighing the Pros and Cons of Shortcut Monetization

The creator reflects on their experience with monetizing a YouTube channel through Fiverr services. They express mixed feelings about the approach, warning that while it can provide a quicker path to monetization, it may not be sustainable for long-term YouTube success due to potential risks of being flagged or penalized by YouTube. The creator suggests that those looking for a secondary income source might consider this method, but advises caution for those planning to commit fully to YouTube as a career. The video concludes with the creator's channel still active and earning some ad revenue, despite not uploading new content since joining the partnership program.



💡YouTube Ad Revenue

YouTube Ad Revenue refers to the income generated from advertisements displayed on YouTube videos. In the context of the video, it is the primary motivation for the creator to grow their channel and reach the platform's monetization threshold. The creator discusses how certain channels can earn substantial amounts of money through this revenue stream, highlighting the financial potential of YouTube as a platform for content creators.


Subscribers are users who choose to follow a YouTube channel to receive updates on new content. In the video, the creator's goal is to reach 1,000 subscribers, which is a requirement for monetizing a YouTube channel. The number of subscribers is seen as a measure of a channel's popularity and credibility, and the creator explores various methods to increase this number, including purchasing subscribers through Fiverr.

💡Watch Time

Watch Time is the total amount of time that viewers spend watching videos on a YouTube channel. It is a critical metric for YouTube's algorithm and is necessary for a channel to become eligible for monetization. The creator aims to achieve 4,000 hours of watch time, which, along with the subscriber count, is a requirement for joining the YouTube Partnership Program. The video discusses the creator's attempts to boost watch time through various means, including purchasing services on Fiverr.


Fiverr is an online marketplace where freelancers offer services, including digital marketing and social media promotion. In the video, the creator uses Fiverr to find and purchase services designed to increase their YouTube channel's subscribers and watch time. The platform is portrayed as a potential shortcut to achieving YouTube's monetization requirements, although the creator also shares the risks and uncertainties associated with this approach.


Monetization refers to the process of generating income from a digital asset or platform, such as a YouTube channel. In the video, the main objective is to monetize the YouTube channel by meeting certain criteria, namely gaining 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 hours of watch time. The creator explores various methods to achieve this, including organic growth and purchasing services on Fiverr, to unlock the ability to earn ad revenue from YouTube.

💡YouTube Partnership Program

The YouTube Partnership Program is an initiative by YouTube that allows content creators to monetize their channels through ad revenue sharing. To qualify for the program, channels must meet specific requirements, including a minimum number of subscribers and watch time. In the video, the creator's ultimate goal is to join this program to start earning money from their videos, and they discuss the challenges and strategies involved in reaching the eligibility criteria.


Scams refer to fraudulent schemes or deceptions designed to exploit individuals, often for financial gain. In the context of the video, the creator is concerned about the possibility of being scammed when purchasing services on Fiverr to increase their YouTube subscribers and watch time. They share their experiences and caution viewers to be vigilant when seeking such services.

💡Content Creation

Content creation is the process of producing and publishing digital content, such as videos, for online platforms like YouTube. The video features a content creator who shares their journey and strategies for growing a YouTube channel, including the challenges of producing engaging content that can attract and retain subscribers.


Shorts, in the context of the video, refers to short videos that the creator makes reviews of. The creator's channel 'Shark Tank Reviews' initially focused on reviewing shorting products, which they believed to be a good idea for content creation. However, the video discusses the challenges of growing such a channel and the creator's attempts to increase its visibility and subscribers through various means.


The algorithm, in the context of YouTube, refers to the platform's system for recommending videos to users based on their viewing habits and other factors. The video implies that understanding and optimizing for YouTube's algorithm is crucial for content creators to increase their views, subscribers, and overall channel growth. The creator's experiences suggest that meeting certain thresholds, like watch time and subscribers, may influence how the algorithm promotes their content.

💡Financial Tutor

The term 'Financial Tutor' is used in the video to refer to the content creator, Kevin, who shares his experiences and knowledge about YouTube monetization. He positions himself as a guide or mentor, offering advice and insights to help others navigate the process of earning money through YouTube. His role as a financial tutor is to educate viewers on the potential and pitfalls of monetizing a YouTube channel.


YouTubers can make a substantial amount of money from ad revenue.

Some YouTube channels have released their ad revenues, showing earnings of over a hundred thousand dollars per month.

The video explores the possibility of paying for promotion on Fiverr to reach 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 hours of watch time, the threshold for monetizing a YouTube channel.

The speaker's biggest YouTube channel had over a hundred thousand subscribers and 44 million views.

The hardest part of the speaker's experience was getting the first 1,000 subscribers.

The experiment involves a new YouTube channel called 'Shark Tank Reviews' with only 11 subscribers and 6 videos.

On Fiverr, there are over 1,100 listings for YouTube watch hours and almost 2,400 for YouTube subscribers.

The first service purchased on Fiverr for $11 promised organic promotion but resulted in a temporary increase followed by a loss of subscribers.

A second, more expensive service on Fiverr also failed to provide lasting results, with a similar pattern of increase and loss of subscribers.

A third, more expensive service led to a significant and lasting increase in subscribers and watch hours, allowing the channel to apply for the YouTube Partnership Program.

Despite concerns about abnormal watch time averages, the channel was accepted into the YouTube Partnership Program.

Once accepted, the channel immediately started earning ad revenue, even without uploading new videos.

The speaker advises against using such methods for those planning long-term YouTube careers due to the risk of future penalties.

For those seeking an additional income source, the method might be worth considering, as it could potentially save a significant amount of time.

The experiment proved that it is possible to monetize a YouTube channel by paying for promotion, which was a surprising discovery for the speaker.

After monetization, there was an increase in views, possibly because YouTube benefits from showing more of the channel's content.

The speaker recommends watching another video for tips on buying or selling YouTube channels without getting scammed.

The video concludes with the speaker's mixed feelings about recommending such methods for monetizing YouTube channels.