I found the EASIEST niche to BLOW UP on YouTube Short 🤯

InVideo For Content Creators
15 Jan 202408:01

TLDRDiscover the secret to rapid growth on YouTube Shorts by focusing on viral niches like animal facts. A channel leveraging dog facts has gained over 130,000 subscribers and 30 million views. Utilize AI tools like InVideo AI to create engaging, monetizable content quickly, selecting from a vast library of royalty-free素材. Customize videos with specific prompts, language, and structure for a dramatic, fast-paced nature documentary style that educates and entertains viewers.


  • 🚀 The easiest viral niche for YouTube Shorts is creating simple videos about dog facts, which can quickly grow a channel with high view counts.
  • 📈 A channel with only 22 videos reached over 130,000 subscribers and 30 million views, averaging over a million views per video.
  • 💰 The potential to earn thousands of dollars exists by creating engaging YouTube Shorts with valuable, original, and non-repetitive content using non-copyrighted materials.
  • 🔍 For inspiration, reference successful channels and filter their most popular Shorts to understand trending topics within the niche.
  • 🤖 AI tools like InVideo can be used to create publish-ready YouTube Shorts from a simple text prompt without the need for manual video editing.
  • 🎥 The AI tool selects relevant footage, music, and voiceover, ensuring royalty-free content for monetization.
  • 📝 When using AI, provide detailed prompts for the topic, desired language style, video mood, pacing, and music preference.
  • 🎬 The AI-generated first draft can be previewed, edited, or exported as is, with changes easily made through additional prompts.
  • 🔄 If不满意 with AI results, use the undo feature to revert to previous versions or make specific edits using the edit options.
  • 💸 To download videos without watermarks, upgrade to a paid plan with the AI tool, which is $20 per month for unlimited usage.
  • 📅 Consistently create and publish videos using AI tools to maintain and grow channel success, with a focus on catchy titles and interesting thumbnails.

Q & A

  • What niche has been identified as the easiest for growing a YouTube channel quickly?

    -The easiest niche identified for quickly growing a YouTube channel is creating YouTube shorts about animal facts, specifically dog facts.

  • How many subscribers did the mentioned YouTube channel have with just 22 videos?

    -The YouTube channel mentioned had over 130,000 subscribers with just 22 videos.

  • What is the average number of views per video for the channel described in the transcript?

    -The average number of views per video for the channel is over a million, as the channel has over 30 million views.

  • What is the importance of using non-copyrighted materials when creating YouTube shorts?

    -Using non-copyrighted materials ensures that the videos can be monetized, as long as they are valuable, original, and non-repetitious.

  • What AI tool is recommended for creating YouTube shorts without video editing skills?

    -InVideo AI is recommended for creating YouTube shorts without video editing skills, as it can produce a publish-ready video from a simple text prompt.

  • How can one generate ideas for YouTube short videos in the animal facts niche?

    -One can generate ideas by looking at reference channels in the niche, filtering their shorts by popularity, and asking an AI tool like chatgbd for video ideas in the field of animal facts.

  • What is the recommended structure for writing a prompt for InVideo AI?

    -The recommended structure includes detailing the topic, using the title as a hook, specifying language and structure instructions, setting the mood, pacing, music, and aim of the video, and choosing the voiceover and subtitles.

  • How long does it take for InVideo AI to create a first draft of a YouTube short video?

    -InVideo AI can create a first draft of a YouTube short video in just a few minutes.

  • What features does InVideo AI offer for editing and customizing the generated videos?

    -InVideo AI offers features such as changing facts, voiceover, adding subtitles, and replacing clips from its stock library for editing and customizing the generated videos.

  • What is the cost for downloading videos without watermarks from InVideo AI?

    -To download videos without watermarks from InVideo AI, one has to upgrade to a paid plan, which costs $20 per month.

  • How often can one create videos on InVideo AI when starting out?

    -When starting out, one can create up to four videos a week on InVideo AI for free.



🌟 Viral Animal Facts: The Secret to YouTube Short Success

This paragraph introduces a successful YouTube channel that has rapidly grown to over 130,000 subscribers by creating engaging YouTube shorts focused on animal facts. The channel's videos have amassed over 30 million views, averaging a million views per video, and likely generate significant revenue. The key to their success is the creation of simple, captivating content about dog facts and other animals. The speaker emphasizes the potential of animal fact videos on YouTube and introduces an AI tool that can simplify the video creation process, allowing for monetization as long as the content is original, non-repetitive, and uses non-copyrighted materials. The paragraph outlines a strategy for finding the right niche idea by studying reference channels and identifying trending topics. It also provides a step-by-step guide on how to use the AI tool, InVideo AI, to create a publish-ready YouTube short by inputting a simple text prompt.


🎥 Crafting Engaging Content with AI: A Step-by-Step Guide

The second paragraph delves into the specifics of using the AI tool, InVideo AI, to create engaging YouTube short videos. It describes the process of selecting the right topic, writing a compelling prompt, and customizing the video's language, structure, and mood. The speaker demonstrates how to input detailed instructions for the AI, including the choice of voiceover and the desired pace and style of the video. The paragraph also covers the ease of making changes to the AI-generated content, such as altering facts, voiceover, or video clips. It showcases the transformation of a basic idea into a polished, informative, and entertaining video about bats, highlighting the capabilities of AI in enhancing video content creation. The speaker encourages viewers to embrace AI tools like InVideo AI to elevate their YouTube channels and create content regularly, while also mentioning the option of a free trial and affordable subscription for advanced features.



💡YouTube Shorts

YouTube Shorts is a feature on the YouTube platform that allows users to create and share short, vertical videos, typically under one minute in length. In the context of the video script, YouTube Shorts are being utilized as a content format to quickly grow a channel's subscriber base and generate views by focusing on easily consumable, engaging content.

💡Viral Niche

A viral niche refers to a specific topic or theme that has the potential to become very popular and widely shared on social media platforms, such as YouTube. In the video script, the creator has identified a niche related to animal facts, particularly focusing on dogs, as a means to quickly gain traction and views on YouTube Shorts.


Monetization in the context of YouTube refers to the process of earning revenue from the content that creators publish on their channels. This can be achieved through various methods, such as ad revenue, sponsorships, and merchandise sales. The script clarifies that as long as the videos are original, non-repetitive, and use non-copyrighted materials, they can be monetized even when created with AI tools.

💡AI Tool

An AI tool, in the context of the video, refers to artificial intelligence software that assists in the creation of content, such as videos. The script mentions the use of an AI tool called 'in video AI' which can generate a complete YouTube Short based on a text prompt, including scriptwriting, video editing, and adding voiceovers and music.


Royalty-free means that once a one-time payment is made for the use of certain content, such as music or footage, the user is allowed to use that content indefinitely without having to pay additional royalties. In the script, it is mentioned that the AI tool provides 100% royalty-free music and voiceover for the videos, ensuring that the content can be monetized without copyright issues.


Subscribers on YouTube are users who have chosen to follow a channel, thereby opting to receive notifications when new content is uploaded. The number of subscribers is often seen as a measure of a channel's popularity and reach. In the video script, the rapid growth in subscribers is used as evidence of the effectiveness of focusing on a viral niche and using AI tools to create content.


Views on YouTube represent the number of times a video has been watched or viewed by users. High view counts are indicative of a video's popularity and reach. In the context of the video script, the channel's videos have amassed over 30 million views, with each video receiving an average of a million views, demonstrating the channel's success in creating engaging content.


A voiceover is a recording of a voice that is used in audiovisual productions, such as videos, to provide additional information or commentary. In the video script, the AI tool is used to generate a voiceover for the YouTube Shorts, which adds narration to the video content and enhances the viewer's experience.

💡Stock Clips

Stock clips refer to pre-recorded video footage or images that can be licensed for use in other productions. In the context of the video script, the AI tool sources stock clips from its library of over 8 million assets to visually support the information presented in the YouTube Shorts.


Editing in the context of video production involves the process of selecting and arranging footage, adding effects, and fine-tuning the final product to create a cohesive narrative. The script describes how the AI tool simplifies the editing process by automatically generating a draft video that is ready for publishing, with the option for creators to make further adjustments as needed.


Discovered the easiest viral niche for YouTube Shorts with minimal effort.

A YouTube channel grew to 130,000 subscribers with just 22 videos focusing on dog facts.

The channel has over 30 million views, averaging a million views per video.

Creating simple YouTube Shorts about animal facts can lead to significant earnings.

AI tools can be used to create videos with non-copyrighted materials for monetization.

Reference channels can provide insights into trending topics within a niche.

Chat GBD can generate 20 YouTube short ideas in the field of animal facts.

Selecting a niche with less content can offer opportunities to stand out.

InVideo AI can produce a publish-ready YouTube video from a simple text prompt.

The AI tool provides 100% royalty-free footage, music, and voiceover.

A detailed prompt is crucial for generating a powerful video title and content.

The workflow for YouTube Shorts simplifies the video creation process.

AI-generated videos can be edited easily for adjustments or specific changes.

The AI tool can replace specific clips from its stock library for improved content.

Exporting and publishing AI-generated videos can significantly boost a YouTube channel.

A catchy title and interesting thumbnail are essential for video success.

InVideo's paid plan at $20/month is recommended for serious YouTube content creators.