I paid a stranger $30 to render my project

Daniel Titchener
30 Jul 202012:41

TLDRThe video presents a unique challenge where the host pays various artists on Fiverr to render their compact bathroom project. Starting with a $30 render by Luanggul 201, which, despite inaccuracies, delivers a decent representation for the price, the host then reviews more expensive options. Den Ark's $50 render stands out for its attention to detail and high-quality output, including two images with and without accessories. Despite higher costs, other artists fail to match Den Ark's quality, with issues ranging from streaking to incorrect details. The video concludes with the host praising Fiverr's ability to connect with talented artists worldwide for affordable, high-quality creative work, and encourages viewers to consider using the platform for their design needs.


  • {"🏠":"The video discusses the challenges of photographing or filming small spaces like bathrooms due to limited angles and space constraints."}
  • {"🌟":"The sponsor, Fiverr, challenges the creator to use their platform to hire visualization artists to showcase a compact bathroom design."}
  • {"💡":"The creator drafts a brief and sends it to several CGI artists on Fiverr, along with drawings, a sketchup model, and photographs of the space."}
  • {"💵":"Different artists offer various pricing tiers for their services, ranging from $30 to $250, reflecting different levels of detail and revisions."}
  • {"🔍":"The creator reviews the renders received from the artists, noting the accuracy, lighting, and attention to detail in each one."}
  • {"🎨":"Artist 'Den Ark' stands out for the quality and detail of the renders provided, especially considering the $50 price point."}
  • {"🚿":"Some artists made mistakes such as incorrect rendering of fixtures or materials, or not adhering to the provided design details."}
  • {"":"Higher priced does not always correlate with better quality, as evidenced by the $250 render which had noticeable issues."}
  • {"🌈":"The video emphasizes the value and accessibility of creative services on Fiverr, which can be utilized for a wide range of projects."}
  • {"👍":"The creator commends all artists for their work, acknowledging that for most people's needs, the renders would be more than sufficient."}
  • {"📈":"The video concludes by highlighting how platforms like Fiverr have democratized access to professional creative services at affordable prices."}

Q & A

  • What was the main challenge the video presenter faced when trying to showcase their minimalist home's bathroom?

    -The main challenge was that small spaces like bathrooms are incredibly difficult to film or photograph, as the camera is often backed up against the wall and unable to fit everything in the frame.

  • What was the solution proposed to overcome the difficulty of showcasing a small bathroom space?

    -The solution was to use visualization artists from Fiverr to create realistic renders of the bathroom design.

  • What was the range of prices for the different visualization services offered on Fiverr?

    -The prices ranged from $30 to $250 for the services, with varying levels of quality and complexity.

  • Which visualization artist provided the most impressive results for the lowest price?

    -Den Ark provided the most impressive results for a price of $50, offering high-quality, photo-realistic interior renders.

  • What was the issue with the visualization provided by the artist who claimed to be an architect?

    -The issue was that there were several inaccuracies and lack of attention to detail, such as incorrect mirror frame color, wrong shower screen, missing shower tray, and no door frame.

  • How did the presenter feel about the final results from the Fiverr Pro at the highest price point?

    -The presenter was disappointed with the results from the Fiverr Pro at $250, as there were noticeable issues like the absence of a door frame and odd flush plate appearance.

  • What was the presenter's overall conclusion about the quality of work that could be obtained from Fiverr artists?

    -The presenter concluded that it is possible to get high-quality, professional work at a low cost from Fiverr artists, but it also highlighted that the quality can vary significantly, and not all artists deliver as expected.

  • What additional services does Fiverr offer apart from visualization and 3D renderings?

    -Fiverr offers a vast array of additional services such as logo design, writing, audio production, and more.

  • How did the presenter summarize the impact of Fiverr on the creative field?

    -The presenter summarized that Fiverr has made it possible to access a global pool of talented artists for a fraction of the cost that would have been required traditionally, democratizing access to professional creative services.

  • What was the presenter's recommendation for people considering a design project or home remodeling?

    -The presenter highly recommended checking out Fiverr's services for anyone undertaking a design project or remodeling their home, due to the high quality and affordability of the work.

  • How did the presenter acknowledge the Fiverr artists' work in the video?

    -The presenter acknowledged the Fiverr artists' work by heavily critiquing the images and appreciating the incredible work they had done, especially considering the low price point.

  • What was the final verdict on which artist provided the best visualization for the bathroom project?

    -The final verdict was that Den Ark was the winner of the challenge, providing four high-quality images for $50.



🎨 Collaborating with Fiverr Artists for a Bathroom Design Visualization

The video introduces a challenge to showcase a compact bathroom design through Fiverr, where the host engages with various visualization artists. The aim is to present the bathroom's design effectively, despite the difficulties of photographing small spaces. The host outlines a plan to brief several CGI artists, providing them with drawings, a sketchup model, and photographs. The artists are selected based on their service offerings and prices, ranging from $30 to $250, and the host anticipates receiving diverse renderings to compare and critique.


📐 Reviewing and Comparing the Quality of Renders from Fiverr Artists

The host reviews the renders received from different Fiverr artists, starting with the $30 render from Luanggul 201, which, despite inaccuracies, is considered decent for the price. The $50 render from Den Ark impresses with its attention to detail and creativity, including accessories not requested by the host. The $70 render from Next Architect, despite the artist's architectural background, falls short with inaccuracies and lack of detail. Natalie Cursed 847's $90 render has good elements but several inaccuracies, and Palmyra Romo's $95 render is warm and detailed, though it required revisions. The host discusses the importance of accuracy and attention to detail in visualizations and how these can impact the overall impression of the design.


🏆 Den Ark's Render Wins the Challenge; Discussing the Value of Fiverr Services

The host concludes the video by reviewing the more expensive renders, including the $200 render from Dream Build 25 and the $250 render from the Fiverr Pro Chill, which did not meet expectations. Den Ark's $50 render is declared the winner, offering four high-quality images that the host praises for their detail and value for money. The host emphasizes the accessibility and affordability of creative services on Fiverr, which has democratized access to professional visualizations. The video ends with a recommendation for viewers to consider Fiverr for their design projects and a thank you to Fiverr and the viewers.



💡Minimalist Home

A minimalist home is a living space that is intentionally stripped down to the essentials, often characterized by simplicity, functionality, and an absence of clutter. In the video, the host discusses the challenge of showcasing a minimalist home's compact bathroom through photography or video due to the small size of the space.

💡Visualization Artists

Visualization artists are professionals who create visual representations of designs, often using computer-generated imagery (CGI). In the context of the video, the host hires visualization artists on Fiverr to render images of their home's bathroom, showcasing the artists' ability to bring a design to life visually.


Fiverr is an online marketplace for freelance services, where people can offer their skills in various fields, such as graphic design, writing, and architecture. In the video, Fiverr sponsors the project and provides a platform for the host to hire visualization artists to render their bathroom design.

💡Photorealistic Interior Renders

Photorealistic interior renders are digital images created with such high quality and detail that they closely resemble actual photographs. The host is seeking these renders to effectively showcase their bathroom design, as seen in the work of the artist Den Ark, whose renders are praised for their attention to detail and realism.

💡Sketchup Model

A Sketchup model refers to a three-dimensional model created using the Sketchup software, which is often used by architects and designers to visualize and plan spaces. In the video, the host mentions sending a rough Sketchup model to the visualization artists to help them understand the layout and design of the bathroom.

💡CGI Artists

CGI stands for Computer-Generated Imagery, and CGI artists are those who specialize in creating digital visual content, often for films, video games, or architectural visualizations. In the video, the host interacts with several CGI artists on Fiverr to create rendered images of their home's bathroom.


Rendering in the context of computer graphics is the process of generating a two-dimensional image from a three-dimensional model by means of computer software. It is a crucial step in bringing a design to life visually. The video showcases different levels of rendering quality provided by various artists, from basic to premium.

💡Attention to Detail

Attention to detail refers to the careful consideration and precision given to the minute aspects of a project. In the video, this concept is central to evaluating the quality of the rendered images, where artists who show greater attention to detail, such as Den Ark, produce more accurate and visually appealing results.


Revisions are the modifications or changes made to a piece of work after its initial creation, often based on feedback. In the context of the video, some artists offer revisions as part of their service, allowing the host to request improvements to the rendered images to better match the actual design.

💡Online Marketplace

An online marketplace is a platform that facilitates the buying and selling of goods or services over the internet. Fiverr, as mentioned in the video, is an example of an online marketplace where individuals can offer a wide range of services, including design and visualization, making it accessible for people to get their projects completed affordably.

💡Creative Field

The creative field encompasses a variety of industries and professions that value and rely on originality, imagination, and artistic expression. In the video, the host highlights how the creative field has been democratized through platforms like Fiverr, allowing access to high-quality creative services at a fraction of the traditional cost.


The video presents a challenge to use Fiverr to find visualization artists to showcase a compact bathroom design.

The host types up a brief and sends it to several CGI artists on Fiverr with drawings, a sketchup model, and photographs.

Luanggul 201 offers a basic 3D render for $30, which provides a good idea of the space despite some inaccuracies.

Den Ark delivers high-quality, photorealistic interior renders for $50, including amazing attention to detail and creativity.

Next Architect offers a standard render for $70 but makes several mistakes and lacks detail, despite claiming to be an architect.

Natalie Cursed 847 provides a premium render for $90 with good elements but noticeable inaccuracies in the design.

Palmyra Romo offers a standard render for $95 with a warm feel and accurate reflections, though it has some issues with brightness and cropping.

Dream Build 25 provides two images for $200, but the lighting and reflections are not accurate, even after requesting revisions.

Chill, a Fiverr Pro, provides a standard render for $250, but it lacks a door frame and has an odd flush plate appearance.

Den Ark is declared the winner for providing four high-quality images for $50, showcasing great value and attention to detail.

The video emphasizes that high-quality creative work does not necessarily require high expenditure.

Fiverr provides access to a global pool of talented artists for a wide range of services, including logo design and audio production.

The host appreciates the work done by the Fiverr artists and recommends their services for design projects or home remodeling.

Before Fiverr, obtaining similar quality imagery could have cost hundreds of thousands of dollars.

The host thanks Fiverr and the viewers for making the video possible and hints at producing similar content in the future.