I Made 30 MONETIZABLE YouTube Shorts in 30 Min | AI Automation for a faceless YouTube channel

InVideo For Content Creators
31 Oct 202306:36

TLDRDiscover a new approach to creating monetizable, faceless YouTube channels using AI. The video outlines a method for generating high-quality, engaging content by leveraging a single AI tool, InVideo AI. It emphasizes the importance of producing valuable content that resonates with the audience, showcasing how to create a month's worth of YouTube shorts in under 30 minutes. The strategy involves selecting an evergreen niche, providing consistent narration, and utilizing AI to craft scripts, footage, voiceovers, and music. The result is a content-rich channel with the potential to attract millions of views and a substantial following.


  • 🚀 The video discusses a method for creating monetizable, faceless YouTube channels using AI to automate content creation.
  • 📈 YouTube's algorithm has become saturated with certain types of content, such as psychology fact shorts, necessitating a shift towards higher quality, more valuable content.
  • 🎥 Channels that focus on voiceover, simple footage, and basic editing are gaining millions of views and thousands of followers, and are monetizing successfully.
  • 🔍 The video introduces an AI tool, InVideo AI, which can create ready-to-publish YouTube shorts from a single text prompt.
  • 📌 The AI tool allows for customization of the video's narrator gender, voiceover style, and whether to include subtitles.
  • 📊 The video creator demonstrates how to use the AI tool by logging into their account and providing a prompt to generate a video on 'craziest facts about artificial intelligence'.
  • 🔗 The AI tool can also reference external articles or prompts given by users to create content, further expanding the range of possible videos.
  • 🎞️ The video showcases the ability to make changes to the generated videos, such as adding a joke to the intro or a call-to-action (CTA), enhancing the original content.
  • 🎨 Users have the option to edit the script or media of their video separately for more granular control over the final product.
  • 📈 The method highlighted is efficient, allowing the creation of 30 YouTube shorts in under 30 minutes, with unique scripts and tones of voice, avoiding repetitive content issues.
  • 📚 The video emphasizes the importance of posting consistently and using high-quality cover images to maximize reach and growth potential on YouTube.

Q & A

  • What type of YouTube channel is the video suggesting to create?

    -The video suggests creating a monetizable, faceless YouTube channel using AI, focusing on producing high-quality, engaging content that provides value to the audience.

  • Why did the popularity of psychology fact shorts decline on YouTube?

    -The popularity of psychology fact shorts declined because YouTube became saturated with such content, and audiences began seeking fresh and higher quality content.

  • What are the key elements of the successful YouTube shorts mentioned in the video?

    -The successful YouTube shorts consist of a voiceover, simple footage, basic editing, and are monetized, leading to significant earnings.

  • How does the AI tool, inVideo AI, assist in creating YouTube shorts?

    -InVideo AI assists by creating ready-to-publish YouTube shorts with just a single text prompt, handling the script, footage, voiceover, music, and subtitles automatically.

  • What niche does the video recommend targeting for evergreen content?

    -The video recommends targeting the 'crazy and interesting facts' niche, as it is evergreen and allows for a broad range of topics with minimal effort.

  • How long does it take to create 30 monetizable YouTube shorts using the AI tool?

    -It takes under 30 minutes to create 30 monetizable YouTube shorts using the AI tool.

  • What are the benefits of maintaining consistency across the channel?

    -Maintaining consistency across the channel helps in creating a recognizable brand, which can enhance viewer engagement and loyalty.

  • How can the AI tool incorporate additional information, like from an article, into a video?

    -The AI tool can be prompted with a link to an article, and it will use the information from the article to create a YouTube short.

  • What can be done if the AI-generated content needs changes?

    -The AI tool allows for changes by providing a prompt box to give additional prompts, edit the script, or replace media directly within the platform.

  • How can one ensure their YouTube shorts are not flagged for repetitive content?

    -By creating high-quality shorts with unique scripts and tones of voice, the content will not be considered repetitive, adhering to YouTube's monetization guidelines.

  • What is the process for exporting and uploading the AI-generated videos to a YouTube channel?

    -After the video is ready, one can export it from InVideo AI, download it, and upload it to their YouTube channel, with the option to use a good frame as the cover image for better reach.



🚀 Monetizing AI-Powered YouTube Shorts

This paragraph discusses the shift from popular yet saturated psychology fact shorts to creating high-quality, valuable content for YouTube audiences. It highlights the success of channels using simple voiceover and footage, and introduces a new method for creating such content using a single AI tool. The video aims to teach viewers how to create a faceless YouTube channel with a month's worth of monetizable shorts in under 30 minutes. The chosen niche is based on the evergreen topic of interesting facts, using the channel 'green blood' as an example for its success with just 72 posts.


📌 Leveraging AI for Video Content Creation

The second paragraph delves into the practical use of the AI tool, InVideo, for creating YouTube shorts. It explains the process of logging into the platform, selecting the YouTube shorts workflow, and inputting a prompt to generate a video. The AI tool takes care of video duration, audience analysis, and tone of voice, allowing for the creation of multiple videos simultaneously. The paragraph also touches on the ability to enhance videos with additional AI prompts for a more engaging intro or call-to-action, and provides options for editing scripts and media for more control. The final result showcases the AI's capability to produce high-quality, engaging content quickly.



💡Monetizable YouTube Shorts

Monetizable YouTube Shorts refer to short videos on YouTube that can generate revenue for the creator. This is typically achieved by meeting YouTube's eligibility requirements and incorporating features like ads, memberships, or merchandise shelf. In the context of the video, the focus is on creating content that not only attracts views but also complies with YouTube's policies to earn money.

💡AI Automation

AI Automation involves using artificial intelligence to perform tasks automatically. In the video, AI is used to automate the content creation process for YouTube Shorts. This includes generating scripts, selecting footage, and editing, all based on the input provided to the AI tool. It streamlines the production, making it faster and more efficient.

💡Faceless YouTube Channel

A faceless YouTube Channel is a content channel where the creator remains anonymous or does not show their face in the videos. The focus is on the content rather than the personality of the creator. The video discusses creating such a channel with the help of AI, where the emphasis is on voiceovers, footage, and editing rather than on-camera appearances.

💡High-Quality Content

High-Quality Content refers to content that is well-produced, engaging, and valuable to the audience. It is characterized by good production values, informative or entertaining content, and a clear message. In the context of the video, high-quality content is crucial for attracting and retaining viewers, and for monetizing the YouTube channel effectively.


Voiceover is the production of a voice recording that is reproduced in synchronization with some visual images. In the video, voiceovers are used to narrate the facts and stories in the YouTube Shorts. They are an essential component of the content, providing information and entertainment without the need for on-screen presence of the creator.

💡Basic Editing

Basic Editing refers to the fundamental processes of assembling and adjusting the content of a video, such as trimming, adding transitions, and inserting text or graphics. In the video, basic editing is used to create a cohesive and polished final product from the footage and voiceover. It is a critical step in the AI automation process to ensure the content is engaging and ready for the audience.

💡Evergreen Niche

An Evergreen Niche is a topic or subject area that remains relevant and of interest over a long period of time. In the video, creating content around 'crazy and interesting facts' is considered an evergreen niche because it covers a broad range of topics that can always be updated and explored, maintaining viewer interest and ensuring the content does not become outdated.

💡AI Tool

An AI Tool, as mentioned in the video, is a software or platform that utilizes artificial intelligence to assist in various tasks. In this case, the AI tool is used to generate YouTube Shorts by analyzing a text prompt and creating a video with a script, footage, voiceover, and editing. It simplifies the content creation process by automating many aspects that would otherwise be time-consuming or complex.

💡Narrator Gender

Narrator Gender refers to the sex of the voice that narrates the content. In the context of the video, choosing a British male voice for the voiceover is a creative decision that adds personality and consistency to the channel. It helps in setting a specific tone and mood for the videos, making them more appealing and recognizable to the audience.


Subtitles are text displays of the dialogue or commentary in a video, often used to translate the content for viewers who speak a different language or for those who are hard of hearing. In the video, the inclusion of subtitles is important as it makes the content accessible to a wider audience and enhances the viewing experience by providing a reference for the voiceover.


Creating a monetizable, faceless YouTube channel using AI

The viral method for bulk creating YouTube shorts has become less effective due to market saturation

Focus on producing high-quality content that provides value to the audience

Channels gaining millions of views by using voiceover, simple footage, and basic editing

The importance of creating content that is evergreen and covers a wide range of topics

Using a single AI tool, InVideo AI, to create ready-to-publish YouTube shorts from a text prompt

The AI tool selects the narrator gender and voiceover style based on user preference

AI automatically generates subtitles for the videos

Creating multiple videos simultaneously by opening different tabs with various prompts

Using ChatGPT or online articles for AI to generate video content

AI's ability to transform an article into an engaging YouTube short

The option to make changes to the AI-generated content for improvement

Editing the script or media separately for granular control over the video content

The AI tool's capability to produce high-quality, unique content that adheres to YouTube's monetization guidelines

Permission to use the footage and music from the AI tool as part of the subscription

The efficiency of creating 30 YouTube shorts in under 30 minutes

The importance of posting consistently to grow the YouTube channel