I tested the Humane AI Pin - It's not good.

11 Apr 202423:09

TLDRThe Humane AI Pin, a wearable device that has gained significant attention online, aims to provide users with AI-powered assistance without the distraction of smartphones. The device clips onto clothing and activates with a touchpad and voice command. Despite its sleek design and potential, the reviewer finds it impractical for everyday use due to its high cost, reliance on an internet connection, and limited AI processing capabilities. The device also requires a separate data plan and ceases to function if the monthly fee is not paid. The reviewer highlights the device's shortcomings, such as slow response times, lack of natural conversational tone, and the inability to interact with popular apps. While the concept is promising, the current execution falls short of being a practical, everyday tool, especially when compared to the capabilities of modern smartphones.


  • 📍 The Humane AI pin is a wearable device that aims to provide AI-powered assistance without the need for a smartphone or intrusive applications.
  • 💬 The device requires an internet connection for most of its AI processing, which means it's not functional in areas without coverage and necessitates a separate data plan.
  • 💰 The cost of the Humane pin is $700, with an additional $24 monthly subscription for AI requests and data, which raises concerns about the value proposition.
  • 🔍 The pin has a laser projector that displays information on the user's hand, but this feature has limitations, including poor visibility outdoors and the need for a steady hand to serve as a screen.
  • 🔊 The audio output from the pin lacks the natural intonation and speed of human speech, which can make it hard to understand and less user-friendly.
  • ⏱ There is a significant time lag when using the pin to perform tasks, such as sending texts or making calls, which is a drawback compared to the instant responses possible with smartphones.
  • 📱 The pin is designed to be an alternative to smartphones, but its functionality overlaps significantly with existing smartphone capabilities, leading to redundancy.
  • 🚫 The device has limitations in noisy environments, where it struggles to hear and process voice commands effectively.
  • 🛍️ For shopping and other tasks that require detailed visual information, the pin's lack of a screen and reliance on voice interactions can be a significant disadvantage.
  • 🤔 The pin's ability to run top AI models is impressive, but its practical use is hindered by the current state of app development and integration with existing services.
  • 📸 While the pin can take photos and perform some tasks independently, sharing and managing these files is cumbersome compared to using a smartphone.

Q & A

  • What is the Humane AI pin?

    -The Humane AI pin is a wearable device that clips onto your clothing and provides AI-powered assistance. It aims to keep users present in the moment without the distraction of smartphones, offering features like internet access, music playback, and the ability to answer questions through voice interaction.

  • What are some of the unique features of the Humane AI pin?

    -Unique features of the Humane AI pin include a built-in laser projector that displays information on the user's hand, a touchpad for interaction without the need for wake words, and the ability to perform tasks like identifying objects, providing nutritional information, and translating languages.

  • What are the hardware aspects of the Humane AI pin praised in the transcript?

    -The hardware aspects praised include its small and lightweight design, the quality of construction with a solid block of aluminum, strong magnets for secure attachment, and the inclusion of different types of backings for various types of clothing.

  • What are the main criticisms of the Humane AI pin?

    -The main criticisms include the high price point, the need for an internet connection for most functionalities, slow response times, limitations in the AI's accuracy, and the lack of integration with existing smartphone apps and services.

  • How much does the Humane AI pin cost, and what additional costs might a user incur?

    -The Humane AI pin costs $700, with an additional $24 per month subscription for AI requests and data. Additional costs can include taxes, fees, and potential roaming fees for using it abroad. If the subscription is stopped, the device ceases to function.

  • What is the issue with the AI providing nutritional information about food?

    -The issue is that the AI can present false information as if it were factual. For example, when asked about the number of chicken nuggets in a box, it provided an incorrect count, which raises concerns about the reliability of its nutritional recommendations.

  • How does the Humane AI pin handle internet connectivity and data plans?

    -The Humane AI pin requires an internet connection for most of its features, necessitating its own separate data plan. It cannot function without this connection, and additional fees apply for international use.

  • What is the problem with using the Humane AI pin for private or sensitive conversations?

    -Since the pin relies on voice interaction without a physical screen for input, private conversations would need to be spoken aloud, potentially broadcasting personal information in public or professional settings.

  • How does the Humane AI pin's display technology work, and what are its limitations?

    -The pin uses a laser projector to display information on the user's hand, which acts as a screen. Limitations include the need to hold the hand steady in a specific position, monochrome display, low resolution, and difficulty in seeing the projection clearly in bright outdoor conditions.

  • What is the concern regarding the Humane AI pin's ability to order items or make purchases?

    -The concern is the potential for errors due to the lack of a visual interface. Users might accidentally order the wrong quantity, size, or color of an item, and there's no easy way to review the purchase before confirming it.

  • What is the author's suggestion for a more practical use of a similar device?

    -The author suggests that a more practical device would be one that connects to a user's existing smartphone, leveraging its processing power and apps, rather than duplicating functionalities and requiring additional subscriptions and hardware.



🤖 Humane AI Pin: A Wearable Tech Review

The Humane AI pin is a wearable device that has gained significant attention for its combination of AI and internet capabilities. The device clips onto clothing and operates on standby until activated by touch and voice commands. The reviewer spent four hours using the pin and found it to be a promising piece of technology despite some reservations. The pin offers hands-free operation, can play music, identify objects, and project a display onto the user's hand. However, the reviewer was disappointed with the overall practicality, citing the need for an internet connection, a separate data plan, and the device's limitations in various environments.


💸 The Cost and Practicality of the Humane AI Pin

The Humane AI pin is priced at $700, with additional costs for a monthly data plan and potential extra fees for international use. The device requires an ongoing subscription, after which it ceases to function if payments stop. Despite its ability to run advanced AI models and provide on-demand knowledge, the reviewer found the pin's conversational AI to be lacking in natural intonation, making it difficult to understand. The device's slow response times and the need for an internet connection for basic functions were also noted as significant drawbacks.


🚫 Limitations and Trust Issues with the Humane AI Pin

The reviewer discusses the limitations of the Humane AI pin, including its tendency to present false information, known as 'hallucinating' in AI terms. The pin's advertised feature of identifying food content inaccurately was highlighted, casting doubt on its reliability. The reviewer also pointed out the device's inability to confirm the accuracy of its responses, unlike other technologies like Google Lens. Privacy concerns were raised, particularly in quiet or public environments where voice commands might be inappropriate or infeasible. The lack of a physical screen was identified as a significant limitation, affecting the device's usability for tasks like online shopping.


📱 The Smartphone Dilemma: Humane AI Pin vs. Traditional Apps

The reviewer compares the Humane AI pin to a smartphone, noting that the pin's vision of reducing reliance on apps is undermined by its inability to integrate with popular messaging and sharing platforms. The pin's reliance on SMS for messaging and its cumbersome photo-sharing process through SMS links were criticized. The idea of the pin as a device that could replace a smartphone was questioned, given the smartphone's more versatile app ecosystem and functionality. The reviewer suggests that the pin might be more successful if it acted as a companion device to a smartphone, leveraging the phone's existing capabilities and apps.


🔄 The Overlap and Effort of Using the Humane AI Pin

The reviewer continues to draw parallels between the Humane AI pin and smartphones, emphasizing the overlap in capabilities and the additional effort required to use the pin effectively. They argue that the pin's unique interaction method, while innovative, does not offer a clear advantage over traditional smartphone interfaces. The reviewer also suggests that the pin's value proposition is weakened by its high cost, the need for additional accessories, and the redundancy of its features in comparison to a modern smartphone. They conclude by expressing skepticism about the pin's utility unless it can be properly integrated into existing ecosystems, such as Android.



💡Humane AI Pin

The Humane AI Pin is a wearable device that clips onto clothing and uses AI and internet connectivity to provide various functionalities without requiring the user to interact with a smartphone or other intrusive applications. It is designed to allow users to stay present in the moment while still having access to information and services. In the video, the reviewer discusses their hands-on experience with the device, highlighting its potential as well as its shortcomings.

💡AI Processing

AI processing refers to the computational work done by artificial intelligence algorithms, often requiring significant computational resources. In the context of the Humane AI Pin, much of the AI processing is done on remote servers since the device itself has limited capabilities, leading to a reliance on an internet connection for most of its features. This is a point of contention for the reviewer, as it affects the device's utility in areas without reliable internet access.

💡Laser Projector

The laser projector is a component of the Humane AI Pin that projects a display onto the user's hand, allowing for interaction with the device without a physical screen. This innovative feature is a core part of the device's design, aiming to provide a hands-free and unobtrusive way to view information and control the pin. However, the reviewer notes that this method of interaction has its limitations, such as requiring a steady hand and being difficult to see in bright light.

💡Data Plan

A data plan is a subscription service provided by mobile network operators that allows users to connect to the internet via their mobile devices. The Humane AI Pin requires a separate data plan for its operation, which adds to the overall cost of using the device. The reviewer expresses concern about the additional monthly fee, especially considering the device's high initial cost and the necessity of ongoing payments for the device to remain functional.

💡Gesture Control

Gesture control is the method by which the Humane AI Pin is interacted with; users perform specific hand movements to navigate and control the device. This includes swiping, pinching, and clenching to perform various tasks. The reviewer finds that while the concept is promising, the execution is cumbersome and less efficient than using a smartphone with a touch screen.

💡Smartphone Integration

Smartphone integration refers to the ability of a device to connect and interact with a smartphone, leveraging the phone's capabilities and apps. The Humane AI Pin does not effectively integrate with existing smartphone apps and platforms, which is a significant limitation as per the reviewer. This lack of integration hinders the pin's utility as a standalone device and makes it challenging to replace or complement the functionality of a smartphone.


Hands-free operation is a feature that allows a device to be used without the need for physical contact, often for convenience or safety reasons. The Humane AI Pin is marketed as a hands-free device, but the reviewer argues that the constant need to hold a hand steady for the laser projection and perform specific gestures actually results in a less comfortable and more laborious experience compared to using a smartphone.

💡AI Hallucination

AI hallucination is a term used to describe the phenomenon where AI presents false or inaccurate information as if it were factual. The reviewer cites an example where the Humane AI Pin incorrectly identified the number of chicken nuggets in a box, raising concerns about the reliability of the device's information, especially for features that provide nutritional details or recommendations.

💡Conversational AI

Conversational AI refers to artificial intelligence systems that can engage in dialogue with humans in a natural, conversational manner. The Humane AI Pin utilizes conversational AI to allow for more human-like interactions. However, the reviewer notes that the AI's lack of natural intonation and the slow pace of responses detract from the user experience and make it less practical for everyday use.

💡Subscription Model

A subscription model is a business model in which customers pay a recurring fee to have access to a product or service. The Humane AI Pin operates on a subscription model, with a significant upfront cost for the device followed by a monthly fee for AI services and data. The reviewer criticizes this model, particularly the cessation of service upon termination of the subscription, which renders the device non-functional.


A smartwatch is a wearable computer in the form of a wristwatch that functions as a companion to a smartphone. The reviewer compares the Humane AI Pin to smartwatches, noting that smartwatches achieve similar functionality in a more integrated and cost-effective manner. The comparison underscores the reviewer's view that the pin's approach of duplicating smartphone capabilities in a different form factor is less practical and more expensive.


The Humane AI pin has been popular on the internet for its combination of sophisticated AI and internet access.

The device allows users to engage with AI without being distracted by phone applications.

The reviewer spent 4 hours using the Humane AI pin and interviewed the CEO, Iman.

The AI pin can answer complex questions, such as predicting human settlement on the moon.

It can intelligently play music on request, like Mozart's hits.

The pin features a laser projector that displays information on the user's hand.

The device uses hand gestures for navigation, such as rotating hands to select and pinching to click.

The pin has a depth sensor that provides contextual menus based on hand movement.

The hardware of the Humane AI pin is praised for its lightweight design and strong magnets.

The device has a continuous touchpad at the base, eliminating the need for wake words.

The AI pin can identify objects and provide information, such as identifying a tree as a Japanese maple.

The Interpreter translation feature works well, as demonstrated in a conversation.

The reviewer finds the Humane AI pin to be a poor proposition due to its high cost and required monthly subscription.

The device requires an internet connection for most of its AI processing, limiting its functionality offline.

The AI pin's voice processing is slower than expected, causing a delay in responses.

The device sometimes provides incorrect or incomplete information, such as miscounting items in a box.

The Humane AI pin faces competition from smartphones that can perform similar functions with a more established ecosystem.

The reviewer suggests the pin would be more useful if it could connect to and utilize the capabilities of a smartphone.