Humane AI Pin review: a $700 gamble

The Verge
11 Apr 202416:46

TLDRThe Humane AI Pin is a $700 device designed for AI interaction, with a monthly $24 subscription for connectivity. It's not ready to replace smartphones but shows potential for the future. The device allows for tasks like checking the weather, texting, and basic AI queries. However, it's plagued by slow response times, unavailability of certain features, and overheating issues. The hardware is sturdy but heavy, and while the concept is promising, the execution leaves much to be desired.


  • 💰 The Humane AI pin is a $700 device with a $24 monthly subscription for connectivity, aiming to simplify AI interactions.
  • 📱 It's not intended to replace smartphones but offers an alternative way to access AI services on the go.
  • 🚀 The device features a touchpad, laser ink display, and camera for various interactions but is still in its early stages of development.
  • 🔧 It currently lacks some basic features like email and reminder functionalities, and its existing features are not always reliable.
  • 🎧 The pin can play music and make phone calls, but it requires a subscription to title music and has limited integration with other services.
  • 📸 The built-in camera can take pictures and analyze objects, though its performance is inconsistent.
  • 🔍 The AI pin uses a custom operating system called Cosmos and integrates with external services like ChatGPT for more complex tasks.
  • 🛠️ The hardware is well-built and sturdy, but the device is a bit heavy and can cause discomfort when worn on clothing.
  • 🌡️ The device tends to overheat and requires cooling down periods, which can be frequent and inconvenient.
  • 💡 Despite its shortcomings, the AI pin represents a promising concept for future AI gadgets that could potentially solve common smartphone issues.
  • 🚫 The reviewer does not recommend purchasing the AI pin at its current price point due to its prototype status and lack of essential features.

Q & A

  • What is the primary function of the Humane AI pin?

    -The primary function of the Humane AI pin is to interact with AI systems, allowing users to perform tasks, get information, and control certain features without using a smartphone.

  • How much does the Humane AI pin cost, and what is the monthly subscription fee?

    -The Humane AI pin costs $699, and it requires a $24 per month subscription that includes a phone number and data for the pin.

  • What are some of the features that the AI pin currently supports?

    -The AI pin supports features such as checking the weather, sending text messages, answering questions about various topics, and taking photos.

  • What are some limitations of the AI pin's hardware?

    -Some hardware limitations include the device's weight, the need for a specific placement on clothing to avoid interference, and the battery pack getting hot during use.

  • How does the AI pin's camera function, and what can it do?

    -The AI pin's camera can take pictures and 15-second videos. It can also analyze objects in the user's line of sight to provide information such as calorie counts or identify items.

  • What is the user's overall impression of the AI pin's software performance?

    -The user feels that the software performance is slow and unreliable, with many features either not working or functioning inconsistently.

  • What are some of the features that the AI pin is expected to have in future updates?

    -Future updates are expected to include email functionality, reminders, timers, more gesture controls, new app integrations, and an SDK for third-party app development.

  • How does the AI pin compare to a smartphone or smartwatch in terms of functionality?

    -Currently, the AI pin is less functional than a smartphone and even a cell-connected Apple Watch, as it lacks many features and has inconsistent performance.

  • What is the reviewer's recommendation regarding purchasing the AI pin?

    -The reviewer does not recommend purchasing the AI pin at its current price point due to its prototype-like state and lack of fully functional features.

  • What is the significance of the AI pin's laser ink display?

    -The laser ink display serves as a tiny projector that shines green light onto the user's palm to display text, allowing for quick access to information without looking at a larger screen.

  • What is the reviewer's perspective on the future of AI gadgets?

    -The reviewer is optimistic about the future of AI gadgets, believing that they will become meaningful and make it easier to get tasks done by abstracting away some of the problems associated with current devices like smartphones.



🤖 Introduction to the AI Pin and Initial Impressions

The AI pin is a new gadget designed for interacting with AI systems. It costs $699 and requires a $24 monthly subscription for constant connectivity. The device is not meant to replace smartphones but aims to provide quick access to information and tools without smartphone distractions. The user interface includes a touchpad for interaction, and the pin offers various features like weather updates, texting, and answering general knowledge questions. However, the user experiences some limitations and disappointments with the pin's capabilities and its user experience.


🔥 Hardware and Software Issues with the AI Pin

The AI pin has a sturdy build and attaches magnetically to clothing, but it can be heavy and cause discomfort. The device has overheating issues and requires cooling down periods. It comes with a charging case, two battery packs, and a desk charger, but lacks a clip that is sold separately for $50. The pin's touchpad can be finicky, and the built-in projector, while a cool feature, offers limited practical use. The camera can take pictures and analyze objects but is not always reliable. The user finds the pin's speed to be a significant problem, and it often feels like a beta product rather than a finished item.


🚀 Potential and Current Limitations of the AI Pin

The AI pin runs on the Cosmos operating system and has integrated AI for basic tasks. It also connects to external services like ChatGPT. Despite its promise, the pin's software is not yet fully functional, with features like email, reminders, and alarms not supported. The user acknowledges the potential of AI gadgets but is critical of the pin's current state, considering it overpriced for what it offers. The user also expresses frustration with the pin's slow performance and lack of integration with other apps and services.


🌟 The Future of AI Gadgets and the AI Pin's Place

The AI pin represents a step towards a new kind of AI gadget that could solve common smartphone issues by simplifying interactions. The user sees the value in having a device that can perform one-step tasks without the need for a smartphone. However, the user advises against purchasing the AI pin in its current form, citing its high cost and numerous shortcomings. The user remains optimistic about the future of AI gadgets but suggests waiting for more成熟的 products before investing.



💡Humane AI Pin

The Humane AI Pin is the central device discussed in the video. It is an AI gadget that aims to simplify interactions with artificial intelligence systems. Priced at $699 with a $24 monthly subscription, the device is designed to be worn and provides features like weather updates, text messaging, and voice assistant capabilities. However, the reviewer finds it to be in its early stages, with many features either unavailable or not functioning optimally, making it a high-cost prototype rather than a practical everyday tool at the moment.

💡AI systems

AI systems refer to the artificial intelligence technologies that power the Humane AI Pin, enabling it to perform tasks, answer questions, and interact with users. These systems are the backbone of the device, handling requests and providing the intelligence to manage various functionalities. The video highlights the device's reliance on AI systems like ChatGPT and its own operating system, Cosmos, to deliver on its promises.


A smartphone is a handheld device that combines the functions of a phone with those of a computer, allowing users to make calls, send messages, access the internet, and use various applications. In the context of the video, the smartphone is contrasted with the Humane AI Pin as the latter aims to offer a simplified, less distracting way to access AI-powered services without the need for a traditional smartphone interface.

💡Cloud services

Cloud services refer to the remote computing services provided over the internet, which store, manage, and process data on servers rather than on the user's device. In the video, the Humane AI Pin relies on cloud services to connect to AI systems and perform tasks that require more processing power or data than the device itself can handle. These services are essential for the AI Pin to function as intended, but their integration is also a point of contention as the reviewer experiences delays and unavailability of certain features.


A prototype is an early sample or model of a product that is used to test and refine its design and functionality before it is released for mass production. In the video, the reviewer describes the Humane AI Pin as feeling like a prototype, indicating that while it shows promise and potential, it is not yet a fully polished, functional product. The device exhibits several issues and missing features, suggesting that it is still in the development phase and not ready for mainstream use.

💡Gesture control

Gesture control refers to the technology that allows devices to recognize and respond to physical gestures made by users. In the context of the video, the Humane AI Pin uses gesture control for certain interactions, such as adjusting the volume by swiping up or down on the touchpad. However, the reviewer finds that the gesture control can be finicky and not always reliable, affecting the overall user experience.

💡Laser ink display

A laser ink display, as mentioned in the video, is a type of projection technology that uses a laser to project an image onto a surface, in this case, the user's palm. The Humane AI Pin includes a tiny projector that serves as a display, allowing users to view information like the weather, settings, or answers to questions. However, the reviewer notes that the resolution is poor, especially in bright light, and the display is primarily green, limiting its practical use.


The camera on the Humane AI Pin is a built-in feature that allows users to take pictures and videos, as well as use the device to analyze objects or scenes in front of them. The video highlights the camera's ability to capture images and its orientation, which is slightly downward to better focus on objects rather than just the sky or people's faces. However, the reviewer also points out the inconsistency in the camera's performance, particularly when trying to analyze objects for information.


Software refers to the programs and operating information used by computers and other devices to perform specific tasks. In the video, the software is a critical component of the Humane AI Pin, as it includes the operating system Cosmos and interfaces with AI systems to enable the device's functionalities. The reviewer expresses concerns about the software's performance, noting that it is slow and unreliable, which significantly impacts the user experience and the device's overall effectiveness.

💡User experience

User experience, or UX, refers to the overall experience a person has while interacting with a product, system, or service. It encompasses usability, efficiency, and satisfaction. In the video, the reviewer assesses the user experience of the Humane AI Pin, highlighting issues such as the device's slowness, overheating, and the difficulty of using certain features, all of which contribute to a less than optimal experience.

💡AI gadgets

AI gadgets are devices that incorporate artificial intelligence to provide enhanced functionality and user interaction. These gadgets aim to simplify tasks, provide convenience, and improve the overall user experience by leveraging AI capabilities. In the video, the Humane AI Pin is presented as an example of an AI gadget, though the reviewer suggests that while the concept is promising, the execution in this case is not yet satisfactory.


The Humane AI pin is a new AI gadget designed for easy interaction with AI systems.

Costing $699, the AI pin requires a $24 monthly subscription for constant connectivity.

The pin is not meant to replace your smartphone but aims to provide quick access to AI services.

It features a touchpad for interaction, a camera for image capture and object recognition, and a projector for displaying information.

The AI pin can answer questions, send texts, and provide weather updates among other basic functionalities.

The device is sturdy and well-made, resembling the size and weight of an AirPods case.

Despite being a first-generation product, the AI pin has its fair share of hardware and software issues.

The AI pin's software, Cosmos, connects to various services to answer questions and perform tasks.

Some features like email and food analysis are not currently available but are promised in future updates.

The laser ink display projects a user interface onto the user's palm, though the resolution is poor.

The camera can take pictures and analyze objects but often fails to provide accurate results consistently.

The AI pin sometimes suggests using Google Lens when it cannot process a query, despite being a dedicated AI device.

The device is slow to respond, which detracts from the user experience and its usefulness.

Humane is working on an SDK to allow third-party app integration and more gesture controls.

The AI pin's concept is promising, but its current state feels like an early prototype with many missing features.

The reviewer suggests that the AI pin is not worth the investment at its current price point and stage of development.

The AI pin could potentially be a part of the future of AI gadgets, but it is not yet ready for mainstream adoption.