Mikey TINY Kingdom vs JJ GIANT Kingdom Survival Battle in Minecraft (Maizen)
- 👑 主角自认为是唯一的国王,认为自己的王国最酷,无人能敌。
- 🤔 主角对JJ的自信表示怀疑,并计划证明自己是对的。
- 😤 主角在钻石被偷后感到非常不满,认为Mikey应该承担责任。
- 🏰 主角命令Golem去对付Mikey,并希望这次事件不要再发生。
- 🏃 主角在战斗中感到疲惫,但仍然坚持要抓住Mikey。
- 🛠️ 主角请求村民帮忙打破障碍以捕捉小偷,并计划建立监狱。
- 🍞 主角没收了被偷的食物,并将其分发给自己的村民。
- 💎 主角警告Mikey不要再偷钻石,并认为自己已经赢了。
- 🕵️♂️ 主角注意到外界的异常情况,怀疑JJ和村民有所图谋。
- 🏰 主角和JJ之间即将开始城堡之战,双方都在准备防御。
- ⏳ 主角在战斗中感到困惑,不知道JJ的去向,但决定继续追踪。
Q & A
👑 王国的较量
🔨 战争与和解
🏰 城堡与策略
🕰️ 囚禁与逃脱
Mikey you can't beat me so you shouldn't
have agreed to this and so I'll show you
today that my kingdom is the coolest
because I am the only King and there's
no stopping me JJ if you're too
self-confident and I'll show you that
you're wrong and so I'll get over it do
you understand there's no stopping me
and you know it let's get started I'm
ready but wait what is going on here who
are they and what are they doing and now
I don't like this any anymore hey give
me back my diamonds this is not cool and
it seems that I understand whose
handiwork this is so Mikey if you can
hear me you're not going to get away
with this so easily it's not my fault
that you let this happen so don't even
think about me giving it back to you and
now finally it will all end with my
victory so you've already lost and I
hope you realize that Golem there's a
job for you so go and show this Mikey
that you can't steal and now everything
will be fine with us and I hope that
this will not happen again oh what
happened how come you couldn't expect
this right well the main thing is don't
get upset and everything will be fine
with you you're just a loser and I've
already told you that and maybe you'll
figure it out soon he doesn't know yet
that I'm going to win and now my diamond
golem is coming back and finally these
thieves will be gone and I hope that
everything will be fine now Mikey you'd
better give up because you can't win
anymore it's not all all criminals we've
trapped the rest so I think that now we
have to deal with them Mikey's at it
again how tired he is but it's good that
we caught them after all now they won't
leave here and won't do any more
nonsense but I think it's not a very
good place for them to be here okay but
we won't be able to get them that way so
I need the help of a villager hey
Villager come here I need your help here
I think you have a pickaxe and that's
where you'll have to break a couple of
blocks so that we can get these tiny
Limitless ones out and so I think they
will never forget this and we will make
them a full-fledged
prison here it's not for nothing that I
called you so now they will be punished
according to their merits and now we
won't have any problems with this here
but first I'll take all the food from
here because it's stolen food and it's
much more needed by my
villagers and now you're in your place
so I am satisfied
and now no one will steal diamonds from
my kingdom but what's going on outside
is this some kind of joke um I don't
like this what is it guys you're not
serious or why are you doing this why
are you putting diamond blocks here are
you up to something or what so explain
to me what's going on here let's hurry
up JJ it's our villagers who are doing
the protection because I declare war on
you and I hope that I will win here so
you've already run out of your white
streak and as soon as possible I will be
able to do what I wanted to do okay now
I understand build on we have to make a
better defense than Mikes and so I hope
that you will not let me down so let's
get down to the battle and we will
succeed we will be able to defeat them
and so I understand that you are
finished with the construction so I
don't think anyone will even try to
attack our Castle JJ are you sure about
your words because the battle between
our castles is about to begin and now
now you're not going to succeed so let's
just give up you won't succeed and so I
hope that you will give up everything is
going to be bad for you and you know it
too villagers don't give up do you
understand we have to deal with them so
that you can defeat them because you are
huge compared to them hey where are you
going did you think I wouldn't notice
you JJ leave me alone I won't give up so
let's just give up after all you can't
beat me and I can beat you you're not
going to make it so don't even try to
harm me or my kingdom because I will
find you and that's all I'll do so I
don't understand where he went what has
already happened and when will it end
and here he is I found him but he can't
see me and I can use it so I'll follow
him and find out what he's up to and
stop him well it seems that JJ has lost
me so now I can do whatever I want here
and I have time to do everything I can
to defeat him and after I finish J AJ
will realize that he made a mistake and
won't do any more nonsense and I hope
that he will give up H what does he have
here that's interesting but so far I
haven't found anything except gold here
is this really all the resources of JJ I
don't believe in it but it seems that it
still is and I should already get out of
here and now he won't have anything and
I'll do what I wanted Mikey are you
kidding me I don't like something like
that anymore so let's not do this
nonsense anymore I'm going to show you
what it's like to steal my resources
from me so let's just get this over with
and not do what you want JJ leave me
alone I'm already tired of this why do I
constantly fail and who is to blame for
this I know who it is and it's you so
let's finally stop doing such nonsense
and I hope that I can still beat you and
so I'll do anything for that Mikey if
you don't understand then you've already
lost so you're just wasting your time
and it's finally time to stop doing this
nonsense sense because I'm sick of it
all we're just wasting our time so now
I'm going to take something and end this
once and for all and so now I'm serious
and I'm going to have a real battle here
so Mikey won't even have a chance to
beat me but my Wars you will need to
wait a bit I'm going to do something
useful here and I hope that everything
will be fine with me so I already
understand that I won't have any
problems with this and now it's going to
end soon so I'm going to keep doing
everything I wanted to do and now that I
have a whole set of tools no one can
stop me everyone should understand and
realize this and so while Mikey doesn't
know that I'm here and what I'm doing
and while he's hiding I have to finally
do something that he won't expect and
now there's no stopping me because I
realize that I'm the coolest here and
he'll never be able to beat me in his
life because nothing compares to my
kingdom and even more so his Booth is
made of mud I do not even know how he
was able to lure some villagers to him
because what he built looks more like a
toilet than a castle and now I have the
tools and I have everything I need to
make a moat around his castle so that he
never leaves here in his life and now
the coolest thing that can only be in
this battle will finally begin because
now a ser ious game begins I forgot to
make an axe for myself so I had to wait
a little longer with the Trap but in any
case I will be able to do it because
even no one can stop me I'm the coolest
here I'm the best here and I think Mikey
will admit that sooner or later too
because he simply has no other choice
Stand By Me and my castle and when I
finish this trap he won't even be able
to get out of here and then I'll just
stand on my tower my castle look at him
and laugh and I'm going to do it all day
I think it's going to be a very fun time
so I don't even know how it's going to
end but I know for sure that it will end
with my victory and no one will even
doubt it because I've already tried too
hard to beat him he just doesn't have
the resources to do something bad to me
or to my castle and I understand that
for some reason I don't even like the
fact that he's just silent he doesn't
even show up because he's already very
afraid of me and we both understand that
I even know Mikey can hear me right now
but he can't do anything about it
because he's just a loser and all he can
do is sit and listen to me and do
nothing because I'm the coolest the best
here and this will soon be understood by
everyone who is nearby and when I blow
up his castle he won't be joking at all
so I hope that sooner or later it will
all be over because I'm not used to
being ignored and for this he will lose
his castle just the same and I think it
will be very soon and even a lot of fun
because there's no stopping me I'm the
coolest guy here and I will be the
winner because no one else is worthy of
it hey JJ what are you doing there what
are you already up to are you crazy or
what I've never wanted anything to
happen like this and you don't seem to
be listening to me and now I don't like
this anymore so let's just end it
because I already understand that this
will all end sooner or later and we will
be friends again and you're just doing
this nonsense right now and now I
already understand this too but it seems
that there is no stopping you Mikey the
jokes are over and now you'll understand
that I'm not joking here so come on
you're finally going to stop doing
nonsense here and now you're not going
to have anything good and I understand
it all so let's finally finished this
all and I understand that everything
we've been doing will end very badly and
so I understand that this will not be
funny for you anymore and I want it all
to end and you will also soon understand
that everything that I wanted I will do
JJ can you calm down after all because
it's not funny anymore and I don't like
it come on stop doing this nonsense it's
some kind of mess and I don't like this
anymore and I hope that it will end as
soon as possible you're just lucky that
I can't can't compete with you because
I'm not really safe here and I hope that
this will end as soon as possible and
that everything will be fine with us but
to do this you should at least stop
doing what you are currently doing so
come on don't knock me down I'll find
you you're definitely here somewhere
even though I don't see you yet I'll
destroy all your zombies and I'll
eventually find you do you understand me
stop it seems I've come up with a plan
what do you have that should have stayed
in the chest and I'll have it all now
and I'll need it to destroy you and your
whole chunk so come on out come on don't
be afraid I'll kill you quickly you
won't even have time to understand
anything okay do what you want I hid and
I don't care what you end up doing you
can't get me and don't even try to find
me I'm leaving my Army to fight and I'm
retreating and it's better for you not
to know where I am maybe I'm on your
Castle maybe on mine but it doesn't
matter because my voice is in your head
and you can't get rid of it in any way
so are you still fighting with my
subjects do you really think you can
beat them I wouldn't be so sure if I
were you because you don't have any
chance of winning San so don't even try
do you understand me or not well are you
not so cool anymore what are you going
to tell me now after everything that
happened here oh my God not that now my
tiny villagers don't have a home and now
they will be homeless and that's already
very sad well it's your own fault so
don't get upset and now I don't like it
I didn't do it for nothing and so you've
already earned what you got JJ can we
make a deal with you let's not fight
anymore because I won't attack you well
I admit that you were able to defeat me
you turned out to be stronger than me
this time you did well and I lost as
always but we will have more challenges
where I can win back and I will do it
okay let's do it already I think you've
learned your lesson so I forgive you and
your tiny villagers and now finally
everything will be fine with us and no
one will get hurt so we've already done
enough and I think now is the time for
us to make peace and I think there's
enough space in my castle and your tiny
villagers can live with us because I
don't mind and I think it's better for
everyone so do you agree with my
proposal or don't you want it what say y
okay I agree to your offer so I think
that's what we needed and I hope that
everything will be fine with us the main
thing is not to do any nonsense here but
first let's free our villagers because I
remember that you imprisoned them in a
dungeon and they don't like it there at
all so let's get this over with so that
something cool happens to us and so
let's not waste time because night is
coming soon and no one knows how it will
end I did what you asked so you can calm
down and now we can build a house for
your villagers they have wanted this for
a long time and now we will be able to
do it the main thing is not to do any
nonsense here and so I hope that there
will be no problems between your and my
villagers so
let's not get upset because I'm still
trying for you here and I hope that
everything will work out I'm not
building a house here for nothing right
because if you don't like something here
then you can do everything yourself that
you wanted thing come on JJ build what
you wanted we will be grateful to you
for what you are doing here for us
because it doesn't matter anymore and
you should understand it too and so
let's end this whole circus anyway
because I'm already tired of it all and
I I hope that you understand that this
will end for you as well as for us so I
would advise you to take it more
carefully and so I would like our
villagers to live in warmth and comfort
so that everything would be good for
them so you have to try your best for
this well I built one house here so now
I'm going to build another tiny house
here the main thing is don't swear
because I wouldn't want there to be any
conflict between us and I think you
wouldn't want that either and so it's
all going to end up with something very
interesting interesting and I don't even
know what yet but I think we'll figure
it out very soon the main thing is don't
do nonsense here and tell your tiny
villagers right away that you can't
steal here otherwise I'll put them in
jail again and they obviously won't like
it JJ so be it I'll listen to you and do
as you said but come on don't stop and
build on because the night will start
soon and then it won't be as fun as it
is now and I hope that everything will
be fine with us so let's get this over
with as soon as possible and do
everything exactly as we wanted the main
thing is don't do any nonsense here and
don't do anything wrong because it's not
funny anymore and I also would like it
to end as soon as possible and you also
have to remember this so listen to me
and what I'm saying here it's very
important yes we understand you so you
don't have to repeat this nonsense to us
we don't care do you understand finally
this psycho is gone but it doesn't
change the fact that we are now in
prison and I didn't think that our day
would start like this so there's not
even anything to do right there but if
you have something to entertain me then
I think I wouldn't mind because it's
really boring here and I don't like it
any more than you do okay how scary it
is here I told you that we need to leave
and as usual you wanted to find out or
check something and that's how it ended
are you happy I don't even know what to
say to you after that I don't have any
words at all but I know something else
this is what we need to get out of here
as soon as possible because then there
will be no such opportunity wow Mikey I
can see that you're determined it's good
that you didn't tell them anything about
the fact that you have a diamond pickaxe
because they could take it away from you
but not about that now let's still get
out of here as soon as possible and then
we'll just think about what happened and
what we should do about it because that
there is clearly something wrong with
these villagers and we must not let them
get away with what they have done
JJ if you didn't understand then that's
exactly what I was telling you okay you
don't seem to hear anyone but yourself
at all so as I understand it there's no
point in you saying anything at all I've
already figured it out
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